The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 21, 1910, Image 8

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    Henry €. Smith
240 acres well improved, 1J miles from Depot in Kas. Good spring Best of terms. Willtake
10 acres as part payment, balance long time at low interest.
2<X) acres I '* miles from depot, Richardson county, Nebraska Good buildings and land Will
take 10 or 80 acres as part payment
100 acres upland, 1 mile from depot. Richardson county. Nebraska. $12,000.
100 acres Johnson county, Nebraska 80 rods to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent.
107 acres near Brownville, Nebraska
80 acres U-mile from Falls City high school.
640 acres. $8,000 improvements Also n4o acres adjoining. Will take 100acres a- part payment.
Fine running water. A No. 1 opportunity.
Money to loan
What Your Friends and Their
Friends Have Been Doing
the Past Week.
— Km Sowlo's Candy.
■ Dr. Wilson, Wahl's building.
- See Clarence Heck for oil meal.
-The Candy Kitchen for brick ice
i ream.
Charlie Boyle went to Pawnee City
Monday on business
See Clarence Heck for your coal
this fall. Phone 101
Coorge llolt came up from St Joe
for a visit with his family
Mrs. Bert Coleman left lust Thurs
day for her home in Montana
Hr. ,1. H. Candy was down from
Humboldt Monday on business
II.A. Dittmnr returned Sunday from
a business trip to Kansas City
John Stit/er of Lincoln came In oil
ttie early train Saturday morning
Miss Oddie Lapp was assisting in
the county judge's office Monday.
Hay Zimmerman was up from liiu
wnthn for the dance Friday night.
Free—A nice plate free with a
25 rent purchase Saturday at Rick's.
S H Wood returned Friday after
noon from a business \ isit to Lin
Id. E. James, the poultry man. made
a business trip to St Joe Saturday
Mrs. D C. Griffiths and sister, Mrs.
Rogers spent Saturday in Verdon
with relatives.
Mrs. Lee lleskott came down
from Wymore last Friday to visit Mrs
Lee VnnDtlSell
Mr. and Mrs. iOd Stock returned
Friday from a short wedding trip
to Kxcelsior Springs.
Fred Hurst enino down from I’ern
to visit over Sunday with his brother,
K. K Hurst and wife
•Mrs Umnlnger of Orleans. Neb.,
arrived last Friday to visit her sis
ter, Mrs. M. nii.nnini.
Miss Frances Lookublll was out of
school the latter paid of last week
on account of sickness.
Miss Nellie Norton of Kansas City
arrived Thursday for a Weeks visit
with Mrs. It. A. Uittmur.
Dr. James Houston was down from
Nebraska City to spend Sunday with
his brother, l M Houston".
Mrs. Lydia Southerland of San
Francisco, who has spent the past
week here, vvi nt to Salem Monday.
F. K Hur t returned Friday even
mg from Lincoln, where he was a
leader at the state teachers' meeting
Dr. I F. Scott, w ho lias been vis
iting his sou hi this city, returned to
tie t oldiers’ Ionic at (baud Island,
( Herbert Kerr and sister. Mrs.
tirade Cameron returned Saturday at
tennmn from a business Hip in Okla
Mrs. .1. F. .Martin of Lincoln came
down last Friday evening for a visit
with thi family of her father. M
Mrs lingers of Wyniore. who luis
been visiting her sister. .Mrs 1) (5.
Griffith, left Monday for a visit to
relatives in Iowa
Mr. and Mrs. .lames tstewnit of
Sabetha, who hate been visiting tn-r
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Coon llrecht.
returned lioim Sunday
llob Johnson of Superior was a
business visitor here last week. Me
was a guest at the home of John
Mosituan, Sr., while in the city.
