The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 14, 1910, Image 6

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    The County in General
The “Doinjrs" of our Country Trieiuls
r» *
ami Neighbors.
John Hurk was a 1 alls Cily ' ItOf |
- iturdny
W. A Conk is i>;i tin sick list j
is w o k
Hill Minton of Omaha was in Itulo
Monday and Tuesday.
K (i Martin was a Falls City visit
nr otu day last week
Max Messer was a Falls City vis
itor one day last week.
Mr Perry of Lincoln was a Itulo
visitor one day last week
lotiii FI: her of Missouri was trail
mg In Itulo last Saturday.
Mrs Hoy Williams is visiting rela
tives in Missouri this wei k
Hurt Elliot! of Wyinort visited
with home folks over Sunday
tins Johnson visited with ills lam
ily at Nebraska City Sunday
Charlie ilest was transacting bus
icess in Falls Cily last week
taek cenniiiglmi of Wymon wa
a Itulo visitor om day last week
James Stewart of Highland was a
Itulo visitor tin- Iasi of the Week
less Zeigler of ill lie Hill, Nell, vis
Ited with his pa rents over Sunday
A C Craves of Wymore was a
Itulo visitor the first of the week
E. C Walhridge of Falls Cily was
a itulo visitor Ihe Iasi ol lie- week
(’hurtle Story of Wymore visited
relatives here ihe I'irsi of the week.
E. F. Human of Wyiuon visited
with friends lu i e Saturday and Sun
11 F. Cummings bridge itiapec-tor
from Wymore, spent Friday night in
Tom Deal and family of lievveeae.
Neb., are visiting relatives In Miis
Mr. Ford, one of t h - - telegraph op
erator, vvas truiwfered to Hrownville
last week
F E Kulp of Wymon was looking
after the Hurlitiglou’s interests here
Mrs Clydi Parish visited with rel
atives in St Joseph several days
last wet k
Elder Wright preiu lied to a large
congregation at (lie Methodist church
Sunday night.
Mr and Mrs. Claud Yocum spent
last week with the latter's mother,
Mrs. Akermun
I ’. T. Duncan lias purchased a rarin
in Oklahoma and will move there in
the near future.
Tom White of Senei a. Kas . vis
Ifed with Itulo friends the latter
part of last week.
Mr and Mrs Ika .larrott of Goffs.
Kas. visited with relatives here the
llrst Of the Week.
Mrs Ben l’oteet and children of
Denver visited with Unto relatives a
lew days last week
Sam Hall and wife have gone to
house keeping in the house lately va
cated by Carl Simon.
John Pop*1 and family spent the
latter half of last week visiting his
pari nts at Highland. Kas
Pearl Anderson visited a couple
of days with the family of l.ouis
Jones Hie first of tile week
Mi; Kobinsun of Ciearrnont, Mis
sou.i, visited with her son, James,
and wife in this city last week
Krnesi Shepherd returned home
from Graham, Mo., last week, where
lie has been working in a ding store
Mrs John Meistei and son return
• si to their home in Si Joseph last
week, alter a i isil with C .! Hubei
am laiuiiy.
The busiest and mightiest little
tiling tiittl es el was made is Cham
lierli'in's S*onmeh and liver tablets
i icv dii tie work whenev rr yov re
quire their aid. These tablets change
weakmss Into strength, listlessness
into energy, gloominess into joyotis
ness. Tltolr action is so gentle one
doesn’t realize they have taken a
purgative. S ih! by all druggists
Mrs. Chat Allen is r< iv.rted unite
si< k.
Mrs. (J Witiwtr ami on, Will Kt
ter went to Palls t ity one day last
Mildred It leon entertained her
cousins. Maggie and Pearl Duryen, of
Hern, Kas , during vacation.
W 11. Nlelron of Durr Oak. Kas.,
spent a short time Sunday with the
Mbin and Mcliinnis families.
Mrs. Cluts. Mason is home from
Kansas City, where she spent several
weeks having her baby treated by a
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Swisegood are
• re from Wallace county, Kansas,
visiting .the latter’s mother, Mrs Me
tiiiinis and other relatives.
Mrs. H. C. Bacon who is \isiting
her mother, at Siloam Springs, Ark .
writes home that they have delight
ful weather there \\ ith no snow.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is
not a common, every-day cough mix
ture. It is a meritorious remedy for
ail the troublesome and dangerous
complications resulting from cold in
the head, throat, chest or lungs. Sold
ly all druggists. 1
N. 11. Judd of Kali* City was on our
strict* Tuesday.
