The Falls City Tribune Vol.VI FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER .1, 1909. Number 48 IE WEEK’S SOCIAL EVENTS AS TWAS TOLD TO OUR SO CIETY EDITOR Various Kinds of Entertainment by Individuals. Lodges. Clubs. Churches, Etc. Its. W. S. Leyda entertained about forty lady friends Tuesday af ternoon at a kensington. Beside the ■ -'die work in evidence, two very entertaining guessing contests fur bished considerable amusement curing the afternoon; one a poem. i'h line ending with the name of hook, the other was a floral love story. An elaborate supper was s* ved at five o’clock, in which the ■less was assisted by her dau ghters, Mrs. Whetstine, Camille and neille Leyda. The afternoon was de a most enjoyable one. frs. John Cox and Mrs. Fred Ches planned and executed a very en able surprise Friday evening in tor of Mr. Chesley’s birthday. . and Mrs. Chesley were enter tiiig the latter’s parents, Mr. and ■s. O. A. Burk in the evening,when sound was heard at the door. Mr. i . 'slay opened the door and to his >-.prise forty-nine masked men and men walked in. The surprise •. s complete. The evening was ’><•.}■ pleasantly passed with games ar.ii social conversation. The guests v. - ,-e mostly members of the K. L. of S., and Mr. Chesley being a mem b- , they gave him a post card shower. At a late hour nice refresh bib- ’its were served. liss Maude Graham entertained with a Som’erset party last Tuesday evening for her friend, Mrs. N. A. Heath of Hebron, Neb. Eight, tables u - re arranged for the game and interest, shown in the contest ai. tl ing the evening. Mrs. John Of walu carried off the honors for waning the most games. Lovely refreshments were served at. eleven o'clock. Visiting continued until tb< approach of the midnight hour iiu'uced tl*e guests to take their de parture. Miss Graham is a charm ing hostess and her friends were de lighted with the opportunity of jneet ir.- her guest. the Young Ladies kensington of tl Brethren Church gave a farewell m- -ting for Mrs. Teeter and her dau ghters at the home of Mr. and M -. George Sperry Friday afternoon. A large number of ladies were pres et!: and enjoyed the afternoon, and at five o’clock a splendid lunch was si ved. Mrs. Teeter and daughters will be greatly missed by these young people, hut they all joined in wishing them joy and happiness in their new home. red Graham entertained the meip bt s of the University Sorority at his home last Saturday evening for Miss Salsbury. Miss Tonegen and Mr Martin Greene of Lincoln, who were visiting college friends here during the Thanksgiving vacation. Three tables were placed for whist, which was enjoyed until a late hour. Lovely refreshmments were served by Mrs. Graham and her daughter. Miss Maude. Roavis Gist entertained the mem bers of the graduating class of ’Oil, last Friday evening in honor of his cousin, Miss Opal Connor of Lin coln, who was a guest at the Gist home during the Thanksgiving vaca tion. Som’erset was the chief amuse ment of the evening; and with class songs and music by several present a very enjoyable evening was spent. Mrs. Gist, assisted by her daughters served dainty refreshments at eleven o'clock. The Daughters of Isabella gave a most enjoyable dance at their hall Thanksgiving night, for which about two hundred invitations were issued Werner’s orchestra was in attend ance, and the evening program open ed with the grand march, in which Peter Kaiser and Aliss Gagnon lead the dancers. The dancing continued until the wee hours arrived and all during the evening most tempting refreshments were served in the ban quet room. Mrs. W. S. Leyda gave a second party during the week on Wednesday afternoon. Guests for nine tables were present and enjoyed a delight ful afternoon playing Som'erset. Eight games were played, and the honors were well distributed. An elegant supper was served in five courses at five o'clock. Hacks called for the ladles at six o’clock and they ad journed to their homes, after spend ing a delightful afternoon. Misses May and Grace Maddox will entertain a few friends with a Som'er set party Friday evening. Miss Floy Grinstead gave a very enjoyable Som'erset party last