Mrs. Gilbert, who has made an ex
tended visit with her sister. Mrs Mli
fe Frank, returned to her home in
St Ijouis the latter part of the week
llrt. Wilso i Sliuek is suffering an
attac k of pn muionla. At last account
she was somewhat improved and we
hope will soon regain her usual good
F. M. Boss, who in tin recent elec
tion was the republican candidate for
county recorder, has sold Ids farm an
purchased the Crystal theater at
Miss Agnev, who is at the head of
the musical department in our city
schools, lias been quite ill the past
week, but was able to return to her
duties Wednesday,
At the .1. M. Stanley sale at Stella
last week a ti ant of four-year-old
mules, purchased two months ago
from a farmer near Nemaha for $.‘!75,
brought $675, and a couple of yearling
mules sold for $37o. A three-year-old
Belgian, weighing 1750 pounds, s^old
for $212.50; a two-year-old colt lie
longing to John Jenkins brought
$215; a team of matched greys seven
and eight years old sold for $100,
The Wallace Farmer makes men
tion of the recent marriage of II. M.
I Yoder and Miss Benson, formerly of
I tea Moines, in. The marriage came
| as a total surprise to Mr. Yoder's fam
ily and friends here. All join lit ex
tending congratulations and heartiest
wishes for it long and happy married
\ family reunion was held at the
home of Mr . Addle Brockman New
Year's tlay. Those | resent were A.
It ('on cUtis and family. Boss Brock
man : (I wifi . also George I’richard
ai d two sons from Falls City, Miss
Amy Cornelius helped to serve the
done ;' Stella Press.
I Miss Stella Knickerbocker and
brother, Paul, have rented the Shields
cottage in tlie east part of town, and
with their gniiidmothci moved into
It the fore part of the week. Paul
has entered high school aml'lic finds
it two cold to go hack and fort It from
the farm.
Geo. Mel-Tenry returned from New
York the past week, where he had
marketed a err of chickens for our
local buyer, r. 10. James, lie made
a stop at Nlagrla Falls on his re
turn trip and reports a very enjoy
able trlii.
Mr. and Mrs. YVin. Wilson have
given up their proposed trip to Fior
ds March 1st they will take posses
alon of their own residence property,
which they will have greatly improv
ed iu the near future.
MIsh Nellie llossnek returned Sun
day from Fullerton, Nebraska, where
she attended tin' wedding of her
brother, W. A. llossnek to Miss .Mary
! tOli /.It bet It Whitney.
10 Withec tint! .1. M. Stanley of
Stella Were guests at the home of
John llossnek Sunday. From here
they made a business trip to Bureli
ard ami Pawnee City.
Mrs. Louie Wirth went to Lin
coln Thursday to take the little Kel '
ly children, who were sent to a
Catholic institution there. Site re
I turned Saturday.
O. I). Humphrey of Kiehurdson co
unty, Neb., marketed a carload each
of cattle and hogs January 13th.
Kansas City Stock Yard Journal
James Coupe, who is attending the
State I'niversity at Lincoln, came to
this city and spent Sunday with home
Oscar Zoeller came in Monday and
added ids name to The Tribune's fast
growing list ot subscribers.
Miss Lucille Thompson of Taylor,
Texas arrived last Saturday for a
visit with Mrs. 10. K. Hurst.
Samuel Lichty spent a few days in
Lincoln tins wo-ok, where he was look
ing after business matters.
Stanley Dixon returned to Ham
burg. Iowa. Sunday, after spending a
few days In this city.
I Archie Paxton lias been very sick
1 during the week, suffering from an
I attack of pneumonia.
' i ami Mrs. Mart McGuire and
sei lot .Mas Anna Mason vert' Mor
rill visitors Tuesday.
Mrs. Kate D. Steele went to Lin
coln Tuesday to attend the State
Farmers Institute.
Miss Nellie Cain returned from a
. to her sister, Mrs, McCoy in
v C,nliam returned the latter part
of the i t k from a business trip to
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Judy are vis
iting their daughter in' St. Joe this
D. Riley was down from Dawson
calling on old friends Friday.
—Young’s* rantorium cleans and
presses ladies skirts. 44-tf
—Buy rock salt, barrel and sack
salt at C. A. Heck’s. 43-tf
W. \Y. Jeune was in Hiawatha on
business Monday.
Dr. Waggoner was down from Hum
boldt Tuesday.
—New Glassware and Dishes at
J. C. Llrown spent Saturday in St
—Get your wood and coal of C. A.