W. I! Hastings was a passenger to
Table Rock Sunday.
Del Delair waa in Falls City (lie
middle of the week.
Miss Imlu Hummel was a passon
:i-r to Lincoln Tuesday.
George Hrenner and bride recently
visited Falls City friends.
•lames llnlzda and daughter, Hose,
were in Table Rock Friday.
Frank llevelh returned Wednesday
from a visit In Webber, Kas.
Carl Mann was a St, Joseph vis
itor the middle id' the week.
Rev. and Mrs. Hounds recently vis
ited with relatives in Lincoln
Torn l ynch of Canada is greeting
Humboldt friends here tills week
Orin Shrauger of i’awnee City
*l»eiit Sunday with Humboldt friends.
Neil Skillet and wife visited friends
in 151 k Creek the first of the week.
Carrie Streje of Table Rock was
a guest of Humboldt friends Friday.
Ism Segrist left Wednesday to tit
tend the Lumberman's association at
Dell Parsons left the first of the
week to visit Ills grand-parents at
Monmouth, III
Frank Itoss is now proprietor of
Die Crystal theatre, having taken pos
session Monday.
iClmer Smith is in Olmstead, N. M .
this week where lie Is looking after
his land inter sts.
Miss Wall was confined to her
home tile pilst week, the result of a
fall oil Ihe icy walk.
('has Dasncss and wife of Alii
mice, Neb., are visiting relatives in
this vicinity this week.
Mrs, tleorge (Irinstciid of Maitland,
Mo, visited relatives here last week
and returned home Saturday.
Mrs. Sarah Murburger is clerking
in (lie Murburger shoe store during
tlte absence of Dell Parsons.
Will Norton returned the first of
the week from Omaha, where lie had
been to receive medical treatment.
Mrs. .1, K Liggett departed the
last of the week for Omaha, where
she will'spend a few day s with rela
The members of the Methodist
( lunch enjoyed an oyster supper on
Monday night, tit the rural home of
Peter (lergens and wife.
News of the death of John Asher,
a former resident of this place, but
lately (if Helleville. Kas., hits been
received by Humboldt friends.
Tommy Mann, a telegraph operator
who tins recently been transferred
from Table Hock to Salem, visited
friends and relatives here the last
Of the week.
tleorge Scgrist of Dallas. S. Dak.,
arrived in this city this Friday to
join his wife who has been spending
some time with relatives here.
Frank HutU rfield and wife and
daughter, Lillian, left Tuesday for
1 incola, where they will attend the
wedding of I In/..-I Mling, formerly of
tills place
\ii elaborate six oTloelc dinner at
tlii' home of J C Segrist and wife
Wednesday greeted a large number
of friends. Trail furnished the en
[ tei luin.nent in the evening.
J. K Liggett and wife returned to
tliis city Wednesday of last week to
remain permanently, after an ab
sence of one year Mr Liggett was
employed in the banks of Pawnee
j City and at llurehard.
Howard Chapman's sale on last
'Ct'diiy was well attended mid stock
1 " :,s sold at high figures. Mr. Chap
! . at. .. ill ...... gh . p i:.Mm* t" 'a''
| llostceka of Udell. Neb., why some
j time ago purchased the farm.
Mrs. Lie's residence in the north
| part of town luid quite a narrow es
cape from fir* one day this week,
i The fire is thought to have started
i .from a defective flue, but was ex
tinguished before much damage was
Have you a weak throat? If so you
lunnot t>e too careful. You cannot
, begin treatment too early. Kaeh cold
1 makes you more liable to another and
j the last is always the harder to cure.
If you will tuk. Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy at the outset you will be
saved much trouble. Sold by all drug
C. 11. Martin was in the city Satur
1 day
Miss Anna Franklvn spent Sunday
with Mrs. A. J. Kelly.
Mr. and Mrs. Delos Spickler were
in Falls City Friday.
Lank Shafer broke his leg while
baling hay last week.
K. H. Dunn took a car load of cat
I tie to St. Joseph Monday.
Mrs. M. J. Frazee is bacilj crippled
fpom a fall last Saturday.
Caleb Johnson is quite ill at tin
home of William Bollruau.
Mr. and Airs Wondring of Falls
City took in dedication services.
Miss Stella 1 out mar spent last
week with lii i- grandparents near \'» r
C F. MeK !i of tiriat [’."ltd, Kac.
in visiting his Miner, Mrs. Flora
T. C. Roe and family of .Falls City
attended the dedication services her
Frank Hinton came over from Shu
bert Saturday after his wife, who hue
lie "i studying photography here.
