The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 10, 1909, Image 10

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331/} Per Cent Off
on All Ladies'
Tailored Suits
.’Ml Suits No two Suits alike.
\ll but four new this season.
As choice styles, shades and
cloths as wo have shown, some
of them in hut a few days,
liven popular color is repre
#12 Suits now . •# s 00
#10 Suits now.. 10.07
#20 Suits now. 13.33
$25 Suits now . 10.07
#30 Suits now. 20.00
#37.50 Suits now . 25.00
#50.00 Suits now .33.33
Ladies’ and
Misses’ Coats
30 Per Cent Off
itl I.allies and Misses ( oats —
more than we ever had in stock
at this time in the season.
Among these are Tans. Greys,
Grown*, Kids, Navy*. Greens,
Castors, macks and Mixtures.
All sizes up to 40, ( lotlis, IMusli,
Velours, marked $5 to $50, fitt
ed, se m i-litted, three quarter
fitted, full-backs. In short, in
this olTering the variety is as
complete as «t any time earlier.
The weather for heavy coats
has just arrived. You make a
great saving now when your
need beg ns. Those who come
at once w ill find just what they
desire, as to cost, size, color,
Dress Skirts
10 Per Cent Off
250 Dress Skirls to select from,
including sizes from 2<> to 30 inch
waist. 1 Hacks. Glues, Grown*,
Kreys. Greens, Kano Stripes,
Checks, etc. Prices from #2.50
to #10.00. V o iles. Panamas.
Serges, TalfetaJ. The models
are the latest and tailored in
the best possible manner. This
discouin will lie good until
< liristmas.
25% Off 25%
Children’s Coats
6 to 14 years
90 Children's Ccats, sizes 6 to
14 years. Bearskins, Kerseys, Mix
tures, Broadcloths. Some of these
arrived fast week, most of them
new this season.
$4 Coats now $3.
$5 Coats now $3.75,
$8 Coats now $6.
$10 Coats now $7.50.
This is a very choice lot of
Cloaks. Every undesirable coat
having been called out.
Infants Short Coats
Infants Clcth Coats, 2 to 6 years.
Worth up to $2, sale 89c.
45 Bearskin and Cloth Coats. 2
to 6 years. All colors $2 to $6,
one-fourth off.
46 Ladies, Misses and Children's
Coats and Rain Coats. Coats worth
$4 to $8. Staple colors, good styles
and cloth, to close $2.50.
Bags, Belts, Neckwear,
Conibs, Barrettes and
Sash Pins.
A large purchase of these goods
at only half price, enables us to
offer unusual inducement. All these
are favorite articles for Holiday
purposes. An entirely new, and up
to date display of Men’s Neck
Wear has just arrived.
Blankets lO^Off
18 Imported Robes—so useful
for dressing Gowns—$1.50 to $3.00.
Infant’s Crib Blankets at 90c and
20 Pairs small grey cotton Blank
ets 45c.
15 pairs medium grey Cotton
Blankets 65c.
25 pairs large grey Cotton
Blankets $1.00.
45 pairs large grey Wool Finish
Cotton Blankets $1.35.
10 pairs large grey Wool Finish
Cotton Blankets $2.00
" 10 pairs large grey Wool Finish
Cotton Blankets $2.50.
10 pairs laige Plaid Wool Blank
ets $4.00.
8 pairs large plain grey Wool
Blmkets $3.50.
20 pairs large all-wool colors
and plaids $5.50 to $10.00.
Men’s, Women’s, Children's, In
fant's. All weights, styles^ colors,
Cotton and Wool, single garments
and union suits.
A large lot of odd garments, in
Women's and Children's, at half
price to close. It will be worth
your time to look this lot over.
Suit Cases and
Full stock new cases—any price
from $1 to $12.50.
These make gifts that are long
Fable Linen Sets
Pattern Cloths and Napkins to
match, makes the house wife’s
heart beat quick. Husbands will
be doing themselves a good turn,
when they give these to their wives.
Pillow Tops
Many of them ready for use—
great variety from 15c to $1.00.
Our organization has been strengthened, our stock
increased. The markets of the world are open to
us in purchasing. Every bill is boughtat the low
est cost and every discount taken. We charge a
legitimate profit The merchant who does less,
will ultimately be found among the wrecks with
which the career of Falls City has been strewn.