Heck. 43-tf
Kd Gerhardt spent Sunday In Hum
John Hall was down from Verdon
—Individual Tea Pots 15 cents at
It. K. lJurfee was up from Rulo
J (\ Brown spent last Saturday
In St, Joe.
J. W. Kamel was down from Ver
don I'rid.'.e.
James Scarlett was a St. Joe visit
or Saturday.
Miss Mable Ferguson was up from
Rulo Saturday.
—Watertown Wisconsin Rye flour
flour of C. A. Heck.
Fred Vyiiecler of St. Joe spent
Sunday at this place.
Dell Harbatigh of Dawson spent
Friday with J. II. Miles.
See Clarence Heck for your coal
this fall. Phone 101.
Agnes Schrader of Preston was
shopping here Saturday.
—Get your chickens some poultry
shells at Heck’s feed store. 43-tf
10. It. Williamson was over from
Sabetha on business Friday.
Charles Kbel was over from Re
serve Tuesday on business.
Mrs. Gene Casey of paks, S D. is
in tlie city visiting relatives.
G. J. I'M wards visited his brother,
H. <’. Hd wards and wife over Sunday.
Dr. Callison and family of Stella
visited over Sunday with his sister.
Mrs. I. M. Houston.
Miss Stella Schoek. teacher in
the Verdon school, is home Ibis week
on account of sickness.
Charles F. Brown of Williams, la.,
visited his sister, Mrs. McMillan and
family, during the week.
Miss Louise Frederick, who spent
the past three weeks with relatives
at Dlller, returned home Thursday.
Frank Svanda, Mr. Itist, his son-in
law, and wife were down from Hum
holdt Tuesday looking after business
in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. .McCormick are
at home again after an extended visit
with their daughters at Hebron and
Heaver ('tty.
Robert McCormick returned from
Florence, Neb., the first of the week.
He lias spent some time at that place
looking after business matters.
A. .1. Stewart of Verdon, Neb., a
prominent farmer and stockman, had
a ear load of heifers on the Kansas
City market the latter part of last
Mrs. John Startzei went to Atchi
son Sunday to visit relatives. She
will be absent about two weeks, and
wilt visit in Leavenworth before re
J. F. Martin catne down from Lin
coln to spend Sunday with his wife,
who is visiting at the home of M.
Qiannini. lie returned to Lincoln on
A gang of surveyors are working
n* ar Stella tor the Missouri Pacific
railroad, planning work for the com
!»; •■ ^ ’SO?7, 1 !*.*7!“, *7 • CMU’VPK Jipd
eliminating grades.
I \\. Owens paid $57for a team
«»• u. «■ s belonging to J. M. Stanley
m a .->■ lhi. He bought fifty-seven
hea*e* liutses and mules there on
Saturday of last week.
— Ladies. Save Mmey! Make
finest of perfumes at home for one
fiftli what you are now paying. Ten
guaranteed recipes for 50c. Home
Supply Co., Princeton, Indiana.
Keith McMillan came home from
Kansas City Thursday night for a
short \ islt with his mother, before
he leaves for Wyoming, where he is
to travel for a Kansas City glass and
paint house.
" m. Falrbairn, whose feet were
so br.iitj frozen some weeks since,
">!'* p Ihr.uigh life minus several
' o' s. as these members are coming
off ns a result of his experience.—
Pawnee Chief.
Ed Stock has settled down to the
real business of making provision for
the household since his return from
his wedding trip. Monday he left
for Omaha to take up his duties for
Heinze Pickle Co.
Oscar Zoeller of Preston lias pur
chased the Charles Hanna property in
the east part of town, and lias moved
his family to this city. Mr. Hanna
moved in the Goolsby property, just
east of the National hotel.