It v. A. Ividey is conducting revi
val services at the evangelical church
this week to continue indefinitely.
Fit tie Fern Dunn had the misl'or
tune to fall igainst the stove Sun
day, burning her face and hands quite
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy never
disappoints those who use if for
obstinate roughs, voids and irritations
of tiie throat and lungs. It stands
unrivalled as a remedy for all throat
.uni lung (list useB, Sold by all drug
10. Motiod spent several days In
Omaha last week on business.
M II Vatnlei enter was a business
visitor to the county seat Monday.
A family from Nehawka moved Into
the I. M. Swan property last Fri
Mrs C T Baldwin is suffering
this week with another attack of
Mr and Mrs Paul Havens of Oma
ha visilt d last week with Herbert
Hays and wife.
Mrs. Tlieo. Weaver has been con
fined to tile bouse this week with an
attack of croup.
Robert Goolsby and family visited
Saturday night and Sunday at the
home of I M. Goodloe.
John Tolly and wife and Mrs, Win.
Marts returned last week from it visit
at Liberal, Mo., with Mrs. Tolly's par
S II. Pulley and wife and Ira Mar
tin and wife went to Omaha on the
Sunday evening train, returning on
The Lutherans observed Prayer
Week last week, and Rev. Clarence
S'.viha: t is with them, preaching ev« r
Miss Carrie Deitrieh visited last
week with her aunt. Mrs. Tlieo. Wea
ver. Site is teaching at Gothenburg
again this year.
lv \ Krolt, wife and baby took a
sleigh ride to Howe Sunday, where
they spent the day with Mrs. Krolt's
sister, Mrs. Frank Awe.
The ice men finished their harvest
last Saturday, with a fine quality of
ice and now let the spring time come
tis soon as it wants to.
Mrs. Ciphers who lias been so poor
ly for the past three months is now
slowly improving and her many
friends hope for a speedy recovery.
William Hill, who came so near be
ing killed in a hold up or knock down
here a week ago last Monday night,
was able to be taken to his home
Sunday morning.
Mr Cook and wifi* moved last
week from the Swihart house in the
east part of town to the rooms back
of the postoffice, recently vacated by
the Berg sisters.
Professor Fast wood and Miss Allie
Paiis accompanied the high school
debating team to Peru Saturday,
where they sp< nt tiie day iii gather
ing material for the coming debates.
The many friends here of Mr. and
Mrs. A. .1 C. Robb of Lincoln were
very much surprised to receive the
news that the stork had made them
a visit and left a son. Mr. and Mrs.
Robb have been married tiventy-three
years and this is the first lislt of
the stork
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wolf celebrat
* ,* 4,1,44 4>44 '• ■ ,1,4444 *. 44i,i4 . . . , . |.i ^ Oil
Friday evening, .lanuary 7th, by in
viting twelve young married couples
to their home where a most enjoy
able evening was spent. It A. Clark
in behalf of the company presented
them with a biautiful pair of woolen
blankets with the remark that It
would certainly lie “wolfs in sheep's
clothing.'’ Mrs. Wolf served elegant
The Stella high school debating'
team gave their preliminary in the
opera house last Friday t ight and
tin program was very much enjoyed
by every one present. The* young
folks showed that, although they had
had a very short time for prepar
ation. they had given the subject
careful study and responded with ve-ty
able arguments. The team was di
vided to meet Falls City and Verdou.
Those who will debate' with Falls
City are: Misses Hath Argabriglit
and Stella 1 lelmick and Gem? Plas
ters and Harry Jenkins. Those
against Verdon: Miss Helen Bald
win, Marshal McDowell. Win. Bourke
and Gene Baldwin. I
Chamberlain's Couch Remedy is
a very valuable medicine for throat
and lung troubles, quickly relieves
and cures painful breathing and a
dangerous sounding cough which in
dicates congested lungs. Sold by all
Tin directors of tl»c Citizens bunk
met Monday afternoon,
loo Worr.'l r< turned from a week’s]
lav at Nebraska City.
Mrs. .John Bourke spent Monday at I
the home of Mrs. Wiles.
Mr and Mrs Gb-n Gates of Verdon
were shopping here Monday.
Mr. and Mrs~ Chits Sliulenberg
spent Saturday with home folks.
Miss Irene PrUr of Fulls City now
lias charge of our central office.
Ervin Shafer moved bis household
goods to town the first of the week.
Itoy Shafer, who has boon husking
corn near Salem, returned home on
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hinton are
spending a few days with home folks
near town.
