The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 26, 1909, Image 1
The Falls City Tribune VohVl FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2d, IM09. Number 47 11 WEEK'S SOCIAL EVENTS A£ TWAS TOLD TO OUR SO CIETY EDITOR Various Kinds of Entertainment by Individuals. Lodges. Clubs. Churches. Etc. I X • s. W. H. Keeling entertained rv aty ladies Friday afternoon at a la i-ingtou. Beside needle-work,sev en ' interesting games and music d to pass a very pleasant after niui'i. Mrs. Keeling was assisted by (a daughter, Mrs. Bert Coleman, in se mg dainty refreshments at five o'! lock, in every way the afternoon v : most enjoyable. s. James Powell gave the second < series of parties last Thursday afv .‘noon at which about forty ladies v ■ •> entertained. One of the inter > • g amusements was answering, v.v t lie name of a business firm of, a rhyme in which his name v - described. The verses were very < g lial and witty. It was very in i ' sting and afforded tnucli fun and 1 -liter. The ladies were then giv < • ieces of drawing paper with a v.-('s figure, minus the head, cut t'r a fasliion sheet. A name was w ’An upon each and each lady was te raw a head on the figure repo s' • tig the lady whose name was writ t ipon lier card. Few amusements co. I liave been planned to have cre at* , more fun.- Altogether the after no- was a very jolly one. At five o'i ick an elegant supper was serv ed 1 which Mrs. Powell whs assist ed y Mrs. John Powell, Mrs. Robert. Rt , Misses Lela Powell. Maude Dav is. Louise and Nellie Rule, Edna De tv I and Hill Houston. ' . and Mrs. W. H. Keeling en ter, ,ined a number of ladies and gen tlemen last Friday evening with whist. Guests for” six tables were present and an evening of unalloyed pleasure was enjoyed with this ever po; :Iar game. Eight games were pit ••ii. the honors falling to Miss Mu Maddox for the highest score. Ni< refreshments were served in two cos. ses at eleven o'clock, ilrs. Keel ing was assisted in entertaining by Mrs Bert Coleman, Mrs. I. C, Maust., an Miss Alice Keeling. si Monday evening Mrs. Will Jul ian and Mrs. Day of Long Beach,Cal., Mrs Robert Cain of Stella and / Mrs. Foster of Humboldt gave a reeital in tin Christian church at Humboldt for the benefit of the church of that city. Th success of their recitals at Falls Cit; and Stella was well known and tin hurch could not accommodate all who assembled for the program,which was similar to the one given here. The efforts of these ladies in behalf of their church is surely appreciated as it should be, and that they are truly talented is a fact well known over tlie county. They are, indeed, well worth hearing. ss Whittimore, eighth grade teacher at the high school, was given a jolly surprise last Friday night by a number of her pupils. The girls prepared refreshments, consisting of candles, nuts and fruit. The evening was spent telling stories,guessing < on numdrunm and with singing class songs. It was a thoroughly enjoyable occasion and at a late hour they de parted for their homes, feeling that the surprise had been in every way an enjoyable one. The Royal Neighbors gave a tin shower on Tuesday evening for Miss Mary Sinclair at the home of her aunt. Mrs. John Hossack. The affair was a surprise for the bride-to-be,and the evening proved to be a very en joyable one. At ten o’cloc k light i refreshments were served by the; ladies of the order. The members of St. Thomas parish assembled at the rectory Tuesday evening with well filled baskets to show to the rector and his family flic high esteem in which they are j held in the parish. The surprise wa complete and the contents of the baskets and parcels added material ly, not only to the big Thanksgiving dinner, but for several to follow. Mr. and Mrs R. A. Dlttmar enter tained a few friends informally for their brother-in-law, Mr.Davis. Whist was enjoyed until a late hour, when the- hostess served refreshments. Refreshments were served and a tained a number of friends last Tuesday evening at a som’erset party. Seven tal)les were played and Miss May Maddox and Charles Davis won all of the eight games played, while Dr. Mathers proved the most ! unlucky. Refreshments were served j in two courses at a late hour. The members of the W. R. C. gave a delightful kenslngton at the G. A. K. hall Tuesday afternoon for Mrs. Sue V. Windle. who is visiting here from Oklahoma. For several years