Every item sold by us is accompanied with our
guarantee, that it is ail that can be given for
the price. Watch the merchant who claims to be
underselling everybody else. If he underprices one
item, he will attempt to recoup himself on some
other. Our claim is, that going personally to the
best market in the country'for most of our goods,
paying for them on a strictly cash basis, and
handling the largest quantity of any firm in this
corner of Nebraska, enables us to buy at better ad
vantage and sell at a saving to you over any com
The very unfavorable weather during November,
has left us w ith an overstock in some departments.
Very unusual discounts will be made on these lines
from now until Christmas. Those who have been
unable to come to tow n earlier will make a dis
tinct and easily appreciated saving on their pur
chases made during this sale.
The plans are already formulated for making the
coming year still more notable than ld()<> in vol
unie of sales, in value given, in satisfied custo
mers. Your own self interest will be promoted
when you become our patrons.
For Old and Young
While not going into Books ex
tensively, our selections are popu
lar and inexpensive. Children’s
Stories, small Gift Books, Toy Books
Linen Books, are strongly repre
sented. Particular attention has
been given to getting books that
are new and different from those
so long on the market. Baby books,
Guest Records, Wedding Books,etc.
Pictures Pictures
Pictures, framed mottoes, small
frames, boxes for gifts, in all
sizes, from that holding a stick
pin to one large enough for an
umbrella. Post Card Albums at
5c, 10c, 15c, 25c, 35r, 50c, 75c, $1,
$1.25, $1.50.
Dressed Dolls
Large assortment of dressed
Dolls, perfect samples, at about half
the ordinary cost. These were
bought of the largest importer in
the United States, at a big discount.
They are all daintily dressed, and
handsome Bisque undressed dolls
at prices up to $3.00.
10% Off Lace and
T’pstry Curtains
100 pairs all kinds—white, ecru,
arab, cream, 25c to $12.50 per pair.
10 per cent discount on every
pair. Tapestry Curtains at a like
Phoenix Mufflers
In Wool and Mercerized Cotton,
all colors and combinations, sizes
Boys, Girls, Women and Men, all
at one price 50c.
Christmas Candies, Nuts
Fruits, Ornaments,
Trees, Ktc.
We are now in position to make
you prices on Candies much lower
than ever before. Our supplies
have been bought of a manufactur
er who sells his product upon a
basis fully one fourth lower than
ordinary makers. Committees of
Churches, Sunday Schools and
School teachers buying in quanti
ties will find it to their advan
tage to see us before buying. We
have Christmas trees in all sizes.
Holly wreaths, Ornaments, Nuts,
of the best grades and In excellent
25 per ct. Off
Ladies Sweaters
Only a few left—worth $3 and $5.
All go now at onefourth off.
20 Men’s Sweaters formeily sold
for up to $1.50, now 50c.
18 Boy’s Duck Coats, sizes up
to 34, formerly sold up to $3.50,
now 50c.
15 Pairs Children's Shoes—6'2,7
7|/2 formerly sold for $1.25, choice
now 50c.
45 Pairs Boys and Misses Rub
bers and Alaskas, Choice 25c.
Above two items are the last of
our Foot-wear.
!()& S2!/2 Flannel
ettes 8c
For winter house dresses, kimon
as.sacques,comforters, Flannelettes
are well-suited and economical. The
above price brings them almost
down to the cost of common
8c Fancy Twills now G1 ^c.
Fa ncy
Linen Pieces
There is no gift more acceptable
arid uniting service and beauty in
so high a degree. Some extreme
ly low priced Drawn and Lace
Trimmed pieces will be found in
this stock.
Fancy Handkerchiefs at 5c, 10c,
15c, 25c, 35c, 50c, up to $1.50.
initiai Handkerchiefs at 5c, 10c,
15c, 25c.
Hand Embroidcried Handkerchiefs
at 10c, 15c, 25c and 50c.
Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs
at 15c, 25c, 50c.
Men’s plain Handkerchiefs at
5c, 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c, 35c, 50c,
Women’s plain Handkerchiefs at
3c, 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c.
Fancy Handkerchiefs for pillow
tops and aprons at 10c.
The assortment is most exhaust
ive. All the high class Linen Hand
kerchiefs come from the best
known importer in New York City.
Bis sell's
Carpet Sweepers
Brooms are more expensive than
Sweepers. For the price of five
good Brooms you can buy a first
class Sweeper. House-keepers will
welcome them at Christmas time.
