The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 14, 1910, Image 8

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    Henry C. Smith
240 acres well improved, lj miles from Depot in Kjs. Good spring Best of terms Will take
40 acres as part payment, Balance long time at low interest.
* 200 acres 1 *i miles from depot. Richardson county. Nebraska Good buildings and land v\ ill
take 40 or 80 acres assart payment
160 acres upland, 1 mile from depot. Richardson county. Nebraska. 512,000.
Its) acres Johnson county, Nebraska 80 rods to church and sch ol. Best of terms. Might rent.
107 acres near Brownville, Nebraska
80 acres J4-mile from Kalis City high school. •»
640 acres. $8,000 improvements Also 640 acres adjoining. Will lake 160acres a- part payment.
Fine running water. A No. 1 opportunity. I
Money to loan
_______ „______
What Your Friends and Their
Friends Have Been Doing
the Past Week,
— Eat Sowle's Candy.
Drip pans, 10 cents —Ricks,
Dr. Wilson, Wahl's building.
—See Clarence Heck for oil meal.
The Candy Kiteln n for bric k ice
Sheriff Ke.ctt u win in Atchison on
Thomas liowkei w in from Itulo
Mrs. J. H nraunitin has been sick
during the week.
K. E. Hull'i and wifi were down
from Harndn Monday
See Clarence Heck lor your coal
this fall. Phone 101.
It. A. Iiittinnr was a Kansas City
visitor during the we. k
S. Poachy returind .Monday from
a business trip to Morrill.
Erank Kanalv went to Si l.onis,
Sunday to spend the week.
Matt Shul nlierg end wife were
down from H.'rnda Tuesday.
Cyrus Klslu r and family were
here from Verdun Wednosdnv
Mrs. Roger, of W'more is visiting
lur sister, Mrs. IV tl. Crlffiths.
Mrs. II H Marlin of Pawnee City
is visiling Mr N T. VanWinkle
Mrs. .I Kurd is visiting friends
and relatives ”1 Salem (Ills week
(irace Clinic roil returned Wednes
day night from a trip to Oklahoma
William lie eimip ml lamil.v ot
Fargo were In town shopping Tues
Uncle Newton Camblln came down
from Stella Tuesday lo vi*R his son,
Frank Camblin
Mrs John Crook returned Thurs-j
day from a ten clays visit with her j
parents in Coin, Iowa
Mr. ami Mr*. Martin Kelly and,
daughter. Mia* Nora, were down from
Verdon shopping Tuesday
Mr and Mrs. K. C. Douglas and
ha by spent tsurday with their sister,
Mrs. Frank Knickerbocker
Miss Louise Peterson returned the
first of the week front a visit to
her sisters at Peru and Shubert.
John Grunt returned to Itis home in
Gordon, Neb . Sunday after a visit
to his mother, Mrs. Margery Grant.
Miss Frankie Shields went to Hum
boldt the flrd of tilt' week to visit
her sister-ln-li w. Mrs Milo Shields
Miss Lela Powell was out of school
most of the week suffering from an
attack of malaria and throat trouble
K (’ James spent n few days in
Memson tin* lirst of the week He
v.u looking niter legal business at
taut place.
Mr and Mrs Claude Yocum re
turned Tuesday to their home near
Morrill. Ka-, after visit with r* 1
nth es licit
•tils. .00 if tali,, ti.o.u fioni \\ ;
more la- ( Friday and visited until
Tuesday with her daughter, Mrs 1)
(i. Griffiths.
Mr and M'-s Milo Shields, former
ly of this city, are the parents of a
baby daughter, who arrived ,i( their
home last week.
Charles Chlig is quite ill ni liis
homo, lie is suffering from com
pli'-ation of troubles, the result of a
dropsical t on-lit ion.
E. O, Lewis has been spending a
vacation with his family. He left on
Tuesday for a trip through the north
ern part of the slat--.
Mr. and Mrs Win. VandurtOVt of
Salem were in town Tuesday to hear
the reading if the will of the late
Hen Mih s of Dawson.
Miss Mary Murphy of Rulo and
Miss Louise Peterson of this city
are among the new clerks at Samuel
Wahl’s store during the January sale.
