The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 28, 1910, Image 2

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    The County in General
The “Doings” of our Country Friends
and Neighbors.
Ambrose Parsons was a Palls Pity
visit ot Tuesday
Oliver Fuller is still \ ry ill .1! bis
home In this city.
Lewis Parsons was a visitor
Falls Pity this week,
Joe Higgins was down from Slut
bert, Sunday afternoon
Dennis Handley left Saturday Im
his home in Parley, Neb.
Mesdutiles II Uniters ami E Ewitig
were In Falls Pity Friday.
Roy Edwards and wife came down
from Sljubert on business M edtn
John Evans and wife of Tooumseli
visited tiie latter’s iimt11« 1 a few days
last week. tt
Dan Kroh came down from Stella
Wednesday for a visit with bis Bister.
Mrs. Walker.
The \v. O \V lodge gave an oyster
supper in the I K Smith hull on
Tuesday evening
Mrs. IS. F. Vein h was tin* guest, of
her niece, Mn A rthur Harris in
Falls Pity' last week.
Mr. nnd Mrs, James Ayers moved
their household goods to the rooms in
tile teli phone building
Mrs. Roy Edwards of Shuheit was
the guest of Iter sister. Ml ; till lilt nil
Stump one day (ids week
Mrs. John Walker and children oi
Falls Pity spent it few days this week
with the forim r s motliet.
Mrs. Ola MeMannns of Falls Pity
nrrlvt d Saturday for a short visit
with her daughter, Mrs Ed Kit kt 1
Miss Julia Frauen folder, who has
been'night opt tutor at the telephone
office, will now act as day nperutoi
Etl Kicker and fatally moved (In ir
In ■ 1 lil ■ ■ "ni - In the Veal proper
ty recently vacated by lames Ayers
John Schrader nu t with quite an
accident while chopping wood lust
week. In some manner his fool was
caught and badly crushed.
John Evans, wife and baity, .'irs.
Will Wilkinson ami Mrs Keldon left
Friday morning for Tecum:-* It where
the latter will make an extended v isit
Word was received this week to
thi> effect that Rev. I. McRae Inis
again been tendered the pastorate a!
Clay Center, where lie has been lo
cated for some time Rev McRae
was formerly the pustoi of the Con
gregational church In re.
Have you a weak throat? If so you
cannot be too careful. You cannot,
begin treat in. nt too early. Each cold
makes you more liable to another and
the lust is always the harder to curt'.
If you will take Chamberlain’s Cough
Remedy at the outset you will he
saved much trouble. Sold by all drug
Clarence Scott was a Ittilo visitor
t his Wt ek.
Mrs. Swinefurth was a Falls City
visitor Saturday.
Emma Shepherd niRile a trip to
Falls City Tuesday.
F. F. Harrow of Lincoln was a
Ruin visitor Friday.
Mrs. Mnblc Furgeson was a Falls
City visitor Saturday
Peter and Anna Mahan were Falls
City visitors Tuesday.
Green Goolsby of Fortoscuc was a
Rule visitor Saturday
Mamie Kattaly visited her sister.
Cecil, at Salem Saturday.
John Dunn visited his son in Mis
souri tilt' last of the week.
Louis Jones returned from a trip
to Monte A’istu last week.
James Hodge and wife of Eudicott
tame Sunday to visit relatives
Charles Caver/.agic was a Falls
City visitor one day lust week
Mrs. Cynthia P.oerner visited with
relatives at Fortoscue last week
Mrs. Ada Allen visited with rela
tives at Whltv Cloud last week.
Anna Fiekli returned to St. Joe
Sunday after a visit witli home folks.
(.pal Hays snent several days
last week .vail friends tit Forteseuo,
Kosa Maim of White Cloud visited
with Kulo really*** several days last
E. C Perry of Lincoln was trims
acting business in Kulo one day last
Mrs Rcipier returned last we*-k
from a month's visit with relatives in
low a.
Bert E'liott of Wymote visited in
Kulo a few days the first of the1
VVI ek
Mrs. tloolsby and daughter. I.IIa.
visited with relatives in Missouri last
Mr. and Mrs. A it. Lara bee of
Preston spent Sntuiav with relatives
in Kulo.
Mrs. Peter Frederick and two eltil
dren visited with relatives at Pres
ton Sunday.
Frank Vuu\ nulkenborg eatne up
from St. doe to spend Sunday with
kit parents.
