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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1909)
Vol. VI FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1909. Number 51 \ COLUMN OF COMPLIMENTS 7*E TRIBUNE FEELS AMPLY REPAID FOR ITS EFFORTS Professors. Subscribers, Newspap er" Men And Printers Are Loud In Their Praise Here is what Prol'. George K. Chat burn. instructor in mat hematics at tie Nebraska State University, had 10 say of our Holiday edition: "E. K. Sharts, Manager Tribune, balls City, Nebraska, Dear Old Friend—The holiday paper you sent ns reached here Saturday morning, filrs. C. and the children are still <cading it, off and on. It was so targe and so full of beautifully v/ordod articles about such well •elected and appropriate subjects that it will he a week or more be fore we all get through it. The cover, and the lesson it teaches, should make a good impression up on all sober minded people. We have access to a great many papers and magazines, but T doubt d we ever received more real pleas ure from one issue of a periodical ■ han we did this Holiday edition of Hie Tribune. * * * With best wishes, I am GEO. K. CHATBHUN." Frank Harrison, editor of the Nebraska State Capital, says: “Dear Sharts—Your Holiday pa per is a peach—best that has < ome to this office. Yours, FRANK A. JIARItlSON. .Jncoln, Neb. Dec. IS, 1909. The •following is from N. S. 1 >< Motto, now editor and proprietor of the Bethany, (Mo.) Democrat, but formerly foreman of the Kansas City •lournal composing rooms. Coming from him the writer feels the letter a compliment to our town as well as The Tribune. "Charles it. Sharis, Falls City,. Neb., Tribune Office. Dear Friend Charlie—Although we have been ‘exchanging’ papers ever since 1 came up here from Kansas City,not . line in the way of personal cor respondence has ever passed be tween us. I always watch my ex hanges Saturday (that's the day your paper reaches here), eager to sec your paper, just to see how on are getting along. While I am cot personally acquainted with any one there,except you and your wife, I have become very familiar with Die nanu s of your leading businessj inn by watching your advertise ments, and I want to say right here that Falls City is far ahead of most ’owns arpund this part of Missouri ii the way of pushing business men. Your Christmas edition n ach (I us a day earlier than usual this week. It's appearance made me want to write to you. Your town certainly should be proud of such an edition. No bouquets now, but it’s the best edition of its kind I nave seen in many a day—1 don’t •mow that 1 ever saw anything to • qual it The advertisements are all set in workmanlike style, bearing the ear marks of first chass workmen— hey looked just like metropolitan paper ads. I can tell by their looks that the merchants there know how to write an ad. too. and that helps a great deal I ‘got out’ sixteen pages last r eek business is pretty good with me. I havn't been down to Kansas City since I left there over a year ago. * * * Well, Charlie, here’s a Merry v Christinas and a happy and prosper eur New Year, Yours. N. S. DeM OTTK." Pethany, Missouri. The Nebraska City Daily Press hands Kails City and The Tribune a nic< little bouquet in their Christmas edition of Saturday, Dec. 18th. Here it is: “The Christmas edition of the Kails City Tribune has been receiv ed at this office, it is a very artis lic edition and the publishers of the paper may well be proud of their work. We note that the merchants of the Richardson county metropolis are not at all backward in their use of advertising space, and sev eral advertisements are gems of ihe printer’s art. Kails City is experiencing a boom’ at present by reason of the • acquirement of the new shops of the Missouri Pacific division. It is said upon good authority that plans arc being made for the erection of two hundred new dwelling houses to be constructed during the com ing spring and summer. Push and energy iias made Kails City's awakening. There are other towns in eastern Nebraska just as good as our Richardson county neighbor and there is no reason why we should not be able to show the same results Inside of six mouths or a year.” it is g> nerally conceded by all in this section that the Kansas City Star is one of the very best news paper in tile west. The two