H. K. liurst went to Lincoln Wed
nesday night to attend the annual
meeting of the superintendents and
principals, of which he was appoint
ed leader.
Dr. and Mrs. Drink received their
household goods this week from Den
ver and are now settled in the Prich
ard house on the corner of Steele
and Rarada Street.
This should be a hannor year for
nils City ami with the spirit of a
true booster for your home town
'ou tan hi compllsh wonders. At
''•('sent there Is not a vacant room
.e house in the city, and many places
.'ire tenanted that have been abandon
for u number of years. Cottages
for rent, are in great demand and
v 1th the coming of spring they ean
i ot he erected fast enough to supply
'! e demand. Here b an opportunity
to invest your surplus to good advan
Mr. and Mrs .1 i, .Slocum and Mr.
nud Mrs. Harry .lonne left Monday for
the south where they will remain un
til spring. They will go to Cuba
and will make several stops on the
east coast of Florida, including SI.
Augustine ami Palm Peach. They
will return by the west coast of Flor
ida, and cross tin- Gulf at New Orleans.
Mr. and Mrs lie I,os Spickler of
Harada are > «-joiclng over I lie ar
rival of a fine hoy at their home
Wednesday morning l)r. Green tells
us that it is on*1 of the very finest,
and will soon be able to handle an
Ili'ii Iti-uvls returned home Satur
day from his visit to St. Louis, lie
was accompanied by liis wife and
daughter, Mary, who have nbeen vis
iting Mrs. Heads' mot her for the
past I'ight weeks.
Mrs. .loliii Oilllgnu returned Sun
day niglit from Kansas City, where
she visited Mrs, Whitehead. She al
so nit ended he season of Sluikespeur
Ian plays that were on in Kansas City
last week
,Mr. and Mrs. .lames IV arson ship
ped tlieir household goods to Corning,
Iowa, and on Thursday Mrs. Pearson
left for that place, where they will
make tlieir future home.
The furnace at the library building
has given mu and an Immense stove
lias been put in to the library
until some orripigeti ents can lie
made about ,t hinting plant.
Charles Smith of Salnthu. Kus.,
was shaking hands with numerous
friends in tliis city Tuesday We ac
knowledge n pleasant call from tills
most estimable gentleman.
Samml I li'tinzeker ot Sutton and
Jacob It IIcunzckcr of Humboldt
were the gin sts of Will. Uietjcllek on
Wednesday, end attended the Holt
Shorthorn sale
Mrs. YonOven, ot Ko/cmnu, Mont
formerly .Miss Lettie Cain, arrived on
Monday for a visit with her mother,
Mrs. Fred Cain, and other relatives.
Mrs. Frank Judy returned (lie lat
ter part of last week from Omaha,
where she has been caring for her
daughter, who has been very ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Abe Forney of Paw
nee City arrived Monday evening for
a visit with liis sister, Mrs. Harriett
Stump, and other relatives
Mrs. I). M. Davies entertained Mr.
, and Mrs I l>. Griffiths and daughter.
Miss Inez, of Verdon during the week.
Finest Hail|ilman from Julian, Neb.
made a short visit with liis uncle,
George Uiecliers. in this city
W C Leslie of Caldwell, Idaho,
was a guest at the home of l>. M,
Davies during the week.
Miss ILL n McCool o! Salem visit
ed over Sunday with Iter cousin,
Miss Louise Knle
\\ A GreemvnUl made a business
i trip lo Humboldt the first of the
| week.
Mi.-., "ililt (i Rowers is clerking at
| S.until 1 Wahl's during the January
; sale.
John Bo i u and Fiank Smtlien of I
Ituinboldt w '!•<■ on our streets Mon !
Miss Anna Mason returned Monday
from a short visit to friends in Fern.
Hazel Prater has been quite- sick
this week, suffering from tonsilitis.
Mrs. John Cleaver is recovering
from a recent attack of tonsilitis.
Jim Mettz attended the Roberts
sale near Morrill, Kas., Friday.
—Young's Fantorium cleans and
presses ladies skirts. 44-tf
F. K. French was down front
Humboldt Saturday.
—Buy rock salt, barrel and sack
salt at C. A. Heck’s. 43-tf
George Hummel was down from
Humboldt Sunday.
Levi Kinsev of Dawson was in
town Tliesda..