1 Herbert Kerr goes to Kansas City
tomorrow to make the final arrange
| mi nts with some actors, who will ar
1 rive during the week to go into re
hearsal for the new play "Sis," in
I which his sister, Grace Cameron, wHI
j star. He will also go W> Junction
j City before returning. The new play
! will be put on here tlie first week in
G. N. Camblin formerly of this city,
purchased a farm in Doniphan Co.,
Kansas for $100 per acre. He lias
put some few improvements on it and
cleaned it up.and a few days ago sold
it for $22.'., Jt is about two miles
from Highland, Kas,
Mrs. Peter Restorer returned Sat
urday from Oklahoma, where site
lias visited for tlie past two months
with her mother and brother. She
also visited Mrs. Frank Marvin in
Oklahoma City.
A business deal was made this
week whereby Doll Whitaker be
comes proprietor of the Walters pool
hall. lie took possession Tuesday
and conducts affairs like an old timer.
Gayard Greenwald came up from
Kansas City Tuesday for a few days
visit with his mother before leaving
for South Dakota, where lie was so
fortunate as to draw government
Misses Nan and Mayme Hutchings
will go to house keeping in tile Far
rington property recently vacated by
Mrs, Went worth.
Peter Huffman lias been laid up a
part of tlie week suffering from aj
sprained ankle, caused from a fa 11 on
tlie icy walks.
Mrs. Frank Gossett returned to her
home in Horton, Kas., Tuesday after
a two weeks’ visit with relatives in
tiiis city.
Col. and Mrs. Bradley, who have
been visiting Mrs. Sehlereth return
ed Monday to their home in Hum
rs. Wentworth accompanied her
daughter to Oklahoma Tuesday, where
she will made her home in the future.
Mrs. W. H. Keeling and Mrs. Bert
Coleman went to Verdon Wednesday
to visit Mrs. Dr. Thomas.
Miss Ethel Hersliey of Humboldt
visited over Sunday at the home of
her aunt, Mrs. Sam Sears.
.lames Trimble, Win. Gergens and
Chet Powers were down from Hum
boldt today (Thursday.)
George Fallstead left Tuesday for
Texas to look after bis farm and oth
er business matters.
Frank Kanaly came home Sunday
from St. Louis where he spent the
past week.
Dr. 1. M. Houston was called to
Oklahoma Tuesday to assist in an
Warren Hutchins spc nt Wednesday
with his son, Guy and family, at
Earl Marts of Wymore enjoyed a
visit with his parents here Wednes
D. 1>. Hanna and wife of Hiawatha
spent Sunday with Falls City friends.!
P. H. Jussen and wife are visiting
the l itter’s sister at Okmulgee. Okla.
Mrs. Mary Coletnan went to Daw
son Sunday for it few days visit
Henry Mosiman and wife spent
Sunday with her parents in Halo.
Mrs. Kick went to Atchison to visit
over Sunday with her daughter.
Miss Bessie Bohrer was the guest
of Auburn friends this week.
Ferd Harlow made a business trip
to Atchison hist Saturday.
A. .1 Holm of Utica, Neb,, spent
Sunday with friends here.
Miss Myrtle Bowers spent Sunday
with relatives in Verdon.
Miss Deborah Mower spent last
Sunday in Kansas City.
L. C. Edwards visited relatives at
Humboldt Wednesday.
Mrs. M. L. Wilson was a Humboldt
visitor Wednesday.
Dr. I. M. Houston was a St. Joe
visitor Saturday.
Will Hutchison spent Sunday with
Peru friends.
Ed. Poteet was a St. Joe visitor
last Friday.
—Call on C. A. Heck for coal and
Farm for Sale.
I will sell my farm nine miles north
east of Falls City, consisting of 300
acres. See me or write.
Kails City. Neb.
The Eastern Star.
The members of this order enjoy
| ed one of the most pleasant occasions
i of the season Monday evening at
' the Masonic hall, it was the pleas
ure of those present to greet and
entertain two of the grand lodge of
ficers of the Grand chapter of the
1 state of Nebraska, ns Mrs. Hattie M.
Scott, grand matron; and Airs. Puller,
of Teciunsoh. grand conductress,were
present and gave much valuable in
struction and encouragement to those
It is only a little over six months
since this Falls City Chapter was or
ganized with twenty-one members,and
since then it lias doubled its member
ship, and is doing work that would
be a credit, to many Chapters which
have been in existence more years
than this one lias months.
