The Falls City Tribune Vol. VII FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1910. Number 3 HE WEEK'S SOCIAL EVENTS AS TWAS TOLD TO OUR SO CIETY EDITOR Various Kinds of Entertainment by Individuals, Lodges. Clubs. Churches, Etc. Sidney Specie invited the A. 15. Whist club to help surprise his wife Inst Saturday afternoon in honor of t er birthday anniversary. The sur i.ii'ise was complete, Mrs. Spence l'or time being "-o overcome she wit* un i. hie to express herself to her friends. She was preparing to en rtuin the club in her own wily on Monday. The afternoon was devot < d to whist and the game was played with the mfual enjoyment. Mrs. M. Wilson made the highest score of the afternoon Mr. Spence had ar jtuiged delicious refreshments for he ladies, though keeping within the limit set by the ladies at the begin ning of the club season. It was a • t ry delightful afternoon and fully en joyed by the ladies. Mrs. Hargrave 'd Mrs. John l’owell were guests of tie club. The Friends in Council met. last Pilday evening in regular session with Miss Jennie Heim as hostess. The fore part of the session was giv ■ n over to general business and plans for an entertainment to begin in the near future. When all business hud boon disposed of tables were arrang ed and Som'o.rset enjoyed until a lute hour. Light refreshments were sv rved after which the club adjourn ed to meet with Miss McDonald, Jan uary 24th. l meeting of the Shakespeare club v.,3 held January 7th, at the home of Mrs. Ishiim Reavis. The meeting Was well attended, the lesson being the first one on “The Winter’s Tale.” A letter of greeting from Mrs. Lind say, vice-president of this district, was read. The club made some changes in its by-laws at this meet ing. 1 Tile next meeting will be held January 14th, with Mrs. Rule. The L. B. T. Club were delightful ly entertained Saturday afternoon by Mrs. Clara Neal in honor of Mrs. Siocfum and Mrs. II. M. Jenne, who left Monday for an extended trip through the south. Needle work and a splendid social visit were enjoyed during the afternoon. At five o'clock Mrs, Neal and her daughter. Mrs. Lloyd Giannlni served a delicious slipper. Mrs. Slocum and Mrs. Jen in are very active members of the club and the afternoon’s entertain ment was given as a far well to them before they loft on the trip of sever al months. The occasion was one of mutual pleasure to all. i.iiss Minnie Albright entertained] on Friday evening for her sisters,Mrs. V- me Ripley of Council Bluffs, and Mrs.' Hayden Prater of Hutchinson, Kas. The evening was a very pleas ant-one. Music furnished a part of the evenings entertainment. Nice refreshments were served. Miss Al bright proved herself to be a genial hestess. -u.i Friday afternoon Slias Minnie, McDonald chartered a bob-sled and after school .dosed gave the children of the kindergarten department of tfc“ Central school a sleigh ride. This was surely a treat to the child ren, and Miss McDonald felt amply repaid by the way the little folks en joyed themselves. Mr. and Mrs. 1!. Simanton en tertained a company of friends with a whist party last Saturday ev ening. Guests were present for six tables and greatest delight was man ifested in the game until eleven o’clock, when the suming up of the score showed Mrs. John Hutchings and Mrs. W. H. Crook to have won the most games. Each was given a bunch of wh'te roses. At the end of the play a delicious supper was scrvde, Mrs. Simanton being assist ed in serving by her daughter, Mrs. Pence and Miss Manon, and Miss Mary .Tonkin.'. The Simanton home was made very attractive with cut flowers and potted plants, and with the cordial hospitality, the time pass ed too quickly and it was a very late hour before the guests could persuade themselves to make their departure. The evening was one of the week's social Successes. sleighing parties arc all the go :v :s week, and almost every evening \ finds a jolly party of young people out. Among those of the week was one given by the Sophomores. The class met at the home of Kuth Heinc man Friday evening and, chaperoned by their teacher, Miss Hand, spent a very enjoyable two hours riding. On returning to the liqineman home they enjoyed the remainder of the evening playing Som erset and other games. .Vice refreshments added much to the pleasure of the evening. Almost the entire Seventh grade high school met at the library Mon day evening, where a big bob-sled called for them and they passed the entire evening riding about town. Their laughter, song and merriment rang out clear above the many sleigh bells and