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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1909)
I We Carry the Stock [ Xmas Slippers We Strive to Please Xmas Slippers A VALUABLE HINT EUY YOUR SHOES AT A SHOF STORF We sail the famous PALL BAND line of Rubber Goods, Overshoes, Leggings, Rubbers. Gaiters. Warm - -.V, „ . nv/c-J W Shoes, Lined Slippers and EVERYTHING NEEDFUL FOR WINTER WEAR Don t forget those Xmas Slippers, HOE STORE ...--.FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA .— — .".—.. THE COMERS AND GOERS HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME. What Your Friends and Their Friends Have Been Doing the Past Week. —Eat Sowle’s Candy. —Dr. Wilson, Wahl’s building. —See Clarence Heck for oil meal. —The Candy Kitchen for brick ice cream. < See Clarence Heck for your coal this fall. Phone 101. —Young’s Pantorium cleans and presses ladies skirts. 44-tf Miss Mamie Palmer is in Humboldt tiiis week the guest, of friends. —Get your chickens some poultry shells at Heck's feed store. 43-tf Guy Hutchins and wife were, down from Shubert over Sunday visiting his father, Warren Hutchins and daugh ters. S. E. Marts and family, who have been visiting his parents in this city returned to their home in Goodland, Kas. Miss Francis Ramsey returned on Tuesday from St. Joseph, where she has been Visiting her brother, Claude Ramsey. I Miss Flora Albright returned last Sunday from Council Bluffs, where she had been visiting her sister,Mrs. Verne Ripley. Miss Sarah Hutchins left Wednes day for San Diego, Cal., where she will spend the winter for the benefit of her health. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Campbell of Des Moines, who visited Mr. and Mrs. George Jennings last week,went to Salem Saturday to visit relatives. Mrs. G. IM. Bronson and children, who have been spending the past two months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hamel, left Wednesday for their home in Burwell, Neb. Mrs. Clyde Harden, who has been here visiting, returned to her home at that place! the same day. Major Heeling has been laid up at. his brother’s home in Aurora, 111., with an acute attack of rheumatism, and his return home was delayed. He will arrive the latter part of the week. Ho will be accompanied home by bis daughter, Miss Lois, who will spend the holidays at home. When a cold becomes settled in the system, it will take several days’ treatment to cure it .ami t he best rem edy to use is Clmiiib n Iain's Cough Remedy. It will cun eiileker than any other, and also lea cb the'system in a natural and healthy condition. Sold by all druggists. A number of the scenes in "The Great .lolm Canton,” which will lx at the Gehling theatre Tuesday, Dee ember 14, are laid in (lie fashionable club houses in Chicago. In one scene a smart dinner is in progress, and the members of the company ap pear in gorgeous evening attire. The gowns worn by the ladies in this scene are Paris importations, secur ed by the Messrs. Shubert at gerat cost. During the engagement of the company at the Lyric Theatre,New York, the fashion columns of the daily papers devoted much space to descriptions of these gowns. and New York modistes besieged the dressing rooms, asking permission to examine the “creations” at closer range. Dr. Foster came down from Seward the first of the week for a few days. He returned Wednesday, taking with him his little daughter, Helen, who has been visiting her auntie, Miss Oddie Lapp. C. L. and Earl Marts and families returned to their homo at Wymore Saturday after a visit in this city at the home of their parents, Sam Marts and wife. Mrs. Mary Coleman went to Daw son Monday to attend the funeral of Thomas Riley. She remained for a few days to visit with friends. Mrs. S. A. Little returned Monday from Omaha, where she has been visiting her parents. Mrs. L. C. Edwards went to Ne braska City Monday to visit her sis ter and mother. She will remain un til after Christmas. W. S. Leyda made a business trip to Hiawatha Monday in connection with the cigar factory he is about to start there. Mrs. Jessie Nulk left Monday for Muskogee, Okla., to look after some business matters. S. A. Little is spending the week in St. Louis and Chicago buying now goods. H. C. Smith was in Omaha during