The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 14, 1910, Image 7

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    The Year in G. A. R. Circles
Address of Commander Cleaver at the Installation of Officers
of G. A R and W. R. C . at G. A. R. Hall, Thursday Evening .1910
Installation of officers was the
program at the C.. A. R. hall Thurs
day night, an event of considerable
importance among the members of
that order, and the W. R, C.
At six o'clock "the boys” and
the members of the \V. R. O., and the
Invited guests, gathered around the
banquet table and enjoyed a feast,—
a feast that in a measure helped to
atone for "short rations" of the long
ago war time.
The meeting proper was called to
order by l)r. .1. C. Yutzy, he using
a gavel made of wood that grew upon
the height.hs of Lookout Mountain,
and which was presented to the \V.
R. (\ by Mrs. Adeline Korner.
It will be seen by Commander j
Cleaver's address that the order is;
in a prosperous condition, and that
the Post of Falls City is no
"awkward squad" when it comes to
executive ab'lity and ardor in the up
holding of that order.
The address of Commander Cleaver
Is interesting, not alone to the mem
bers, but to the public in general, for
as time flits by, and the ranks grow
thinner, we are prone to speak of
the organization as our Grand Army
Post. Following is Commander
Cleaver’s address:
•lust one year ago when asked to
accept tile eommandership of the
Post, and assume its duties and res
ponsibilities, it seemed to me like a
all to duty, as 1 must confess I had
been more than negligent of my res
ponsibilities to the Post and its mem
bers. This presented an opportuni
ty to redeem myself.
The Grand Army of the Republic is
one of the most honored, if not the
most honored and respected organiza
tion of men in this country, and to
serve as commander of a Post, es
pecially in a city of this size should
by any one be considered not only
a privilege lmt. an honor, and it is
still a greater honor to be re-elected
to such a position, as the second elec
tion is an expression of satisfaction
and approval by the members of the
manner in which the office lias been
filled during lhe first term, and an
assurance that a continuance of the
same management is considered for
the best inteiosts of the Post. 1
thank my comrades for this unsought
honor and also thank them for the
hearty and earnest support with which
they have aided in building up our
membership and placing our Post
in such a prosperous condition; for
I fully believe we are now in as good
working order as any other Post
in this state.
Iii 1889 there were twenty mem
bers paying their dues, while there
was a large suspended list.
In 1900 there were 22 members
paying their dues; in 1901 there wore
2fi; in 1902, tnero were 25; In 1905,
there were 27; in 1901, then' were
25; in 1905 there were 35; in 1900,
there were IS; in 1907 there were 22.
The year 1909' began with 31 mem
bers and end' d with 50 members in
good standing all paying tlioir dues,
and feeling proud of the order and
the progress we have made during
the year. The beginning of 1909
showed 21 on the suspended list,
while tonight there are but 9 on thisj
list. To recapitulate, we started the!
year just passed with 31 members;
during the v 'ir we have mustered in
2, and have received by transfer t,
and taken from the suspended list 12.
a total of 52 members. During the
year we lost by death 2, so that to
night we have a total membership ot
50. There are still 9 members on the
suspended list, and S old soldiers of
the Civil war who have not joined
our order, who are not doing their
duty to us.
They should bear in mind that this
organization is ail exclusive one,
only soldiers of the Civil war being
eligible to membership. It is im
possible for us to recruit our ranks
except from their numbers, and the
life of our organization depends on
every old soldier doing his duty by
assisting in maintaining the Post in
good working order as long as pos
sible. It is sincerely to be hoped
they will realize that they owe this
much to our Post and its members,
for our order lias stood boldly forth
as the champion of all the laws that
Congress has passed for the benefit
and honor of the soldiers of the Civil j
war. Perhaps they do not realize it.
but nevertheless they have been the,
recipients of these benefits and honor
without in any way aiding In secur
ing them. We have continually as
sisted them in this respect and we
ask that from now on they assist us
by joining th ■ Post.
One year a"o the Quartermaster
had on hands 91c, while there were
unpaid bills rgainst the Post to the
amount of $19.45.
Tonight the Quartermaster has in
his hands $.">,70. All the unpaid hills
from last year have been paid, and
we are out of debt.
This is a contrast of which we can
all be proud.
