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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1909)
The County in General Tiie "Doings” of Our Country Friends and Neighbors. STELLA I douche Monet o- ’• from did iml. \t< hi son Hurtle Harris came down tram in- Slate University Uridny. Mrs Charles Wood did ChristutaM s-hoppim: i, t ali'. City Saturday Silas ('lol i'S of Urlend. Neb . is ' ere to spend the holidays with his ml her, Mrs, 1 A MeUovvell returned Moll lay from a three weeks* May at '(Him II Bluffs Me Wllmer ho we is enjoying a . lull from her mother Mrs. House, f U. aver. Col. Miss Hii/.e) llogrefe came down ‘ uni Ufa idti Sunday to spend h<t noliday vacation Mrs. Alice McCray Adams of Boone . vva is visiting her brother. Arthur McCray, this week Charles and T, C Uankell attended ue convention of implement dealers t Omaha last week. I.loyd Morris and wife from Ih th nv are spending the holidays with homo folks on (lie farm. Miss Lissa Colglnxter amt laiella went to Adams last week to visit tlih former's niece, Mrs Ora I lout/.. Mrs. Alter and daughter, Hath,an ere from Missouri visiting the form r's parents. Mr and Mrs. Henry Sny i r. Howard and Mma I’lasteis came down from the State University Uri day Miss Hath Argnhriglit was absent roni school part of last week on account of sore throat. Autiry Yates, a 'student at Cotner University, at Bethany, is spending ihc week with his parents south of iov n. Oil Sunday Hreetuber 1‘Mh, tail!*, the stork made a visit to the home of Mr ami Mrs. Win turret and left them » son. .foil ii Holland enjoyed a visit Inst week from Ids brothers. K. Hol land of (Jalena, Ills., and Ralph Hol land of Khrox, Iowa Miss Qiieene Chism, who Is’loaeh ng in 1 he schools at Ogiillulu. came mme Saturday to spend her Christ *ms vacation with her sisters. Win. Calmer and family moved Iasi week from the Swan properly to he residence of Mrs llessle (lap good in the south part of town. The holiday season Is again with ns ami witti 11 the young folks are gelling home from different schools and colleges to eat Christum: turkey with home folks. Mrs Kate Kraker, after visiting her daughter at Humboldt the past six veeks, returned home Friday. She • ft Monday for Hobart, Oklahoma, where site will spend tlio remainder of the winter with her son. Colonel and family. Hurl flutter and his pupils at the Hodge school house gave a program and box social last Wednesday even ing to raise funds for the purchase of on organ They received a liberal patronage, the proceeds amounting to about $17.on Will Hoppe sold the boxes, and Miss, s Nellie Cll'lffiths’ and Merle Argabrlghts' selling for $ l din each. "The Herman Reformation" given bv home talent last Thursday and i>tdav nights, was far above the av . a olov, eaeti one doing their part in manner both surprising and a , ‘ in., to nor p. onle Stella can ■•■ iM<t|' proud el her home talent On n omit of the severe cold wrath • r. the patronage was not nearly what Ii should have been. Means H/l i i/r*U muuti To the level-headed young man, a bank account, added to the de termination to make it larger, means much, The names of many such are on our books Young man, young woman, if your name is not on the list would it not be wise to open an account at once and keep adding to it? It's the right thing to do. The amount may be small at first but all things must have a be ginning. THE Falls City State Bank And commence the saving habit now HUMBOLDT. R».v (list was in Falls City Wed nesday. (ilia Edwards was in Falls ( j>y Wednosday. I. L. Davis was in Falls City dur j mg the week. (ius Schuler returned Wednesday ] from Falls City. W. \, /SpeoH of Pawnee City .vas on our st reels Monday. Miss Sarah Edle spent part of tills week witli Falls City friendft. Dr. Wilson of Kalis City greeted j iinmboldi friends lu re Monday. Arthur Warner and wife are the parents of a baby boy born Thurs day. Miss Catherine GHiau is clerking for I,. B. Ilackett during, (he holiday rush. hay (list and wife left Tuesday for Kansas City, where they ’w ill visit friends. Todd Waggoner, a student of the Omaha Medical college, arrived home Tuesday. Andrew Sippley and wife of Daw soli are visiting Humboldt relatives this week. Mrs. Anna Kovmida of Table Itock vis'ted her sister, Mrs. .lames Hnlz da this week. Leroy Allen came front Syracuse, Ncli., to spend Christmas with Hum boldt. friends. Mahelle Davis who is attending the State Huiversity, is spending tlii week at home. Mrs. May Herr of Virginia is visit ing the family of Harry Hall and wife this week. Mrs. Mnble I nland is clerking in