The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 07, 1910, Image 1
The Falls City Tribune Vol. VII FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1910. Number I THE WEEK’S SOCIAL EVENTS MS TWAS TOLD TO OUR SO CIETY EDITOR •/arious Kinds of Entertainment by Individuals, Lodges, Clubs. Churches, Etc. T"" "* The Shakespeare Club gave its annual New Year’s dinner at the nnme of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Holland last Friday evening. About Udrty guests attended, and after wards pronounced it the most enjoy able social event of the season. Miss Gladys Holland, in the c-luh colors, wearing the badge of 1.910,at tended the door, while Miss Anna Margaret Gist, as “Father Time” pre sided in the upper hall. Christmas greens and flags were used hi pro fusion to decorate the rooms. Upon Hie two long tables, at which the guests were seated, smilux and cut flowers were used effectively with national colors. The place cards bad the head of the great poet, dene in pen and ink. After partak ing of the splendid dinner served in ‘vWlrses, amusements provided by Hie ladies were indulged in until a into hour. The holiday cheer per vaded the whole affair to such an ox font, that the Virginia reel was danced as a fitting close of the »venings pleasures. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Abbey, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Gist, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hargrave, Mr. and Mifs. P. S. Heacock, Mr. and Mrs. G. W‘! Holland, Mr and Mrs. P. If, Jus Mr. and Mrs. V. G. Lyford, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Reavis Mr. and Mrs. :Tj. 1). Reavis, Mr. atrtl Mrs. Ishnm Meavis, Mr. and jfrs. E. H. Towle, and Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Wanner. .'The following menu comprised the ill oner: Oyster Cocktail |)tl»es Celery Wafers lloustid Turkey, with liihlet Sauce .utntsl Potatoes Pease in Case* Cranberry Jelly Hot Holts Pineapple Salmi en Mayonnaise Mtj'.nnlilaii Icp-cmam ^Calces ('ofli-e CitKiis Hiss lit-lu Powell’s entertainment giVen last Friday evening for her giiiest, Miss Hoffnell of Abeline, Kas., ‘Jibs one of the largest and most en joyable parties given during 'the holidays. Over fifty young ladies and VWhtlemen were present, including a ■ ‘n umber of out-of-town visitors in the '“fifty. A touch of beauty and cheerful ness was added to the rooms by bowls of cut flowers and potted plants placed to advantage. Cards and Som’ersei were engaged in during (ho evening, tlu- cheerful riv alry in the contests causing great merriment. At eleven o'clock Mrs. lie well served lovely refffeshments. was assisted in serving by Miss V,.ela, and her sisters. Misses May "and Grace Maddox. When the birth of t.he New Year was ushered in the ‘pleasures were at their heighth, for 'music, dancrtig and songs were in Hall sway and the jolly, light-hearted young people began the New Year in pleasant and happy frame of mind vith nothing but pleasure on all sides, 'll whs a Jolly party of young people, ami they lingered long aftei the m w year announcement to < njoy its first Pleasures. Among the out ot town guests present were: Miss Myrtle Hoffnell, Abeline, Kas.; Miss Jackson St. Joe; Miss Poteet, Denver; Misses Bowers, Manhattan, Kas.; Miss silhulys Stockton, Stanberry, Mo.; Messrs. Warren Jackson, St. Joe and Foul Morebury of Milford, Neb. rhe A. H. Whist chili gave a de lightful party last Friday evening at the residence of .Mi1, and Mrs. Geo. Sehmelzel, at which the husbands of the club ladies were guests of honor. Whist was enjoyed until a late hour with unflagging interest. The honors of the evening for the most games won fell to Mrs. Spence. A splendid supper was served, such as would tempt the daintiest appe tite, to which all did ample justice The New Year was ushered in, in the height of pleasure, for each guest emed bent on making the begin nins of the' year one of the happiest possible. The evening was notable for many pleasures and as the first of the large parties given by the A. B. club was a decided success. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Davis of Hum boldt wore present. Tlie Elk’s lodge gave a dance to its members and their ladies on New Years night. Nothing that could add pleasure to the occasion was omitted. The hall was effectively dec orated with purple and white, colors of the order, the floors were In per-! feet condition, and Ilarnack’s orches-j tra never played more “dancy” mus ic. A huge box of carnations was provided for the ladies, and hot chocolate was served during the evening. About thirty couples at tended. The University bunch of boys and girls added youth and gay ety to the affair. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Dittmar gave a delightful dinner for the clerks of the Dittmar store New Years Eve Covers were laid for twelve at a table tastefully decorated with u large floral centerpiece and many pretty shaded candles. The dinner of four courses was a sumptions one, made up of the choicest delacicies of tlm season. The company linger ed long at the table, and during the evening which followed enjoyed cards and games. Mr. Dittmar is not only ail exemplary employer, but witli Mrs. Dittmar extended to the ladies and gentlemen in his employ a cordial hospitality that made the event one of unusual pleasure for all, and open ed the New Year with a feeling of personal pleasure and oenefit and general good feeling. The C. K. Society of the Presby terian church was most pleasantly entertained at a watch party given by Carl Miller and his sister, Miss Dor othy, last Friday evening. Som’erset was the chosen game of the evening, and was thoroughly enjoyed until eleven o'clock, when lovely refresh ments were served. The New Year carne in amid song and laughter and Jolly good wishes all around. The guests took their departure at a late hour, after spending a delightful evening. Miss Florence lloose paid a com pliment to her Sunday School class of boys last Thursday night by en tertaining them royally at her home. Many interesting games wen**- prepar ed for their amusement and a jolly evening spent. Refreshments were served which appealed strongly to the boys. They considered the oc casion a very enjoyable one. Mrs. Charles Wilson entertained the Degree of Honor kensington on last Friday afternoon with a splendid musical program. There was a large attendance and a very pleasant after noon spent. Nice refreshments were served at five o’clock. Mrs. George Wahl gave a very enjoyable New Years eve party at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Quiett, for her sister and hus band, Mr. and Mrs. Tirney of Kan sas City. Som'erset was played dur ing the evening and with the usual pleasure. A number of vocal sel ections, as well as piano numbers were a pleasure to all. The guests remained until the new year had ar rived before saying good-night, after such a pleasant evening. Miss Louise Rule gave a delight ful little dinner last Friday evening for her friend. Miss Helen Jackson of St. Joe and Miss Myrtle Hoffnell of Abeline, Kas. The guests were limited in number, but a delightful evening was passed. ' lovely dinner was served at six o'clock, and until tile liour for the evening parties the time was passed most abgeeably with games and visiting. The dinner party was a very pleasant one. Tlu> Knights of Columbus gave a dance in the1!- lodge room in the Wahl building last Thursday even ing and it royal good time is re- j ported. Almost all tin* members from j over the county were there, as well as the Daughters of Isabella. Dim ing the evening a nice lunch was served in tic* dining room, also a large bowl of punch was place in the main room. Mrs. End Mosiman delightfully en tertained a number of lady friends last Wednesday evening for Mrs. ‘Verne Ripley of Council Bluffs. Many games furnished entertainment for the guests and a jolly, social ev ening was the result. Refreshments of most tempting nature were served and at a late hour th* ladies returned to their several homes. Miss Edna DeWald gave a very enjoyable and informal dinner last Sunday evening for Miss Myrtle Hoff noil of Abeline, Kas. The guest list, was limited. A delicious dinner was served, and an enjoyable evening passed by Edna’s guests. ('ontinned on Lfwt I’agi* • MURDER MYSTERY SOLVED VICTIM A FORMER RESIDENT OF FALLS CITY The Self-Confessed Murderer Also a Resident of Falls City Shock to Community. Neil McCoig, at one time owner and proprietor of the East Side cafe in this city, was found dead by a hunter in a lonely spot in the out skirts of Kansas City, Kas.. about two weeks ago. For several clays the identity of the man was not known, his face was so badly dis figured and nil marks of identity having been removed from his per son by his slayer, who had robbed him. The police force of Kansas City, Kns., had several theories -after tIn* body had been definitely identified by the description telephoned to the