Hon. L. 1). Richards Commander
of our state department, in referring
to this in his letter of December 29,
1909, states, "1 wish to congratulate
you on the splendid work that lias
been done in your Post. An increase
of 19 members, will I feel assured,
not be exceeded by any other Post in
the Department. Please convey to
the comrades and membrs of the
Relief Corps my kindest greetings.”
Assistant Adjutant General, A. M.
Trimble of the Department, writes
to us as follows: "Your report for
the term ending December 21, 1909
received. Also your quartermaster’s
check for $8.00 to cover your per
capita tax for the term on fifty mem
bers in good standing. We thank
you for these reports and extend to
you our hearty congratulations on
your increase in membership. You
have demonstrated to this depart
ment what harmonious G. A. R. work
will do, hacked by a strong Relief
Corps to help."
In order to keep up our organiza
tion in good standing in the state
department, and preserve our charter,
it is necessary for us to send to the
Department Quartermaster each year
32 cents per member. When the an
nual dues were $2.00 per year, this
was not a hardship,but now when the
dues are only $1.00 per year, this
per-capita tax as it is called, requires
32 cents out of each dollar that we
received for dues, and it reduces our
revenue so that we do riot have suf
ficient to run the Post without pass
ing around the hat several times dur
ing the year. We do not want to
raise the dues to more than $1.00, as
we think many of our comrades
would find it more than they could
spare for this purpose, but we do
need a little more revenue, and in or
der to secure this,the Post at its last
meeting passed a resolution request
ing those members who were able to
add 32 cents to their annual dubs.
1 wish the comrades to remember
this is to be entirely voluntary, but
sufficient members ought to pay this
additional 32 cents to realize $12.00
or $13.00 more for the quartermaster.
Ilerefoforc the Relief Corps lias
paid tin* lions share of ttie expenses
of the two orders, In cause so few (I.
A. It ’s paid their dues, but tonight
we can hold up our heads and feel
some pride that during the past year
we have done better, and that from
now on we will he abb and willing
to pay our share of ill the expenses.
During the past year we observed
Memorial Sunday. Decora,tion Day
and Soldiers Day at the Chautauqua
in a creditable manner.
On Memorial Sunday, the Christian
Church was tastefully d< coratrd with
flags and the national colors; special
music was rendered liy the choir, and
the oration by Rev. Day, was a soul
stirring, patriotic address that recall
ed to us memories of those old days
when we were on southern battle
fields, and we felt proud to be thus
specially honored for the part we took
in that memorable war.
The march up Stone street laden
with baskets of flowers on Decora
tion Day was an impressive sight,and
many were the compliments paid us
for our numbers and good appear
ances, it being frequently remarked
that, we were a fine looking body of
elderly melt.” When we entered the
cemetery we found large concourse of
our citizens there assembled to as
sist. us In honoring our dead.
The musical program furnished by j
the Methodist choir, assisted by the
members of the High School Band wa
a genuine musical treat, seldom equal
led on such occasions, and the ora
tion delivered by Judge Davidson of
Teeumseh, was pronounced by some |
of our best educated citizens as a
masterpiece of historical research and
oratory. An enthusiastic citizen in
expressing his gratification to me,
remarked, "We had done ourselves
proud.” And such a delightful time
we had enjoyed the sumptuous din
ner provided for us by the Relief
Corps. It was a day to be long re-1
membered for the good comradeship I
and general fine feeling experienced
by all.
On Hobson Day we gathered in
full force, 50 strong, and we made
a lasting impression on the distingu
ished orator by the reception we
gave him. He .-tated we had paid
him one of the finest compliments
he had received on the Chautauqua
On several occasions we have as
sembled in this ball to partake of
the bounty and enjoy the hospitality
of the Relief Corps. These occasions
have been especially enjoyable, and
1 know that T express the sentiment
of every comrade in extending to
the ladies our heartfelt thanks and
most grateful appreciation for ail'
they have done in providing for our
Our cup of happiness would be run
ning over this night, were it not
that we have been sorrowfully railed
upon to lay away to their final rest
some of our beloved comrades. Early
in the year we gathered in this hall
to pay our last tribute of respect to
comrade Hutchings, then from the
Methodist Church we buried Oonv
rade McDowell and then again from
this hall Comrades Berry and Ply.bon.
