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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1910)
—t~ ■ »■» i mi i «dc era aanBi djaMB.^^atia'inw The Point in Question 71 _ t\INijLV CRITIC ■Pantrn:-»mis*«»» ' » V • nor '.I * . .-a -** . WScd*Ks. RHIlflL.JI “Aim! the ; nan at cf first I. * 'mrity. However heinous a < ■ <• a nut: may commit, or ,ui■ r i Lilly h< may ih serve pui. hi; '( j o. • (I for his i i •. i, in .11. . i in spite of this, there L still too to es< n ice fl at gelden attribute— charity. Aside from the wrongdoer, there are other:; who ft't most pi>i»uani of ••. vf, . >. * (| f ai'i.. and by I hi* i . that Li' 1 ru run to si Mill out the bull’ i lev.' ami cut i ii tbi i i , • Hi • a i, lull pan iri iui: In a rl • • ih ' a i we tho • who miff.t ami arc in ent; v bo i . I'ii. i» ml la 'it Li : Lip in; a . .. '' !'• • a! ■ ... i ,i • cliff* . i fr ; ! . .. .1 Vi . • ’ •• 1 or : ■ , \ ... are tbit;: biUii^l to <• v i •: f a • grossed the law Suo< id y.a a and charity be expended in lame met an ; tor if ever in their lives that grout need cf charity and sytn wntIn is needed, ii is now. "Jest wjial the ‘Chaperon' in the Kntisaa City Star has go! to do with » are out, but almost every day her •diets arc east in my teeth wither my wife or daughter'’ lie w;ts slightly "riled,1 and he did not seek to hide that fart as he talked to liis friends in the hotel office. Con • nuing tie said: "If one enjoys their ♦ up of coffee as they eat. v^liy iti ivrfero with the program simply lie •an so tile 'Chaperon' says that oof tee should be served at the close »f the meal? What’s the Chaperon got to do with my coffee? 1 pay for it. And if no one is around and 1 want to take a piece of apple pie up •n rny hands, picnic fashion, why should the Chaperon butt in. 1 s'on’t know her, nor she me; and if » want to take hold of my wife’s inn on the street, its nobody's bus rcfs sometimes she's so hampered with wraps i( would be impossible for iter <o take hold of my arm. For the *iake of peace in the family i'll agree v.i many things the Chaperon recom mends, link I warn her, and my wife and daughter too, to let my offee alone. I want it early in the - irue, and I’m going to have it.” There are different ways to achieve . reatness, and it is well that this is *0, els,' many people in the world \spiring to that end, would never he heard of. I know a lady who is great” beeausi of spoons. Spoons is her hobby, her idol, her life. She ‘ras beep gathering spoons for lo hesc many years, and her collection is both rare and numerous. And she calks spoons- oh. how she can talk Then the subject of spoons is intro duced and if you don’t introduce nat subject, she will. She has sou venir spoons from lauds of sun lo Sands of show -from Half ins Bay lo he Straights of Gibraltar- spoons for I purposes and all occasions man spoons, soup spoons, fruit spoons, jelly spoons, desert spoons. and •poons. And as she displays them, which is a great pleasure for her. -iiif cannot help but notice' their ox n limit condition. They are seldom •sed some of them have never felt, i tie contaminating touch of mere 'nod. They are not for use—just a ftlleetion of spoons. It would be ,11 serene if she would talk about •■something else besides spoons but -fie can’t. No matter if the conver sation takes a lofty flight and soars to the realm of club work, literature religion, she will see to it that i comes lo earth again, and will iveetly inquire, 'have you seen miy new melon spoon?” lOnvioua people hint that it is a form of dem < a till, but I don't believe it. As 1 ■>iiiid at first, there are different ways • if achieving greatness, and this is ne of them spoons. He was wheezing, and liis neck /us swathed in flannel,and altogether he looked miserable, and he said his feelings had liis looks beat U' .dock, Said he: “A hunch of merry /nits’ persuaded me that there was othing quite equal to an old fashion 1 bob sled ride, with hay in the ittomofthe wagon bed to sit upon, .ml I left a nice warm fire and a rood book to engage in the most dis strous frolic I was ever led into before. It was a novelty. I’ll say 'hat for it so is aviation or suicide, was chilled to the bone the whole •ip, and I tie girl next to me couldn't alk for, her teeth chattering. One riddy youth sal upon my foot part of ne time and was continually saying iet’s sing something,’ and some Jool started ‘Hot Time in the old Town Tonight.’ It was awful. 1 have figured it out. this way: If here was good sleighing the year round nobody would want, to go sleigh riding, except through neces sity, and a man who proposed a bob vied ride with hay in the bottom of me wagon bed, would he promptly .ir.vsti (k -at ioiibt lie ought to lit*. A i -I aa't have Isa 1 this cold for fif ty dollars. Hereafter. I'll side-stop t ! uich f i ’i a. lion fcofa um mu turd foot-bath." Ii in iiub • d as. ill v- itid that fails a waft KOmc good t<4 somebody. This i 1 x- inputs -d by the ut venous ap " ft that (Of pn Vi'.;: to f.• Ku a.i City stair . ait ib ta' If I.) the i n irntl iin . 