she was an active member or the local order and it was a great pleas ure for the ladies to meet and visit with Mrs. Windle during that after noon. Refreshments were served at five o’clock. The Daughters of Isabella are giving a large dance at their hall this evening, for which two hundred inv'tations have been- issued. The Epworth League gave an en joyable social at the ■ home of Miss Edna Spencer Tuesday evening,which was well attended. A weighing con test occupied considerable time, hut the ‘‘indoors field meet” kept the crowd in a constant roar of laughter. Mr. and Mrs. John Crook enter goodly sum realized. KEEP YOUR TOWN ALIVE. Every individual Has His or Her Du ty to Perform. A town is very much like an indiv idual. To be flourishing, it must have energy and enterprise. The people in a town should remember that the in dividual prosperity depends to a large extent upon the character of the plac. in which their business is located. Every pubic mleasure should be lib erally supported by all, especially the business men. At the present day there is as much competition between towns as there is among persons and business enterprises. A man seeking a location will invariably select a town that is up to the times, and is eagerly in favor of every modern improvement. A town in these mod ern times can't afford to be peopled with old fogies or antediluvian fos sils who are continually kicking at every enterprise. To make a flour ishing town you must, believe In its future and work for it. encouraging every improvement. Make a special effort to exhibit some evidence of improvement in your own work and character. Help every worthy man. help every worthy enterprise, and encourage every good man to locate in your town. Get Into the Harness. Every town has its advantages and should make the most of them. Every town is fitted for some one enter prise more than another, and as soon as it is ascertained what would be most conducive to the growth and prosperity of the place the citizens should take hold of the matter and push it for all it’s worth. The news paper with the helj) of the wide awake men make a wide difference in a town. Every man who succeeds in a town is a help to it. The more money he makes if he spends it, the better for the community. The larger business he builds up, the more j attention is called to the town. A ! man cannot build tip an honorable I business in a town without helping, it. A town can’t build up without help-] ing the country. The interest of one | is the interest of all. Let Us Alone, Man. Kalla City will vote on the issue ol'; Missouri Pacific division bonds, IV comber l,r>. The people down there] are sore because a runior has been started that the cement and brick round house is to be constructed of cheap lumber.—Auburn Republican. Shakespeare Club. The Shakespeare club met on Fri day, November 19th. An interesting lesson was conducted by Mrs. Holland The next meeting will be held Dec ember at the home of Airs. C. F. Reavis in place of the club rooms.— Mrs. Hargrave, Secretary-pro tern. How About It, Judge? A gambling house was raided in Falls City last week and the gamblers caught in the meshes of (he law were ! fined a nominal sum, merely enough to amount to a license.- Auburn Re publican. Missionary From Burma. Next Sunday morning Rev. Dye, a returned missionary from Burma, will preach at the Baptist church. Don’t miss hearing him. Everyone is invit ed to come. Rev. G. F. Reichel. VICTORY FOR FALLS CITY HIGH SCHOOL BOYS HUMBLE HIAWATHA ATHLETES Our Girls Also Victorious Clearly Outclass Sabctha Novices Local Teams Excel Hiawatha Game. Our high school boys' Im skat ball team played a game with the lli wa' club o£ Hiawatha last Saturday, re , suiting in a victory for our boys toy| l a score 01 Mi to It. At the first bat-off Herman, the, Hi-wa center, got the ball, but becalm j of Jack of team work they soon lost it to Falls City who by some rapid I passing and < xcollent team won. soon scored from the field. The game was really too one-sided to in1 interesting so that the crowd found their enjoyment in attempting to roast tin referee and the Falls City players. All was peai able, however, and both really enjoyed the fun. After the first hat-off Gilllgaii gol the ball i very time and many time the signals worked so perfectly that our boys made storey without Hi wa having even touched the ball'. The lli-wa's