Verily time dealt gently with these
comrades, for they were gathered to
their fathers in the fullness of old
age, after living useful and honorable
lives, leaving behind them a heritage
of good deeds with many comrades
and friends to mourn for them. As
a class we are enjoying fairly good
health, when we consider our age,
and but few of us have been more
than temporarily indisposed during
the past year. Comrade Kroker had
the misfortune to fall from a tree
last spring. His injuries were at first
thought to be serious, hut luckily he
has nearly recovered his usuei health.
Comrade Fisher, after enjoying a
brief honeymoon fell from a roof
lasf fall, breaking his hip and sus
taining other injuries of a serious
nature. Through this trying ordeal
lie has maintained his usual good
spirits and is now on a fair way to
iccovery. Comrade Whitaker was
taken very sick at the last meeting of
our Post, his illness being of such
a nature that t was necessary to per
form an operation. He is on the road
to recovery. We extend to him
fullest sympathy, and wish lie could
be with us tonight.
There being a vast storehouse of
interesting personal reminiscences of
the war in the memory of each old
soldier, that has been waiting for
some one to gather and arrange in
historic al order, so that it be pre
served for the use of our relatlve.
and friends after w< have passed
away, therefore lately I have been
sketching this experience ot our
members, so far having written up
the war experience of Comrades
Cline, Davis, Hill, Jos. Jones, (’ass
Jones, Kelsey, Kreker, Mellon. Mos
sier, McCormick, Nausler, Oswald.
Plybon, Whittaker and Wilson. A
few of them have been read at Post
meetings, and'that of Comrade Hill
lias been published in the paper.
lSvery soldier who lias served in
the Civil war lias a wealth of inter
esting war experiences that is con
sidered by ttiis younger generation a
treat to read; as the individual ex
perience of the private soldier gives
a much clearer insight into the every
day life of a soldier and of war than
can be gathered in history. These
really tell us what war is, and will
assist in maintaining that respect and
admiration for the old soldier that
we all esteem and prize. An
entire new generation lias followed
the scenes and incidents of
the war. and we owe it to this new
generation that these personal mem
ories be preserved, as they will tie
especially prized by our relatives and
friends after we have passed away. I
hope this year to write up the ex
perience of other comrades. As soon
as I have time I will typewrite those
already written, and present to each
comrade his, so that lie and his fam
ily can always have them.
My work in connection with the
Post during the past year has been
very agreeable and pleasdnt. This In
a great measure has been promoted
by the hearty manner in which all
comrades have seconded and assisted!
in carrying to ward my suggestions
for the welfare of the Post, and I feel '
that we have all been amply rewarded j
by the results secured and the enjoy
ment and profit we have derived
We now enter the new year under
far limn' encouraging prospects than j
we began the ’ast year. Our member j
ship is good, our nuances suiiicieni
and there is the best of harmony and i
good fellowship between us all, so
that the end of this year should
find us in even better trim than we1
are tonight.
living a hand of comrades bound
together by the sacred memories of
the past, and personal friendships, let
us spend our remaining days so as
to secure the fullest measure of just
lives made perfect, with the assur
ance that the community will res
pect us for what we are as well as
for what we were in our youth.
paper. Plug hard, reg
ularly, s y stem at ic all v.
Play up the best goods
you sell at the right price
in this paper.
(<>>pyri*tit, I HUM, by W. N. I .)
Origin of Long-Time Custom In Mas*
sachusetts Village Is Lost in
One hundred of the largest and
most tender herrings is the annuity
offer to all the widows residing with
in the confines of a town of Pembroke,
a small Massachusetts village. It is a
time-honored custom, and Its origin is
beyond recall of the oldest inhabit
ant's memory. The weirs are town
property. John l.e Fargo is in charge
j of the fishing, and he sees to it that
‘ every householder gets all the herring
lie is entitled to, always remembering
that no widow is overlooked on the
extra too
Each male resident of the town is
allowed to come to the weirs and
catch 200 herrings, for which lie pays
50 cents. But any of the widows of
the town may lave their 200 fish at
that rate and in addition 100 fish aro
given to them free, according to the
old custom.
Lively scenes are enacted as the
residents rush to the brook where the
fishing is done. Oftentimes ns ninny
as 25 or 30 are waiting their turn.
The brook bears the name of Bar
ker stream, after a family which set
tled there in the early part of the
seventeenth century, within a stone’s
throw of the weirs. Barker stream,
or brook, as it lias been called in
later years, flows into the North river
al Marshfield boundary, but (lie place
where the old homestead used to
stand is the only one in Its entire
length where fishing is permitted.