25% Off Ladies and
Misses Dresses
24 Dresses—all nfew this season,
in light and dark colorings, cream,
biscuit, nile, pearl, ro3£, brown,navy,
green, smoko, black, sizes 32 to
40. Prices $9 to $25.
Included in this lot are “Wooltex"
and other well known makes.
Silk Petticoats
Almost every shade remains.
Many of these are “S. H. & M."
make and are positively reliable in
wear. $5 Silk Petticoats now
$3.75, $6 Petticoats now $4.50, $8
Petticoats now $0.
10% Off Silks 10%
A uniform discount of ten per
cent will be given on all Silks, un
til Christmas. We wish to reduce
this stock prior to our January
Silk Ends
On one remnant table will be
found many short end silks at
about half p: ice. These are quite
suitable for making gifts, trimming
dresses, etc.
Silk Head Scarfs
Anticipating an increased sale
on Scarfs for Gifts, we have just
received a considerable invoice.
Prices range from 50c to $2.00.
Our values are extraordinary.
10% Off 10%
Room Size Rugs
Tapestry Rugs, several sizes,$10
to $28.
Smyrna Rugs, several sizes,
$20 to $25.
Body Brussels Rugs, several
sizes, $25 to $35.
Axminster Rugs, several sizes
$20 to $35.
Wilton Rugs, several sizes $34
to $50.
Ingrain Squares, several siucs,
$6. to $16.
Small and Room
Rugs 10% Off
12 18 by 36 inch Rugs, marked
$1.00 to $2.25.
60 27 by 54 inch Ruyr, va.l-.ed $1
to $4^50. \
15 27 by 60 inch Rugs, marked
$2.75 to $5.00.
15 36 by 72 inch Rug-., marked
$3.50 to $7.25.
On our center table will be found
the most notable bargains ever of
fered by us in Dress Goods. The
variety is as wide as our entire
stock, as we have just hesitated to
sacrifice short lengths of the best
cloths we have.
10% Off 10%
All Shawls
Full lines of Square and Long
Shawls. During this sale we will
make a discount of ten per cenL
Shoulder Shawls 50c to $1.00.
Square Beaver Shawis $1.50 to
Square Wool Shawls $1 to $8.00.
Long Wool Shawis $3 to $8.50.
25% Off 25%
The well known ‘'Maish” make
of Comforters, has more of merit
than most lines. It is made of
thoroughly clean, reliable fillings,
and most artistically and neatly
made up. Prices are reasonable,
$1.25, $1.50 up to $1.50.
Warner’s Rust Proof anti
“W. B.” Corsets.
These represent the acme in
corset styles and construction. Our
success with the new models has
been not only very gratifying but
a surprise to us. .
Dress Goods
50 Pieces—plains, fancies, plaids,
in medium weight fabrics, most of
them shipped from our Humboldt
stock last spring, at prices far be
low cost. This lot of Dress Goods
are especially worthy, in substan
tial wearing quality. Note the
50c, 60c, 75c cloths now 35c.
85c, $1.00 cloths now 65c.
$1.25, $1.50, $1.75 cloths now
Fur Coats, Scarfs
and Muffs
Furs of every description have
never been more popular and cor
rect than now. Scarf and Muff
Sets are in great demand. I
We are showing them as low as
$3, which buys a neat small Coney
Piece and good size Pillow Muff,
up to Black Cat, or Imitation Lynx
at $40.00.
Our Jap Mink sets at $28 have
been much admired.
Single Scarfs in brown, black,
and grey Furs at from $1 to $25.
Nice variety of Children's Sets.
Only seven Fur Coats left. Among
these are three 36-inch Russian
Pony Coats, 36, 38, 40 worth $35
to $45.
Knit Shawls
Scarfs, Toques
Cold weather emphasizes the need
of warm head and neckwear. Our
showing is very complete and low
considering the increased cost of
10 dozen Tam’o Shanters, most
popular low cost headwear, worth
50 toe 75c, your choice 35c.
Fancy Articles, Cushions,
Toilet Cases, Brushes,
Boxes, Fine Stationery,
Cards, Albums, Ftc.
Our greatest effort has been to
make our showing of articles akin
to Dry Goods, very complete. You
will find exceedingly attractive and
useful items, at low cost. At 19c,
15c, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, and $1 are
Boxes, Cushions, Stationery, Toil
et Articles, most acceptable for
gifts. s