The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 26, 1909, Image 4

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Entered a* second-class matter at
Falls City, Nebraska. office, Janu
ary 12, l'*)4, under the Act of Congress
bn March 3,187*}.
Published every Friday at Falls City,
Nebraska, by
The Tribune Publishing Company
E. f SHARIS Manner
One year. ..Sl.fiO
SEe months 75
Three months .40
There is to be u total eclipse of
tin moon early on the morning of
November 27. about 2 or " o’clock
The pushing business man who de
livers the goods and gt t« the coin is
lining up his Christmas advertising
now anti plenty of it.
West India has been swept again
by storm.: and earthquakes. Enough
I'ocoanutc and pineapples w< re prob
ably shaken off to save several day's I
picking however.
Sixty-two women are said to hold
office in Kansas "What's the matter
with Kansas?" Let's hear from Will
iam Allen White on “Some Suffra
gettin' I Have Passed Through.”
V Jolt for Mark Twain. The hoy
bandit who attempted to rob a hank
at New Albany, ln<l., and murdered
the cashier. Is said to have first got
his Ideas from Mark's "Huckleberry
Why not let Mr. Pinchot and Mr.
Halliger and Mr. Peary and Mr.
<’-ook, gentlemen of well known abili
ty In the gentle art of tit for tat,give
the preliminary bouts of the Johnson
Jeffries fight?
The fact that Hon. William .1 Itiy
an has started on a trip to South
America naturally leads to thoughts
in some quarters that possibly he may
be looking after a little presidency
opt nlng down that way.
'1 he American Federation oi Labor
is indulging in a lot of honest toil
these days trying to straighten out
the kit kern in its ranks. Wo all have
our troubles,as th* old lady remarked
when the cut fell in the churn
Firemen of forty*two railroads west
of Chicago, including about 2'>.uu0
men, have made demands for in
creases of from 20 to 2a per cent in
their pay. Evidently they're trying
to make their wages keep up with the
festive prices of "eats'' these days
Now what do you think! An Hast
*'i o woman, soim ye;-u» married, af
ter reading Hud Kipling's description
of woman- "a rag ami a bone nml a
hank of hair" comes hack with tills
little landscape view of man, perfect
man: “A jag and a drone and a tank
of air.'*
Tile French courts are strange af
fairs. Imagine a woman in open court
completely bluffing the Judge, who is
there the prosecutor, and causing
him to let up on her by• threatening
to reveal some scandals that would
“wake tlie natives" who, by the way,
were already very mupli awake and
with their own ears propped wide op
en. Vet that was what Madame Stein
hell, on trial for a double unit’d ■r.did.
The carrying-on in some of those
French courts is almost as strange as
some of the twists in American courts
- and that’s a-going some!
A deckled check lias been put on
hypnotic tests and demonstrations by
—h s. UIm.i. *.,* ,, J uunn •> . i,, < tiliui t
tile influence sit Somerville. X V
Hypnotism has reached an advanced
stage, but this sad occurrence, said to
be the first of its kind in the history
of this strange mental influence,
shows that there is yet much to learn
and that there is in connection with
andt hat there is in connection with
it grave danger not before seriously
considered, since it was believed that
the body while under this influence,
particularly the cataleptic or rigid
state,was proof against ordinary bodi
ly injury. The exception has been
Physicians say the youth died of a
rupture of the aorta, the chief artery
of the body, and this rupture was pro
ably produced when the hypnotist
jumped upon the stomach of the rigid
subject, a test that lias been given
hundreds of times without apparent
evil effect. In this furthest degree of
the hypnotist spell there was not
the slightest outward appearance of]
injury when the rupture was made;
the body remained rigid, suspended
with the head on one chair and the
feet on another, as it had been. But
when the "professor” tried to "bring
nim out of it” the faint thread of
life that remained was not sufficient.
The boy came out from under the
hypnotic influence, but lie simply col
lapsed on the floor and in that con
titMou passed to his death, it may he
taken for granted that he did noi die
while under the influence, hut suc
cumbed immediately upon being
brought from under It. In fact, it Is J
probable that the spark of life might 1
have been maintained Indefinitely as
long as the body was kept in the cat - 1
aleptic state,hut death would probably
have resulted eventually front the in
jury whenever the mysterious infill - J
once did pass.
in Its lighter forms, where no vio- i
I' iice is used, hypnotism may not lie1
injurious in any way, but the weird |
and sad tragedy at Somerville will
give its practice, especially by ama- j
tears, a check that will not lor the
present require augmenting warnings j
froi t the newspapers.
Tie lit we, k two tii in s has !>• ■ .
diown in he mere rampant in tie":
country than during the extremely
hot season, when frenzy is supposed j
to lie nt its height Scarcely a day
recently has failed to bring forth i
some murder or deed of crime of
widespread Interest In iis details.