if such a demonstration is any guide, surely this was a merry party of children. They rode until late and each child was left at his own home, after enjoying a fine ride. The Eighth grade, high school, was out for a bob-sled ride Monday night and judging from their cheerfulness, the music and laughter they were just about till' liveliest crowd out. I _ The Senior class made up a bob sled party last Friday evening and a jollier bunch it would be hard to find. For two hours they rode about town, making the air ring with laugh ter and school songs. Then they went to the home of Marion Siman ton, where Som’r’set and cards were enjoyed for quite a while, and before leaving a delicious oyster supper was served. The* ride was resumed and the young people left at their own door. The night was a fine one and altogether this proved one of the Jolliest sleighing parties of the week. Mrs. M. L. Wilson entertained the A. 1>. whist club Tuesday afternoon in her usual charming manner. The usual interest was shown in the game which was enjoyed until five o’clock. Mrs. Spence scored the honors of the afternoon, winning seven games. Dainty and tempting refreshments were served, after which the custom ary solid silvt r fork was presented the hostess. After the games ended considerable time was spent in visit ing among the ladies. The club ad journed to meet Friday afternoon at Mrs. It. A. Dittmar’s. Miss Maude Maddox, assisted by Misses Lizetta and Stella Patzman, entertained the Young Ladies Ken sington of the M. E. church last Monday evening at the residence of \V. li. Maddox. About forty ladies and gentlemen were present and pass ed a delightful evening playing som’er set and various other games. There was a pleasing musical program, the numbers being furnished by the guests. The ladies served a splendid supper in three courses. Missionary Meeting. The regular monthly Missionary meeting of the Woman’s Auxiliary of St. Thomas church met Monday evening with .Miss Clara Tanner, with a good attendance. The meeting was opened with devotional services led by the rector, Rev. Ceorge L. Noide, Roll call was responded to with quo tations from Proverbs. An interest ing paper, “Second Period Japanese History,” was read by Miss Tanner followed by a reading by Mrs. Neide, “Religions of Japan,” which was well read and showed careful study. General discussion of the mission ary work in Japan followed and serv ed helpful as well as interesting. The next meeting will he hold the second Monday in February with Mrs. James Ramsey. Grand Worthy Matron Coming Hattie Scot!, of Stromsburg, Neb., Grand Worthy Matron of the order of the Kastern Star of Nebraska, will be in this city next Monday evening for the purpose of disporting ttie chapter in this city. Special work will he put on; quite likely work will be put on under special dispensation. The Falls City chapter, is in very prosperous con dition, having almost doubled in size since the charter was granted last July. Falls City Chorus The Falls Ciiy Chorus has been in vited to sing in Kansas City, in a j cantata, “The Crusaders,” given j in Convention hall by Carl Bush. The! first rehersal was held Monday even ing and almost the entire member ship was present. The music of “The Crusaders” is beautiful and the mem bers derive as much pleasure as bene fit from the rehersals. BIRTH OF A NEW BUSINESS FRED H. SCHOCK S NEW STORE OPEN FOR BUSINESS. Makes Fine Display of Ready-to Wear Goods—One Price to All the Battle Cry. Saturday morning, January 8th, ■ he citizens of Falls City and its con tiguous territory helped to celebrate Tile Birth of a New Business.” .he formal opening1 of Mr. Fred The event had been well advertis 'd in the loc i, press and by circulars, it (1 the result was fully up to the ex ! cctations of its promoter. Mr. Schock was most fortunate in 1 ■:s, choice of location,—the Maddox block—and while his stock is not yet complete, is making a display that attracts much attention and favorable comment, and while The Tribune dots not pose as a prophet, it nevertheless ventures the opinion that Fred f chock will make good and is here to stay. Mr. Schock impresses upon the public ip his advertising his policy— (no price to all; no transaction oom p'ete until the customer Is satisfied. Be claims for ids advertisements that t ey will be straightforward and de pendable,—all of which are safe poli ties for a merchant to follow. The line of goods handled by Mr. Schock are of a high-class nature,and in many instances are of a quality aid individuality seldom found out side of metropolitan