The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 10, 1909, Image 9
Cheapest Because They Wear the Best! You can t wear words, but our words wear. When we tell you that | SINCERITY CLOTHES | Copyriglit * Sincerity Clothes are what the label says—it means that the goods were made to make good. A low price can't bring enough quality. Cheapened clothes are not cheap. The makers take the shrink out of Sincerity cloths be fore they put them into Sincerity Clothes. That's why their shape is perm- ^ anent—it wouldn’t be if there was SINCERITY CLOTHES A Copyright /O the least possible chance of the fabric stretching after you wear the garments. The shape with which you start a Sincerity suit or overcoat stays there until you stop wearing it. Such good figures are built into the garments that you needn’t worry about your own. Christmas Sug» gestions for Men Suit or Overcoat Hat or Cap Shirt Fancy Vest Underwear Hose fie or Muffler Fancy Suspenders Gloves Sweater Coat Umbrella Shoes Overshoes Club Bag Suit Case M j k era V. ■ • '' mi C<)» Ci:'v.aj‘ i Quality and Originality r j ’HE above illustration portrays one of our popular V oung Men's Over coat models, designed by “WEIL FFLAUM & CO.” Ibis particular style will be in great demand this Season. It is a very grace fjly moulded garment—fits comfortably and the work manship is unexcelled. We are showing a large range of the Season’s newest and most tarty effects. A pattern to please every I aste. S p in and look them over. Christmas Sug gestions for Boys Suit or Overcoat Sweater Coat Shirt Underwear or Hose Hat or Cap Fur Mittens l ie or Muffler Fancy Suspenders Cuff Buttons Tie Pin Hose Supporters Arm Bands Handkerchief in white fancy and Silk We Keep Open Till 10 o’clock Holiday Headquarters for Men and Boys WAHL & PARCHEN Clothing of Qualify Falls City, Nebraska