The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 10, 1909, Image 12

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    Henry C. Smith
^ ___ j
240 acres well improved, lj- miles from Depot in Kas. Good spring Best of terni' \\ intake
40 acres as part payment, balance long time at low interest.
200 acres 1,H miles from depot. Richardson county, Nebraska Good buildings and land Will
take 40 or 80 acres as part payment
160 acres upland, J mile from depot, Richardson county, Nebraska. $12,000.
160 acres Johnson county, Nebraska. 80 rods to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent.
107 acres near Brownville, Nebraska
80 acres -mile from Falls City high school.
640 acres. $8,000 improvements Also 640 acres adjoining. Will take 160acres part payment.
Fine running water. A No 1 opportunity.
Money to loan
_ x
What Your Friends and Their
Friends Have Been Doing the
Past Week.
The drainage hoard "as in session
Frank Sneihen "as down from
Humboldt Monday
W. I,. Klebor made a buxines* trip
to lteservi Monday
I, c. Sehnell was up from I’reston
on business Monday.
Fred Allison was down from Ver
don to spend .Sunday
Finest Hick spent Holiday with
friends In Horton. Kns
John Sehnnlo went baek to Lin
coin Monday to do jury work.
Charles Goolsby was down from
Verdon Sunday visiting friends.
Sheriff W. T. Fenton made a
Imslnoss trip to Dawson Monday.
IMck James veturued Friday night
from a weeks trip in Oklahoma.
Aaron Culp is up from Washington,
Kas.. visiting his many relatives.
Walter Van l.aiiingliam was down
from Shubert on business Monday.
Simon lleacby returned to Lincoln
Monday where lie Is serving on the
Federal jury
Mrs C. F. Itcaiih spent the latter
part of last week In Omaha the
guest of relallivos.
I‘ L. Wiltse and wife of Newport,
Neb., are visiting his parents. Mr and
Mrs. Jerome Wiltse.
Miss Gertrude MeDowell of Salem
visited her grandmother, Mrs Huehel
McDowell over Sunday.
Mrs, Chester Brink left Monday for
Illinois where she will visit relatives
until after the holidays
Mrs. Fred Nottlebeck and her sis
ter, Mrs Joy Ueyette of Lincoln,
spent, -Monday in St. Joseph
Mr and Mrs loti) Spence enter
laincil "Tiie Hill and the Hawk" Co.,
over Sunday at the National hotel.
lien Stump of Kearney. Neb., ar
rived last Saturday to visit his broth
er. Johnathan, and other relatives.
II S Orudorfl' of Illinois spent a
tew days in ihb city I lie past w eek
(In- p;ucst of Ids cousin. II C. Smith.
Aaron Knacks returned Saturday
from' his trip to Illinois, where he
went to buy his spring stock of enr
rla;;i s and buyyios
Mr Charles Slump came down
from OmaIn Iasi Saturday to visit
her parents. Mr. and Mrs Martlet,
liviiiK north of this city
Mrs Crank Shields who was called
to Humboldt because of the illness
”1 her daurhter lu-law . Mrs Milo
Shields, returned home Sunday
News came to this city Sunday of
iln death in Omaha of Thomas
Mile/, brother-in-law ol our former
townsman. I. A. Ifyaii Mr. Riley
was well known in this county.
I'm-!.- Ito-swell Cishcr. who had
the misfortune about two months ago
i« fall and break his I Idyll is now
aide u> he sitting up. iml has not the
strength to hold himself with Ids
Mr mid Mrs Itohcrt Singleton of
Wolsch. Okla., arrived Friday for a
, ksit with friends and rein tikis. Mrs.
Singleton will he remembered ns Miss
Georgia Beaulieu, the daughter of
our former townsman. Fred Beau
S .1 Barrent, a son ill-law of M.
Self, Inis moved from Kansas City
io our town and will hereafter be
identified with the firm. Mr Barrent
is a young man and comes well rec
ommended to our city and no doubt
will make many friends very soon.
Them* wire quite a number, of ac
cessions at tile recent revival at
Hamlin, conducted by llev. .1. F.
Watson, tin* pastor called by the
Brethren Church in litis city. Mr
Watson is now engaged in a meeting
at Huntington, Ind., and means tc
assume his duties here early next
month, lie comes well recommended
by all the churches he has served in
the past.
Harry Krug and wife, who wen
married last week by Judge Gagnon
were charivaried by a party of neb M
hors last Saturday. They had a ..r<:
time to find the newly married peo
pie, going first to Grandma Else’!
place, and not finding them there
they then went to Elmer Else’s when
after a little noise the couple ahowee
themselves. Harry was compelled
to "dig up.’’
II. L. Rahlf succeeded in pulling
down tin* third prize for the best ten
ears of corn at the National Corn
Exposition at Omaha.
Hon. C L. Van Dyke, superintend
I ent of pontoffiees, was in town Wed
Clyde Thacker eaiue up from
Preston Monday on business.