From 40,000 to 00.000 herring aro
taken from (lie brook every year, but
tlie only fish sold of this number are
the ones left by the householders who
do not care lo lake their share. These
are sold to merchants, the revenue
going to the town treasury.
It Had a Familiar Sound.
Abraham Schiff, who was arrested
with several friends In Newark for
gambling, was arraigned before Judge
Herr in ihe Second criminal court In
that city recently and made the plea
that they were merely playing a Rus
sian game called "one thousand.”
"Explain ihe game,” said Judge
"Well, your honor," said Schiff,
"you match cards together. If you
get two threes, why that counts more
than if you only got two twos. Then
you say that you think the threes are
pretty good, and put a chip down so
as to remember what you said. Then
if you if you can find some more
threes, or match up another pair, why,
then your hand is so much better."
"The game sounds familiar,” mused
Judge Herr. "Suppose you get a hand
that consisted only of diamonds—
would that be a good hand?”
"Very good, your honor.”
"Now, suppose in your hand the
cards yere all of one suit, and ran
from tile ace to the ton spot. Would
that be better?”
"Oh, your honor, it would he lovely,"
exclaimed Schiff, rubbing his hands
"And I suppose you’d have to put
up a lot of chips to remember what a 1
good hand you had. I’ve heard of the
game. Tie- Russians call it jakpoto
vitch. Fifty dollars tine, and don’t
play any more poker.”—New York
Diamond Cut Diamond.
In the Hoffman house, New York, a
group of politicians were discussing
the death of Patrick II. McCarren.
"McCarren,” said a lawyer, "knew
how to handle men. Jle met straight
forward mop with straightforward
methods, and tricky men he bested j
with wilier tricks than their own.
"Once he illustrated his policy* to (
me with a story. He was like, he said, i
the rich Peter Higgins.
"When Peter was young and gay, !
two of his friends, being hard up, put
up a game on him.
“ Peter,’ they said, ‘you might pay
11s that two dollars we lent you.’
" When did yon lend me two dol
lars?’ said Peter, haughtily.
“‘Why. night before last, when you
wore drunk,’ was the reply.
“ 'Oh, yes,’ said Peter; ‘I remember
now. Hut, hang it, l paid you back.’
Paid us back? When?'
"’Last night, when you were drunk, j
i km i you i eineinbei ?' ”
Yes, But VVhat Was the Lady’s Age?
Toward the close of a recent law- ]
suit in Massachusetts, (lie wife of an 1
eminent Harvard professor arose and
with a flaming face timidly addressed
the court.
“Your honor,” said she, “If I had
told you I had made an error in my
testimony, would it vitiate all 1 have
Instantly the lawyers for each «side
stirred themselves in excitement, while
his honor gravely regarded her.
“Well, madam," said the court, after
a pause, “that depends entirely on the
nature of your error. What was it,
“Why, you see," answered the lady,
more and more red and embarrassed,
“1 told the clerk I was 38. 1 was so
flustered, you know, that when he
asked my age 1 inadvertently gave
him my bust measurement.”—Every
body’s Magazine.
---- -
Mr. Kajones, who had happened to
step into the parlor while looking for
a book, was just in time to see some
body slip hastily off somebody else’s
"Ah, Bessie," he observed, pleasant
ly, this is a merger, isn’t it? Or is it
a limited partnership?"
"Neither, papa," said Bessie, recov
ering herself instantly; “George is my
holding company—that's all."
La Camargue Alone in France Pre
serves the Ancient and Honorable
Sport of Falconry.
I.a Camargue scorns commonplace
diversions. Ln Camargue alone, in
this latter-day France of ours, pro
vides tire great and entrancing spec
tacle of hawking. Falcon on wrist,
tin' southern sportsmen come to the
Rhone della to indulge in the aristo
cratic pastime of faleony, which is
the princely relaxation of Arabia, j
India and the Kirghiz Steppes, the
noblest sport of old France, the royal
sport above all others.
