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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1909)
THE COMERS AND GOERS HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME. What Your Friends and Their Friends Have Been Doing the Past Week. —Eat Sowle’s Candy. —Dr. Wilson, Wahl's building. —See Clarence Heck for oil meal. —The Candy Kitchen for brick Ice cream. Miss Anna Mason spent last Fri day in' Hiawatha. Mrs. Conrad Felir of Verdon was in the city Monday. Mrs. ,F II. Bauer of Verdon spent Saturday in this city. see clarence neck tor your coal this fall, Phone 101. Miss Ida Pribbeno wps up from Preston shopping Friday. .Mrs. Hayden Bowers of Verdun was shopping here Friday. Miss Nola MeCool of Salem visited Miss Louise Rule Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Spangler were over from Morrill Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Kmerson Bowers of Verdon, were in town Saturday. Joe Miller and Miss Mary Miller were down from Dawson Saturday Will Quinlan and sister, Miss Mag gie, were down from Dawson Friday. Mark, Williamson returned Satur day figpn a few days stay in Lin coln. Miss Ruth Heacock came down from Lincoln .Friday for the holiday vaca tion. Mrs. Jesse Shrimpion and Miss Oilie Tilden of Salem were down Saturday. • Mistt Louise Rule is assisting R. I!. Simpsoh in the jewelry store dur ing the holidays. John Towle came down from Oma ,^ha Sunday on a combined business and pleasure trip. Miss Katherine Maddox came down from University Place Thursday for the holiday vacation. Rayt JSimerman was over from Hia watha'| Sunday. Me was a guest at the botnse of W. L. White. Dean Fordyce of the State Univer sity was a guest over Sunday at the home of W. H. Maddox. Ray Graham was am-.-ug .no Uni versity students who came down from Lincoln Friday night. Chester McDowell and Miss Louise Rule drove to Salem Sunday to spend the day with Miss Nola MeCool. Reavis Gist came down from Lin coln Friday evening. He will spend! his holiday vacation at liis home in this city. Bert Coleman arrived Saturday from i Miles; City, Mont., and will remain! during the holidays with his wife and children. Miss Francis Mosiman returned Sunday from Superior, where she has spent some time with her aunt, Mrs. Robert Johnson. Mrs. Margaret Maddox returned Thursday from Hastings where she spent three weeks with her daughter, Mrs. George Dietsch. .miss Alice .laquei arnveu nauuuay from Galesburg, Ills., where she is attending school. She will enjoy a 1wo weeks’ vacation at home. •Miss Elizabeth Sanford came home Sunday from Superior, where she is in the millinery business. She will remain until after the holidays. Carl Mason returned Friday night from Springfield, Mo., where he is attending school. He will spend the holidays with his mother in this city. Mrs, .1. G. Whitaker returned last Saturday from Washington, Kansas, where she was called by the illness of her mother, who died December 15 th. < Mrs. Bruno Hanson returned lust Saturday to her home In Omaha. She was accompanied by her sister,Mrs. Daisy King, who will spend the week with her. Miss Inez Wachtel returned home Saturday from the Fern Normal, be cause of illness, and was unable to remain until the school closed for the holiday vacation. Mrs. Bert Wright came up from Kansas City Tuesday to visit during the hblidays with her mother, Mrs. Mattie Stoughton. Mr. Wright and ' Ted will arrive today. Mrs. M. Trippft, of Warner, Idaho, and Mrs. T. .(. Marion of Hiawatha arrived Wednesday for a short visit with the family of their brother and son, C. H. Marion. The former left Thursday for her Idaho home. Manager Gehling will offer to his patrons on December 27th, one of the successful plays of the season, “The Girl From the F. S. A.," produced by the Harry Scott. Co. According to newspaper clippings it is a new play with no other just like it. It tak< s a representative American girl —just such a bright and charming girl as you often meet In your every-day life—and places her in a strange land among strange people, in situa tions that call for the cleverest dip lomacy to solve, and chow how she can naturally