The County in General The “Doings” of Our Country Friends and Neighbors. / BAEADA. los. Surntan was in Shubert Sat in day. Wash Sailors was in Shubert one day last week. Hardy Hays was over from Shubert ie day last week. C. H. Martin was in Falls City a uuple of days last week. iacob Peters and Wilson Wamsley \ •■re in Falls City Saturday. Heine Kuker and family were shop ig in Fails City Saturday. Mrs. T. C. Hoe of Falls City spent the week with relatives here. lolin Meredith and wife spent Sun : y with George Burgess and wife. A daughter was born to Mr. and •s. Win. Bpllman, November 10th. los. Suriuan and wife were guests ,ii the liome of Wilson Wamsley Sun c mday. Misses Riggs and Lilly spent the v --ok end at their respective homes - ir Shubert. Miss Floy Lewis of.Wymorc spent 1 ■ week in Barada with her friend, f, s. (’. V. Cox. Misses Flossie Wamsley and Fay f igle spent Saturday witli friends ..- the Dunn farm. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith of Falls y were visiting Mrs. Smith’s motli Mrs. James Stephen eon. this Wi ek. Rev. A. Essley held services at the i hel church last Sunday evening, will also hold services there- next iday morning. iissi-s Audrey and Olga Wlle n and .Mrs. Otis Spickler returned unlay from Omaha and Council I iffs, where they spent tlie week, ohn Alilutz and family. who have -a visiting the family of Jacob -issinger, and other relatives left -sdav for Falls City.enroute to r, • ir home in Washington. RULO. ceil McCumber of Preston was a o v isitor Sunday. Veil lvanaly came down from Sa 1 i.i to spend Sunday. .eslie Inks returned to Rulo the • er part of last week. 'lyde Hart went to St. Joe Thurs c • for a few days visit. ewis Plante returned to his home i Vment, Okla., last week. Vill Hinton of Omaha was a busi es visitor in Rulo Monday. ■viix Farien and daughter were St. \i -eph visitors last Saturday. . A. Hinkle spent a couple of days v h Atchison friends last week. Irs. Pierce returned Sunday from isit with relatives at Wymore. lamie and Gertrude Kanaly were r- Joseph visitors last Saturday. Irs. Kffie Cramer came from Falls t v Saturday to visit her mother. Vrt McWain of Kansas was a Rulo m.- tor tlie latter part of the week. liarles Maze came down from Lin-1 ( i last week for a few days visit. j 'ss Roland visited with relatives i Missouri several days last. week. lie steam ditcher for the railroa (■ inieneed work in Rulo last week. •.aymond Marcum of Kansas was visiting with Rulo friends last week. us Johnson returned Sunday from k isit witli his family at Nebraska CFy. •'wing Watson came up from Wat se . Mo., to spend Sunday with home foi is. :.ouis Sweinfurth and wife are the. parents of a baby boy, born during tin week. Ir. and Mrs. Charles Miller are the parents of a baby boy, born during tie week. 'rank Blair of Highland,Kas.,visit ed with his mother here a few days Iasi week. Mr.and Mrs.Joe Frederick returned Monday from a visit witli relatives in St. Joseph. Mrs. J. R. McCleary of Falls City wps a business visitor in Rulo one day last week. Miss Lena Hallett and mother of Peru spent a few days in Rulo with ■. friends this week. Mrs. Peter Frederick and children visited witli relatives at. Preston a , few days last week. The friends of Grandpa Larabee re membered him with a post card shower Wednesday. Mr. Oldfield, son and daughter,who have been visiting with friends here returned t.o their home in Auburn the last of the week. The ladies of the Catholic church gave a dance in the hall over the Hosford store Thanksgiving night. A fim* supper was served. Rva Belpier and Harry Huber were married at Pawnee City one day last1 'v ‘ k and returned to Rulo Saturday.’ Friends extend congratulations. Will Davis returned last week from an extended stay in California. He is much improved in health. Mr.Dav is will soon open a general toy shop i; Rulo. Ir. and Mrs. Charles Best went, to ll!ae Springs Wednesday. Mr. Best will return home Thursday evening, but Mrs. Best and baby will remain with relatives for several days. The meeting at the M. K. Church1 is still in til ogress,with good crowds and much interest is manifested. The all day meeting Sunday was a great success, crowds coming from every direction, and staying all day. Alois Donnecker died at his home north of Kulo early Tuesday morning. At litis writing no arrangements have been made for the funeral. He has been in poor health for many months and has been a patient sufferer. HUMBOLDT. Ed Rist returned Friday from Can ada. Ed Vance of Wymore visited his mother Saturday. Frank Borland of Peru spent Sun day in Humboldt. Miss Nellie Holman is a victim of diphtheria this week. Mason Shertleff of McCook was in Humboldt this week. Mrs. Clara Curtis of Stella visited relatives here this week. Ambrose Beurstetta was a passen ger to St. Joseph Sunday. Poland Wright left tiiis week to visit a brother in Montana. Joseph Wedner made a business trip to Falls City this week. M(rs. Margrete Zable of Lincoln is visiting relatives here this week. Mrs. Vernie Hicks is visiting her parents in Sununerfield, Kits., tiiis week. Mrs, M. E. Unkefer returned from Chester, Neb., where she visited rel atives. Miss Florence Hummel is in Lin coln visiting Dr. Kay Hummel and family. A. Sipply and wife of Dawson are guests at tin' home of lake Snethen and wife. Ed Norton has accepted a clerical position in the Mann & Hummel Can dy factory. Clyde Reid will soon open a bowl ing alley and billiard ball in the Mor ris building. Frank Snethen and little daughter Esther, left this week for a visit in Frankfort, Ind. Mrs. Beurstetta of Teeumseh spent Sunday her son, Ambrose Ueur stelta and family. Curtis Marshall, who has been in McCook for some time, returned home the last of the week. Lieutenant Sharp of Grand Island was a guest at the home of his sis ter, Mrs. Jim Andrews. An unusually good program was rendered at the meeting of the Alpha lnl> Wednesday afternoon. Miss Nina Snow, who is teaching in Dawson.spent Sunday with her par ents, A. D. Snow and wife. J. K. Liggett of Durchard was here the first of tlte week, visiting wdlh friends and transacting badness. O. A. Cooper and wife left Friday for Ames, Iowa, where they will he the guests of Prof. McMurry and fam ily. Dr. C. E. Novak of Chicago has rented office rooms in the K. of P. building, on the west side, and will locate here. William Fithen and Mrs. Mary Pierce, who wore married in Falls City last week are preparing to lo cate in Humboldt. Mrs. Doll Woods, who attended the wedding of her brother, and visited relatives, returned to her home in Elk Creek Saturday. Whooping cough has again made it's winter visit, to our community,the three youngest children of John Pliil pot being victims. A play entitled “Mistakes will Hap pen'’ was produced by members of the Comenius club at the Bohemian hall Thursday evening. Mrs. Riley Wilson has gone to Keokuk, Iowa, where she expects to remain several weeks with iter dau ghter, Mrs. Arthur Warner. Leonard Mann and wife have gone to housekeeping in the Atwood cot tage, ami will be at home to their friends after December 1st. Frank Thompson and wife, who Taking Care of Yourself. There never was a time when peo ple paid as much attention to their health and strength as thpy do now. Time was when fine stock and fine horses were fed more carefully than human beings. The result of properly balanced ra tions has worked wonders with stock and recent experiments are proving that the same thing is true of man kind. It has been found that Quaker Oats eaten often and regularly taking the place of heavy, greasy foods will work wonders in the health and strength of a family. School children fed frequently on Quaker Oats thrive physically and are always capable of the best work at school. For athletes, laborers, it is the best food.. One of the attractive features of Quaker Oats is the perfect way it is packed. Besides the regular size package there is the large size tamily package. 