Tuesday evening, entertaining six teen guests. Much interest was shown during the evening, Mrs. 1. C. Maust carrying off the honors for the most games. Dainty refresh ments were served at eleven o’clock. Miss Floy having the assistance of her sister. Mrs. Gilligan in serving. Mr. and Mrs. Ed King, living south of town, celebrated their thirtieth wedding anniversary last Sunday by entertaining a large party of friends at dinner. A meal fit for a king was served, and fully enjoyed by all the guests present. Mr. and Mrs. King were presented with many beau tiful gifts as tokens of esteem from liTMir friends who wish them many more happy anniversaries. Sorosts met with Mrs. Holland on Wednesday afternoon. There was an interesting and instructive program given. The subject “Coleridge, man and Poet" was ably presented by Mrs. Jacquet. "Public and Private Hygiene" as set forth in a most com prehensive manner by Mrs. Morsman, clearly defines the duty of every cit izen in tile endeavor to promote the health of the home and the communi ty at large. During the social half hour refreshments wrere served. The next, meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Banks on December 15th. THANKSGIVING SERVICE. A Large Crowd Attended the Services at The Baptist Church The Thanksgiving services were held in the Baptist Church, and proved the experiment of having such services in the* evening, a suc cess, as many were turned away,un able to get in. The program in its entirety was interesting, beginning with “ The Pilgrims Chorus" on the organ, by Miss Banks. The invocation by Kev. Reichel followed; when the mens' double quartet, composed of leading singers from the different churches, gave a very appropriate song of praise. It is to be regretted that our men do not come together oftener and exercise their talent for the pleasure of the public. The scripture reading was given by Mrs. L. C. Manger of the Meth odist Church. The Woman’s Chorus was then heard in the 5th Psalm "Hear, O Lord”—the music of which is the exact music of Chopin’s 13th pre lude. The music is exquisite in Its self, having an obligato that is sung in such a manner as to seem to come from a distance, a veritable cry to the Lord, while the body of the chor us keep calling upon the Lord to hear their cry. The prayer of the evening was made by Rev. R. Cooper Bailey, and the offertory was a violin solo by Miss Alice Cleaver. The sermon by Rev. Nanninga was thoroughly appreciated. It was a plain, simple, straightforward talk on the uses and abuses of Thanks giving services, and was listened to with devout attention. After a second praise song by the quartet, the benediction was pronounced by Mrs. F. Ellsworth Day of the Christian Church, closing an. unusu al but helpful service. A NOTABLE "SPREAD.” Elaborate Thanksgiving Dinner At The New National. Landlord Spence, of the New Na tional, certainly made a reputation for his hostelry last Thursday, in the way he served his guests at Thanksgiving dinner. The menu for the occasion would compare favorably with a like occa sion at any metropolitan hotel, and those who were fortunate enough to partake of Landlord Spence’s fare upon that occasion, were loud in their praise of the feast. From the traveling men, as well as the "home folks’’ came many compliments that caused the chef, the waiters, and Mr. Spence to smile with satisfaction. i LONG SOUGHT MAN FOUND WAS UNDER COUCH AT FRANK CAMBLIN S RESIDENCE Was Caught and Bound Over A Real Case of “Man Under the Bed" At Last. Frank Cnrnblin, nightwateh, and | liis brother, “Doc,” were visiting with the former’s family at his home Sat urday evening, and while engaged In conversation Mrs. Camblin heard a noise in the front room. She was so persistent in her belief that someone was in there that Frank and his brother went in to investigate. Af ter looking around the room they casually looked beneath the couch and there they saw a man stretched out. Mr. Camblin held the fellow a prison with a revolver, while his brother pulled the couch away. lie was handcuffed and taken to jail, refusing to talk or give his name. When taken before Judge Spragins for a hearing Wednesday