showed good materia! bin looked praelice. One thing they did win, though, and that was the good will of the Falls City crowd. In the afternoon both our learns,the girls In ing on their way io Sabetha, were entertained at the < lub rooms in a very pleasing manner, and both our girls and boys are hearty in their praise of the hospitality and! courteous treatment accorded by the1 members of the Hi-wa club. Falls City hopes to play them a| return game in the near future and | show them a good time in return. Game at Sabetha. The girls' basket ball team went tr* | Sabetha Saturday and defeated the jTHE COUNTY'S MORTALITY DEATHS IN VARIOUS PARTS OF THE COUNTY. Death of Loving Wife and Mother Death of Mrs. Ritter at Shubert November 19 Mrs. Janies Hurt. Mrs. .Tames Hurt, after being sick; for tome time, and very low for about Hove weeks, died lit her home Mon day evening at 7:20 o’clock The funeral services were held at t!ie home Tuesday afternoon at three o'clock. Itev. (i. 11. lleiehel con ducted the services, ami Mrs. Iteichcl and Mrs. <’ II. Marion sang two ducts. Tito remains were taken to Steele cemetery. Miss Nellie Fitzgerald was born February ", 1S7S, in Perelval. Iowa, and was one of ten children. Site j '.villi her parents in 18N!» lyaved to (\ iorado, in 1SIH to Mound City, Mo., mid in 1 SitO to Falls City. On I ’<■ ember 1 !)tli. 1897, .‘ In' was united in marriage in Falls ('ill to ■lames >I'irt of Mound City. There were horn to this union two children, a l>oy and a girl. Mrs. Hurt united ■ai111 the Catholic church in her early years, but later attended tli• ■ Baptist eliurch when she was able, and al ways sent her children to I lie Bap tist Sunday school. She was thoroughly resigned and expressed In r faith in Christ and gave herself over to his keeping. She leaves to mourn her loss her husband, 1 i111-- Alma, nine years old, little Alfred, six years old, also three sisters and three brothers, of which Hob Fitzger ald. was the only one present Site was a loving wife and mother OUR HOLIDAY EDITION The Tribune’s holiday edition will make its appearance, in a beautiful colored cover, on Thursday, December 16th. From the standpoint of both reader and advertiser the date has been perfectly chosen—the advertisements contained therein will have ten days to do their duty, and the readei will peruse the pages carefully because everything in it will be in accord with $he season, and the Christmas spirit will be at its highest point. i team at that place by a score of 33 to 13. While our girls clearly out classed the Sabetha team, they were required to observe rules not in force in the athletic association in this dis trict. Nevertheless, they were equal to the occasion and brought home more scalps to add to their already long list of victims. Florence l'arch-1 en and Lucile Leyda made a good share of the points for Falls City, al though all the girls played an all round good game, we have one tiling to he thankful for today and that is our good basket ball teams. CROSS COUNTRY RUN. Sterling Falloon First and Amos Yod er a Close Second. The cross-country run was “shot” off at 10 o'clock sharp today (Thurs day) with a hunch of eight young athletes in proper attire. The distance run was a fraction less than five miles and was majjc in 271/j minutes. Sterling Falloon finished twenty feet ahead of Amos Yoder and Chas. Moscna was about four minutes be hind them. Here is a list of” the runners as they finished: Sterling Falloon. Amos “Yoder. Charles Mosena. Jeffrey Horrocks. Quinton Lively. Elmer Slayer. Louis Foltz and Lester Jones walk ed into town. Considering the conditions of the roads, the time is considered last by the athletes. New General Delivery Window. The postoffice treated its customers • o a new general delivery window i his week. The accommodating gen eral delivery clerks, Claude Roe and Miss Ethel Fecht, will now be able si •< out without getting on their knees to do so. Its a great Improve ment over the old one. with more ambition and zeal than strength. Died at His Home in Verdon. Special from Verdon. Death came as a relief to Abe Luni Thursday, November 18th, after an illness of several weeks. He was born in'New York, November 16, 1827 and was eighty-two years and twelve days old. Mr. hum was at one time | a business man here, but moved from here to Missouri several years ago j and remained there until (wo years