the week attending the corn show. Miss Anna Mason spent Sunday with friends in Hiawatha. Homemade Candies We are making special preparations this year to supply our customers with fresh, home made candies for the Holidays. To the Churches and School teachers throughout the coun ty, we wish to say that we can give you purer goods at closer prices, than anybody in the county. We carry a full line of line box candies suitable for gifts. Before buying get our prices. Brick ice-cream we make on short notice and will have Pineapple Ice and Bulk Ice-Cream all through the Holidays. Also fruit and Nuts. The Candy Kitchen home of Pure Candies —Call on C. A. Heck for coal and j wood. Joint Kelly was a Dawson visitor to tlii.s city Friday. —Buy rock salt, barrel and sack salt at C. A. Heck's. 43-tf Miss Myrtle Jones of Ritlo was shopping here Monday. T. J. Gist was on the sick list the latter part of last week. John Crook left last Friday for Oklahoma on a business trip. Dr. 10 d Hays was down from I taw son for the folks' memorial services Sunday. M. .1 Murphy was down 1 r-tin Daw son Friday night for the 1<. of I meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Humphrey of Verdon were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George* Abbott. Ray Zimmerman was over from Hiawatha last Sunday the guest of Miss Hazel White. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Greenwaid went to Kansas City Monday, returning on Monday evening. Pat Burk and .lames Kelly were down from Dawson Friday for the K. of C. lodge meeting. Bert Baker returned to Idneoln Monday, where he is doing jury duty in the Federal court. Wm. Riley was down from Dawson Friday. He remained for 'in K. of C. meeting in the evening. Mrs. Will Julian went to Stella on Monday for a few days visit with the family of her brother, J. It. Cain, Jr. Mrs. N. A. Heath, who visited Miss Maude Graham last week, returned Wednesday to her home in Hebron, Neb. Mrs. Schmueker, mother of Mrs. Murt McGuire, arrived last Saturday from Morrill and will make her a visit. Col. and Mrs. Bradley, who have been visiting Mrs. Schlereth. return ed Sunday to their home in Hum boldt. Sadie Daeschner, Cora Zoellers and Agnes Sinclair wen it to Preston Fri day evening to visit relatives until Sunday. Mrs. Hurst, who has be. n visiting at the home of her son, K. K. Hurst, returned Monday to her home in Dunbar. J. R. Cain, Jr. and wife were down from Stella over Sunday, the guests of the family of his father, J. It.! Cain, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. lierl Baker returned Friday evening from .a we >k spent in Lincoln. Mr. Baker served as a juror in the Federal court. Miss Jessie '.Vithee of Stella and Mrs. .1. Cline of Colorado Springs were guests at the home of John llos sack the first of the week. Joe Norris came down from Lin- \ coin the first of the week for a \ short visit, with his son, Leon, and his sister, Mrs. I. C. Maust While splitting wood last Friday, the ax flew off the handle and cut a deep gash in the knee of .1. It. Coupe. He was laid up for a few days. Mrs. Vern Hipley and little son, of Council Bluffs, Iowa, arrived in the city Sunday to spent a few weeks with the former's parents, Mr. and I Mrs. George Albright. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Greenwald went to Humboldt Saturday. Mrs. Greenwald is spending the week with Mrs. S. M. Philpot, while Mr. Green wald returned home Sunday. The only man who makes a suc cess of a business is the one who builds it up and is vitally interested in it. Take away individual respon sibility and you take no risk Croup is most prevalent (luring the dry cold weather of the early winter months. 