Within the last few days we have
had two startling* crimes by boys.
Kttch was 17 years old and each turn
ed desperado through reading the
trash in cheap novels. At New Al
bany, lud., a Louisville, K.v . boy en
tered a bank, killed the cashier and
wounded the president and a negro
chauffeur, and was captured, lie had
planned to make his escape in a big
cabinet that was to tie shipped away
as freight.
A day later at iOudora, Kas., a boy,
Karl I tn I lock. of Lawrence, Kas., with
another hoy, 15 years old, entered a
bunk, shot the cashier through the
Jaw and fled, taking $SOO witlit hem.
McKay, the younger, was caught afte
short pursuit, lull Bullock defiantly
fought IBs pursuers and finally with
capture imminent shot himself
through the head, and may die. Bul
lock was already a limited hoy.having
| only a short lime ago robbed the
same hank and killed a policeman
in escaping then.
Neither of these young lads can
he termed insane, and yet there is a
screw loose with their brains some
where some would say they were af
flicted with pure cussed ness. It's t rue
that cheap, trashy, sensational liter
ature is lo a certain extent harmful
hut we have always thought that the
boy that permits himself to ph Id to
such dearly worthless influence as
the average novel of that kind pre
sent to any half-way sensible person
of reading age lias a decidedly weak
spot in him, and that eventually,
whether lie reads novels or doesn't
read them, tie will go to the bad. The
influence of novels in such cases is
not in weakening character, for such
characters are weak to start on, but
in emboldening them lo deeds of min
der and robbery. There may lie In
stances where boys of really good
minds have been influenced by such
literature, but we believe they are
rare indeed, and that a lot of space
is being wasted in invective against
the novel for the influence it is sup
posed to exert on formation of char
Her Choice.
They were sisters-in-law anil rea
sonably well disposed toward each
other. One was the mother of George,
aged six months, and the other the
mother of Marian, aged six months
and four days. It was impossible that
a slight parental rivalry should be al
together concealed.
"Marian does not seem to grow very
fast," said the mother of George, with
a suggestion of commiseration In her
tones. George is much taller—"
(height being measured In inches).
“Perhaps he is." replied the moth
er of Marfan, coldly*, "but Marian |
weighs more."
"Oh.! ..ponded the. sister in j
law. with a smile of high-bred stipe- '
. * ...i i ,.«* , i t, I
* to* *i,» , ''» CUui m OttVUiU itUv >■ toU |
George to be gross."
C.Sit at a table of 13 persons 1
on Friday the 13th of the
Cj-Pt a black < ■ r your
C. Break a mirror.
C'^'alk under a ladder.
C,Ana had luck won’t touch
your business if vou advertise
in this paper.
<L Trade ads. know no super
Cif you have ,yoods to sell, j
let the ad. do it.
lUL*. by \\ N l .)
A Number of Games That Will Prove
Pleasing for Both Old and
Young at the Yuletide
By Mary Dawson.
The wealth of new games is so great
of late years that the entertainer is
apt to overlook the splendid old
games, many of which have never
been surpassed, if, indeed, we can
equal thern Old favorites are special
>y B°°d for t'hii. tmas reunion gather !
ings because In most cases they re-I
quire no advance preparation ancient 1
easily grasped by the few to whom |
thpy are unfamiliar.
One such sport Is that called "act
ing adjectives.” To play it one mem
ber of the* company leaves the room,
and each person remaining agrees
upon a certain adjective, which he or
site will act out when called on to do
so. When the retiring player Is re
called he asks someone in the group
a question. This player must then an
swer In a way which will illustrate
the adjective assigned to h'tn Thus,
a player who lias taken tlie* word
noisy will bawl his reply, and at the
same time contrive to let a book fall
To the Moor with a loud clap.
lie man or girl representing "tael
turn must reply in as few words as
possible, an ' -<> forth As soon as the
gu» s<*r ha divined one of the con
coaled words lie take- a chair In the
1 ircle while tlie person whose adjec
tive in. i uc - sed withdraws from the
“Magic music” makes a lively num
ber in the program, played in this
way One person is chosen to hide
tlx* coin or ring. All the rest with
draw. with tlie exception of the per
son who will play the piano. The per
son holding the ring then hides it, ac
quainting the musician with its where
abouts, and the company is read
The players now arrange themselves
In a row. each one with his hands on
the shoulders of the person in front
of him One player, tlie leader, head
lag the procession. When the music
starts (lie line of boys and girls goes
olf in search of the ring, guided in
thl- by the music. This, of course,
P1 loud and cheerily as the object
I; .pproached, slow and dolefully
" lieii -the procession is headed in the
wrong direction, and faintest when
they are furthest from the prize.