One cannot meet a hawking party
in the Camargue plain without having
Irresistibly brought to mind a vision
of the days of old. Itehlnd the varlets
urging on the greyhounds, the howl- I
lug, barking pack, the whole court fol- j
lows the flight of the falcon pursuing
the kite in the clouds above; a gallant
chase, If ever there was, In which (lie,
ladies on their palfreys, clad In velvet j
gowns and feathered lints, worn Guel- j
plite fashion, canter ln the front rank,
with their ('oats looped up above the j
knee and boots of embroidered leather,
vigorously spurring tin* horse. It was
for them, always for them, that each j
vied with I he oilier in the skill and I
elegance wherewith he threw the fal
con, recalled him after his victory and
placed him gracefully upon Ills mis [
tress’ gloved wrist.
I.a Camargue is one great heronry; |
and, to a falconer, nothing in the
world conies up to "flying a heron." j
lie is the finest bird of all to hunt, j
Tlie pink flamingo letH himself be tiled j
without uttering a com plain t. hardly i
more than a sad little cry, as Ihougli
to beg for mercy; a few drops of pnie
red blood and all Is over lie dies
gently and easily. With the heron the
gam# is more evenly matched; lie Is a
line, strong bird, a formidable nml
very crafty enemy. The falcon shoots
up like an arrow in pursuit. The
gray bird tries to disappear, but bis
enemy, who is struggling to sour |
above him in order to swoop down !
ii|ion him, runs him close, harasses
him. compels him In pass the clouds.
The tragedy is consummated at a
giddy height. Andre Custuigne, in
11 arper’s.
Just to Annoy.
“ill I.inly Cardigan' s new volume of
memoirs,’’ said a Chicago publisher,
“(he virtue of one of the artlstocrntle
rollemaeho ladles is assailed. The
lady herself has long been dead, but
all her descendants, to the third and
fourth generation, are writing to the
papers, denying the truth of Lady
Cardigan's attack.
“It ail goes to show how sensitive
we are about, the virtue of our ances
tors. This was understood by a Chi
i ago pro-suffragist who wrote to the
papers the other day:
“‘Senator Blank's shameful attacks
on (lie motives of the militant suffra
gettes must cease. Before' Senator
Blank traduces those pure-minded
ladies he had belter look after ills
thieving, drunken old mother.’
"A friend to whom Hits letter was
shown said to the pro-suffragist:
“That is all very trenchantly put.
It's libelous of course. i suppose
you're quite sure of your ground?'
‘“Sure of my ground?’ said the pro
suffragist. impatiently. '1 never heard
n word against the old lady. All I
know Is. if Senator Blank lias the
common feelings of a gentleman he'll
1)4’ very much annoyed.’ ”
“Bobs" and the Boy.
An interesting incident is recorded
in connection with tli«* visit which
Lord Roberts paid to Marylebone to
distribute the medals won by mem
bers of the local rilie club, recently.
One of rlie gold meduls was won by a
lad la competitor in the Juvenile sec
tion). who belonged to very poor par
ents. Thinking that ids clothes were
too shabby to appear before the fleid
inandutl. he hud broken into a neigh
bor’s house and stolen money for a
suit of clothes. He was detected,
brought before the Marylebone magis
trate. and let off under the lirst of
fi nders act (When the matter was
brought to Lord Roberts' notice he
called for the lad, took him aside, and
gave him* some words of advice, teii
ing him that it was character and not
clothing that mattered. I lie hoy got
his modal.—London Mail.
How Welsh Worhen Carry Babies.
The quaint old Welsh way in which
Swansea women curry their babies,
attracts every one's notice when vis
iting that town for the first time. A
idg shawl over the right shoulder is
drawn down to tic left hip, where the
two (rids of the shawl are met am
held together, forming a sort of pouch
or pocket, in which the baby snuggles
cosily and safely.
Its weight is s4) suported by the hip
and distributed by the shawl over the
whole uper part of the body that there
is no strain at all nor any tiring of
the arms. This probably accounts for
tin* upright carriage of the Welsh
mother Moreover, the method is com
fortable for tic child and so safe that
in Swansea small boys swathed in
their mothers’ shawl ar4' seen carrying
the family’s latest baby.
A Father’s Relationship,
A New York business man has a
small daughter who is extremely fond
of her mother. She likes her father
well enough, but does not go into rap
tures over him. A caller at the house,
knowing the situation, asked the child
why she didn't love her father as she
did her mother.
"Oh, you see," she chained very
evidently to tier own satisfaction,
‘•papa is only related to us by mar- 1
riage.” .
