Means Much To the level headed young man, a bank account, added to the de termination to make it larger, means much. The nemes of many such arc on our books Young man young woman, if yoi r name is not on the list would it not be wise to open ;.n account at once and keep adding to it? Its the right thing to do. The amount may be small at first but all things must have a be ginning THE Falls Citv State Bank And commence the saving habit now mACRE HOMESTEAD FREE ‘ountry just opening for Ifoino.stt'ada Ins linen controlled I>v Rlot'kiiton for • ours IiHiid as good or belter limn any Indian lit sorvatlon For in forma Mon addrt ps DALE U ltedidence Phone 271 mmmamaMstr=rr # - CLEAVER & SEBOLD INSURANCE REAL ESTATE AND LOANS NOTARY IN OFFICE FOR SALE — A nice six room cot tage, lights, water, cement walks, cel lar, barn, coal house, and three lots. Located one block from court house and in splendid shape, a model i house. Price $2,500. Inquire at this office. 41 »f Possibly a Scheme. - f New VnrW hrnLer is said to be so i mingy that he buys lus coal by the peck " "Perhaps that's precaution, no stinginess It may be that be doesn't want to sunt a hull market.” ! —Washington llern.n AT THE GEHL1NG. VV. E. Patton, the Peculiar Comedian, Will De Here Saturday Night W It Patton, the peculiar comed ian .'ill be at the Gehling, Saturday, Iteci-mber I Hit. in his new play, "The Itlockhead," the story of which brief ly told is us follows' .lack Steele.gam bler, and man of the world, has seen and fallen in love with the beautiful daughter of a wealthy retired mer ehant Knowing he would never be received at her home, under his prop er name, and learning that her fath er is expecting a Latin professor, he ri ohes to impersonate tIn latter and us tho eccentric Prof. Theodore lilocksom Ili ddlngton. he appears at the summer home of tho merchant. His odd speeches, awkward move nts, and peculiar dress, fur is|i much amusement, and lie is un mercifully guyed by the girl lie ioves, but in spite uf that he noon manages lo interest her. lie also finds plenty to do in the household of the mer chant; the latter’s young and pretty wife is drifting away from him, and is almost persuaded to elope witii a clever scoundrel, whom .lin k rec ognizes ns a man with a bad record in Colorado lie saves the wife from dishonor in an original way; he also brings together an elderly pair of lovers, and cuds by playing poker with the merchant and winning plen ty of money. When it is discovered he i- .lack Steele, the gambler and not the professor, he is promptly or dor d out of die bouse, but by n iiiauiiflcent game of bluff, lie sub dues the merchant and wins the vi I of his choice. The play is f ill ot bright comeuy. and there is not a dull moment during its priv illation. It also has a serious side and soil: * beautiful ami touching scenes. The chare'tots are all well drawn, the bluff old merchant, who wants to be considered an old sail, and is proud of his poker playing, Isaiah Hicks, a typical Long Island farmer; Kd ward Melville, the mail from Colora do; Solomon Wettsteiu, tIk* Hebrew protege of the merchant; Kvangellnc Black, the three linns widow,looking for another husband; itusli Buck, the lough clinffciir; Kitty Barnes, the merchant's daughter; Until, his wife; and Button us .lack Steele and I’rof. Ileddington. cannot fail to amuse and interest you. Kcinemhcr at the Hell ling Saturday night, December 11th SIMPLY MEANS Or HAPPINESS Dissertation on Wisdom Suggested by Sentence from Works of Thomas Carlyle. Hi re is a little sentence from Car lyle: “Holng miserable be lias been unwise.