stores. Mr. Schock is essentially a Falls City boy, having begun at the lowest rung in the mercantile ladder rigid here in his old home. He comes to Falls City from Nebraska City,where he has had charge of the dry goods department of the F. W. Cleveland & Son store. He is an expert advertis ing writer and an authority upon ad vertising in general, being a regular contributor to advertising periodicals. Mr. Schoek comes to Falls City at a propitious time, and Tile Tribune, for one, extends the glad hand and trusts that success attends him from the opening day. A Fad With Young People. It appears to be a fad in these progressive days for young people to attend church simply to visit each other. All through the service, little groups can be seen whispering, laughing and apparently innocent of the fact that those about them came for a different purpose. We are creatures of habit, but we ought not to cultivate these habits that annoy those in the same pew that came to hear the sermon and enjoy the splen did music. Remember the maxiuin, that there is a time and place for everything, and surely young ladies and gentlemen would not make the house of God a place of amusement. People expect at times to be dis turbed by children,but are certainly surprised when young ladies and gen tlemen so far forget themselves us to attract the attention of all about them. On not form the habit of visiting during church service, it is hot the proper time nor place for that pleasure. Dedication Services. Special from Rarada. Dedication services Sunday were carried out according to announce ment. A number were in attend ance from a distance. Bishop I4eil delivered three powerful sermons. After the morning services offerings were taken for the clearing of the debt of $1,400 still remaining on the property. The responses were ready and generous and more than the de sired amount was quickly raised. In the afternoon the German services were followed by dedication services. The Bishop preached again In the evening. It was a great and glori ous day in the history of Barada. Money in Mules. Specia from Stella. Milt Stanley sold at his sale last week a span of mules for $575.00. Henry Gentry, recently sold his mule team for $490.00. Frank Johnson sold a team for $400.00 and Frank Weaver one for $375.00. Now why don't everybody raise mules? A Royal Slave. The Bennett production, “A Royal Slave,” was the attraction at the Gehling Saturday evening. A small house greeted it. The play was well handled by each player and those who attended received the worth of their money. NO FURNACE AT CO. FARM THE COMMISSIONERS WILL DO NOTHING AT PRESENT. Other Pressing Needs of Greater Importance Say the Board of Commissioners. _ A committee of Indies from the City Federation watted upon the county commissioners last Wednesday after noon to see if it would not bo pos slide to convince the hoard of the necessity of n furnace at the county farm. The ladies of the committee were .Mesdames Ewnlt. .Iciinings, I till and Miss .Jennie Keim (Mult women and a large p< r cent of the people feel that it would hi the end mean economy, to ray nothing of the com fort of the aged and helpless who must stay theie, to put a furnace at the poor farm The idea Is one far from providing luxuries for indolent ones or encouraging Idleness. It is purely a humane act; a feeling of pity for the aged inmates who are nimble to can for a stove or light without dangi r to Hie whole struc i lure, and so must to u certain ex j tent suffer ftom cold. They feel that, it is entirely optional with the commissioners who is sent to the farm and that good judgment would prevent the unworthy from reaping the benefits of the real needy. The commissioners, while fully ap preciating the interest shown, seem to feel that to a certain extent, the placing of what many would consider a luxury at the county farm would encourage idleness, and a desire to he there. They claim, and it 1h true, that there arc many families over the county in which are many helpless children, who need care and could not be sent there for lack of room, but must have county assistance. They feel that the Inmates of the county farm are comfortable and pro vided for far above the average in mate of a like institution. Another thing, the county has had heavy ex pense for paving and other unforseen conditions, and the commissioners all i feel that they would not be justified at this time m draining upon the county general fund. And so for the present at least, there will be noth ing done in regard to placing the fur