and gaily save herself ana her friends from impending ruin. Remember “The Girl From the F. S A.” will be at the Gelding December 27th. 1 lie basement under Mr. T.yford’s store will lie tin- scene of much mer riimnl and joy on Friday night. The Presbyterian Sunday School will have their Christinas tree and a read good time there that evening. Bring in your presents for friends or child ren Friday afternoon and they will care for them, ‘ Neil MeCoig has sold the Hast Side Cafe and will leave »y*\\ for NCith Platte. Neb. Mr. MeCoig says lie made some pretty good money while in the restaurant business, but didn't like it. Wes. Livengood of Wymore spent a part of the week in tills city at the home of his brother-in-law, .John Hossaek. lie also visited relatives in Preston. There will lie three horse buy ers in Falls City, Saturday, December 2hth. You farmers ought to get what they are worth. Bring in your fat I ones. Linn Donald and wife of Kansas i City arrived Wednesday to spend Christmas with his grandmother. Mrs. | Fox, and Mr. and Mrs. T. f,. Hitnmel j reich. Chai 1 s Sperry went to Mound j City, Mo., Iasi Friday/to visit during; th(> holidays with his grand-parents, i Thomas Sare and wife. Leon Norris left Monday with tin basket ball boys for Tecmnseh, and will make the rounds with them. Miss Florence Judd goes to Au j burn today to attend the wedding of! her friend, Miss Lydia Barnes. Miss Dorothy Morehead came down from Lincoln Friday to spend her holiday vacation at home. Mrs. I. C. Maust returned hist 1 Thursday night from a visit with 1 Mrs. Etta Sehoenheit. Misses Gertrude and Grace Lyford came home from Lincoln Friday to spend the holidays. Mrs. Patrick Bourk was down from I Dawson Monday to do tome holiday shopping. Miss Nina Mead is assisting sit Wahl’s store during the holiday sea son. At times jealousy and animosity! causes one to lose all their discreet j ness. Mr.and Mrs. Frank Schaible return ed Friday from a trip to Kansas City. Mrs. Ollie McLain went to Topeka today to spend Christmas. James Coupe Is planning to leave | Saturday night for Denver. Steve Mil(*s made a business trip j to Kansas City Monday. Mrs. Thomas Greene was over from Reserve Saturday. See Clarence Heck for your coal this fall. Phone 101. Jim McKiever was down from N<> braska City Sunday. A. Graham went to Lincoln on business Tuesday. Neal Thornton was in Kansas City Monday. -—Gtt ycur chickens some poultry shells at Heck’s feed stole. 43-tf I nch' Silas (list was down from Salem Monday. Mrs. l>. G Griffiths nod son, Heath, spent Saturday in Verdon. Harry Cain name down from Lin coln Friday to spend the holidays. Mrs. .lames Powell returned Iasi Fi id ay from a short visit to her moth er at Seneca, Kansas. Judge Gagnon married Mr. Albert Kammerer and Miss Nellie Little, both of Banuia last Thursday after noon. Hr. Griffiths reports a baby boy a! tin home of Rev. Nanninga and wife, who came to gladden their home on Monday night. G. W. Inskeep was in town for a few days this we<k. He was looking after business mailers and calling on old friends. A nine-pound lmy was born to Otto Reiger and wife, who 1 iv <> on the Scholl place a mil. north of town, last Friday. l)r. Boose left a baby boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Knop per, who live throe miles south of town, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Sowles will come up from St. Joe this evening and remain until after Christmas with Mr. Sowle’s parents. Miss Myrtle Hoffnell of Abeline Kas., will arrive today for a visit dm'ng tho holidays with Miss Lein Powell and other friends. Miss Leah Powell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I lia Powell, is in the citv visiting the families of her uncles. Joint and James Powell. Ran Cain is out with the basket hall team this week, having left on Monday for Teeumseh, where they played and won the first game. The Keister Dressmaking school closed Thursday evening for a vaca lion until January I nth. The out-of town students have all returned home. —Do you know the story of the fourteen rejected books of the Old Testament of the Bible? Send lbc for it. Literary Curio Co., box Pinceton, Indiana. 