Chief by a tormer business partner, Sam West, from here—and worked each thoroughly, the result being that several arrests were made before the guilty one was found. It is not going to be The Tribune's purpose in tli^> affair to give a "yel low” account of it. The Kansas City dailies have already covered that portion of the case thoroughly—and for us to rehash and tell of the awful tragedy, of the details of the confession of the self-confessed slay er, would be of no avail. It. would only make the burden of his relu WAKE UP. THE WATCHWORD CLEAN AND IMPROVE THE OR DER OF THE DAY. Talk About Your City and Talk Favorably Pulling Together Makes Town Crow. II' you want Falls City to iin I rove, improve it. If you waul Falls City lively, make it so. Don't go to sleep, lint get up and work for i t, talk about it and talk favorably. It' you have property, improve itjelean up your alleys and back yards; make uur surroundings pleasant, and you will be worth more in (be market. Keep your money at home as much !.a possible, and it is likely to help you in return. The successful towns have been made b> the property own ers pulling together. Public improve i lent is an investment that pays. Don't waste your time over dirty quarrels and hold buck your aid from good objects through si ite, but work for some good and you will find yourself benefit I d Ankle Broken. When ^attending .lolin Majerus' sale near Rule, Herman Hahn jumped from his wagon out on the frozen ground, and caine with so much weight upon his ankle that it broke. He was Immediately taken home and Dr. Henderson set the bone. II is a very painful injury and in a bad place. It looks as though Herman will be crippled up for some time. CONSIDER “ THE FOLKS AT HOME " The management of The Tribune realizes that it is the mission of a newspaper to print the news; to impart informa tion as to what is taking place in the world,—as to what those in the “palace halls” are doing as well as the unfortu nates in the “street below>" But there are times and events, when we are prone to to our readers, “look elsewhere; seek the horrible detatls in the metropolitan daily.” When a great crime has been committed, there is al ways one home and one town where the event is regretted in a measure far exceeding that of homes and towns in gen ' eral. It is the parental roof and the home town where the shock is greatest and the regret is keenest. Concerning the Mower case The Tribune seeks to touch upon the details as light as is possible, trusting that its readers will find elsewhere that which will satisfy and en lighten as to the awful deed and the incidents attending thereto. We feel that by this »me "the folks in Falls City” know all,—know the worst, and nothing that we could print would add to or take away one iota to the history of the crime, the victim or his slayer, and to those who revel in the history of a great crime, and readily absorb every little detail—who yearn to wallow, as is were in the gruesome—we say, seek else where. In this instance, The Tribune will dodge the particu lars and be content with what it has already printed, and trusts its readers will be of the same frame of mind. lives here, who are among Kails City's most honorable and respected citi zens, harder to bear. It could not undo the awful deed. Last Sunday afternoon Ward Mow er and Samuel West accompanied a detective to Kansas City to aid in the search of the slayer of MeCoig. Mower's stories were not as accurate as tile police thought they should be and they questioned him pretty closely. The heavy load of his sec ret and the sharp questioning of the detectives weakened him until he finally admitted that he left Falls City with MeCoig, robbed him, and that he alone lured him to that lone ly spot, where death was meted out) to him. The Kansas City Star was never more right than when it said, “Falls City will be one of the most sur prised little cities in ^Nebraska,when it. learns of the confession.” Ward Mower lias grown to manhood in this community and comes from one of our best families; his reputation has never been questioned—why wouldn’t we be surprised? Some who have known Mower for years are strongly of the opinion that lie was surely of unbalanced mind. They say that he was an extremely nervous man, and as a boy he was very easily plagued and joked Childrens’ Day. Tim News secured the right to the Lyric theatre New Years day and extended an invitation to all the children in town under fifteen years of