nace. Kentopp. The death of John Kentopp occur ed Sunday, January 9th, 1910 at the home of his- son, William Kentopp near Verdon at the advanced age of eighty years, nine months. Ho was born at Greos Hrengon,Germany,May 9, 1829. lie served in botli the Aus trian and German armies, in 1854 he was married o Miss Henrietta Itiett, and of the four children born to them,three attended the funeral. Mrs. Jacob Asthuger.who lives in Germany, was unable to be here. The three present were William and August living near Vtrdon, and Mrs. Augus ta Tschopp of Chicago. At the age of fourteen years John Kentopp united with St. Mary's Iut theran church and lias continued a steadfast and constant member of the same. In the years of iiis residence here lie has won for himself a large circle of friends who admired and respected him as a good and worthy friend ami neighbor. Besides the aged wife1 and children there are many relatives who survive Mr. Kentopp, and to all is extended the sympathy of the community. The funeral services were held Monday at the Lutheran Church conducted by Rev. Forest, and the burial took place in the church cemetery. Slight Wreck. Thursday morning an M. P. freight car jumped ib< track at Straussville and was damaged considerably • by being run down by the rest of the train. The one car was the only one damaged, but the passengers in the caboose were shaken up some. After a couple of hours the train was ready to proceed again. Wanted Salesman. We want a re liable, energetic agent to represent us in Falls City. Have an attractive proposition to make to the right man. Address, United Wireless Telegraph Co., 622 Be»e Rldg Omaha, Neb. A New Hotel. Mrs. Belle McPherson lias opened up a hotel In the Hermes building, just west of V. G. Byfords store. It will be known as the European hotel, and is up-to-date in every respect. FOUGHT LIKE DEMONS. Two Men Fall From Roof of Freight Car to The Ground. Passengers waiting for the early morning train at the Missouri Pacific depot, Thursday morning, were re galed with a sigld, which was dra matic enough for the wildcat kind of a undo-drama, There was a moving freight, train in Hie yard, and, while the tempera ture was below zero, their attention was called to two hot-headed lirake mon, who were on top of a freight ear. The two men had gotten into words with each other and the words led to blows. They indulged ir a hand to hand conflict in their perilous posi tion and finally clinched. In wrestling about the roof of the car the men lost their equilibrium and were plunged to the ground be low. In some miraculous manner they escaped being crushed on the frozen ground by the force of the fall, and rolled away from the moving wheels of the car. They were not badly injured. The names of the combatants could not lie learned.— Auburn Republican. Think This Over, "Did it ever occur to you that a man's life is full of crosses and tem ptations? lie comes into the world without his consent and goes out of it against his will, and tin1 trip be tween is exceedingly rocky. The rule of contraiics is one of the feat ures of tile trip. "When he is little, the big girls kiss him; when he is big, tin* little girls kiss him. If In* is poor, he is a bad manager; if lie is rich, he Is dishonest. If lie needs credit, ho can't get it; if lie is prosperous, ev eryone wants to do him a favor. “If lie is in politics, it is for gfaft; if he is out of politics, lie is no good to his country. If he doesn't give to charity, he is a stingy cuss; if he does, it is for show. If lie is active ly religious, he is a hypocrite; if he takes no interest in religion, he is n hardened sinner. If he gives affec tion. he is a soft specimen; if he cares for no one, he is cold blooded. If he dies young, there was a great future before him; if h< lives to tin old age, he missed Itis calling. If you save money, you're a grouch; If you spend It, you're a loafer; If you get it, you’re a grafter; ly you can’t get it, you're a bum +>o what's thou sc." Shouse. Miss Mary Shouse died at one o’clock a. in., Friday, January 7th, 1910 at her noine five miles north of this city, where for a number of years she lias resided with her broth er and sister. She was about seventy years old, and leaves to mourn her death a sister, Kate, cud two brothers, John ami Philip, tv. sides her nieces and nephews. The funeral was held from Silver Creek church last Saturday afternoon and the burial was made in the Sliver Creek cemetery. Dawson Booster Club. Dawson is fast finding herself. Through the efforts of The Outlook. Dan I Hiley