Mr. and Mrs Henry Fitthbuunt vis
ited in the country the latter part of
last week.
Mrs. Brisb" and Mrs Oat house
were the guests of friends In the
country Saturday.
A party of young people met on
Monday evening and went sleigh-rid
ing. A jolly good time was had.
Mrs. F. N. Kinton returned home
from Harada Friday, where* she was
taking a course in photography.
Mrs. Falker of St. Heroin took the
train here Monday for Dunbar, Neb.
where she will visit relatives.
Miss Bessie Shafer is now \isiting
relatives at Salem. Sin* will also
visit at Falls City before returning
Mr, M. II. Taylor who was called
to Missouri by the death of a rela
tive returned home the latter part of
last week.
Mrs. .lean Casey of Oaks, North
Dakota, who is visit ing relatives
near town was the guest of Mrs.
Krug Monday.
Mrs. Carr of Omaha and Mrs.
Tompkins of Kearney, who arrived
to be present at the family reunion,
returned home Tuesday.
Ed. Krug sold tiis butcher shop to
his brother, Dolph, the first of the
Week. lie will give floss'-ssion in a
few days. Ed. will leave with his
wife for Kansas, where he lias pur
chased a shop.
Mr. and Mrs. .lake Birdsley of near
town came in Monday morning. Mr.
Birdsley assisted his father-in-law in
putting up ice, while Mrs. Birdsley
spent the day with her mother, Mrs.
I. C. Shulenberg.
A family reunion was held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. ,1. I\ King on
Sunday. All the children and their
families were there, except Myrtle,
who lives at (Vdarledge, Colo. A
bountiful dinner was spread and all
enjoyed the occasion.
L. Shafer, who in some manner
while baling hay on Friday, had the
misfortune to break a leg. Both
bones below the kn^e were broken.
Dr. Shook was called and set the
member and it is hoped by his many
friends that he will speedily recover.
To Whom It May Concern: All per
son. knowing themselves indebted to
me please call and settle, either by
cash or note. Respectfully,
J. <’. TANNER.
N. A. Arnold shelled corn Tuesday.
.1. A. Dunn hauled corn for Nick
Arnold Tuesday.
Andrew Lippold went to Falls City
on' business Tuesday.
Joseph Shawangs spent Sunday
at Wendell tier week's.
Mrs. Martha Giege is improving
from her recent illness.
Nick Lippold and family spent Sun
day at Wendle Gerwlck's.
J. A. Dunn and family spent Sun
day at Roy Dunn's in Baradtt.
Andrew Lippold and family spent
Sunday at Wendell Gcrv ic&’s.
Miss Rosie Gerweck returned to
her home at Odell, Neb., last week.
E. E. Butler and family spent Sun
day at W. F. Butler’s, in' Barada.
George Weisiustine of Texas, a for
mer resident ol this place, is spend
ing a few weeks with friends here.
Mrs. Henry Luhn of Orand Island,
who lias been visiting at Rudolph
Fuller’s, returned to her home on
Friday .
Misses Amelia and Eliza Constan
tine invited a few of their friends to
their home '-'riday evening to have a
good time. The evening was spent
in playing games until a late hour,
when refreshments were served by
the hostesses.
TRADE MORAL—Trying to win a
girl's love by taking her aunt
buggy riding is like an attempt
to do business without adver- |
tising. The aunt enjoys the
buggy ride, but it doesn’t help
your cause with the girl. The
merchant who wants to win
the home folks' trade will win
if he plugs persistently through
these columns.
Mrs. Ed. Rm gg. is cjiiii; ill at this
Horn—to Fred Matin t and wife,
January t>, HMD, a son.
Chewier Stump and family spent
Sutidaj with Ed. Kimmel.
Ivan Keller and wife visited with
E. T. Peek and family Sunday.
S. H. Kinsley and wife spent Sun
day with Rev. Plough and wife.
Mrs. (Jeorge Peek and Edith were
guests of the former's son. Elias, Sun
Wes. Nedrow and family spent Fri
day evening with Mrs. N. Peek and
Chester Stump went to Hastings
Monday to lie gone a few days on
Mahlon Peck and Della Knisely
were guests of Lloyd Knisely and
wife Sunday.
John Reischick and wife were the
guests of Eph. Peck and wife Sun
day afternoon.
(!. Maude Yocum and friend of
Falls City spent Saturday evening at
tile former's sister’s.
lienj. Stump and wife of Burwell,
Neb., are visiting with the former's
sister, Mrs. Lutz, and other relatives
this week.