•lames Jaquct was a St. Joseph vis
itor the first of the week
Stanley Crook of Salem was in
town Tuesday.
The Ministerial Association
The regular monthly meeting of
(lie ministers of the city was held in
Hie Christian Church last Monday
night. Arrangements was made to
Invite all the ministers of the county
to meet with us on December 3d.
for tin- purpose of organizing a coun
ty ministers association to meet once
a month, also to have Institutes and
to work generally for the cause of
tlie Master in ottr county, for minis
terial fellowship and culture.
In this meeting also a committee
consisting of one member from each
church was appointed to look after
the needs of the poor In our city.
They are as follows: Chairman, Ed
Daesehner, German Evangelical; Win.
Shilling, Baptist; Win. Redwood,
[Christian; Samuel Kimniel, Brethren;
D. W. Sowles, Presbyterian; A. D.
Cameron, Methodist. Let everyone
who lias anything to give to the poor
see that it passes through the hands
of one of this committee. The
Thanksgiving offering from the union
service has been placed at their
disposal, and it is the duty of the
more fortunate In help the needy we
believe, especially now that this ar
rangement has been made to that
end. Let us see that these men have
our hearty support and that we give
liberally to them of our substance for
distribution. Also notify them of
families who are in need.
G. E REICH EL. Seen tnry.
Notice of Sheriff’s Sale.
Notice is hereby given, that by
virtue of an order of sale, issued out
of tin* Itistrht Court, in and for
Richardson County and Slab- of
Nebraska, under the seal of said
court, dated on tin* lid day of March.
1909. and to me directed as sheriff
of said county, to be executed, I
will on the 14th day oi January,!9!0,
at Id o'clock a in., of said day. at
the west door of the Court House in
the city of Falls City, in said county
and state, offer for sale at; public
vendue, and sell to the highest and
best bidder, the properly described
In said order of sale tdwit: Lot Hire
(111 block six (t!) Rouleau & Bedards
addition to the town of Rulo propel'.
Richardson County. Nebraska, to
satisfy a decree of said court, with
interest and costs recovered by Moses
Frederick against All n F. Bowersox.
administrator of estate of Amelia M.
VanKirk, deceased, Lizzie VanKirk.
Hilbert VanKirk and Cora Bowersox.
Terms of sale, cash.
(liven under my hand at Falls City,
Nebraska, this Sth day of December,
1909. W. T KENTON, Sheriff,
illy, lohn Wilts**. Attorney for Pltf.
D. of H. Election.
luist Thursday evening the 1> of
H mot in regular session with a fair
'iliriiiltiiict1. flo 1 t\ shy t ha*-*..!*
kept several of the members away
The following officers were elect
ed for the ensuing year:
Chief of Honor. Elizabeth I’eeht;
Chief of Ceremonies. Mary Marr;
Lady of Honor. Missouri Heck; He
ron! r. Emma Foster: Financier. Sar
ah Elizabeth Wanner: Past Chief of
Honor. Zoo Wilson: Usher, Mrs.Scar
let; Inner Watch, Mae lleck: Outer
Watch. Mrs. McCormack: Receiver.
Mary Parehen. W. A. Greenwald was
elected as trustee and Ur. H. R.
Miner and Dr.M.L.Wilson were elec
ted examining physicians.
1 wish to announce to the ladies of
Falls City and vicinity, that I have
sold part of my stock to Miss Ander
son. Thanking you all for your past
patronage. 1 ask you you to extend
that favor to Miss Anderson, at our
old stand. 1 am sure she will do her
utmost to please you. Respectfully,
For Sale or Trade.
1 now have possession of the East
1 Side Cafe and am lioldnig it for
sale. Will sell or trade it very reas
onable. See me at the restaurant.—
Neil McCoig.
Jerome Wiltse and Wife Celebrate
Occasion Tuesday, Dec. 7, '09.
Jerome Wiltse and liis wife, Mary
It. Wills.- enjoyed the golden anni
versary of their wedding Tuesday.
Tile members of tile family sought
to surprise their parents. The vig
orous pioneers were not taken by
surprise, but were overjoyed to
meet their stalwart sons and beau
tiful daughters-in-law, to meet and
cheer them on the fiftieth anniver
sary of their wedded lit'.'. Mr. Wil
tse is in his seventy-fifth year and
Mrs. Wiltse is in her seventieth, year.
The members of the (J. A. It. were
represented, but the happy parents
were left mostly to the quiet enjoy
ment of a visit with the members of
the family, believing it not to be
liesi to disturb and tire the parents
with tile usual formalities.
Those of the family who were
present were (’ P. Wiltse and wife
of New Port. Neb., I)r. E.W.Wiltse
and wife of Module, Iowa, <i. W.Wil
tse of Dawson. Neb.. C. II. Wiltse
and wife of Preston, Neb., Joint
Wiltse of this city, James Wiltse of
Kulo, Neb., and Miss Mary Wiltse
of Stella, Neb.