ho j said his name was Frank Howe, lie was bound over to the district court. Henry Gatz Injured. Dr. Moose' was called to the home of D. W. Gatz. (lie latter part, of the week. His sun Henry was unloading corn and in some manner sustained a broken arm. The injured member "us dressed and Henry is getting along remarkably well. FIRE AT BARADA. Several Persons Lose Property As a Result of The Fire. Special from Barada. About one o'clock the morning of the twenty-sixth of November .the citi zens of Barada were aroused by I he fire alarm. All rushed to the scene, but found that the fire had too great a start to save anything from the burning building, on the cor was in the Allen building, on the cor ner of Main street and Forest Ave. Others who lost were W. F. Butler, who was using the wareroom for storing merchandise; Neil Piersol, who occupied the front room with barber shop and confections, and Dr. S. II. Andrews whose office was on the east side. Mr. Piersol car ried insurance. Pat Casey Lands Sold. J. H. Morehead, executor for the Casey estate, sold the lauds adver tised, Monday. The 160 acres were purchased by Christ Horn, for $21,000; the 95.5 acres in Ohio township went to Frank Shulenberg for $11,025; the seven acres in Evergreen Heights sold for $775, Henry Schultz being the pur chaser. Barred Rock. Cockerels for sale. Good ones.—Mrs. G. E. Jones, Salem, Neb. 47-2 MEMORIAL SERVICES. B P. O. E. Will Hold Their Services at The Gehling Sunday. The Henovolent and Protective Or der of Elks No. flfiit will hold their mutual memorial services at the Gehling Sunday afternoon at three o’clock. Th!>, at her homo in Kails City, Neli., the spirit of Mrs. Kllen McCarthy passed from its frail tenement of clay Into that fuller life among the immortals. She was seventy years of age, and died from paralysis. She has stood on the pier and watched so many of her loved ones depart alone on the silent voyage in to the infinite, that her heart, had long boon in attune, and her ear attentive for the final summons. She united willi the Catholic church in her girlhood days and was over faithful, and a living example of what Christ's religion means to the life which lias come under its influence and guidance. liven up to her last days,when tin* Infirmities of age had settled upon her frail form her heart ever kept in full measure of the Divine love. lillen Smith was Dorn in Mltchel towu, Ireland. At Hie age of throe years, with her parents, she removed to Canada. Fifty-three years ago she was married to Mr. McCarthy. To I hem wore born five children; olio died at Davenport, Iowa, at two years of age, and a married daugh ter died some thirteen years ago. The living ones are Dennis and John of this city and Mrs. Mary Kennedy of Sliuhert. She also leaves a hus band and several grand children. The funeral was held from the Catholic church Tuesday morning Joy. Morris Joy died at the home of his sister, Mrs. Dick Jones early Tuesday morning, at the ago of thir ty-six years. For some time he lias been a sufferer from tuberculosis and an operation recently performed gave only tomporarly relief. Mr Joy was horn at Ruin, but the most of his life lias been spent in and near Falls City. lie leaves to mourn, his mother, four children, Morris, Jr., Maude, Julia and Ray mond; four sisters, Mrs. G. W, In skeep and Mrs. Nora Copely of Chi cago, Mrs. Ilenj. Poteet and Mrs. Dick Jones of this city, and two brothers, Reuben Joy of Margrave's ranch and John Joy of Houston, Tex. The funeral services were held from The funeral services were held at the Catholic church Wednesday morn ing and the burial was made In the Steele cemotry. Benjamin Wiser Dead. Benjamin Wiser, after years of poor health and suffering, tiled at the home of his son, Dr. B. Frank Wiser, in Denver, Colo., the latter part oL' last week. Mr Wiser has a host of friends in ihio county who will be grieved to learn of his death. He made this county his home for more than thir ty years, residing most of that time In and near Verdon. A few years ago he and his wife went to Arizona to spend a few months, and while there Mrs. Wiser died. Since that time Mr. Wiser has made his home with