"Thought transference” is not pre
cisely a game of contest, but there are
few better ways to interest a party of
guests, and whatever the psychologic
explanation of the phenomenon, it
never* tails to create amusement. To
arrange it the person to he "subject”
is sent out of the room. Two players
are appointed to transfer the thought,
and those decide upon what simple
stunt the player will hi* required to
perform. Thus, he may be 'required
to pick up a book, to arrange a cash
ion. or to touch the keys of the piano.
The rest of the company is informed
"lint the required stunt will he.
The “subject” is then readmitted. I
and those who are to guide him stain'
on each side and hold hi* hands
These thought transferer* a* m il as J
the rest of the company then center i
their minds upon the tiling to b done.
In elglit eases out 01 h n the "subject"
then wends his w v still holding the
hands ol the other two, towards the
appointed object, and does what is re
quired of him.
it i* aost exciting. The audience]
will probably demand several "sub-1
.loots" and experiments before their
curiosity is sated. »
\ new game which will appeal to
active, |ively girls, as well as to the |
hoys, is color hose. This is a splendid
frolic for the hall or living room, and 1
can be played ill quite close quarters
I'-acii member of the company but !
one is given a certain color or shade,
which will represent his personal
safety, since, when standing with a
foot or hand on something of (hat
color lie cannot he itiggeu i po re
inaining player is made ‘catch” and
pursues me tugittves around the room
lie must remember the colors given to
each, as the pursued, when in a tight
fix, will try to deceive him by tone)
ing some color not theirs.
\\ hen the catch succeeds in t atch
itig some one off base and tagging him
he changes places with the person
caught, it adds to the fun to give the
catch a long, flexible stick with a
handle of raw cotton dipped in flour
tied to one end, with which to tag. j
Now [or a sit down game w hite
legs and arms are resting and players j
take breath. A good one is a contest J
seeing who can write down the longest
list of words suggesting or belonging
to the Yultide season. Pass around
blank cards and pencils ami allow 15
minutes for working tip the lists. Such
a list will include the words, holly,
mistletoe, St. Nick, Christmas carol,
waits, yule, yule log. gift, greeting.
Christinas box, snapdragon, holidays
and a long list of related terms. Give
a prize to the player whost list proves
To carry the fun a bit further on,
get two pictures as large as possible,
representing the Christmas saint
"Ads.” or illustrations from back num
bers of periodicals will do. Cut each
picture into six or eight pieces and
hide the pieces in odd nooks and cor
ners around the room. When the sig
nal is given players hurry away in
search of 'he fragments. As soon as
a player lias found a piece he ceases
to search, and all those who have
found mosaics commence to patch '
liifiii together. All those who And
; fragint-uls aie • IjiHe.j lu iua» mi I be
. prize—a Christmas hook. I his makes
a most exciting scramble game, since
it is noi until both pictures are com
1 pleteil that the unsuccessful players
give up hope.
When the company does not include
I children too young to read or write,
composing a Christinas story makes a
pleasant pastime. The players are
given penny blank books and pencils
and each is called on to :iame a word
which must be woven into the story
each writes. These words everybody
puts down. Twenty minutes is allowed
in which to think out Christmas
stories or incidents and for putting
them into words. At the end of the
contest the stories are read aloud and
voted on. The best is awarded a
prize. If any story fails to include
ail the given words it is not entered
.n the competition.
The bos: place to play this game is
around a large table iiicli affords
room for the di!T» rent papers, pencils
and elbows.
Have for the centerpiece of the sup
per table at this Christmas party a
large cake iced in white, with wreath j
or artlflcicl holly and n crown of red ;
candles. In the center have a tiny
Santa Claus, with or without reindeer,
and a sleigh.
From the cak? run scarlet ribbons,
terminating in souvenirs at the differ
ent covers.
Serve for the refreshment hot oyster
>up and crackers, cold sliced tongue
and potato or chicken salad, followed
by ice cream and cake or a dainty Jelly
01 custard*Then coffee, wafers and
Wrap tiny bonbons in squares of tin
foil and pour a little alcohol over
them on n metal tray. Let the guests
snatch them from the flames with
their fingers.
One That Can Be Easily Made and
Which May Be Kept for Fu
ture Use.
The accompanying cut shows a
simple way to make a support for a
Christinas tree, says the Scientific
American. The material should be of
hard or tough wood that will not split
Make three pieces like A, of 7RxL’
inrh strip, also three pieces like C. of
Folding Tree Stand.
74x2r's-iiieh strip, ayd one piece like B;
for this the bottom of a peach basket
will do very well. In the center of the
disk B bore a 2-ineh hole to receive
the sharpened base of the tree. Hasten
the O pieces to the under side of the
disk B with screws. Bore holes in the
arms of each C piece to just receive a
three-inch wire nail. In the lop of
each leg. A. ns shown, insert a small
nail or '■crew to form a point that
will press into the tree. Now plain
a leg, A. in the slot sawed out of
and pa-- i tin e-inch wire nail through
tlte holes.