“ So if is something to be wise, and what i wisdom? l'he lliblo says ii is that wliicli romes down from above. II Is a spirit that gets into ont life; it is a temper, a disposition, nn inclination that presides over ones conduct, ind directs it toward what is pure and true It is more of discern ment than knowledge; more of emo tion than of thought. It is a phase of faith which believes In the right of tilings, it grows out of faith in the final triumph of goodness and files to help it along. Hut aside from the generality ol ex pression it reaches into every little corner and crevice of life and makes people happy. Wisdom is simply par alleling (Sod’s law and when this is not done, then misery enters. This is an everyday fact. People who growl, curse, hate, client, revile, and loaf away their lives are not wise. People who are always searching for happiness are not wise, for the end of their searching will be misery. Wisdom is a force in the soul that keeps doing something for oneself or for others it is not opinion, it is the upward bent of the soul, it is the condition of happiness and all the wealth, power, or knowledge iu the world cannot make it otherwise—Ohio Slate Journal • Weight. Some people seem to think they add weight to ’heir words In using more wind Royal baking Powder is the greatest of time and labor ‘ ; \ savers to the pastry cook cf/ Economizes flour, butter and eggs and makes the j food digestible and healthful Hr \ 1 rflNO Makes most healthful food No alum —no lime phosphates The only baking powder made . from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar PUBLIC SALE. Oscar Zoellcr Will Hold a Public! Thursday. December 16, 1903 Having decided to quit farming. I1 will offer for sale sit. my farm, I . miles sots111 of Preston, 4L> miles northeast of Reserve, Has., and 7 miles southeast of Falls City, on Thursday, December 16. Sale to be gin at ID a m. sharp, the following property: Seven Horses and Colts. One sorrel mare 8 years old, wt. 1270; I bay mare A years old, wt. 1830; I brown mare 3 years old, wt. 1230. These three inures in foal by Poreheron horse; 1 hay colt. 2 years old, wt. 1170; I bay spring colt, 2 spring mule colts. 25 Head Cattle. Five milch cows, 2 will he fresh soon; one thoroughbred Short Horn bull; 8 steers, 2 years old; 1 heifers, 2 years old; I heifer spring calves; 3 steer spring calves. 25 head good sheep. Ii head good shoals. Farm Machinery. One farm wagon, one Peering bin der, one .McCormick Mower, one hay rake, one St. Joe Walking Lister, combined; one Kirlin Oo-Devil, one Canton Walking Cultivator, one Can ion Disc Cultivator, riding; one doub le seated carriage, one-section liar row. one riding stubbie plow, 16 inch; : one Canton Doublorow Stalk Cutter, one John Deere Single-row Stalk Cutter, one disc harrow, one feed | grinder. Miscellaneous One Sharpless Tubular Cream I Se .uator, one large new heating stove, one base burner, one hay rack, , five stand Ires,one automatic cream rr. I vvo set ; double harness, one net of good double fly nets, collars, etc., 12 bu. seed corn, » Ini. oats, one I | man aw, one tank healer, and many 1 other tilings too numerous to mention Terms of Sale All an ms of $10 and under, cash. On sums over that amount u credit of I'J months will be given on bank able note, without interest if paid when due. If not paid when due, ! 10 per cent from date of sale. Three per cent off For cash. Lunch on the grounds. OSCAR ZOELLER. ('. II Marion, Auctioneer. U T Daeschner, t'lerk. NEVtH TOUCH THE SURFACE What Happens When Drops of Water Are Scattered on Top of a Hot Stove. ( It is impossible to throw a few drops of water on u redhot stove. The water ran never touch the stove at all. What is seen is a few drops rolling rapidly over the surface, gradually getting smaller until they disappear. If the drops are on a perfectly level place one can see under them to the other side of the room, thus proving that they are not in contact with the stove Itself. What actually happens is that the bottom of tlie drop changes at once to steam or vapor on coming close to the hot surface, and this vapor is sup plied by t lie drop as it gradually goes away. So the drop rests on a cushion of vapor until it is entirely dissipated. This state of water is known as the spheroidal state, and is of interest on account of it s peculiarity and seeming ly paradoxical behavior. The reason why the drop is not im mediately evaporated or changed to ■team is also very interesting. The water vapor that intervenes between its under surface and the redhot stove is a very bad conductor of heat and consequently the full intensity of the heat