Mrs.Jatucs Meyers and two children
of Havelock cuttle Thursday to visit
Mrs. Emma McVey.
all. and Mrs. Henry .Majorus re
turned Sunday from a visit with
relatives at Effingham, Kas.
The Sunday School teachers and
officers met Tuesday evening at tin
home of Mrs Will Cunningham.
Louis Simon and wife, who spent
hist week with his brother Frank
and family, left Sunday for (heir
.ititne in Los Angeles, Cal
Mrs. I). VanVaulkenberg and little
granddaughter returned Saturday
from a two months visit with her
daughter in Smith County, Kansas.
Mrs. J. A. Osborn entertained
Henry Brinegar's Sunday School class
of young men Wednesday night A
merry evening was spent in conversa
tion and games. At ten o'clock a
three course lunch was served by
the hostess.
—Ladies. Save Mcney! Make
finest of perfumes at home for one
fifth what you are now paying. Ten
guaranteed recipes for 00c. Home
Supply Co., Princeton, Indiana.
Mrs Joshua Curtis visit* *1 relatives
in Humboldt Inst w*-**k
Miss \lli* ltavis visited from Friday
until Sunday ni Nebraska City
I*; Wheeler spent several days in
Omaha lust week buying furniture.
County Supt. Oliver wan in St**ll:i
last we* k adjusting school troiiides
Mrs. Harney Mullen fell on the tee
last w*s*k and sustained serious in
Haul Hyutnm went to Hrock last
Friday to install the officers of the^
I 0.0 K
Several of our citizens were <n11
**d to Kalis City 'I’uesday on tile < nr
tis triu I
Mr and Mi M P. (lillespie visited
relativ* at Nemaha Tuesday and
Mrs, A I* '.dams went to Till
attige last .Saturday morning to visit
Iter pureiitH.
Mi: s llelea Baldwin visited Mon
day nigtil in the country wit 11 Miss
Opal Mtoielle
Miss Stella Winfrey ret timed last
week from an * xtended visit with
friends In Iowa
Mi; I.issa Cidpla/ier and l.ildia
sP* i.i last vvi • k in tin* courtly with
Mrs tins Moritz
Mrs. fli urge Wit lie** of i'liionville,
Oregon lias been visiting Stella rein
lives and friends
Mrs. Michael Shafer Ima been
quite sbk for the past mouth with
Mi l|> and ..
Ralph Weller of Omaha and Am
brose Weller ol West Point visit* d
their parents last week.
Mrs John Knllierlin and Mrs. Vd
die Clark of Omaha visited Mr I*’.
Hinkle part of his! week.
Mrs. Vade Uliiginaii and ehihli -n of
South Dakota at rived Tuesday l,.r il
visit vv lilt SUdla i. I.div i a.
Miss Neva Cowell was ended to
(ted Oak. Iowa Tuesday by the death
of her mint, Mrs. Wilson.
(! I. Slocum and wile went to
Falls city Saturday for a visit with
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Baker.
Theodore Shultz was called to
Kalis city the first of the week by
the serious illness of itn uncle.
Saturday, December lath, 1910, a
son was lioru to Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Hotter. Tim little fellow lias boon
named George.
Mrs. Frank Hinkle and little son,
Harold, went to Abilene, Kits., lust
week to visit til the home of Alf
Hinkle and family.
Mrs. John Holland of St. laiuis ar
rived last Thursday for a couple of
weeks visit with her parents, Mr.
itud Mrs. F. K. Fankell
Sarah Reynolds and family moved
from t ho Overman hotel last Wednes
day and an* now living in tin* house
just north of the hotel,
i Mr: and Mrs. Alphonso Bourke are
tin* happy parents of a Imhy girl,
who arrived at their home Sunday,
has been named Alice .lunette.
Mrs. Theo. Weaver was quite sick
all last week, threatened with pneu
monia. hut she Is hotter again and
able to he up most of the time.
Mrs Carter of Meloy, Iowa arrived
Sunday to assist in earing for iter
sister. Mrs. H. O. Ciphers, who lms
been sick for the past three months.
Hoy Adams and wife have moved
from the farm of Joe Wagner to the
home of Robert Wood, whore they
will assist Mr. Wood the coining
Miss Pasco, teacher in the primary
room, went to her home near John
son Thursday. Miss Ninon Gentry
hud charge of the little folks in her
Mrs. Sue Hale from California vis
it d at the homo of Iter unde, S. K.