11 lull - d th rein, the detatlB of v i ts is. ha ov In; . t ! It is i'.ipo a',de to (slim. till ■ la a Veen a r U< t. tan a I V iv ii 1 f t .• . p ture • ■ ; d s : ■ A.I i , ii; in a npi 1 1 . ,. a blood etmllliig. t iTTl C . ..1 i NSC.—E’10 VAGUE-S i* t 1; Shews a Edu at g ; a Well As a Pleasure. 1 Did you over ■ lop to consider the • all amount of expense incurred in . isltlng the moving picture show and (he big i ^rd(s you get for your money. Many a man who spends hie last tiieki 1 for fire-water could have a great deni more fun going to the mining picture how, for it cheers without inebriating. Whim you take other pleasure: there are always lit tie side excursions that cost extra money. For example: when you go to tlie racen, you are almost sure to place your money on the wrong horse; when you go to the theater,you must change your collar and polish youi shoes; and when you go to church you must assume an attitude and a look of piety that ill becomes a black sheep without the fold. But when you go to the moving picture show, you can sit 'way back in the corner in the semi-darkness where the mai hack of you can't see the diit on you neck, and where, if you are real careful you can cat peanuts and I lien throw the shells on the floor. And just think of the educational advantages. Fifty years ago the only idea we had of I’aris, Berlin and London, were the somewhat hazy and indefinite ideas we gleaned from the old McGuffey geography with its bum and antiquated woodcuts that looked like anything but what they were supposed to represent. Now, you spend ten cents at the moving picture theater and see Paris in all her glory, Berlin and her wide, tree lined streets, London with her double-deck tram-cars and her inimit able fog. If you like stirring scenes you can see anything from a Georgia lynching bee to an express train hold up in California, so realistic that you can almost hear the cries and liooi ings of the angry mob or tile crack of the pistol shot. But best of all. you can go home with the satisfaction that you turn not spent the best pa it of a fivc dollar William for I wo seats at a poorly produced "high-biow” theatri cal production - Fx. Christian Church Notes. Two splendid audiences wen1 at Christian Church last Sunday to hear the pastor give his first annua! re port, and in that report it shows a membership of 330, or a net gain during the year of 142. All money re eieved during the year $3,377.51 or a gain of over $2,000 during the past year. Every department shows a splendid increase In members and finance. The revival meetings will com mence riext Sunday. George W. Jones, our musical director is here and has the chorus well organised, and with the chorus and orchestra will furnish splendid music for ev ery meeting. Following are the sub jects for discourse at the church next week. Sunday morning. Jan. a "Love and Spiritual Gifts." Sunday evening, Jan. !l "Elements of Power in the Bible." Monday evening. January 10— "Spiritual Decline." Tuesday evening|.lanuary 10 "Who Can Know His Heart?" Wednesday evening, January 12 "God's Light Houses." Thursday evening, January 13 "A Family Religion." Friday evening, January I t "Keep ing the Word." Saturday e vening. January 15 "llow lteadisl Thou?" Remember the dates; emue and bring yoyr friends. Splendid singing. | Pointed preaching. Come and hear a man who desires to be your friend. Frank Vertiska came near making a new record at Pawnee City last week when he sold a load of pure bred Duroc Jersey hoga on the mar ket for the neat little sum of $220.8<>. There were eight animals in the load, and he received eight cents a pound for them. The spring gilts weighed over 300 pounds each, and the fall gilts just 400* pounds. This is an other demonstration that it pays to raise blooded stock. '• WJP-^ :W J . r, 11e r-y 7 t h. - f 1: r'''i , ; tie n yon stev. them are a mighty nice thing to begin wit . I m1t you think so? There is' lots of difference in the kinds of prunes you get though. If you want to get real nice prunes you must go to a gro?ery that carries good prunes and other fruiis. Your frten , Jacob. . S. A11 of Celery, Fresh Oysters, Dried Fruits--the best to be had, at Schmitt’s Meat Market & Grocery Notice of Sheriff’s Sale. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of an order of sale, issued out of tiie District Court, in and for Richardson County and State of Nebraska, under the seal of said court, dated on the 3d day of March, 1909, and to mo directed as sheriff of said county, to be executed, i will on the 11th day of January,!910, at 10 o'clock a. in., of said flay, at tin west doer ot the Court House in the city of Falls City, in said county aid state, offer for sale at. public vendue, and sell to the highest and best bidder, the property described in said order of sale towit: Lot tbre CD block six (6) Rouleau Ai Bedards addition (o the town of Kulo proper. Richardson County, Nebraska, to satisfy a decree of said court, with interest and costs recovered by Moses Frederick against Allen K. Bowersox, administrator of estate of Amelia