cannot get into the water itself, only (he amount transmitted through the vapor being available for this pur pose—The Sunday Magazine Good Reading. A good book Is the next best (king to a good friend. Indeed, there is such « tilings an iiit iiit-iulfthip tn nooks, ior a hook often performs the friendly function of beguiling our tedium or solacing our affliction. There are books we lake from the shelf in the spirit In which we grasp the hand of a friend The leather binding with which we are so familiar seems to he the outer integument inclosing a soul, a human personality When we start to read, it is as though we became the docile listener, willingly allowing our imaginations to lie led captive by the enchaining language of a living speak er. .lust as being with a bad man is likely to have a demoralizing effect upon our characters, so the Intimate association with a bad bok may in fluence us in lhe direction of a de praved and perverted point of view. It Is said that a man may lie known by tiie company lie keeps. He may also be known by the books that are on his live foot shelf or in his pigskin library. High Cost of Beauty. Though the prescription seems to have disappeared from the pharina copia of modern "beauty specialists, ’ It was for centuries notorious that to feed on snake meat was the way to win perpetual youth; to cure goiter, again, or any other swelling, all that was necessary was to munch a viper, from the tail up, as it might be a stick of celery; while yet another snake, if eaten, conferred the power of understanding all the tongues of birds. Davies & Owens Reliable Jewelers and Opticians We Welcome You Whether you come as an intending purchaser or as a visitor. We welcome the stranger, as well as the regular patron, and any and every article we offer you will be just as represented. Following is a few of the many things we have to offer. They will bear the closest inspection. V Diamonds $5 to $250 We have a very fine line of Diamonds in all the desirable sizes, at prices ranging from $5.00 to $250. Nothing is more appropriate and nothing more appreciated than a fine Diamond Ring. Elegant Line of Watches All Standard Makes and Sizes Ladies' O size, with Elgin or Waltham works: 7 jewels, in 20-year ft* l| /\ guaranteed gold tilled case.. H Hs • C? Ladies' li size, with Elgin or Waltham works, 7 and la jewels, in 20 or 25-year guaranteed case, for §0.05 ft* -g f Q to .5p 1 O.Oj dent's 12 size, with 7, 15 and 17 jewel works in 20 and 25-year guar- O anteed cases, for §11 to. Gent's Mi size, with 7, 15 ami 17 jewel works in 20 and 25-year guar AA anteed cases, for $10 and., .. Gent’s is,size, with 7, 15 and 17 jewel works, with 20 and 25 cases, for *7EL $8.00 to.. Remember we carryall standard makes and sizes, and cannot fail to please the most ex acting individual who desires something extra good in the watch line. In the Jewelry Line ( hir jewelrx line consists of Ladies and Cent’s Charms, Fobs. Rings and Loc kets, Ladies’ Brooches, Neck Chains, 1 I at Pins, Cuff Pins, Cuff Links, Thimbles. / For the Man (ientlemen’s Charms. Cuff Links. Scarf Lins, Tie Clasps, etc. All the new ideas at the right prices. For the Woman Hatwear Novelties of the latest designs in sterling and plated. A Nice Present 1 'mbrellas make a most appropriate gift. We carry a good line in gents' and la ladies Umbrellas, mounted in sterling silver and gold filled. Here is a line of goods that ought to interest both la dies and gentlemen. Our line is exten sive and there is a variety of qualities and prices to suit all purses. Cut Glass, China and Silverware for Christmas Buyers Exquisite Cut Glass Pieces and Sets Lovely Novelties in Silverware Elaborate Toilet Sets, great variety Military Brushes, various patterns Cloth Brushes -always appropriate Hat Brushes, in great variety Handsome Manicure Sets / Embroidery Scissors And Many Other Useful Articles in this Line A visit to our store will convince the most critical person that we have The Right Goods The Right Prices The Right Quality i Davies & Owens Reliable Jewelers and Opticians 1st DOOR S. RICHARDSON CO. BANK FALLS CITY, NEB,