his son. Church Dedication. Special from Barada. The new United Evangelical Church I at Barada will be dedicated Decern-1 12, 1909 by Bishop W. F. Heil of Highland Park, 111. The Bishop will preach as follows: Saturday ev ening at 7:00; Sunday morning at 10:30; Sunday afternoon at 3:00 and Sunday evening at 7:00. The sermon in the afternoon will be in German. All are cordially invited to attend these services. A. Essley, Pastor. Baptist Ladies. The ladies of the Baptist Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Rob Fitzgerald, to complete work begun! last Tuesday. { Shakespeare Club. The Shakespeare Club will meet) with Mrs. C. F. Reavis this (Friday) afternoon, (t is desired that all mem bers attend. FARMERS INSTITUTE. To Be Held In This City December, 21st, 22nd, and 23d. The annual Farmers Institute will be held In this city Tuesday, Wednes day and Thursday, December 21, 22 and 23, 1909. Tuesday. 9:00 a in. until 12:00 M., recelv lug and placing exhibits. 1:30— "Conserving and Increas ing tlie Fertility of the Soil."—Prof. 10. W. Hunt., Syracuse. 2:30- "Breeding, Feeding and Car ing for Dairy Cattle." Andrew M. iOlllott, Galt. Ontario. 7:30—"Twentieth Century Farm ing." Mr. Billot. 8:30- "Kconomy in the Care of Farm Animals.”—Prof. Hunt. Wednesday I 9:30- General discussion of every thing on the farm in open session, in which the leading agriculturists of (lie county will take part. 11:00 "How can we get. our Boys to take an Interest in the Corn Grow Ing and Testing Contests now car ried on by Hie Slate’." T. .1. Oliver. 1:30 "Suggest tons to Cooks about Cooking "- Miss Gertrude Rowan, Lincoln 2:30 "Profits from u Small Flock of Sheep." -Mr, Elliot. 3:30 "Growing Potatoes for Prof It."—Prof. Hunt. 7:30—“The Vocation for Women " AIlss itowan. 8:30 "Agricultural Education.” — Prof. Hunt. Thursday , 9:30- "What are wo Going to do About Hired Help on the Farm and lit the Farm Hommetf?" This prom is es to be interesting from start to finish. 11:00—“Early Hays in Nebraska.” —Judge Isham iteavis. 1:30—Business Meeting and Elec tion of officers. 1:45—"Increasing the Yield and Quality of- the Oats Crop."—A. E, Nelson, Ames, Iowa. 2:15—"Breeding and Raising Draft Horses."- Mr. Elliott. 3:00- "Selecting Seed Corn.”- Mr. Nelson. 4:00 Auction sale of premium ex Mbits. W. P. LONG. 48-3 Secretary. Attended Banquet at Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Gisl attended the joint banquet of the Nebraska societies. Daughters and Sons, of the American Revolution, held at the Rome Hotel in Omaha on Tuesday evening. November 30, 1909, In commemoration of the one hundred and twenty-scventh anniver sary of Ihc acknowledgment of Great Britiau of American independence. Ii was distinctively a great affair. The assemblage was addressed by Gen. Clias. F. Manderson, Hon. John L. Webster and Rev. Frank If. Ixive land. Nothing like it lias ever been held in tile state. Mrs. Gist has re cently been enrolled a Daughter of the Revolution, and there are sever al other ladles in Falls City who aro eligible for that honor, and will short ly receive li. Family Reunion. There was a family reunion at the home of Chief Marts und family on Thanksgiving day. The children with their families were all there, and snob a dinner just like mother al ways had—that tells the story. (lath ered around the table were C. L Marts, wife and son Glen, Earl Marts, wife and two children of Wymore and S. E. Marts, wife and three children of Goodland, Has. This is the first time in four years that they had all been together, and it certainly was an enjoyable day. Leaky Roof Damages Stock. Special from Stella. During the rain Saturday night and Sunday, all hands were kept busy at both liogrefe’s and Wheelers’ stores, catching water and trying to move tiie stock to keep it dry. The trouble being a had roof on the opera house. Considerable stock was dam aged. Diphtheria Checked. Special from Humboldt. There has been no new cases of diphtheria in Humboldt for some time, and it is believed the disease is checked. Board and Room. Those having rooms to rent, with or without board, .riform me at the Business College, after 3:30 p. m. H. H. DARNER.