follow ing compliments are valued very highly by the writer on that account. Tlie first one is from Mr. G. II. Perrin, assistant, foreman of the Kan sas City Star composing room, and needs no explanation: “Mr. Charles II. Sharts, Falls City, Neb. Friend Charlie—I re ceived the copy of your holiday edi tion of The Tribune and was really surprised, from many points of view. 1 had no idea that Falls City was such a nice town as it must be, judging from the liberal support the merchants gave your paper. I can’t help noticing, too, how well worded and properly edited the ad vertisements therein really were. They were gotten up in real Kan sas City Star style, just as though they had been written by a ?10,000 per year ad writer. You must have a well equipped office up there and a good ‘bunch’ of workmen, as the paper you sent me shows the ear marks of skilled mechanics throughout. Well, Charlie, when you come to Kansas City, be sure to come and see me. G. H. PERRIN, 2;>24 Ualtlmore. The following is from Mr. John Forbes, who holds a position in the composing room of The Star: '‘Mr. Charles 11. Sharts, Falls City Tribune, Falls City, Neb. Friend Sharts—I had been won dering for several weeks if you had been to Kansas City and 'pass ed us up’ without even coming up to the Star office and seeing the fellows, as you said several months ago that you was coming down be fore long. But judging from the size of your Christmas edition, I guess you havn’t been here yet— you’ve undoubtedly been very busy. “My, but you folks are certainly getting out a good paper up there. All the papers you have sent me before have been carefully looked over and were of the highest class, but this Christmas edition is just simply excellent. K’don’t believe I have ever seen a better one any where. It must have taken lots of work to get it out, didn't it? Judging from the advertising in the issue, you must have a wide awake set of business men. And they know how to write ads, too. That big double-page ad of Matth ews-Little Co's was written like and made me think of, Jones ad in the Star, and Lyford's was after the style of Emery, Bird ‘Thayer Co's. And so on with the rest of your large advertisers, each would sug gest some certain ad we used to ‘run’ together here, when you were still with the ‘bunch.’ When 1 showed the paper to the other boys they were unanimous in the expression that, it was a dandy paper, deserving the credit that such a clean, well-printed paper chock full of seasonable reading— is sure to receive. They (the boys) all send best wishes. JOHN FORBES. 4036 Summit St., Kansas City, Missouri.” Here is what one of our valued subscribers lias to say: “Falls City Tribune—Enclosed yo will find fH).50 to pay for one year's subscription to The Trib une for each of the following names and addresses, and also my own to January 1, 1911. * * * I am always anxious to see The Tribune and the Christmas issue was very pretty and full of good food for the brain." The Christmas edition of The Trib une comes to us this week resplend ent in color and of ample proportions. A great deal of labor was required to get out such a large paper and it ihows a commendable spirit of enter prise on the part of its publishers. That it was a paying undertaking is shown by the liberal advertising space taken by the merchants Falls City Daily Journal. STRANGER COMMITS SUICIDE TAKES LAUDNUM WITH SUICI DAL INTENT Aged Recluse Found Dead at Her Home Near Barada Death of Mrs. Albert Bertram. Last Sunday a man registered at tile City Hotel, giving his name as Thomas Folmer. He claimed to be a flouring mill workman, and out of woik. Monday evening lie reported th; i lie had been unable to find em ployment, but bis conduct aroused no “tispicion that lie1 was entertain ing morbid thoughts and he retired at the usual hour apparently in much tin same frame of mind that lie was previously. When he was called Tuesday about six o'clock a. m., he was heard gasp ing and struggling for breath, and when his room was broken open lie was found nearer dead, than alive. T1 e city and county physicians were called and though they worked hard over him for hours, he died at ten o'c’'>ek in ttie evening. The body was removed from the City Hotel to Rea vis & Abbey's undertaking rooms and Dr. Reneker, county coroner,was called to hold an inquest. A ‘jury •lay) the funeral services will be hold in Barmin, and Interment being in Harada cemetery. Bertram. Mrs. Albert Bertram died Wednes day, December 15, lbOH at 8 o'clock a. in. after a lingering illness. She had been a sufferer from cancer of tlie stomach. About two months ago win underwent an operation, which tvai unsuccessful and since that time, though site has suffered great pain, she had been patient and uncom plaining and when the filial call came sh<> was found ready and prepared for Ihe future life of which site had no fear. Pauline llepfingcr was born in Miiiersburg, Ohio, January 10, 1853. Sin came to this county with her patents when sixteen years of age. On December 30, 1871 she was mar ried to Albert Bertram. Six children were horn to them, William I'. Bert ram, Mrs. B. (’, ltuegge of Tllden, Neb,, Mrs. A. F. Brecht, Mrs. F. C. Br cht, Mrs. William Miemyer, Mrs. H. F. Miller, all of whom with the husband, are left to mourn her death. The greater part of Mrs. Bert ram's life lias been spent in and neai this city. Since leaving their farm several years ago, they have lived in the present residence on l.aue street. She has been a loving am devoted wife and mother, and lias made many loyal and sincere friends A CHRISTMAS PRAYER i WE THANK THEE LORD For youth, when all the days are golden days, and the hours are hours of delight. For the gladness and purity of young hearts. For the joy of the present, and the storehouse of memories from which to draw when the other days shall come. For deeds undone that await our performance; for the future, pregnant and mighty; for the sorrows that shall chasten; for the struggles that shall strengthen, WE THANK THEE LORD ****** TEACH US LORD That there are burdens to lighten; that there is work for us to do. Teach us sympathy for the sorrow ful; justice to our fellows. Remind us that the golden days are fleeting, that the grey days will surely come. Lot there ever abide with us the thought that we travel this way but once, that the shadows soon will gather as the shadows al ways do when the sun goeth down. Teach us to for get hatred, and to cherish love; and help us always to be kind—as the keeper of the stables was kind to Mary and the child Jesus, whose birth we celebrate. THY MERCY LORD OriuiBf and Black. I was secured and the investigation began. Little was developed, as lit tle was known of the man. He was a large man, dark, with dark mus tache and hair and dark eyes. There wen no papers upon his person to give any clue to his identity or reas on for his rash act. The only cause U»i i could he ascribed would be des pondency. The jury returned a verdict of death by lattdnuni, with suicidal intent. The body was burled in ihe county cemetery on the county farm at one o’clock Wednesday after-1 noon. Dresher. Mrs. Augusta Dresher. an old lady who lived alone on her farm about two and a quarter miles east of Bar-1 ad; was found dead in her home last Tuesday afternoon by B. C. Duer feldt . Mrs. Dresher owned her farm, and it supplied her wants. She has a dau- j ghler living near Morrill, Kas.. hut i peifered to live her lonely life in her! own way, and there she remained to herself with only the kindness of neighbors to look after her. feeling that the old lady might need some attention Mr. Duerfeldt went to her homo Tuesday to enquire after her. lie got no response to his ktrek at the door, so pushed the dot.- open and went in. There upon the floor lay the old lady cold In dea'li and frozen stiff; evidently she had been dead a couple of days. though she had not been molested by, the live pets she kept in the house. * Mr. Duerfeldt. telephoned Coroner Reneker, who went out, and after se eming a jury began the investigation.! The jury found her death caused from heart trouble. Her daughter, Mrs. Will Presses, was sent for at once and today (Fri who have over hold her in high es teem, and to whom her death is a personal loss. The funeral services were held from her late home Friday afternoon at two o’clock, conducted by Rev. It. Coop« i Halley of the Presbyterian church. Many friends gathered there 10 pay a last loving tribute to one who stood high in their estimation and to offer their sympathy and con doVnce to the sorrowing family. The Interment was made in Steele com etery. “The Girl From The U. S. A." “The Girl