the llowc Jewelry store during the holiday season. i.inesi naming anil wire ten Wed ' ncselny for Denver, Col., where they will visit relatives. The families of Joe Wodlicr and Crank Creneh were quarantined for dililitherlu last week. The little son of Burton Webster and wife was under the doctor's care the first of tlie week. George Segrist and wife of Dallas. M I)., arrived Tuesday to spend a few days with friends. li. 10. Boyd was called to Salem Thursday by the sudden death of his brother-in-law, Mr. Huston. Miss Vergie Simon of Illinois is visiting the family of .1. ('. Segrist and other relatives in the city, Elza Sparka of Wellington. Kas.. in visiting at the homo of his uncle. Will Carpenter, east of town. Mrs .lames I'riedlv and two child ren of Sumiuci field. Kas., visited friends hero (he first of the week. Geneva Lockard, who is attending a musical school in Hincolu, is [spending this week with hei mother. Kilt y Weaver, who has the manage ment of an elevator at Elk Creek, pu ut part of ihe week in Humboldt. In. Carver returned the middle of the week from a visit with his dan gbter, Mrs. Grace Beyer of Mitchell. S. D. . Archie iioaglaud and wife of I:. 1 - vilie, Kas,. are visiting the latter's patents. John Oberly and wife this week. Harry Boyd ami Calvert Edwards, students in the Hastings college, are spending their Christmas vacation in Humboldt \iyiii inn . Lloyd Mahler. and Geo. I'dlashek, students of the Stale Hut versity. are spending their Hitrislmas vacation al home. Mrs. K \ Tinker, after a several weeks’ visit with her daughter. Mrs. S K. Gist, returned to iter home in HaKfornia. Monday. Etta Hargett returned home the middle of the week from Liberty, win re site lias been spendin.i -dm time with relatives. . G nige .loiies. who recently return ed front Canada to his home in Falls city, spent part of the week with 11 it lhokit friends. O A. Cooper and wife entertained i number of friends at their home Thursday. The affair was compli mentary to Mrs. G, A. Tucker. School was dismissed in the fid room Friday for the purpose of fumn gating the room. School in that de partment will he discontinued until after New Years. The members of the dancing club have rented the building belonging to II I’. Marble, east of the Leader office, where they meet to practice music for social occasions. Art llahh had quite a had mix up in a runaway Saturday, with a team of mules, a telephone pole, and the ground. Art and the telephone poh were pretty badly wrecked. Mrs. Frank Butterfield assisted by Mrs. Fred Fisher, gave, a si» O'clock supper at the home of th< former Friday. After supper the evening was pleasantly spent in play itig trail. i A reception was given at the home of Henry Brenner Thursday evening in honor of the home coining of hh son. George and wife, who were re ently married, tin- pa.d !ar oi tiio wedding we are unable to learn. James Holirer and family are now in quarantine for diphtheria. . iii family have be n extremely uufoi I mate In this respect, as this is thi third time In as mam winters t.iat they have been quarantined for diph theria. 1)1. Shepherl delivered an excel lent discourse at the M. I.. Church Sunday evening. He also talked to the pupils of the liigli school Monday morning. The subject being a ‘ Ma nner's Lfo." It was iioth inter st ing and instructive. The district meeting of the Knights of Pythias was held in this city on Monday. A large number of knights from neighboring lodges wire ::t :W tendance. 1 he exorcist s i i the day ; w oe followed by an interesttog pro glam and a banquet in the evening VERDON. Frank Bonnot was in Fall i City- last Friday. ' Jess Waggoner is visiting relatives in Forbes, Mo. Lari Orcult visited relatives in R.11I0 last week. Kd Oreutt. was in Fails t Itv tin first of the week. Jessie Griffith was a Falls (’it; visitor Wednesday. Chris Horn from near Barmin war in Verdon Wednesday. Messrs Shafer and Shulls drove to Falls City Thursday. Fred Uahr, Jr., of Shubert was in town on business Friday. A. .1. HeJinic of Stella was on our . ti 'ets one day last week. Johil Walker was up from Falls City on business last week. T SliuV. of Shubert was transact ing business here Thursday. Mrs. Frank Waggoner was shop i dm ill Falls City Wednesday. Lloyd Dietrich assisted John Lect ors in his store during the week. Mrs. D. M. Davies of Falls City visited relatives hero Wednesday. Join llein/.elman spent a few days a i c home of Hoy Swisegood last week. m r. 1 11rrhuck of NVbniskn City \\*«is j the guest of John Leeft rs and family Saturday. Bert Waggoner eame down from St