age to enjoy a free entertainment at the picture show. Quite a number of little folks availed themselves of the opportunity, and from all appear ances had a fine time and enjoyed the treat. i Bishop Williams Coming. The Right Rev. Arthur L. Williams will make his first visit for 1!H0 to St. Thomas parish of this city, on the 27th day of February, the fast Sunday in the month. These visits are always a source of pleasure to the rector, the congregation and the Bishop's many friends in Falls City. He will hold confirmation services at the morning service It is under stood a large class will be prepared for confirmation. Rev. (leorge L. Ne: de lias a number of adults in the class and will be glad to hear from any others who are interested in the church. Enjoyable Affair. The clerks of F. \V. Cleveland & Son went in a body to tile home of Fred Schock and wife last night and gave them a surprise party. Mr. and Mrs. K< hock were much taken hy surprise to see their friends call on them and made the visit all the morel enjoyable on account of it. Mr. Schock is soon to leave this city for Falls City, where he will engage in business for himself, and the visit by his friends last night was a token of the esteem in which he is held hy his fellow employes at the Cleveland store, Nebraska City Press. Horse Hurt in a Runaway. Last Tuesday while John Fritz was driving a spirited team belonging to Rev. Rottenml, they became fright enod near Straussville and ran away. One of the horses fell and It’s leg was broken. The animal was con sidered a very valuable one, but had to be shot. This is indeed quite a loss to Rev. Rettemal. Fritz was only slightly hurt. The other horse was uninjured. BASKET BALL SCHEDULE. __ i Where And When The Future Games Will Be. Following is a schedule, showing whom and win n the Fulls City Has-1 ket Hull teams will play in the near: future. Girls Team. Coiner University at Falls City. January 10th. Hubetha, Kas., High School at Falls City, February 26th. Boys Team. Auburn High School at Auburn on January I nth. McPherson College, of McPherson. Kas., at Falls City, January 20th Syracuse High School, of Syracuse, Neb., at Falls City, January 28th. Wilber High School, of Wilber, Ne braska, at Falls City, February 2d. Seneca town team, Seneca, Kas., at Falls City, February 4th. Manager Cain is claiming the stute championship for the girls’ team, and is making fast strides toward the same championship for Ids boys' aggregation. They have played some of the fastest high school teams in the state and have never been defeated by a high school hunch. In order to win the state championship with the hoys’ team it will he necessary to play several hard games, and (he team will need financial aid. It now becomes the duty of all patriotic citizens to at tend all games possible and support tlie team in a financial way. HOLD-UP AT STELLA. William Hill, a Farmer, Slugged And Robbed. Special from Stella. Stella’ is trying to keep up with Kansus City. Monday Will Hill,Who lives a few miles north of town, earne to town and sold some hogs. By evening he became “quite weary” and during the early evening he wbb slugged, and left unconscious. He would have fiozen to death lind ' lie not been found and taken to a hotel, lie had been relieved of all Ills mon ey except 8ft cents. The robber es caped, but was probably some one Well acquainted with Mr. Hill. The Union Prayer Meetings. The week of prayer Is being ob served In union meetings by the churches of the city. The meetings have been very well attended and have been very helpful and Interest ing. Those who are not coming out are missing that which they need most. The meeting Thursday night will be in the German Evangelical church. The devotional service will be led by Rev.Brooks and followed by a talk on "Soul Winning” by Rev. Reichel. Friday night the last meeting will be in the Brethren church. Devotional services led by Rev. Day and followed by a talk on “Personal Work" by Rev. Nanuinga. We want to see yon there -Secretary Not so Bad After All. The Falls City High School basket ball boys were badly beaten by the Lincoln V. M. C. A. team recently, lint when you consider what the Lin coln Y. M. C. A. did to the Chicago team, one of the strongest teams in the west today, we think our hoys had pluck to tackle them Lincoln beat Chicago, all professionals, by •L! to 30. Tlie Lincoln half hack only got two goals off Amos Yoder, who wa.; only substituting for George Gil ligan, and Amos