10 have been visiting J. J. Thompson and family left the Inst of the week for Manhattan, Kas. Mrs. George Sanford, who has been visiting her parents, Mont William son.and wife, left Saturday for n vis lit with her sister. Mrs. Grace Hunter I I at Utica. Rev. Bert Wilson and wife of Lin coln are visiting friends in this city, having been called here to perform the ceremony at the Thompson Brock man wedding. Mrs. Amy Smart, Helen Wilson, Martha Schenks, Rose Wozab, Ber tha Simmons, Daisy Albright and Rose Hnizda are employed in tho new department of R. O. l’orak's j store. Rev. Bud, who expected to com-' menee pastoral duties at Exeter this week will continue his work at this place, ,i- ReVj Hull, who was to ex change charges with him, hesitates to move* to Humboldt on account of diphtheria being prevalent. Joseph Glasser, better known its "Uncle Joe" probably tho man with the largest acquaintance of tiny man in Richardson county, and one of the l oldest settlers in tin* county, left \ tin* old home and friends, whose name is, legion, on Thursday. Hej expects to spend his remaining years i (and may they he many ) in the morn | congenial dime of the Ozarks. May i he get whal a life well spent descr-1 vf.H, rest, peace and quiet. Tlie grand choral in which alt who knew hint join is 'God be with you till we meet j again." SHUBERT. H. Martin returned this week from Idaho. John Ahern, Sr., is unite ill at his home north of town. I, . M. Weddle was u business visit or in Falls City last week. .1. M. Li vans is looking after land Interests at Saline, N. D. Mr. Sehuetli was a business visitor at Omaha a few days last week. Matthew Shulonberg of Barada was a business visitor here Friday. Miss Blanch Shubert spent it few days with her cousin. Nina Shubert. A. M. Shubert and wife are in Omaha attending the Agricultural as sociation. Mrs. Jno. Goolsby and daughter, Miss Kthel, were shopping in town Saturday. Miss Bessie Shafer was the guest | of relatives at Falls City the first of the week. Miss Hattie Lilly of Barada spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives near towi). Miss Oberst, returned to iter home in Lincoln Wednesday, after a visit with relatives here. Jake Birdsley and family were the' guests of their parents, J. (’. Sltulen berg and wife Thursday. Mrs. Vern Taylor returned to her home at Bun hard Thursday after a several weeks visit with relatives here. Mesdames Win. Harris and Thomas j Chandler were called to Bancroft on Sunday by the serious illness of a relative. Hiram Stott's accompanied by his mother, left Thursday for Central City, S. IV. where they will visit relatives. Frank Imler is enjoying a vacation from his duties at Oolglazier’s store. He is visiting relatives in the western j part of the state. Grandma Hunt of Auburn is visit ing at the home of her daughter,Mrs. Charles Wilson. She expects to re main here several weeks. Mr. Branin returned last week from Omaha where he consulted an eye specialist. He will have his eyes operated on in a few weeks. The meetings at the Methodist church closed Sunday night. The minister delivered some very good sermons ar:d much was done toward savins 30Uio. Grandma Colglazior, who has been seriously ill, is much better. She has been removed from her daugh ters to her own home and it is hoped she will soon be able to be up. Walter Vaulandingham purchased the llacon property and will take pos session as soon as the weather will permit him to move. His wife and little daughter are at the James hotel Mrs. Stotts of Iowa, who has been here visiting her son, Hiram, had the misfortune to fall on the icy walks and broke her arm. Dr. Shook was called to set the injured member and she is getting along nicely. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Snelling had his leg amputated Monday. This is the second operation he has un derwent. in the past few months, and it is hoped he will get. along nicely now. This young man met with a accident several months ago and it was thought would not amount to much but proved very serious. Many school children suffer from constipation, which is often the cause i of seeming stupidity at lessons. Cham berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets are an ideal medicine to give a child for they are mild and gentle, in their effect, and will cure even chronic constipation. Sold by all druggists. A Rexall Guarantee We Guarantee to Cure Your Gold with Rexall Cold Tablets or Rexall Cherry Juice Cough Syrup 25c Each Only at McMillan,s Pharmacy THE REXALL STORE Opposite Postoffice falls City, Neb. H. M. Jenne Shoe Store Exclusive Agents for the famous line of “ BALL BAND RUBBERS. Rub ber Boots and Overshoes Everything in Shoes Magnetic Healing Miss I ,i/.zie Reitland, a gradu ate ot the Weltmer School of Magnetic Healing, of Nevada, Mo. I am prepared to treat dis eases of all kinds. Rhone 27h. Located at Mrs. Burris’ residence south of the convent. 4t D. S. [McCarthy DRAT AND TNANSFEF? I’rouipt attention jjriven to the removal of house hold goods. , PHONE NO. 211 Wanted! Horse and Cow Hides, Wool and Pelts highest Market Price Porter Randolph Falls City, Phone 422 FRANK PECK Auctioneer If you contemplate having a sale see me or write for terms at once. I guarantee satisfac tion to my patrons. PALLS CITY, NEIJUASKA -c. H. MARION AUCTIONEER, Sales conducted in scientific and busi nesslike manner C. H. MARION Falls City, Nebraska Boys’ Fine Overcoats / “WEARPROOF" Over coats for Children have achieved a reputation purely on merit. The garments are a com bination of durability—warmth and style. The high grade material—perfect needle-work and strong inner and outer linings make the clothes most serviceable. 1 hey will hold their shape and look dressy during the entire life of the fabric. We are showing 2 large assortment of “WEAR PROOF' Overcoats—in the Mjltrn Season’s newest shades— Writ i’ .c Co, I - * colors and designs. We fit tiie boy out complete, as well as his father or bis brother. Choice line of Underwear and Hosiery for the boy. Collars and Ties that are JUST RIGHT, Wahl & Parchen Wc Keep Open Until 9 o'Clock YOUR LAST CHANCE to pay your respects to the de parted is the erection of a mon ument to their memory. Before placing your order let us quote you prices. Our works and our prices have always given satis faction. The above, with many other artistic and up-to-date de signs now In stock. Call or write for designs and prices. Falls City Marble Works Established I c81 F. A. R. A. NEITZEL, Mjjrs. A Duty livery man is duty bound to prepare fur the future welfare of his family. IIwe you done this? If not, begin today, by opening a bans account, which is the lirst essential, and which will help and inspire you to save your money, and, too, your money will be safe and where you can get it or any part of it at any time you want it. And you won’t have to run the risk of being robbed, having it stolen from you, losing it, or having it burned up in your house. Do you know that the lives of yourself and your family are in con stant danger with money lying around the house? Bring your money to this nans and oliri inate that danger To you who have already accumulated some of this world’s goods, we would say, that you owe to yourself: your reputation, and the commercial world, to do bu.-incs. in a business like wav, and on business principles. There is but one way, and that is to transact all your business through the bank. 'I his puts you in touch with the business world and gives you a rating and credit tiiat you can enjoy, and which you may obtain in no other way. We solicit your account, whether large or small. We want it; will appreciate it, and extend you every accommodation thai good, sound banking will warrant. The Farmers’ State Ffank PRESTON, NEBRASKA A MOST TOUCHING APPEAL falls short of its desired effect if ad dressed to a small crowd of interested listeners. Mr. Business Man, are vou wasting your ammunition on the small crowd that would trade with you anyway, or do you want to reach those who are not particularly inter ested in your business? If you do, make your appeal for trade to the largest and most intelligent audience in your commun ity, the readers of this paper. They have count less wants. Your ads will be read by them, and they will become your custom ers. Try it and see.