1'arents of young children should be prepared for it. All that is net ded is a bottle of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. Many mothers are never without it in their homes and it has never disappointed them. Sold by till druggists. l)r. Henderson dosed up ois lmsi iii ss ill fairs hero and shipped his household goods to Rulo last Thurs day. tie and liis wife left for that place where they will make their fu ture home. Kails City's loss is Rulo’s gain, and they seem well pleased to have Dr. and Mrs. Henderson to make the change. Misses Catherine and Anna .Mc Mahon from near Preston were up last Saturday. They had to go into Preston and come up on tlu* train, as ',h rivi i was out and the country roads almost impassable. Most of the farmers from the surrounding country drove to the nearby towns Inst Saturday and took trains into Kails City, as it. was im possible to cross the Nemaha and Muddy bottoms. A tale for our grandchildren, “The flood and foot-deop mud In Decem ber, 19011.” None of our ancestors can spring one like it in iliis coun try. .I i —Do you know the story of the fourteen rejected books of the Old Testament of the Bible? Send 10c for if. Literary Curio Co., box 256, Pinceton, Indiana. 44-tf Major Keeling returned the first of the week from a visit to liis dau ghter, Miss Lois, and liis brother,Geo. Keeling at Aurora, 111. Lee Marts and family who visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Marts last week, returned Friday to their home in Wymore. Mrs. Jos. Gentry of Baxter, Term., who lias been visiting relatives here left Friday for Reserve for a visit. George Wahl is back again in liis fiber’s store since the season at tlu> Vinegar factory closed. AI Sherwood, engineer on the dredge boat, left Friday for a visit, to Chicago and Ohio. Dan Rawley came in from Beatrice Friday to visit a short time with his parents. Dan Sullivan is up from Artesia, N. M., visiting relatives and friends. FOR Christmas Nuts. Dates. * Candies. Chocolates. Fancy Figs. Table Raisins. Fails of Candy. Catawba Grapes. California Grapes. Fancy Candy Boxes. Candy in Flain Boxes. Candy in Fancy Boxes. These are all of the best. Christmas Trees and Candles. Come in and See D. W. SOWLES —Watertown Wisconsin liye flour) flour of C. A. Ilc'ck. Rev. Neumaker came down fromj Columbus, Neb.. Tuesday to officiate at the marriage of Miss 11 nIda I’m sse and Arthur llartinnn. lie n-lurn i ed home Friday. Miss lleulah Fry went to Hiawatha Tuesday hy railroad, hoping to be able to get to her home south of the Nemaha. The bottom roads are so bad it Is almost impossible to drive across, and Miss Fry lias been here since Friday. The Christmas spirit is in the air and it is doubtful if there is a city In tli.' state that lias made more elabor ate i reparations for the holidays than) our own. The merchants have re sponded to the feeling of buoyancy| that the season creates and they have loaded the shelves and tables and even tlu- floor space of their stores with everything that the season de mands. They have bought heavily of holiday goods and everyone of the establishments is a veritable exposi tion of lliings that are beautiful and sensible, Free government homesteads i Montana. Fertile soil, mild climat and good markets. l-ands produce 40 bushels winter wheat and all kinds of small grains and grasses i. abundance. Also deeded laud fron $5 up, on easy terms. Addess In grant Cain, Chotoau, Mont. 4:i-2t Tile Itoyul Neighbors conducted .1 very successful bazaar in White’.-, store last Friday and Saturday, ar which a nice sum was realized ^for the piano they are buying for then lodge room. All kinds of Christina, articles both useful and ornamental wore sold. Mrs. George Ocuiuh was up from Itulo last Thursday between trains. A. It. Keim made a business trl lo Pawnee City Friday. Dan Riley was down from Dawson i lie last of the week. Dr. .1 C. Shephard was up fron itulo Friday. .1. .1. Ridley went to Omaha las Friday. Jim Cronin was up from Itulo Sat urday. —Get your wood and coal of C. A Heck. 43-tf Yuletide is here and our stock of Toys and Holiday Goods is ready for your in spection. We are told that our stock is by far the largest in town, and we know that it is full of bargains and choice selections. Our store arrangement this year is different. The five and ten cent goods are in the balcony. This is a litfle store of itself and the values that we show here will surprise you. The twentyfive cent goods are in the north room and occupy i 25 square feet of shelving. The fifty cent goods occupy the sec ond section of shelving in the main room, and the front section is devo ted to higher priced articles. All over the store you will see drop pings from Santa Claus’ pack. This arrangement will make it easy for you to shop here, and we have made the prices easy. MORSMAN DRUG CO.