John G Smith Dr Ed Days, W It Alexander, I. W. Watson Win. Kenton, S. C. Harlow, T. P. Cummings, Dr. A. E. Burgher. (J. W. Daggett, B. S. Scott, E. A. Kemist, ,c. ,M. Coopei, l)ou O'Grady and others, a “Boosters” club was organ ized there last week, the purpose of which will lie to work for a better and larger Dawson. Pythian Sisters Meet. The regular meeting of the Pythian Sisters was held Monday night. Elec tion of officers was tile business be fore the session and the result is as follows: Mrs. M. L. Wilson, E. Mrs. Car rie Paxton. E S.; Miss Naomi Fall stead, E. .1 ; Mrs. Amelia Spence, M. of F.; Mrs. l. ft. Manst, M of it. & ('.; Mrs. It C. Kirkpatrick. Protec tor; Mrs. W. S. Leyda, Gnard.\ Died at Lincoln Monday. Word reached this city tile first of the week that Harry Pittoek, a form er resident of this city, died at a hos pital in Lincoln. Mrs. Pittoek left at once for that place to make arrange ments for the burial. Will Wtd January 25th. Cards are out announcing the mar riage of Miss Katheryn Shulenberg and Mr. George Sinclair at St. Fran cis Catholic church in tiiis city Jan uary 2.r>th. 1910. THE COMERS AND COERS HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME. What Your Friends and Their Friends Have Been Doing the Past Week. Russel Hlett of Salem spent Sun clay here. Roscoe Anderson was clown from Humboldt. Friday. Todd Hoppe and wife were up from Preston Saturday. Mr. and ADs. Delos Splckler were down from Barada Friday. John Crook made a business trip to Nebraska City Monday. Dr. J. L. dandy was down from Humboldt on business Friday. I. C. Muust returned Saturday from a business trip to Kansas City. Miss Mary Miller was down from Dawson between trains Thursday. Dr. Bert Wlndle returned Saturday from a huslm rh ti ll) to Lincoln. Miss Hattie Long went to Atchi son Monday to visit friends. J. H. Miles came in Sunday from California after a visit with his fam ily there. Airs. Jeff Gilbert and daughter,Mias Alice, of Rulo were shopping hero Saturday. Mrs. R. E. Grinstead and daughter. Miss Hazel, were down from Salem Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Itert Coleman went to St. Joseph Thursday evening fop* a short visit. Mrs. Jeff Prater of Rockport visit ed over Sunday with her cousin,Mrs. Grant Sperry. Mrs. Oille McLain returned Satur day from a weeks visit with her cousin in Topeka. Mrs. Antoinette Layman went to Omaha Saturday for a visit with rela tives and friends. Mrs. George Moore and daughter, Mrs Frank Straub, of Hamlin were here last Saturday. N. D. Judd was over to Morrill Thursday to attend the big Hale of the Roberts estate. Arthur Zook was over from Raker, Kas., the latter part of the week re maining over Sunday. George Gilligan was abltc to re turn to school Monday after a se vere siege of tonsilitis. * Mrs. W. A. Greenwald has been ill for the past two weeks, but Is now somewhat improved. Mrs. Clarence Heckler of Oklaho ma is in tile city visiting at the home of tier brother, Grant Windle. John Crook returned Sunday from Coin. Iowa, where lie attended the marriage of his brother-in-law. There was an unusual large number of out-of-town people hero Saturday night to see "The Royal Slave." Mrs. Mary IJowdy of Nebraska City who has been visiting Mrs. John W. Holt returned to her home Friday. Miss Florence Judd returned Sat urday from Dawson, where she visit ed home folks during the holidays. Mr and -Mrs. William Wilson will leave next week for Florida to spend the remainder of the winter. v Tom Carlyle ami Miss Nola Mc Cool drove down from Salem Satur day evening tea ttend "The Royal Slave.” If you anticipate buying a home n this oily, now is the opportune lime It will never be as cheap as I ,u present. Mrs. Fred Sehook came down from | Nebraska City Thursday. They will I go to liousekei ping as soon as their I goods arrive. Walter Van Lauingham and wife, who have been visiting the family of David Ransom, returned to their home in Shtibert Monday. Free! To introduce the ‘‘Onyx” guaranteed enamel ware we will give free one kettle with each 25c | purchase Saturday.—Ricks. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kanaly were over from Reserve Saturday to spend the day with their parents, and re mained for “The Royal Slave.” Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Korner re j turned Thursday from Pittsburg,Kas., j where they spent the holidays with their daughter. Mrs. Harry Morrow. Mrs. Katherine Hoppe has shipped her household goods to Corning, la., and with her daughter, Mrs. Tlieron Melding, left Friday for their new home.