Citizen Is Too Prone to Stand with
Hat in Hand Before His Hired
Man—Some Plain Talk
The Scot who boaided a British
warship and sent word to its captain
that "one of file owners" wished t*
see him asserted a fact which few of
us have the backbone to stand up to;
that the humble masses own the earth
by right of having paid for it with
their more or less hard earned motl
ey. it would seem ns if we, the pro
prietors of the ever glorious republb
are especially meek In regarding our
"hired men,” from the president down,
as our masters rather than our paid
servants, Frank M. Blcknell says in
Hipplnoott's We nfcivv ourselves to
lx- browbeaten by public and quasi
public officials to tin extent that
amazes the foreigner. A titled Eng
lishman recently wasted much temper
in learning that an American rail
way conductor Is allowed to lie almost
ns autocratic as the captain of an
ocean liner. Among the few "strang
ers In our midst” who have really suc
ceeded in silencing a toplofty parlor
car conductor is .Max O’Kctl, and tli-i
did it by bursting out with a throat
to pitch him through the window,
about die opening of which they dis
It is not the highly placed officials,
however, but the petty jacks in office
who tire the most bumptious; their
belief in their own Importance appears
to be in direct proportion to their spe
oiile levity. A smart young clerk in »
certain suburban City hall once tried
to snub and make needless trouble
for a quiet, shabby, elderly man who
had requested an item of information
at bis counter. To the .young fellow's
discomfiture, the old gentleman revolt
ed so far as In free bis mind as fol
"My friend, let me ask il I am in
your service or you in mine. I'd al
ways supposed my lax motley helped
you and these other < imps here to
work for the city to the best of your
ability. And ns I'm a citizen of tin
eily of your bosses, and I oh
ject In being treated as if I was n •
better than dirt; besides which, oti
your own account, you want to be i
little mite civil, or some day you’ll bo
hunting another Job If never struck
you in just that light before, maybe,
but it’s so all the same
A little plain talk of Ibis sort, con
veying a wholesome lesson, is needed
much oftener than it Is given. Most
of us submit to domineering rather
than make a fuss, being surprised, in
deed, If. we don't get il. If the police
man on the corner, when we ask him
a direction, responds with anything
better than patronizing condescension,
we are absurdly grateful We ap
proach the box office of a theater, or
even the desk of a hotel, as suppll
cants, ready to cringe- at (lie expected
rudeness or rebuff. In the trolley
ears, of (be large cities at least, we
avoid personal intercourse with the
nien in charge, and look for only the
curtest replies if need forces us to
interrogate them.
However, there Is something to b
said on the other side, and if we do
feel moved on occasion to put one of
these high and haughty otiicials in hl>
proper place, let us do ii good-tern
peredly, not forgetting the hint given
by a certain street ear company in its
printed notice to the effect that while
courtesy is to he desired from the
conductor, its practice Is not unbe
coming in Hie pass- nger.
Hatful of Gold to Build a Church.
One of the most remote churches In
Great Britain was reopened after res
(oration recently by the archdeacon
of Brecon. II stands t I’.irt i ishow by
name) on the southern slopes of the
Black mountains in Breconshire. The*
font dates from and"" a rood
screen of singular beauty from about
the year 1500.
There are three stone altars within
the old church and a little western
chapel built against it, while in the
churchyard stands a prefiching cross,
and Hie remains of a stone ledge or
bench run along the south wall of the
church, on which tin* congregation
could seat themselves Out of the
stem of an ancient yew tree grows a
rowan and a holly lice
Tradition says Ihe church was otic
iuaily built by a foreigner who was
cured of leprosy by the waters of ar.
adjacent well and who left "a hatful
of gold” to build a church as a thank
offering. Church Family Newspaper.
Jes' Up and Died.
An Atlanta man tells of a meeting
at a railway station there of two dark
ies who were exchanging gossip touch
ing the doings of their respective
"I s'pose you knows dat young Mis
tali Smiggs is dead?” asked one.
“No, 1 ain't heerd nothin’ 'bout it.”
said the other, “l’s cert’n'y surprised!
llow'd he die?”
“I ain't jes; certain what his com
plaint was," explained the first negro,
"hut it was sumthin’ sudden like heart
disease. He jes’ up an' died.”
' Well, 1 ain't so surprised bout dat, '
said the second darkey. "He was
bound to go off sudden-like. Why, dar
nigger was de most impulsive man I
ever seen!”
Willie—The Smiths are a kind of re
lation of ours. Our dog is their dog’s
brother.—The United Presbyterian.