M. VanKirk, deceased, Lizzie VanKirk, Gilbert VanKirk and Cora Bowersox. Terms of sale, cash. Given under my hand at Falls City, Nebraska, this Stli day of December, 1909. W. T. FFiNTON, Sir rilf. By. loliii Wiltse. Attorney for l’ltf. Notice to Redeem From Tax Sale. Notice is hereby given, that J.H. Shafer purchased of the county treas ure! of Richardson county, Nebraska, at private tax sale, on the 15th day of April, 1908, the west half of the east half of the southwest quarter of .lie southwest quarter, of section six,een, township three, range seven teen, situated and lying in Richard son «ounty, Nebraska, and contain ing ten acres of land more or less, for the taxes of the year 18X7, and assessed in the name of Adam Mich el. That on the 10Lh day of Decem ber, 1908, the said purchaser, J. H. 'Shafer duly assigned tin1 said lax certificate of purchase to the under signed; that the time of redemption w'il expire on the 16th day of April 1910; that unless said premises are redeemed on or before the last nam ed date, he will apply to the county treasurer of said county for it tax deed for the same. Rated December 22d, 1909. WALTER ORR, Assignee. hirst publication Dec. 24, weeks. If Mrs. Jones buys her coffee at Smith's each week - If the coffee in your store is bet ter than Smith's and cheaper— Why. TELL MRS. JONES! Don't dash wildly across the street to tell her, thou, h: shed laugh at you. Insert a sat * , force ful advertisement in this paper about your coffee. We'll catch her eye by making your ad. attractive. T. . ;n ill that Is left for you u> do is to take in the money for the coffee Mrs. Jones buys. I I'"'1 **> W N I .) We Guaranty. o '• •. « Your Gold wuh Rcxail Co « iu- ts or Rexall Ch ry Juice C©u<gh yr p 25c. iiach Only £.1 M'Mill-m’j [ Pharmacy THE REXALL STO T Opposite IWolficc i alls Cu v, —. .. * *■— —•" II. M. Jeiine Shoe Store Exclusive Agents for the famous line of “ BALL BAND 1 RUBBERS. Rub ber Boots and Overshoes Everything in Shoes Magnetic Healing Miss Lizzie Reitlaml. a gradu ate of the Weltrncr School of Magnetic Healing, of Nevada, Mo. I am prepared to treat dis eases of all kinds. Phone 27‘>. Located at Mrs. Burris’ residence south of the convent. 4t D. S. ricCartliy KRAY ArSI'*) TRANSFER Prompt attention given to the removal of house hold goods. PHONE NO. 211 Wanted! Horse and Cow Hides, Wool and Pelts highest Market Price Porter Randolph Fa'ls City. Phone 422 FRANK PECK Auctioneer If you contemplate having a sale see me or write for terms at once I guarantee satisfac tion to my patrons. FALLS ( I I Y, NEBRASKA C. H. MARION AUCTIONEER. Sales conducted in scientific and busi nesslike manner C. H. MARION Falls City, Nebraska | There are just two kinds of Monumental work — OURS and the other kind— I Get Ours City Marble Works i • R. A. m. F. A. NEITZEL, Mrfrs. ; . »o sons Why You ; d Bi y The GREAT MAJESTIC i Its oAttert At COPtn ft HI. KftVOI* THE GREAT MAJESTIC MALI CABLE AND CHARCOAL IRON RANGE Lasts 1 Hirer, Heats More Water, Heats it Qu’cker, Les L< -s Fuel, Bakes Better, /.i l ! " r ?al satisfaction than any other i on the market. It yon will call at our store, we will prove these facts to you. "T * SUI SU ETEJ TINNING AND . C. I A N t, r\ PLUMBING Oklahoma Land Bargains MARSHALL, OK LA. Located on the Santa Fe Railroad, in a fine agricultural district half way between Enid and Guthrie. We have 5 churches, 2 banks with one-quarter million deposits, fine brick school building and good twelve grade school. We are second to none in the raising of wheat, corn, cats, cotton and fruit. The average rain fall for the past seven years has been (37) inches. If you are looking for a home, or an investment, this section of the state offers you the very best inducements. Wife us for in formation, or better come and see. 160 acres—31,, miles from town, 130 acres under cultivation; 30 acres in pasture. Good five room house, good orchard, two wells of good water, barn for six horses, granary room for 1,000 bush els. '10 acres fall wheat, 7 acres hog-tight Pice $40 per acre. We Have Land from $20 Per Acre Up 160 acres—120 acres in cultivation, 40 acres in pasture. Good six room house, small barn and granary, plenty of good water, This is fine alfalfa land and is a bargain at $60 per acre. DOOLEY <Sc SHANKS ,,/w .. w YOU WILL SHARE OUR PRIDE in dental work if you have need of our services and avail yourself of our skill, experience and facilities. We don't do half way work it’s all or nothing with us. as many people know to their own great gratification. Note, please, that we make no charge for expert examin ation. I)R. YUTZY BERT W1N1M.K, I). I>. S. Assistant f alls City, Nebraska YOUR DOLLAR Will corns back to you if you spend It at home. It is gone forever if you send it to the Mail-Order House. A glance through our advertising columns will give you an Idea where it will buy the most. There’s a Way To defeat the mail order man’s cut throat methods in this community. The way is publicity for your business it’s the same way he uses. Oua columns will give your business the publicity you need.