F. S. Lichty and family accompan
ied by Mr. Harkins and Miss Brown,
spent Sunday evening with Ed. Kim
tnel and family.
Misses Wilma, Blythe and Donna;
Shaffer and Anna and Elsie Keiseli
ick, all school mates of Ethel peck,
visited her Sunday.
Ethel, the little daughter of .Mrs.
Noali Peck, while skating at the re
cess hour at school, fell and broke
her left wrist last Friday. She is
getting along nicely.
Mary Shoust, who lias lived on
the farm with her brother and sis
ter since her parent’s death, died at
her home Jan. 7th of uremic poison
and was buried Saturday at the Sil
ver Creek eemotery.
Twelve ladies assembled at the
home of Mrs. Noah Peek last Thurs
day, it being her birthday, and also
Mrs. Ed. Shaffer's, and spent the
day. A good time was reported and
some nice and useful presents were
left as a mementos of the occasion,
for both Mrs. Pock and Mrs. Shaffer.!
Anson Knisely and wife went to'
Sabetha, Kas., last week to attend,
the wedding of Mrs. K’s sister, Her
tha, to John Yoder of Sabetha, last
Thursday. Mr. Yoder and wife took^
a short wedding trip and were ex-!
pected to come to Falls City Tues
day to see Mr. and Mrs. Knisely.
Lame back comes on suddenly and
Is extremely painful. It is caused
by rheumatism of the muscles. Quick
relief is afforded by applying Cham
berlain's Liniment. Sold by all drug
To the level-headed young man,
a bank acccu t, added to the d 2
termination to make it larger,
means much. The names of
many such are on our books
Young man. young woman, if
your name is not on the list
would it not be wise to open an
account at once and keep adding |
to it? It's the right thing to do.
The amount may be small at first
- but all things must have a be
Bank I
And commence the saving habit now j|
Sweet Oranges
Nice Bananas
Fancy Crapes
Fine Lemons
Table Raisins
Imported Figs
California Figs
Fresh Dates
Seeded Raisins
All Kinds New Nuts
Come in and See
You eat them, but do you know of
the enormous protits in growing
them? We have an organization in
which investors cannot lose their
money. Our stock is guaranteed
Our profits are sure. Write for full
information. It will interest yeu.
The Mexican Banana Co., Box 117
Bis, Mexico City. Mexico.
for Feeble Old People, Delicate Children, Weak, Run-down
Persons, and to Counteract Chronic Coughs, Colds and
Bronchitis, is because it combines the two most world-famed
tonics — the medicinal, strengthening, boily-building elements
of Cod Liver Oil and Tonic Iron, without oil or grease,
tastes good, and agrees with every one.
We return your money without question if Vinol
does not accomplish all we claim for it.
A. G. WANNER, Druggist, Falls City.
Passenger Trains
South Bound
Tr. 104—St. Eonis Mail anil Ex
press .1:23 p. m.
Tr. 106—Kansas City Exp., 3:41 a. m,
Tr. 132 x K-C.local leaves. .7:30 a. m.
Tr. 138 x -Falls City arrives 0:00 p. m.
x- Daily except Sunday
North Bound
Tr. 103—Nebraska Mail and Ex
press.1:52 p- m.
Tr. 105—Omaha Express... .2:23 a. in.
Tr. 137 x Omaha local leaves d:15 a m.
Tr. 131 x—Falls City local ar
rives.8:45 p.m.
x—Daily except Sunday
Local Fit Trains Carrying Passengers
North Bound
Tr. 102x—ToAtchisou.11:10 a m.
South Bound
Tr. lOlx—TO Auburn.1:23 p m
Burlington Route
West Bound
No. 13 Denver Exp.1:10 a.
No. 15—Denver Exp. (Local) .1:40 p.
No-43—Portland Exp ...10:17 p. m
No. 41—Portland Exp...2:25 p. m.
No. 121—Lincoln Loc. via Ne
braska City.5:00 a. m.
East Bound
No. 14— St. J., K. C. & St. L. .7:38 a. m.
No. 44—St. J.. K.C. & St. L..
No. 10— St. J., K. C. & St. L. .4:22 p. m.
No. 42 St. J., K. C. & St. L. .0:52 p. m
No. 122—Frotn Lincoln, via
Nebraska City. 8:45 p m.
E. G. WH1TKORD, Agent.
'-C~T- ~ ...Jt. .>
—Nebraska’s choicest corn and
alfalfa lands for sale from $75 *
$85 per acre. Send for free list
Nider & Henrichs, Fairbnry, Neb