From the U. S. A.", the coming attraction at the Oelillng Thea ter on December 27th, is a joyous creation, and something new in stage land. The girl goes tantalizingly light hearted into delicious entanglements that, keep the action of the play splen didly melo-dramatic. The clean, fine atmosphere of the production is most wholesome and welcome. The heart interest is deep and natural. There is a triangle love affair and the story of the play contains several social astonishments, that are delightfully artful, yet genuine episodes of real lift'. The musical settings for the play are original and from the pen of a prominent composer, but the numbers an- the late popular success' s of the day Eighty-Second Birthday. Mrs. Amy Vaughn lmd reached her eighty-second birthday Wednesday and a few of her neighbors dropped in upon her to help celebrate the oc casion. A very pleasant time was enjoyed by all and upon leaving Mrs. Vaughn was wished many happy re turns of the event celebrated. CLOTHES LINE THIEVES CAUGHT Tony Cutler and Joe Shields Arrest ed On The Charge. Toil) (hitler and Joe Shields were arrested hv Chief of Police Marts Wednesday on suspicion of being the perpetrators of the recent clothes line thieving. I-or some time suspicion had been pointing toward thorn and the officers have been watching-closely for evi dence. The opportunity presented itsi If and a “peep through a key hoi-." brought to tlielr optics a pile of clothing, etc. Mrs. ShOuse identified several gar ments that, had been taken from her line, as did also Mrs. Bode. Shields is sometimes called "Fid dler Dick,” and is the fellow who amused himself and others by driving a pair of dogs around town, hitched to a little wagon, last summer. 'I :tej were both taken before Judge Fallstead, who set their trial for Fri day morning at 10 o’clock. A peculiar oecurance happened re garding this case, when John Wiltse wan called in to represent the de fendants. John had lost a shirt off tin line himself and—well, he found it. BASKET BALL. Falls City Defeated Midland College In a Score of 59 to 30. One of the cleanest games of bas ket hall ever [mill'd off In this city was played in Jenne’s Opera house last Saturday night between the .Mid land College team of Atchison,lias., and our High School team, the score running high and in Kails City’s fav or. The visitors were all men and there were some fine players among them, but their team work was not good simply because they are newly organized and have laid little prac tice together.* This was their first trip out of Atchison as a basket hall team. Our boys say they never played with a more manly lot, and that they bad a dean game from start to fin ish. They hope to have another game with them. The clean play seemed to impress everybody, and many who witnessed the contest speak of it. We congratulate our own boys up on their success and hope the games they get this week while out on their tour \% i 11 he just as pleasant and agreeable. In the Tecumseh gaiin last Monday night, word has come hack that our boys were victorious by a score of :!7 to 20. They were entertained most royally by the Teemnseli team and had a fine time and game which everyone seemed to enjoy. The Te cumseh boys were fine fellows to play with. In the Lincoln game, in which they played against tin* Lincoln V. M. C. A., they were very unfortunate— the game resulting in a score of 70 to IP against them. * They played with one of the strongest teams in the state—in both size of players and in team work—and do not feel In the least disheartened by their tremen v ,, I r , « n't ... ... '/'''flff*’ *r»» UUUo CK lA clt. i m .* »'■*' * AU* the Syracuse game and in as good spirits as usual Falls City Lady Honored, Miss Lucy Lemon was chosen a de'egate from the Young Women’s Christian association of Doane college to the Sixth International convention of the Student Volunteer movement for foreign missions, which meets at Rochester, N. Y , December 29th, to lanuary 2d. She leaves Lincoln on the 27th, at which time a special train will leave with delegates to attend the convention. The various colleges of the state will be repre sented at tliis convention, which will malcc a jolly crowd enroute. Miss Lemon was a graduate from the Falls City high school In 1907, standing at the head of the class, and is con