When the Christmas tree is taken
down the legs may be unhinged and
the stand folded and packed away for
use next year.
Girls are busy these days making
elaborate neckpieces of lace and sa
tin, or net and ribbon. The one shown
in the sketch is made trout white tig
dired- fllet net attachid to a high,
turned stock of black satin. The bow
in front, and the jabot, are merely
pinned on and can be replaced by oth
Christmas decoration.
A simple Christmas decoration for
the dining room is to hang the chan
delier with greens and holly and from
that eftrry loosely long ropes of ground
pine to eaeh corner of the room, thus
making a canopy for the table. A bit
of mistletoe skillfully introduced
where all will have to pass under it
in leaving th* room may add to the
fun. In the center of the table lay a
tray, and on this a glass or topper
bowl of holly, frosted as though it
had, Just come from the wintry held.
For the favors to be laid down by the
place cards there are tiny earthen
pots with miniature decorated
Otaris tints tiees.
Get Your Kitchen Right
Before Thanksgiving
The Old Way. The New Way.
Next week you won't have time to think of the
steps you take. Turkey, and cranberries'will rule
the day.
'1 his week you can put Hoosier system in your
kitchen—and reduce your steps next week.
\\ ith yourfjdtchen right—all your work centered
Mr. Husband:
We are owls at
„the Xmas game.
Whisper "Hoo
sier Special ” to us
' aroujnd your lloosier
Special Cabinet—you pyt
an end to most of the
. hard work that goes with
Thanksgiving Day — and
other days.
Take this opportunity to
make your kitchen really convenient — actually
The opportunity is unusual because our determina
tion to win in the $1,000.00 prize contest brings
you the Hoosier Special practically on your terms.
Consult economy—get your Hoosier Special now.
Reavis & Abbey
Falls City, Neb.
40 acres rolling land, $1,400.
94 acres bottom land, $6,500
100 acres rolling land, $5,000.
30 acres good land, $7,600.
80 acres good land, $7,200.
80 acres good land, $9,200.
80 acres good land, $12,000.
110 acres good land, $12,760.
160 acres good land, $16,000.
160 acres good land, $16,000.
160 acres good land, $20,000.
320 acres good land, $25,000.
240 acres improved, $4,500.
160 acres improved, $3,000.
A1 four room house, $1,200.
A1 fine modern cottage, $3,500.
5 room house, 5 lots, $2,500.
8 room modern residence, $4,500
10 room, fine residence, $3,200.
9 room modern residence $7,000
6 room residence, $2,500.
7 room residence, $3,500.
The above are all well improved properties and worth the money
I also have several good farms to exchange for good income
property or business.
I have a couple of fine business propositions for sale,
iy you wish to buy, sell or trade see me, 1 may have a bar
an in for von.
Passenger Trains
South Bound
Tr. 104—St. Lotus Mail and Ex
press ..1:23 p. m
Tr. 106-—Kansas City Exp., 3:41 a. :n
Tr. 132 x—K. C.local leaves. .7:30 a. m.
Tr. 13* x—Falls City arrive* 9 HR) p. rn
x—Daily except Sunday
North Bound
Tr. 103—Nebraska Mail and Ex
press. .1:52 p. rr..
Tr. 105—Omaha Expres*. .2:23 a. m.
Tr..137 x—Omaha ioea i<avesH:16a in.
Tr. 131 x —Falls <'in local ar- .
rives.8:4.7 p rr..
x Daily exceDt Sunday
Local Frt. Trains Carrying Passengers
North Bound
Tr. 192.x—To Atchison .11:10a. m
South Bound
Tr. 19lx—To Auburn.1:23 pm.
Burlington Route
West Bound
No. 13— Denver Exp.1:10 a n
No. 15—Denver Exp. (Local).1:40 p. m.
No- 43—Portland Exp.10:17 p. n.
No. 41—Portland Exp.2:23 p r..
No. 121—Lincoln Loc. via Ne
braska City.5:00 a n
East Bound
No. 14 - St. J., K. C. tSc St. L. .7:38 a n
No. 44—St. J.. K. C. & St. L-.
No. 16—St. J., K. C. & St. L. .4:22 y n
No. 42 St. J., K. C. & St. L. .6:52 p :r.
No. 122—From Lincoln, via
Nebraska City.8:45 p m
E. G. Whitford, Agent.
—Nebraska’s choicest corn ana
alfalfa lands for sale from $75 v
$85 per acre. Send for free li*.~
Nider & Henrlchs, Fairbury, Neb