Freed last week. Site is now visit
ing in Auburn, but will return here
for a longer visit before returning to
her home.
Miss Adamson of Dakota and Mrs.
Hosonberger of Auburn arrived Sat
urday for a visit wit 11 their cousin.
Miss Sybil Matin, and on Sunday
Miss Sybil accompanied them to the
homo of their aunt, Mrs. ,lno Toons,
near Dawson, where they are enjoy
ing tlit> week.
Grandma Orr is quite ill at (hit
vv i ll itiR
r. i’. Hoe and wife- were up from
the v ity Saturday.
Miss Hattie Lilly spent Sunday at
her borne near Verdon.
Otis Spicklor and wife were in Kails
City the first of the week.
Mootings still continue in interest
at the Kvangelical church.
Miss Klossie Wutnsley is now clerk
ing for It. I. Dunn & Son.
Miss l’earl McClain of Shubert was
a business visitor here last week.
Mrs. I.enure McMahon is up from
Palls City visiting her Grandmother.
Grandma Thompson is quite ill at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. Su
sie Williams
W. A. Cox and wife returned Sat
urday from a visit to relatives at
Bancroft, Nebr.
C. H. Martin and Julius Arnold of
tfiis place were Paths City visitors the
first of the week.
Fred Duerfeldt of Gordon was a <
Sliest at the t ome of his cousin. .Mrs
tv K. Butler, this week.
Henry and Ralph Butler spent Sun
day at the home of their uncle,
\\ in. Zubrick near Verdon.
W. F. Butler ami wife entertained
at dinner Sunday. Misses Dodds,
RiK£s and Franklin and Mr. Loyd
Miss Zelma Black entertained at
dinner Saturday. Gladys Terrel and
sister, in honor ol her eleventh birth
Misses Mary and Chariot I < Lippold
of Blue Springs visited a couple of
days this week with their cousins.
Mrs. K. K. Butler and family.
Mrs. Maude Truesdell returned to
her home at Lincoln, after a sliort
visit with her father and brother.
P. 1>. and .1. A. Gushard of this place.
—Buy rock salt, barrel and sack
salt at C. A. Heck’s.
Mrs I,id iifit hi ent. Haiti* <1 at whist
I 'l Ida v
Cliiirlc h < ar.-h was in Salem th<* last
of (Ini we k.
Clarence Dingle of Billem spent StJB
day in IImnboldt,
II K. Hoyd wsis si passenger to
Kalin City Tuesday.
.lames Trimble was si passenger to
Kails City Thursday
(i K. Zook attended to business in
Lincoln psiit of this week.
Ralph Hummel went to llnddam.
Kansas M edio sday on business.
.Mike Meiizu of Vi-rdou v isit* d
James Trimble and family Monday.
Miss Henri Carver returned the
first, of the week from a visit to
Mrs AS 111 Halil is entertaining her
sister. Miss Kffie Henry of Marys
ville. Ku>.
.1 J. I’rcy sitid wife returned on
Tuesday from a visit with relatives
in Kansas City
Mrs. I. Shirley milirlaincd the
“Linger Long* r" * lull sit her home
Thumnuy afternoon.
Mrs. VV, IL AVnggi'iier I*-St Thins
day for a visit with her sist* r. Miss
Malile Shire, in Dawson.
Isa dm*- Wyman and wife of St
Joe have Hilts week been ill* guests
of It*-ii Htrammer and wife.
Nina Spew, a teacher in Hie Davv
;,on i.i'hool, spent, Sunday with her
parents, V, D Snow and vvif*
Ci'orge Knilgh of Omaha spent part
id the week at the home of his
wife's parents. Uoc.k William <u* and
Mih R S. Mil lolly came down
from Lincoln th<* last of the week
and is now lit* guest of Humboldt
A daughter was horn to Clyde
Lynch and wife Thursday, The little
on* weighed two pounds and fourteen
Mamie Rattetson. v ho I* 1 been
the guest of la r iri* ltd, AViunie Mann,
returned to lu r home in Table Rock
(iiamiiiia Dorland. who earn** her*
from Dili*) lam fail amt In. been mak
ing her home with h r son, Kd ward,
is quite sick.
Crank Dnrlnml licit <1 M * *11. 1’
Dorland and oilier friends as lie
came in off tile road from his com
in* rcinl work.
I igan Cornelius and sist* r. Kan*,
h fl this week for Los Angeles, where
they* expect to sp**nd the remainder
of the winter.