la Friday morning for a visit with home folks. Mrs. Walter Veach and Miss Cam ’ ma Hall were business visitors in the county seat last week. Harry Baldwin returned from No maha City Thursday evening after a short visit with her parents. Mrs. .lay Parsons and Miss Kdna j Parson went to Falls City last week i to do their Christmas shopping. Mis. Frank Bennett is having tIn* j pleasure of entertaining her sister, | Mrs. Sanford of British Columbia. Walter Veach and Wife and John Ball and Miss Kornan saw “The Great John Ganton" at the (lehling last week. Mosdatiles F. Bennett and t . Bali* j ford spent one day last week In j Fall ; City. They were guests of Mi,- \ lie Watson. Miss l.ucj Me Mannas came up from Falls City last week for a visit with her sister, and also to attend the Watson-Wollonliergor wedding. Jake Radio loaded his car Monday ind will leave in a few days for Caldwell, Idaho, where he will make iiis future home. Their many friends ire sorry to lose them from their virile, hut wish them success in their new home Young’s Pantorium deans and presses ladies skirts. U-tf RULO. Tall ut Hinkle was a St. Joseph . Isifor Tuesday. J. Folk of Kansas City was a Hulo visitor last week. Jerry Horan was in St Joe the His of the* week. i ete Fred' rick v, > at to Atchison me day last week. Mrs. John l averzagie was u Falls City visitor Monday. Charlie Scott of Kansas was a • tiilo visitor Sunday. Mis. John Hopkins was an Atelii '0n visitor Saturday. (i. It. Hinton of Wymore was a Hulo visitor Sunday. l.cslie Inks was shopping in Fails t'itv o ' day la i week. i*:. I.. Sandusky of Falls City was t Hulo visitor last week Mrs. Tom Bean visit'd with rela tives in Missouri last week. Henry Brinegur and wife are the parents of a little daughter. Mrs. Oss Haiti Is was a Falls City visitor the first of the week. August Johnson visited with his family at. Nebraska City gandav. Mrs. Will Cunningham was , St. Joseph visitor one day 'a t week. Mrs. J. A. Osborne and little on were Falls City visitors Thursday. Ed Havis and family moved into tile John Gagnon proper.y Monday . Mrs. Belpier left Ttn .daj for a visit with relatives at Waterloo, la. Hev. Bennett Maze of Hardy, Neb., came Tuesday to v isit Hulo friends Will White of Coffeeville, Kas., is visiting relatives here this week. •I. M. Haskell visited with relatives at Crest on, Iowa the first of the Week. Alta Tilbert came home from York Sunday to spend Christmas with Itoni folks. Max Gasser and family It ft Wed nesday to visit his parents at Ne braska City. vvayne tucnarctson went to wt. Joseph Sunday to spend a few days with friends. Miss Hertha Cronin visit d vvitli the family of Will Dorati* Saturday and Sunday. Henry Schmidt and family left Mon day for a two weeks visit vvitli relit lives In Iowa. Judd Thomas of Colorado came last week for it visit with his sister. Mrs. Emma MeVey. James Larson was elected janitor for the M. E. Church and commences his duties Saturday. Lem .larrott left for his home in Omaha Sunday, after a short visit with his parents here. Waine Richardson arrived from Leaver Thursday of Iasi week for a visit vvitli Rulo relatives. Arba Itoylen left Monday for his home id Des.Moines, Iowa, after it visit vvitli relatives in Rulo. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson re turned last week from a two weeks’ visit vvitli relatives in Kansas. Frank Vanvaulkenberg returned to St. Joseph Sunday after a visit to his parents and little daughter. Edith Hinkle returned from Fay ette, Mo.. Wednesday. She will remain until after the holidays. Mrs. Ida Allen returned from New Yolk Sunday, where* she accompanied the holly of In ; husband for burial. Turn Watts ’ lias be< n dangerously sick id the holm of his sist i. Mrs. Antiereon. At this writing he is a little better. Maltde Join s returned to hr • home m Staubmy, last week. She will return after the holidays and t'*aeh a class in music. An entertainment will be given at the M. E. Church on Chris’mas Eve. ! A nice progiam is being prepared, i All are cordially invited. Mira Emma Secrost of Craig, Mo., wa in Rulo two days last week with a li a- of suits and coats. She was rep-' Tiling ,1. R. KniEon & Co., of Craig. tm Monday night the fourth nunt her of the lecture course was given at llie M. E. Church. A good crowd was out atid all were pleased with the program. BHUBERT. a. M. Evans returned from Omaha W< dnesday. George Randal of Stella visited with friends here Friday. •1. E. Gey da of Falls City was a business visitor here Thursday. , Man ford Branin and family spent Sunday at Stella with relatives. Miss