—A large glass pitcher 15 cents
■ Rick’s.
—Towels, towels, towels, 10c at
—Get your wood and coal of C. A.
Heck. * 43-tf
—A 10-quart dish pan, 15c at
—A large baking or milk crock for
10c at Rick's.
—Watertown Wisconsin Itye flour
flour of C. A. Ileck.
See Clarence Heck for your coal
this fall. Phone 101.
—Get your chickens some poultry
shells at Heck's feed store. 43-tf
Mrs. Wm. Gossett, who has been i
quite sick is slowly improving.
Frank O’Grady was down from
Dawson on business Thursday.
John Maker was over from Morrill, j
Ivhs.. Wednesday to attend the Holt,
Mr. and Mrs. 10. I, Sandusky will
entertain a party of friends at dinner
Friday evening
Henry Snndrnck and wife returned
the latter part of the week from a
visit with relatives near Sabetha.
Mrs. George Albright aud Mrs.
Verne Ripley and son visited the
family of Adolph In ntley in Hiawa
tha Monday.
Misses iilnncli and Myrle McCray
came down from Lincoln the latter
part of the wee k for a visit witli their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W in. McCray.
The big auctioneers from a dis
tance who were Iter •* to attend Will
Holt's sale Wednesday were Col.
Leonards of Pawnee City tint' (’id,
Mellows of Marysville. Mo
-Ladies. Have Me nej ! Make
finest of perfumes at home for one
fifth what you are now paving. Ten
guaranteed recipes for 50c. Home
Supply Co., Princeton, Indiana.
.lames MeKiever and Miss Phelan
were in the city over Sunday. They
wore on their way from Ht. Louis
to Nebraska City, where they at
ti tided the wedding of the latter's
I rot her.
Mrs. Vent Ripley and little son,
who have spent the past five weeks)
at tlu> home of her | arents, Mr. and
George Albright, left Wednesday for
a visit to relatives and friends at
Shenandoah and Council llltiffs. They
will return to this city for a short
visit before going to their new home
In Wichita. Kas.
A young nmn working for Herman
Peachy met with quite an accident
Tuesday and feels thankful he got
off so easily. 11 is work jacket caught
in the cogs of the corn shredder tuijj
he was drawn down, a deep cut be
ing made in his neck. He was im
mediately brought to this city, where
Dr. Houston found it necessary to
take several stitches. An inch high
er and the cut would have been seri
ous, if not fatal.
Referee’s Sale.
Jennie R. Pyle, Plaintiff,
Edward S. Pyle. Defendant
By virtue of a decree of the Dis
trict Court of Richardson County,
Nebraska, rendered in the above en
titled cause at the October term
thereof 1909, in which decree the
undersigned was appointed referee to
make sale of real estate hereinafter
described. I will as such referee at
the hour of 1:00 o'clock p. m. on
Cue r>th day uf February, lfilti. offer
at public sale in front of tln> west door
of the court house in Falls City, in
Richardson County. Nebraska, the
following described real estate, to
wit. Twelve acres in the west half
of the northeast quarter of the south
east quarter of Section 20. Township
I, Range 17. Fast, in Richardson Co
unt.',, Sta of Nebraska, a'ml more
particularly described by meets and
bounds, as follows: Beginning at. a
stake on the south line of saiii NE
V. of SE>4 S 20- Township 1,Range
17, East N. 79 degrees 30 minutes E.
14.60 rods from said line southwest
corner of said N. East l, of SE Vi.
thefice as the magnetic needle now
points July 30th, ISM NT.
79 degrees 30 minutes E. 28,28
rods to a stone in said south line,
theuce N. 10 degrees, \V. 3.43 rods to
center of R. R. and in tile south line
of right of way. Thence S. 72 de
grees 20 minutes, \Y. 28.50 (28.50)
rods to a stone, t hence south 10
degrees, E. 66.30 (66.30) rods to place
of beginning, containing 12 acres.
This tract of land was the homestead
of the parties to the above entitled
cause, who were husband and wife,
but the court having found in said
cause that the defendant had desert
ed his wife and family and is now
in parts unknown, the interest of the
said defendant in said homestead
was decreed by the court to be sold
for the benefit of his family; the
interest of the plaintiff, Mrs. Jennie
R. Pyle, will bo sold at the same
time, she consenting thereto in writ
ing as provided In the decree afore
said, which fact will be made known
1 j bidders on the day of sale.
