The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 07, 1910, Image 2

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The of Bitter Values The Home of Better Values
The House of Modern Methods The K< rse of Modern Methods
The Stoic of Dependable Wear ^he Store cf I cper.datie \<ear
Coats — Dresses
I have secured the exclusive
agency for America's foremost
Coat and Suit M mufucfurcr.
They represent the highest
type of workman; hip, material
and correctness in style. Without
* hesitancy I cairn them to be the
best line ever produced. I have
never found a hue that will com
pare favorably with them. One
glance will settle the question
with you. You can t better the
best. And yon can’t better Cohn,
Baer & Behrman’s Coats and
Suits. I am showing; a few num
bers now. Soon as the Spring
Season opens,I will ha on dis
play their complete line of High
Grade Coats, Suits and Dresses.
■ n ? -V.I ic p *. rh f
Vtu »* L" •••Wufv • •*
Women's Ready-to-Wear Notions, Gent’s Furnishings
Formal Opening of
New Ready-to-Wear Store
Sat Morning, Jan. 8
Maddox Block, Falls City Opposite Court House
•’AN 1-H . " -<» L 1
X • • • '*. • k **
Due So tie !;it• mct of the season, I
have deemed best to !: •.. sparingly of
Worn ifs Suits and
I v. .3 i. her fcrtwuafe in se
curing a fe w • y exceptional val
ues n run ana Coals. My lias
in' y i o be as d.-.rgo but my
•.. u s ; i ? a r gr :U. r than ever
offer: .1 be£o;o in '.Lis vicinity.
The irv. „t and smartest outer
ga m id of the seat.on. It has
met with immed ate aioecss be
cause it is absolutely die only
thing new that Jus been produc
ed. They .. c It inches long and
are cut v. th a ge: crous sweep.
Black and luc ar > the prevailing
colors, v. i 1, a touelf of color and
trim ning.
Ruth Waists
Silk or I inen
Waists that demand attention,
because they are made better,bet
ter material and later styles. You
can't improve a Ruth Waist. You
cannot better the best. All I ask
is a chance to show you and in
spect them for yourself.
We call your special attention
to the new changeable silks and
the new designs.
Right Prices.
Kid Cloves
Kid Gloves is a very peculiar
proposition, even the best are
none too good. I think I have a
good line as made. Lamb skin,
and French kid do not run uni
form. We are never certain about
the wearing quality I will state
that my goves are as good as
Black and Colors, $1 and $1.50.
Yarn Gloves and Mittens—were
bought late, bought right, bought
to sell at a price.
I cordially invito tha public of Falls City and vicinity to visit and inspect this most up-to
date store dedicated to all buyers of Value Ready to Wear, Notions and Gents Furnishings. The
new is always a subject of inter., t, and the op nin». c this business is of first importance, not
only for its newness, but for its splendid assemblage of merchandise of real merit and for the
service it may be expected to render. The policy v l:ieh will be steadfastly adhered to, in the con
ducting of this business will be founded strictly on successful modern methods.
Strictly One Price to All.
No transaction complete until the patron is satisfied. Money promptly refunded on request.
Courteous treatment and good service rendered each customer.
As to IV3y Advertisements
The advertisements of mine will be straightforward and dependable. No exaggeration, not
even in the least. They cannot fail to be interesting, because they deal with opportunities of bet
ter values for your money. Their truthfulness, no one will have the slightest occasion to ques
As to My Merchandise
It is my aim to become the acknowledged leader of style and good values. I have spared
no time in bringing together merchandise, that I am sure will give the very best satisfaction.
I offer the same to the public, with the assurance that nothing better is produced at any given
price. The quality v 'll always be backed by my name.
As to Prices
My policy will be to provide the best values in Falls City, Nebr., to gwe the highest quality
and smartest styles possible to procure at any given price. There will be no deviation from marked
prices. The policy of One Price to all and that price the lowest being absolutely adhered to. I
invite comparison. I am not afraid of my goods or prices.
Yellow Tags
Will appear on broken line, special lots, or to reduce stock. I use this method to move spec
ial lines. This gives every person equal chance to take advantage of reduced prices. The reas
on. In a case of overbuying, over estimating or broken lines, prices will move the goods.
Yellow Tags Designate Lower Prices.
On account of delayed freight service from the east, my complete line will not be on dis
play the opening day. The line will be nearly complete with a few exceptions.
You will be delighted with the superb showing of good values now on display.
For the accommodation of my friends and patrons,I have fitted up the back section of the
store as a rest room. Everything will be made as comfortable and home like as possible. Writing
paper, Talcum Powder, Fashion Books for your convenience.
Visit the store, and make yourself at home in my rest rocm.
To remind you of my Notion
Department and Womans Furnish
ings—Colgates, Williams or Men
nens Talcum Powder 15 cents.
Notions of all kinds. Right
prices. Complete showing of New
Gents’ Furnishings
For opening— splendid
showing good values in
Dress Shirts, 50c and S1.
Neckties, 25c and 50c.
Hosiery, 10c to 25c.
Suspenders. 10c to 50c.
Suit Cases, Sl.hO to $t>.
The above lines will be
com plete.
The other Furnishings
will not arrive in time
for the Opening.
Just ’tight Corsets
Gage-Dov*"''* r>. D. Corsets
Although uo two human beings
are exactly alike and although not
one in a hundred is perfectly pro
portioned. the designers of G. D.
Just Eight Corsets have so care
fully classified the many differ
ent types os to be able to present
models of such variety and accur
ate proportions as to afford a
perfect fit for nearly every form.
$1.00 to $2.50
Also two ext.’a values at 50o
Mens, Women’s, Children e
I selected Quaker Maid Hosiery
in preference to all other makes.
Why? because I have found in
my eight years experience, they
can always be relied on for good
service. Always the same good
quality. They are trade builders
because they produce the come
back habit. Once used, always
called for. The Hosiery of Merit
Popular Prices.