ago when his health began to fail. | lie leaves to mourn bis death a wife ! and one son, Mont, and, one brother, I George Lum of this place. Funeral services were conducted from the Christian church and the remains lak er* to tie* Verilnn centeterv for burial Death at Shubert. Special from Shubert. Mrs. Ritter was born in Lexinton, Ky., in 1831 and died at her home in Shubert, Neb., November 19, 1909, at the age of eighty-seven years. Grandma Ritter, as she was known by all, was a woman of love, and one that gained for herself respect of all who knew her. She lias been a widow for several years, but made her'home with her son at this place. She leaves three sons and three dau ghters and a host of friends to mourn her death. The remains were laid to rest in the Prairie Union cemet ery. His Farewell Service. 1/ Rev. R. R. Teeter, who has been fill ing lecture engagements in Iowa sine November 8th, lias returned and is packing his household goods prepar atory to removing to Nappanee, Ind. Rev. Teeter is serving his fourth year as pastor of the lirethern-church in this city and will bring his work to a close next Sunday. Morning and evening services will be held, the evening service being his farewell. i Rev. Teeter has born a leader in alF I the forward movements of Falls City I during bis residence here and will be greatly missed. 'MARRIED WEDNESDAY MORNING A Very Pretty Wedding at St. Fran cis Catholic Church. At St. Francis Catholic Church on j Wednesday morning, occurred, with ii beautiful ceremony, the marriage! of Paul S. Shulenberg of this city and Miss Mary Elizabeth Sinclair of Preston, ltev. Jl Ilex officiating. The church was decorated with j cut flowers and potted plants for tiio occasion. The bride was gowned in a pearl white, cut princess; wore veil and carried a shower bouquet of bride's roses. ’'In' bridesmaid, Miss Emma Grant, was gowned in white and wore flow i re in her hair. Tim groom was at tended by John Casey. \t one o'clock a company of rela tives and friends were invited to the new home of the bride and groom south of town, where a wedding din m r a vv aited them. Tin bride is the oldest daughter of Mr.and Mrs. .lames Sinclair of Pres ton, and is well known to many Falls City people. The groom. now a oung farmer, living south of tills <it. . has made this place his homo since boyhood and lias a host of Iriend' He is a son of Mrs. Han nah Shulenberg. Mr and Mrs. Shulenberg have (lie best wishes of their many friends for their future happiness. HUMBOLDT COUPLE MARRIED By Rev. Nanninga at the Evangelical Parsonage Tuesday. Mr. Luther Burrow and Miss Ethel Schultz of Humboldt were married by ltev. Nanninga at the parsonage on Tuesday morning ai II o’clock. The young people are among the finest people in the west end and The Tribune extends n hearty con gratillation to them. They left in ttm afternoon for St. Louis to spend a short time. Otto Porr and wife and Mrs. Laura Campbell of Humboldt accompanied them to Falls City, returning home on the afternoon train. The bride is a sister to Mrs. Porr. HIGH SCHOOL DEBATE. The Affirmative Succeeded in Win ning the Contest. The question, "Ketjolveil, that the guarantee bank deposit law is a good tiling for the state of Nebraska," was debated at the high school, Fri day . Nov. lit. Misses Helen (iagnon and Bessie Wilson, affirmative, and Mr. Jeffrey llorroelis and Miss Hath lleavis, negative, constituted the debaters. The affirmative won Are You One of Them? Did you ever think it? Suppose every business man In the city took as much interest In the upbuilding of a city as the newspaper man. He works for railroads, churches, good streets, and a hundred and one other things for the general good; he urges, pleads, scolds, badgers and cavorts around generally until he gets what lie sets out for. Imagine his feelings, then, when some lame,string-halted kind of a fellow reproaches him lie cause he don’t boom things enough, and niife times out of ten that same fellow has never paid one cent to ward supporting the paper, and the paper he reads with marked regular ity is either borrowed from his neigh bor or picked up from the counter in the store’ at which he trades. Mrs. Abbott’s Lecture. Mrs. A. S. Abbott of Omaha was in the city the latter part of last week and gave a splendid lecture at Wahl's hall on “What Women Should Know .'’ The lecture was poorly attended because of many social affairs, hut those who missed it missed a rare treat. Mrs. Abbott ; will likely lecture here again in the spring and she will lie given a large; audience Musical and Reading. The ladies of file Christian Church will give an entertainment at their, church in this city next Monday ev ening. Nov. 28, at 7:?><». Mosdaines Julian, Day and Gist are on tlxc pro gram. which insures an evening prof itahly spent, and will aid the ladies in (ho churcli work. Do not fail to attend. BEWAILS THEIR DOWNFALL AUBURNITE HAS UNNECESSARY SORE SPOTS _ All Over a Game of Basket Ball Claims of Unfairness Not Substantiated By Facts "It's hard enough to he pitted against mu entire town, but when. In addition, the referee and um pire are against a team, it may as well forfeit tin; game to start with iiotl save the trouble of going through the lurce of playing. And that's exactly what happened to the Auburn basket ball team when they went up against Falls City Inst. Saturday. “The fact t low certain of the business men of this city hud gum untoed small individual amounts for the* use of the A. H, S. athletic as sociallou to fill! back on If it ran out of funds before the year was over, was misconstrued by our pug tiaclotiH southern neighbor to mean thill our boys were to be paid for beating them. From that moment the result of tile game was as cer tain as the good old fact that water runs down hill. "Through met hods best known to themselves, an umpire ami referee were secured from Humboldt, one having been u member of the Hum boldt team which met defeat at Auburn's hands some time ago.and the other his brother. The ganc was played in a building with a gallery, the lights being placed un dernoath, while the goal posts ex tended above. This would be fair enough, bad not Falls City practic ed with this peculiar layout in order to become adept in coudl Hons which do not exist in any other indoor field In the state. "In spite of tiie protests against, tlie decisions of the referee the game proceeded. Between the hal ves the referee received a talking to from Bupt. Doremus of this city on certain points of the game which had been constantly and flagrant ly violated. The referee’s idea of an athletic contest can be gleaned from a conversation which ensued after the game, when, in speaking to Mr. Doremus, lie said: " ‘Well, 1 gave yon the long end of it in the second half, anyway.’ ‘‘‘Why did you do that?’ inquir ed the superintendent " 'Oh. to kind of even up th -i deal.” "In athletics of the right sort a play or foul Is either made or not made, and if there is any ‘even ing-up” to be done it is the players themselves who have to do it. In outlaw organizations, of course, the referee is depended upon to win the game. It Is rather doubt ful if the other proposed games be tween Auburn and Falls City will be played. They certainly will not. be unless the latter town agrees to come somewhere within well-known athletic rules during a contest."— Auburn Herald Auburn Herald. Mow, the facts concerning the game are these: Auburn’s manager picked the referee and if be was against, them it was because he was too con scientious to overlook their poor play lug: the fact that Auburn's team was to be given $t>n if they defeated | Kails < uy was Owughl at-ic m «** | vance of the game by oue of Auburn's I former teachers; Falls City had not played a game in doors this season, while Auburn tins practiced that way several times. The following letter Irom the Au burn manager is proof positive that the referee ami umpire were not "fixed"—unless Auburn "fixed" them: "Auburn, Neb., Nov. 10, 1909.— lean Cain, Dear Sir—I will put out tin- bills and think I can get a little c rowd to come down. Let Hist (of liuinboldt)referee and get some one else to umpire.—Martin Souders." It is really foolish to give space to the clipping above—it’s so silly. The average reader will at once draw the conclusion that it was inspired by other than the real athletes them selves—possibly Mr. 1). The mem bers of Auburn’s basket, ball team bear tio malice toward our boys and are not a party to the feeling that, is so evident in the above article, as is evidenced bv a communication from one of the boys up there which, in part, says: "I hope you fellows are not'sore’ at we boy^ We want you to come up and give us a return game. We feel alright about it. * * * *” The reader can draw his own con clusion.