Charles Cnddnrd is now owner of
the entire linisi* store, having this
week purchased tin share belonging
to T II Qilluu
I >**1 I’m sons is again at his
place as ch rk in Marburgcr's shoe
store, having relumed Sunday from
a visit to Monunoiitli. 111
VV It Alexander, wife and little
daughter returned to their home in
Dawson the first of the week after
a visit with Dr. Morris and family.
Jolrti and Henry Meiilin, O. A
Cooper A Bon, and Mann A I,egg
shipped stock to St. Joseph Monday.
The Mehllm; and Leonard Mann ac
companied them.
Miss Lulu Hummel has returned
from a visit with Lincoln friends.
Cards nr** out announcing her mar
riage to Arthur Jobson of Idaho,
which will take place February “d.
II, 1*. Marble was called from
Marry, Neb., the middle of the
• week by the serious illness of his
mother, Mrs. II M. Marble of Table
Rock, lb* came in this city Thurs
day and remained with his family un
til Sunday.
Vonile liicks, who for several
years lias bn n employ ml us clerk
in Crane's Jewelry store, lias recent
ly moved with his wife to Kalis City,
and is now employed by a business
firm at that place.
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is
not a common, every-day cough mix
ture. It is a meritorious remedy for
all the troublesome and dangerous
complications resulting from cold in
the head, throat, chest or lungs. Sold
Ly all druggists.
Prof, Carr of Omaha visited here
a few days last week
John Mode of Hiawatha visited old
friends here last week.
Lewis Hhulenberg of Itanula made
a business trip hero Thursday.
Mrs. Will, It row n was dangerously
sick the latter part of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. I. Kpiekler visited on
Sunday with .las. Weddle and wife.
Able Baldwin and A. Nixon of Sti 1
la were business visitors last week
Mrs. K. M Oat bout entertained
Mrs Uolph Krug at her home Mon
John Bitter returned the first of
the week from a v isit to his brother
at Salem.
Mrs. Goolsby and daughter, Miss
Lthel, spent Saturday at the home of
Mrs. J. Sliulenberg.
Miss Maud Moliler of Kails City,
who is teaching school near here, was
the guest of Mrs. Herman Race over
James Jordon and family spent sev
oral days here last week with rela
tives. They returned to Hardy on
Maxwell Campbell, one of our most
prosperous fanners has rented a farm
near Humboldt and will take possess
ion March 1st. t
Mrs. Charles Kelt left on Sunday
for Champion, Chase County, Xobr..
where he lias two large houses and
a barn to build.
Charles Raper came up from
Verdon last week and pure based a
fine span of mules from Fred Meyers
for which he paid $500.
Nelson Shafer returned from St.
•lot' Tuesday morning, where he has
been under the doctors care for some
time. He is improving,
Mr. Richard Goolsby and family,
formerly a restaurant man of Hits
place, but who for several years lias
been living near Salem, has rented
the Barnes farm near town and has
taken possession.
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is
a very valuable medicine for throat
and lung troubles, quickly relieves
and cures painful breathing and a
dangerous sounding cough which in
dicates congested lungs. Sold by all
druggi sts.
Will Hutchison return* <1 from j
Pi rn Monday.
Lot. Shuns tqi* tit a part of last
week in Lincoln.
Mr. mnl Mrs. John Rains' baby is
siik at tilts writing,
t'lar • <• Peck Client a efw days in
Morrill. Kas., litis Week.
Harvey Fritz, wit® was quite si el*
last wei'k, is much better.
Mrs. Norman Forney visit* d with 1
Mrs. F. S. Lie lily Thursday.
Id. Higgins is able to be out again
after a siege of the measles
Eltm r and Aaron Peek were up
front Morrill, Has , this week
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
John Friiz. on January 21, Hilo,
Wes Ned row and family spent
Sunday with Ed Kimur'l and family.
Mrs Chester Stump was a guest
of Mi Mrs. Fred Marmot Thursday.
Mrs Slums and Mrs Slump visit
ed iti the homo of Ed Morgan Tues
Edsott Markins left for his home in
Oklahoma, all' r a visit with relatives
Mrs. Karl Shaffer and children
spent a few days with her hn hand's
Mrs. Noah Peck and three child
ren spent Sundae at the hotin of Kd
Kimrin I /
M, Harrison, wife and baby of
near Hhiibcrl visited with Huy Liehty
and .wife.
