You to Do Your Holiday Hargrave & Hargrave Clothes represent the highest point in value giving. It’s on the strength of this fact that this store has won the leadership in this city. Speaking of values—see the Suits and Overcoats priced at $12.50, $13.50, $15.00, $16.50, $18.00, $18.50, $20.00, $22.50 and $25.00 The Clothes we of fer you at the above prices were made especially for us by the greatest Clothes makers in the land. I Copyright I90() The I louse of Kuppenheimer Chicago No matterwhatyour thoughts may be in regard to Clothing, you'll find them ful ly realized in the splendid garments we offer at the price. i ^Copyright 1909 _ he House of kuppenheimei Chicago Wear H. & H. and see what a splendid tonic it for ycur system. This store don’t have to argue the fact that it sells only ’ the “good kind.” Keep this in mind—you can buy Clothes of perfect good taste at Hargrave’s at all prices, from $10.00 to $30.00. At whatever price you pay you get better here than you can get for the same money at any other Palis City Store. We know that we benefit ourselves when we serve you best. It is always our aim to give you the best possible service—in seeing that you are correctly dressed, per fectly fitted, and that the models and patterns are right for you. You buy your Clothes wherever you choose, of course. You have a right to, and the fact that we'd like to sell them to you needn't influence you. But it’s worth some thing to any man in Falis City, or eisewhere, to do busi ness where they make a specialty of selling ONLY GOOD CLOTHES, because they are economical—while they cost more than poor clothes, they are worth more than they cost. We sell Clothes as a service to you as well as a profit to us. You’d better have a look at these Rood Clothes of ours. We have a Suit and Overcoat style for every taste colors, patterns, weaves and models that satisfy all comers. HARGRAVE “The Home of Good Clothing” Opposite Postoffice, Falls City, Nebraska