44-tf Mr. and Mrs. George Stumbo and little daughter, Jennie Pearl, came down from Lincoln Wednesday to spend the holidays with Mrs Stum bo's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Prater. .1. A. Pollard, R. C. Brown, 10. W. Dowell and D. S. Doomer of Salem att tided Masonic lodge in Falls City Monday evening. Mr. Dowell's lirotli ei was being initiated into the Mas onic order. A splendid time is assured ul the Brethren Church this Friday evening. Dr. Mathers lias diligently trained tin children for the Christinas ex ercises, both in music and recitations. Every Sunday School student may well expect n package of good tilings Father lux has so far recovered from his recent Illness as to he able to say mass at the Convent Wed nesday morning, before school clos ed for the holidays. He will leave early in January for Florida to take a much needed rest. A message was received last Sat urday telling of tlie sudden death of Mrs. W. S. Beyda's motlurr, Mrs. McMillan, In Granger. Ohio. Mr. and Mrs Beyda left immediately in order to lie present for the funeral Dr. Chester Brink left Monday for Applemir. ills , where he w ill spend j tlie holiday., with his wife and other relatives Mrs Brink will return with him Mrs. !: Mead left Wodu sday for Kearney, v i , where she \ ill spend lie renin ■■■ ! r of the vvlm r with tier daugen: Mrs. Dillith Campbell. Mnble j'. , wlio has In "ti visit ing relativi 1 and around Falls City for s- ml months, h Tues day for her home in Ottawa. Kas. W. YatiDornn. govornimtit super visor, wife and daughter, Bums, of Otoka, Okla., were visiting Mrs. and Miss Breheek Wednesday. Hryau (iagnon, who is attending; school in St. Marys, Kas., arrived this week to visit the family of his unde. John Gagnon. Joint llranuigaii came down from Peru Wednesday to spend the holi days at the home of his aunt. Mrs. .Inni'M Powell. Mrs. ('has. Wyand of Somerset,Pa., arrived lust night and with her hus band will make this their future home. Arthur Zook of Baker, Kas., '.van in tin1 city the latter part of last week looking after business mailers. Karl \nkncy and wife of Somerset, Pa., are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Ankney in this city. Mrs. Allie Watson and son, Otho. will go to Auburn Christmas morn- j ing to spend the day with relatives. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles McGuire of Morrill visited last Sunday in tills city with Murt McGuire and wife. Mrs. Jane Kuntz of Kansas is visiting her uncle, (!. J. Crook, and wife during the week. Miss Minnie McDonald is spending her vacation with relatives in Council Bluffs and Beatrice. Mrs. Flurry of Kansas City is in the city the guest of her daughter, Mrs. A. 10. Jaquet. Prof. Hurst accompanied tlie bas ket ball team to Teeumseh and Biu eoln Ibis week. Miss Bookabifl went to her home in Syracuse, Neh.. Friday to spend her vacation. Master Cecil Snyder is in Horton, Kas., visiting his sister. Mrs. Frank Gossett. Miss Hand left Friday for Yank ton, S. D., where she will spend tin holidays. merry Christmas] To My Friends and Future Patrons ' TheNew Ready-to-Wear Store Wishes You a Merry Christmas j The Grand Opening to be s Saturday, January 8th. 1910 | New Ready-to-Wear, New Prices, New Methods, Womens Ready-to-Wear. Furnishinge and Notions i FRED E. SCHOCK Maddox Block $ I Opp. Court House Falls City. Neb. IGEHLING THEATRE I _JOHN P. CEHLING, Manager _ | MONDAY NIGHT, DEC. 2T THE GIRL FROM U. S. A. I A Play that Every American Should See! | 12 Big Singing and Dancing Numbers Regiment Pretty Chorus Girls S A REAL QUARTETTE AND FUNNY COMEDIANS | 35 People in the Cast 35 | Prices. $l-75c-50c-35c TO introduce fine materials, clean methods, scientific equipment into the making of soda crackers was one triumph— To actually bake into them a subtle goodness, a real individuality, never before known, was another triumph— But to effectually protect* them so that the fullest benefit of these fine materials, this careful, cleanly baking, this unique goodness comes to you unaltered, was the crowning triumph that gave the world Uneeda Biscuit