The full degree work of the team
was put on Monday night,and then a
school of instruction followed which
gave most evident satisfaction to
tho visiting officers, and their inspec
tion of the lodge and its work was
most highly commended.
After pleasant addresses and words
of felicitation by several present, a
bounteous repast was spread on the
tables until the proverbial groaning
oi the same might be heard, and ev
; erybody enjoyed not only a rich ban
quet provided by the committee, but
j a Ho the feast of reason and flow of
| .'ami that was so evident.
| At an early hour on Tuesday morn
ing all parties expressed the con
viction that they had enjoyed a
most pleasant evening, and pledged
i still more and better w ork for the
I future. This order does not adver
Use. nor work for members, but
there is pleasure in knowing that new
members are in sight for several
meetings in advance and that all bills
art; promptly met, and money In the
Success to Falls City Chapter, its
corps of earnest officers, and enthu
siastic members.—Contributed.
Cheap and Safe.
The small sum of $2 will buy a
$.■>,000 policy, good for five years,from
the Richardson County Farm Mutual
Insurance Co., provided the building
has good lightning rods. Then these
policies can be renewed another five
years for the still smaller fee of fifty
cents. Smaller policies cost the same
Iho last __ years this company has
been thoroughly tried,and found re
liable. We have over two million
insurance in force, and constantly
gaining new members. All the farm
property of the county ought to be
insured with us. It is folly to keep
on sending money out of the county
for good safe protection. School
boards anti country churches can save
money by insuring with us. Call,
write or phono to me, over Dittmar’s
store, Falls City, Nebraska.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that Thomas
Winterbottom lias sold his interest in j
the firm of Wirth & Winterbottom!
to L. I’. Wirth, and the business will
hereafter be conducted by Mr. Wirth.
All accounts payable to L. I*. Wirth,1
and all liabilities will be paid by L. j
1*. Wirth.
L. 1*. WIRTH.
Married Leaders.
"He that hath wife and children."
says Raeon, "hath given hostages to
fortune, for they are impediments to
great enterprises, either of virtue or
mischief!" Vet, looking over the
world’s "great enterprises of virtue,"
it is a curious fact that one finds more
married men than single among their
I "Ufaetif*j.
■Jtrurty -
(Copytight, l'JUU. by W, N*,U.)
Country just opening for Homesteads.
Has been controlled by stockmen for
years. Land as good or better than
any Indian Reservation. “For informa
tion address
v I • " ji *;T! ■- Y4 , ’
Residents of the Country for 21 years
-1-:-t-im --j--r-r
s -v . " V'
FOR SALE—A nice six room cot
tage, lights, water, cement walks, cel
lar, barn, coal house, and three lots.
Located one block from court house
and in splendid shape, >a model
house. Price $2,500. Inquire-at th-is
office. ■ ■» - 41-tf
V • * m j 'i?
' • --— >
Phone 248 Ovrr Richardson County
_ . ■_ ■ • ■ _ .
Fi F\ F?OE3B.F?T»
Office over Kerr’s Pharmacy
Office Phone 2fi0 < Residence Pbone 271
Office Removed to Tootle Block
6th and Francla Sts.
8|Hi*inl attention to MEDICINE, KECT.Mj
Diseases, Diwaaes <»f WOMEN and CHlLDIlKN
PhVsician and Surgeon
Residence Phone 471.
Office Phone 415!*,
Office Over* State Bank.
----- 4
ID El N 'T T © T] I
Phones; Nos. 177, 217
Sam’l. Wahl Bpilbing
The Kansas City Star and Times
The Star and Times, reporting the full twenty-four hours'
news each day in thirteen issues of the paper each week, are
furnished to regular subscribers at the rate of 10 cents
per week.
As newspapers, The Star and The Times have no rivals.
No other publisher furnishes his readers with the full day and
night Associated Press reports, as does the Star and Times.
This should recommend the papers especially to the pregressire
merchant and farmer
- I deliver both the Star and Times to the subscriber’s door
promptly on arrival of trains.
Give me a trial.
Should you want Tho Slar by mail send 10c per week Ss.20 a year
Address The Kansas City Star.