got one off of him. The Lincoln half-hack got four off of Chicago halfback who also only got 1 off of him. Our hoys are not sol slow, and they were hoys against I men. Evans Broekhahn. Charles 'I'. Evans of Hamlin, Kas , and Miss Sophia Marie Broekhahn were married at the residence of Itev. K. Cooper Bailey, Tuesday, Jail. 4th, at iwo o'clock. The father of the bride and her aunt, Mrs, Hluhn wit nessed the ceremony. They are well known young people in this vicinity and have the congrat ulations of their friends. They will! go to housekeeping at once on the j groom’s farm near Hamlin, Kas. Falls City Chorus. Tiie regular meeting of the Kails City Chorus will be held Monday ev ening at the home of Mrs. Charles Banks. All members are requested to be present, as the books have ar rived and the new work should be gin with the entire chorus—Director. ODD FELLOWS CELEBRATE HOLD ANNUAL NEW YEARS CEL EBRATION AT HALL A Fine Program Rendered and Refreshments Served A Joyous Occasion. On New Years day the members of tho local lodge of the I. <>. (). F. held their annual celebration of tho new year. The families of the Odd Fellows and a few invited friends be gan to gather in the hall soon after ho veil o'clock,and when the entertain ment for the evening wan begun tho room was completely filled, and several of the tr^en were standing in tin* rear of tho hall. I)r. llul ley acted as master of cer emonies, and one of the very best programs that has been given in tho city was presented. ('. E. Smith was chairman of tho program committee and it is evi dence of his tastes and skill that tho program from start to finish was ono of merit and ability. The Rev. Mr. Brooks gave a very Interesting and instructive talk during tho evening, which elicited appreciation front all present. While it Is true that every number of the program was given in such uniform good style, and met with un limited applause, it would not be wiso for the roporter to speak of the work of any Individual performer. Tlte refreshment committee camo up to their standard of excellence and a dainty banquet was served at tho close of the program. It was the Intention of the committee in charge to have had a few toasts given by some of the well known orators of the order present, but the combined efforts of the refreshment committee, and Brother John I Unton,made speak ing during the banquet an impossi bility. At a late hour the friends left for their homes, having had a most enjoyable evening, and wishing all mif^ht have a New Year’s day much oftener than qnce a year. The Last of His Race. With ail its wealth of special seen ery, gorgeous costumes, bright and catchy specialties—is the attraction at the Qehling opera house Saturday, December 8th This piece. which has attained such an enviable reputa tion and secured such a hold on the hearts of theater goers from onV> end of this broad land to the other— is from the pe,i of Mr. Clunenee Ben nett, author of the “Holy City,” an other notable success. Mr. Ben nett has located his scenes near the city of Mexico, and based the fabric of tiie play on events that actually oecured during the brief reign of the unfortunate Emperor Maximilllan. The success of this piece has been so phenominal in America that the firm has decided to present it next year in England. Sailors-Dunn. Special from llurada. On Thursday, December KM, 1909, Otis H. Sailors and Miss Ixdtie Dunn were married at the hone of Rev. P. 11. Ruch near Shubert. The bride was dressed in a charmitm kuwii of white silk. They were accompanied by Miss Hazel Dunn and R. H. Slag le, who acted as bride’s-maid and best man. This young couple have grown up in our midst aid are beloved by ail We wish them a very happy and pros perous journey through life. Dedication Services. Special from liarada. The dedication services will be held in the Evangelical Church in liarada, January 9th. Bishop W. P. Heil of Highland Park, 111., will conduct services as follows: Saturday evening 7:30, Sunday morning 11:00. Sunday afternoon 3:00. Sunday evening 7:30. The Sunday afternoon sermon will In in German, everybody cordially invited A. ESSLEY, Pastor. Wing-Brenner. Special front Verdon. George L. Brenner of Humboldt and Miss Hazel Wing of Palls City arrived here Wednesday morning and were united in marriage at the Evan gellcatt parsonage by Rev. Gerribs Immediately after the ceremony they departed for Salem to take the train for Humboldt, where an elegant wed ding diuner was prepared for them