Of the members of the family liv
ing, there are eight sons and one
daughter and eighteen grand eltiid
Jerome \\ tllsc, who reached his
75th birthday on the 13th day of
October last, was raised on a farm
in Erie County, New York. He was
educated in the public schools of that
state; also attended Shrader’s Cora*
mercial College and Genessee Wes
leyan College at Lima, New York.
He wits married to Miss Mary Lena
i Wahl, December 7, 135!) and moved
to Waukasha County, Wisconsin, and
after farming there a year. ptfn d
to Itulo, Nebraska, in HMil. io iris
old homestead, where he has seen
Nebraska grow from a desort inhab
ited by the buffalo. Indian and grass
hopper. to tin1 wealthiest common
wealth in the I nion.
In 1801 he volunteered, joining the
Union army. Co. K. is Mo. Inft., of
Captain Grigsby’s Regiment of Vol
unteers which was, in the < atnpaingn
against Hood.
At different times he lias been of
fered tilt' presidency of Uenessee
College; the appointment of cap
tain iti his regiment in the regular
army; superintendent of schools
(territorial); and surveyor general
ship "f the suite of Nebraska; all
of which he respectfully declined.
11 is success in life has been great
ly augmented by it is noble wife.
Aside from an injury to the knee,
which was caused by an accident,
he is still as active as an ordinary
man of middle life. His eyesight is
still perfect XXX
Big Charity Entertainment.
On December 2 5 th, (Christmas
night) Herbert Kerr will put on at
the Gehling Opera house his lntesl
play with a cast of local celebrities,
for the benefit of charity. The lend
ing ladies role will be in the hands
of Mrs. John Crook, ami is that of a
female philanthropist. The leading
comedy role (that of a German Ba
ron) will be played by Peter Kaiser.
.There will be two professional theat
rical persons in the east. Phoebe Car
j (lownie Kerr and Crank M atters. The
I balance of the big cast will be made
! tip of Calls (lily’s very best talent.
The complete cast announced later.
Mr. Kerr lias just completed ibis
play and lias not yet secured a suit
able title for same, so as nit iuduce
: luont to secure a title he will offer a
i prize of $25 to anyone in the attdi
j e.nce suggesting tile title wliWt lie
| accepts. All persons in the audience
will be furnished with pan r slips
tut which they may write a title and
I their name and address. A box will
be placed ill the lobby to receive
these as the audience leaves the thea
tre and whoever suggests the title
which is accepted will receive the
This entertainment is for a worthy
j cause,for there are many families in
Calls City who are in almost desti
tute. circumstances. This cold weath
er a few tons of coal. wood, provis
ions, etc, distributed in tins manner
will bring Christmas cheer to many
hearts. There will be two prices for
tickets. $1.00 for those oh the lower
floor and 50 cents for all those in
the balcony.
St. Thorras Church.
Third Sunday in Advent; morning
prayer and sermon sit 10:45 a. m.
subject. "Opinions and the Father.”
Kvensong and sermon at 7:30. Sunday
school and rector's Bible class meet
at 9:45 a. m. Mr Hoy Fairchild,
Christian Church.
Special services at the Christian
Church next Sunday. Morning ser
mon subject, “Lights and Shadows.”
Evening subject, “Ruin Wrought by
Recklessness.” A cordial invitation
is extended to all. Come you are
welcome. E. E. DAY, Pastor.
Marriage Licenses.
William hitler, Humboldt .22
Belle Sebring, Salem .24
Anderson McPherson, Stella .22
Diana McNeelv, lluniboldt .20
Arthur J. Hartman, Falls City....24
Htilda Pruesse, Falls City .22
Old Santa Claus
It is quite evident that Old Santa will make his head
quarters here and all little children should pick their
toys at McMillans’s. Our Toy Display is big, big, big.
We have the new goods and THE RIGHT PRICES.
For Holiday Shopping
T oys of all kinds
Dolls in great variety
Hook to suit all tastes
Drums, Drums
Tool Chests
Doll Houses, Toy Pianos
T oy Chairs, Toy Horses
Toy Tables, T oy Dishes
Doll Heds, Doll Cabs
I'ur Animals
Christmas Postals
Xmas Seals and Tags.
Xmas Stationery
Xmas Candles and
Box Chocolates
Xmas Candlesticks
Shaving Sets
Alligator ToiletSets
/Military Sets
Collar Boxes
Hand Bags
Card Cases
Cigars, Cigar Cases
Cigar Jars
Shaving Mirror
Post Card Albums
Jewel Boxes
We have been in the holiday business tor years. We
ought to know what you want, and we have tried to
buy to please our customers. We guarantee every
article we sell and assure you that our goods are fresh.
Mcnillan’s Pharmacy
Opposite Postoffice Falls City, Nebraska
N i>
Tuesday Night, Dec. 14
SAM S. and LEE SHUBERT Inc., Present The Lyric
Theatre. New York. Success
From the Novel of ARTHUR J EDDY
Six Months in New York
Four Months in Chicago
Great Scenic Production. Cast of Favorites.
Prices 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50