Mrs. Lewis Hurl and children vis
ttod with Mrs. 1*. K .Shatter last
Mrs, Charles Stump and baby came
down from Omaha Tuesday to visit
with relatives.
Kate Sliotise sjs ill a portion of
last week with Mrs. p K, Shafer
and daughter.
Mm. A 121 (hire and daimlit r. Miss
Stella, vsiitcd with Mrs. Stump
last W- din sday.
Mi v Hurt ot Hastings visited with
lire iamiiii ; of Chester Slump and
P, K Shaffer part of last. w-ek.
'I'll' lo will be a box supper and
an ctite:tuintuom at the Maple Grove
seluiol house ilex' Friday evening,
January 28. All are invited,
The ladies of the Silver Creek
Hunda School met at the home of
Mrs. II .1 Prichard Friday and did
some missionary work. They made
ti lot of bedding, and on Saturday it
was shipped to Kentucky,
John Feicht went to Falls City
Mis. I. \ Arnold is on the sick
list this week.
Albert Berwick was a Falls City
visitor Monday.
Mrs N. A Arnold was seriously
ill the past week.
Miss Vera Williamson of Uarada
spent Sunday with Carrie Dunn.
Miss Martha Gige is recovering
front a recent attack of pneumonia.
Mr, and Mrs. George Arnold spent
Sunday at the home of John Con
Andrew Lippold and family spent
Saturday evening at the home of Mr.
Miss Anna Fnnnnfelder of Verdon
is visiting her cousin, Miss Lucille
Koso this week.
Henry Landolf and family of Shu
bert spent Sunday at the home of
John Constantine.
Mesdaines John Slater. Charley
Siemering and Willie Constantine
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C.
Kuker and family.
Lewis Fink lost a valuable horse
last. Sunday. The horse fell on
the ice and broke its leg and they
were forced to shoot it.
Phone 2-18 ()ver 1 lie hard son Count v
._ |
Office over Kerr’s Pharmacy
Office Phi neJtiO Residence Phone 271 j
Office Removed to Tootle Block
6th and Francis Sts.
Spin‘nil attention to Ml JHt'INI . KKI’Y.Uj
I )i son hi's. Hint-rises »tf \VU\IK\ ami t' 111 L1HIK.N
PhVsician and Surgeon
Residence Phone 471.
Office Phone 439.
Office Over State Bank.
Phones; Nos. 177, 217
Sam’l. Wahl Building
Country just opening for Homesteads.
Has been controlled by stockmen for
years. Land as good or better than
any Indian Reservation. For informa
tion address
Residents of the Country for 21 years
Clearance Sale
Going, Going Almost Going
f for your choice of any Men s
44/ I An« i *„/ \Jr Fancy Suit or Overcoat in the
. —.house, that sells regularly for
$18.00, $20.00 and $22.50.
For your choice of any Men's
suitor Overcoat, that sejls regu
. ... . -- larly at s i oo, $ i 3. 50 ami S 1 5.00.
Young Men’s, Hoys and Children’s Suits and Over
coats are reduced to prices in proportion to men s.
Come into our store and investigate the reduced prices
on Cnderwear, Sweater Coats, Gloves and Mittens.
Extra Bargains in Shoes for the whole family, We do
strictly as we advertise. Satisfaction or money back,
Having decided to go to Switzerland I will offer for sale on my
farm, 6 miles sout of Dawson. 7 miles southwest of Salem, 10
miles north, I miles west of Sabetha. 2 miles east of Nims City,
My Farm of 160 Acres
A Good farm. All in cultivation; well improved; plenty of water.
Terms $1,000 day of sale; the balance the first of April.
10 Head of Horses 10
19 Head of Cattle 19
Complete outfit of Farm Implements and Harness. 20 tons Clover
Hay; 900 bushels Corn in crib; 20 acres of Corn in field, and all
Household and Kitchen Furniture.
FOR OWENS. He Always Pays
More than Other Buvers
Fat and broke to work — from 4 to 8
years old. Bring in your stock and
get the highest market price, at
Falls City, Sat., Jan. 29
Most Extensive Dealer in United States.
W0R m4
in dental work if you have need of our
services and avail yourself of our skill
experience and facilities. We don't do
half way work—it’s all or nothing with
us. as many people know to their own
great gratification. Note, please, that
we make no charge for expert examin
BERT WINDLE, D. D. S„ Assistant
f alls City, Nebrask