Terms of sale cash.
J. It. WILHITE, Referee.
First Publication Jan. 7, 5 times.
Uncle George Abbott Received a
Beautiful Christmas Gift.
I nch' (Jeorge Abbott received a
unique pres nt from bis daughter,
Mrs. Mahle Robbins, and he is just
ly proud of it. It is a little leather
covered booklet, made by her
own hands, containing choice clip
pings from l lie pen of Walt Mason.
The first of the lot, however, is
this beautifully lettered and well writ
ten verse of pros*' poetry, by .Mrs.
"Are jou sad and life so dreary,
ary you weighted down with care?
l)o the things that nag and weary
seem to linger everywhere? Or
are you hajipy and light-hearted —
all good thingif just come your
way—all voiir sorrows long de
parted—joys glow greater day by
day? Are you so blest with fault
blindness, is your heart so big and
great, you would treat with loving
kindness, every friend and foe you
meet? Have you moments of en
deavor, longing somehow to do
good? You will find Walt Mason
ever a good friend for every
The decorations of this little book
let is by the hand of Charles Rob
bins and certainly shows much art is
tie taste.
Revival Meetings
Tin' special tevival meetings at
Christian church are growing in at
tendance and interest every night.
Sunday was a splendid day all
around—large attendance at bible
school; church packed at evening ser
vice; the chorus, led by Prof. Jones,
furnished i splendid musical
program; at the close of the postor's
address three united with the church
Monday evening the church
well filled and a young mail confess
ed his faith in Christ.
The meetings will continue every
Sunday, January Id, at 3:00 p. m„
a great mass meeting for women
only, subject, "A Mother’s Prayer.”
Every lady In Falls City and vicinity
have a special invitation to come and
bring a lady friend.—F. Ellsworth
Day, Pastor.
Alabama Display.
Our friend, Herman Koehler, who
left this county two years ago for
Baldwin County, Alabama, sends us
a fine display of the various cereals
grown upon his farm there the past
year. VVe also have a picture show
ing his display at the county fair,
where lie captured a majority of the
premiums. These will be of interest
to his numerous friends here, and
may be seen at this office. His
daughter, who is spending the win
ter with relatives here, tells us that
they are well pleased with the south
and are getting along nicely. The
day is at hand when it is hard to
keep a good tanner down, no matter
where you locate him, and Mr.Koehler
is classed among the best of them.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that Thomas
Wtnterbottoni has sold his interest in
the firm of Wirth £r Wintorbottom
to I,, P. Wirth, and the business will
hereafter be conducted by Mr. Wirth.
All accounts payable to L. I’. Wirth,
and all liabilities will be paid by L.
i\ Wirth.
1,. P. WIltTH.
Kills His Sister.
On Monday the two little child
ren of Mr. and Mrs. II. 11. Rotting
hous of Seneca, obtained a loaded
rifle and were playing with it,when
the little girl placed the muzzle in
her mouth and her little brother pull
ed the trigger. The bullet entered
the brain causing instant death. The
little girl was five and her little
brother was three.
Poisoning Dogs.
The Salem Index says someone in
their town is maliciously poisoning
dogs. Four died from the effects of
poison last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gossett and
son came up the latter part of last
week from Horton to visit relatives.
Frank returned home Monday, but
Mrs. Gossett will remain for a visit
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Law
rence Snyder.
—Call on C. A. Heck for coal and
Scenes of Other Days, Thought For
gotten, Are Suddenly Flashed
Into the Mind.
Often suggestions out of all keeping
with the surroundings couie, and it
may he asked. W hat made you think
of that?" I'Vei n< nt!y w e are positive
that no conscious of thought has
brought up (lie idea. These memories,
out of all rhyme and reason with our
atmosphere and conscious occupation,
pop into the mind and surprise ua
with their incongruity. Are these j
spontaneous')’ originated as they seem j
to be, or have we merely forgotten |
the connecting train of ideas, as is I
often contended? The author but re- I
cently, while looking at some dill pick- i
los, had flash upon his mind the
image of a Southern California beach
nnd an incident associated with the
scene. The memory came so suddenly
and the connecting link was sought
for so immediately that a dropping out
of a segment of consciousness is al
together improbable, yet he lelt that
there was a connection somewhere, if
it could but be found. And it was
found after a little thought. Where
the brine on the pickles iiad dried,
there were left fine, white salt crys
tals just as lie had seen on kelp and
sea mosses that lie had gathered on
that beach. The memory in the
stream of consciousness was spontan
eous, and yet we see how it may come
under our law, at least in its physio
logical version. — From the Mental
Public Sale.