Lena VVeivk is spending this week with relatives in Falls City. Louis Shulenberg of Barada made this place a business visit Monday. Henry Lemon and son .lames of St. I It 11 ,in mad litis; place of business Thursday. r.luier E . ■ d divered J00 bushels of wheat Thursday, receiving $1.00 pel bushel. Mrs. .1. iv in ton was quite ill sev eral days last week, but is now some what improved. Mr. McCobc, who has been visit ing relatives at Falls City, returned home Tuesday. Ed Krug returned home from Kan su.) Tuesday, where he had been looking after farm interests. ’I ll” bake sale given by the ladies of tile Methodist Church Saturday wa well attended, the proceeds will go for the aid of tln> church. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Shafer have bought out Hinton, and took possess ion of the restaurant the latter part of Iasi week. We wish them success. The sale of Ben Terrel on Saturday was well attended and everything brought a fair price. Mr. Terrel and family will move to Falls City where they will spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. N. Shafer, who have been visiting relatives in St. Joe, re turned home the first of the week. Mr. Shafer lias been in poor health for some time and while there he consulted a specialist. The Woman's Literary society met and was entertained on Saturday af ternoon at thp borne of Mrs. Elmer King. A pleasant and profitable meet ! mg was held. A large number of the members were present. The host es.-i served a nice lunch, consisting ot sandwiches, coffee and pickles. ir i MAIL ORDER PIRATES They sail the high and low seas of commerce. They pay millions a year for advertising. Their profit is millions. Spike their guns with generous advertising in this—your home paper. Use the mail order’s own weapon— | ADVERTISING L-a h 1 1 ' riuI... Iviii*. by V\ . .V L .» OHIO. Albert Burk spent Sunday with \Vm. Hutchison. Frank Cook bought a fine i< am of mules last week. Conrad Fehr and fid Bamu-’s spent a few days at Omaha. Henry Hahn spent Sunday in Falls City with his parents. Ed Kimmel and fid Ituegge spent last Wednesday at Omaha. Mrs. doe Cully spent Monday after noon with Mrs. Noah Peck. Mrs Keckler of Manley spent Sun day with Mrs. Frank Shaffer. Jennie Burk was the guest of her brother, Herbert and wife, Sunday. Mrs. Charles Stump is down from Omaha to spend the holidays! with her parents. Wilma X drew and Ethel Peek spent Sunday with Wanda ami [ton.a Shaffer. • lean K dler and wife and Clay Peck ami wife spent Sunday ^vith It. v. Plough and family. Rdisoti Harkins of Newkirk. Okla., is here visiting his sister, Mrs. F. S. I.icbty and family. Mrs. Joe Cully entertained her uncle. Frank Beaver, and In i c ousiii, Allison Dowty, last Sunday . Mrs. Earl Shaffer and children ac companied her mother, Mrs Keckler, to Manley to spend Christmas. frank Eichty and family entertain ed II. .1. Prichard and family and Ed Kimmel and family last Sunday. \\ ill Slaver left for his home in Xorcatur, Kas.. last Sunday n: •.t, iftei visiting relatives and friends. Huy Liehty and wife and DeLos Spic kler and wife were1 guests of Mr. tnd Mrs. Harris near ' Khulmrt one Jay last week. WILLIAMSViLLE. John Slater sold his hogs last, week. John Osiand wont to Falls City Monday. Mrs. Rinke was a Falls City visitor Thursday. Scott. YVissinger is on tie sick list, this week. Peter Shilling was a Falls City vis itor Thursday. YVm. Scholl was in Falls City on business Friday. Joseph Schwang spent Sunday witli Mr. Rinke. John l'eicht was in Falls City on business Saturday. Fred Rockwell of Shubert spent Sun day witli his friend, John Fiecht. Albert and Joe Gerwick spent Sun day at. the home of Clifford Fink. Misses Annie and Amelia Gerweek spent Sunday witli Miss Anna Rinke. Ed Ege and family spent Sunday at tile home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lippold. Mrs. I. A. Dunn and niece, Miss Lottie Dunn, went to Falls City last. Monday. Henry Sieinering and family spent Sunday at the home ol' Henry Kuker near itarada. John Santo of Gandy, Neb.^ is \is iting with his sister, "Grandma" Ege, of this place. Miss Katie Gerwick and sister. An na. ncn in Falls City Tuesday doing their Christmas shopping. Miss Lillie Miehleas was surprised last Sunday night by many of her friends gathering at her home to celebrate her 18th birthday. The pie supper at the Arnold school house Saturday night was a grand success. The crowd was large and the shadows sold at high prices. —Call on C. A. Heck for coal and wood. : t IN'I E R10R VIEWS OF THE HIGH S HOOL. tliy Permission of Orange and Ida 1.1