tinuing her good work through Doan col • go, where she is now a sopho inoi e. "Girls.” The Sam S. & Lee Simla rt pro duction. "Girls,” which Manager Gelding presented to the public a: his theater Monday night was good, and deserving of a better house than greeted it. Mr. Gelding lias had some good attractions here this season, in fact as good as are on the road, and we .lope that he will meet with enough encouragement to justify his contin uing bringing such plays to town. THE WEEK'S SOCIAL EVENTS AS TWAS TOLD TO OUR SO CIETY EDITOR Various Kinds of Entertainment by Individuals. Lodges. Clubs. Churches. Etc. Sorosia met with Alls. Hanks Wed nesday afternoon. Selections from Coleridge were read by Mrs. Jen nlgs, paper on "Public Education in Heaut.y vs Ugliness” was given by Airs. Morehead, and was ably dis cussed. During the social half hour refreshments were served by Mrs. Hanks. Club adjourned to meet with Mrs. Charles Wilson. January 5 th. The regular meeting of the Shakes pearo club was held Friday, December 17. with a good attendance. This les son was the last on "King Lear.” and after finishing the questions,Mrs. C. F. Hoavls gave a very interesting review of the play and discussion of Shakespeare's time. Arrangements wit" completed for the club's annual N<*w Years dinner to he held New Years Eve, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. (!. W. Holland. The next regular meeting will be postponed one week. Il will be held January 7th, 1010, at the residence of Mrs. Isham Hoavls. At Ibis meeting the club will begin the study of "The Win tor's Tale." All members are urged to tie present. / Miss Minnie McDonald entertain ed the teachers of the pul^c schools last Thursday evening at the Keel ing residence, and a royal good time was enjoyed. Sotn’erset was enjoyed during tile evening and many excit ing, hotly contested games played. Mrn. Wood and Mrs. Hurst were present, and contributed to the pleas ure of the evening with their music. Miss McDonald served lovely refresh ments. 31 e whs assisted In serving by Mrs, Keeling. invitations are out for the marriage of Miss Mildred Anderson and Cor nelius Sanford, which will take place on the morning of December 28th,at. eight o’clock in St. Francis Catholic church. Last Saturday evening the ladies at the Keister Dressmaking school gave Miss Doih Dillingham a jolly surprise In the way of an apron show er, and It was truly a surprise. Dur ing tile evening games of all kinds were played mid lovely refreshments were served. DONT CRITICISE THE TEACHER. Unless You’re Sure of a Grievance— Then Don’t. Perhaps no class of people meet with so much or so severe criticism as teachers. Much of this criticism is unjust and exists solely because parents and others listen to unveri fied reports and do nothing to ac quaint themselves with tin- real inner workings of the school room. Any person experienced with children knows that these reports, even when absolutely truthful from their point of view, cannot be relied upon. Again, any one who has the training of chil dre experiences the mortifying fact that even the best trained children sometimes woefully lapse from their k ’owledge of good manners and cour tesy when away from home and among other children. Some mothers will not tolerate any correction of their children's manners by the teacher, taking it as n direct insult to their home training, when it is but the result of childish heedlessness or sdi will. No greater injury can be done a teacher than to condemn her at home in the presence of pupils. Tib re are man>—they usually allude to a teacher as school-marm—who persist In believing and encouraging that a school t richer is never to la regarded with other than susplcian. A Narrow Escape. A dispach from Beatrice, Neb., to ihe State Journal, December 20,con ; voy - the information that Mrs. M. K Kcntncr and Miss Helen of this | city, while visiting with her daugh ter. Mrs. Stella Dean, at Kansas , had a narrow' escape from being overcome by gas. Upon retiring for the night the gar. was left burning low, to keep the chill off the room, and during the night it was extinguished and the es I raping gas filled the room. The bark ; mg of a pet. dog attracted the atten : tlor of Mr. and Mrs. Dean, who threw op't; the house and revived Mrs.Kent int, who had fallen to the floor. ^