I will sell at public sale off my
farm. 4 miles north of ltulo, Thurs
day, January 27, sale to commence
at 10 o'clock, the following described
property tow't:
Three head of horses, one grey
mare S years old, in foal; one buck
skin horse 5 years old; one black
gelding, I! years old.
22 I lead of Cattle—consisting of
seven milk cows, It with calves by
side; one yearling steer, seven 2-year
old heifers, 3 calves, one Shorthorn
25 Poland China Hogs—Consisting
of sixteen Gilts, bred for May far
rowing; nine barrows.
Farm Implements—1 lumber wag
on, 1 spring wagon, 1 buggy, 1 disc
cultivator, 1 John Deere Spring Trip,
l dlsc go-devil, 2 listers, I St. Joseph
combined and 1 lister and drill, 1
two-section harrow, 1 12-foot hay
rake, 1 McCormick corn binder, 1
McCormick wheat binder, one-half in
terest in wheat drill, four-hole corn
sheller, 1 Sapson 8-horse power en
gine, 1 hand corn sheller, 1 5-ton
stock scales, 1 corn planter, 1 skiff,
1 scalding pan, 1 bob sled, 1 hay
rack, 1 wood rack, about 2,000 feet,
native lumber, 100 fence posts, and
many other articles too numerous to
Terms made known day of sale.
Col. C. H. Marion, Auctioneer.
Notice to Public.
Having sold my interest in the firm
of Wirth & Winterbottom, 1 wish
to thank the public for the liberal
patronage extended and ask a con
tinuance of the same to Mr. Wirth.
True Friendship.
True friends are never judged by
one another. For that "something”
between them is too sacred, and treas
ured to be marred by Judgment; for
there is that abiding faith that holds
them together like tines of steel.
Ete rnal Fe minine.
Mrs. Hen Davis, who has been away
two months, returned home on Satur
day night. Before she came, Ben
cleaned up, hiring a colored woman to
assist him. On Monday morning,
while Ben was finishing his breakfast,
his wife appeared from the kitchen,
pinning on a big apron. “Well,” she
Baid, “I must give this house a good
cleaning.”—Atchison Globe.
' " -
(Copyright, ltflRI, uy W. N. L’.)
Country just opening for Homesteads.
Has been controlled by stockmen for
years. Land as good or better than
any Indian Reservation, For informa
tion address
Residents of tho Country lor 21 years
FOR SALE—A nice six room cot
tage, lights, water, cement walks, cel
lar, barn, coal house, and three lots.
Located one block from court hous?
and in splendid shape, a model
house. Price $2,500. Inquire at this
office. 41,tf
Phone 24k Over Richardson County
Bank. '
' • r* • • f f
Office ov^r Kerr’s Pharmacy
Office Phene2W Residence Phone 271
Office Removed to Tootle Block
6th and Francis Sts.
Special attention to MEDICINE, RECTAL
Diseases. Diseases of WOMEN and CHILDREN
Physician and Surgeon
Office Over State Bank.
Residence, Union Hotel,
Phonos: Nos. 177, 217
Sam'l. Wahl Building
The Kansas City Star and Times
The Star arid Times, reporting the full twenty-four hours’
news each day in thirteen issues of the paper each week, are
furnished to regular subscribers at the rate of 10 cents
per week.
As newspapers, The Star and The Times have no rivals.
No other publisher furnishes his readers with the full day and
night Associated Press reports, as does the Star and Times.
This should recommend the papers especially to the pregressive
merchant and farmer
I deliver both the Star and Times to the subscriber's door
promptly on arrival of trains.
Give me a trial.
Should you want Tho Star by mail send lOc per week. $5 20 a year.
Address The Kansas City Star. 1