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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1909)
The County in General The “Doings” of Our Country Friends and Neighbors. RULO. Jud Carpenter returned from Colo rado-oJiis week. Sam Ihill spent several days at i .ileni last week. John Hendricks was a Rulo visitor cue day last week. Tomy Asher of Kansas was in Ru le one day last week. Mrs. Joe Kitt of California is visit ing old friends in Rulo. John Hamilton of Missouri was Rulo visitor Saturday. Charlie Schaffer was a Falls City visitor one day last week. A1 Kent of Missouri was a Rulo ■sitor the last of the week. Mr. and Airs. O. Daniels were in Calls City one day last week. Jack • Neitzel of Preston was a Ra il visitor one day last week. ike Adkins of Missouri was a Rulo visitor the first, of the week. Mrs. Phil Horan and son, Philip, •jre Falls City visitors Friday. Mrs. Johnson of Knapp, AVis., is ■ siting Rulo friends this week. Gus Johnson went to Nebraska City s iturelay night to visit his tamuy. Green Goolsby of Missouri was a business visitor in Itulo Saturday. Charles Cesna of Whitt Cloud was , Rulo visitor one day last week. Mrs. James Marshal and two cliild 11 returned home Monday evening. Byram Harrison is working on the w church foundation in Falls City. Thomas WinterbotUmi visited with ins parents here the first of t lie week. Mrs. Melvin and little daughter went to Wathena Tuesday to visit rel atives. .T. A. Hinkle was a business visitor te St. Joseph a couple of days last nek. Louie Plante of Oklahoma arrived Sunday to attend the funeral of his . tiler. W. A. Marcum returned recently 'Mini a visit with their son at Ridge way, Mo. Kugene Fulmer of Wymoro is run ning Will Ture’s engine during ills a hsence. Mrs. Spicer and children of Bel > t»w, Neb., are visiting Rulo friends >iiis week. John Weisman was taken to Falls ty one day last week, before the n santiy board. Frank Vanvaulkinburg of St. .Joe $pent Sunday with liis parents and little daughter. Walter Graves came down from His City Saturday to spend Sunday tli home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Frederick went St. Joseph Monday morning to 'sit their daughter. Leslie Inks was called to Salem tesday evening on account of the • ath of her parents. Swing Ward went to Watson,Mon v to take charge of a store which' s father lias just purchased. Mrs. Watts and children returned \ st. week from xa two months visit tii relatives in Skidmore, ,Mo. vY'ill Gingrich and family returned r their home at Superior last week alter a visit with Rulo relatives. Sim Burk arid wife returned from Colorado Friday morning. Mrs.Brooks :.s quite sick while they were gone. Mrs. J. A. Osborne entertained the i levator men at dinner Saturday in nor of Mr. Osborne’s forty-fourth i Hilda y. Mrs. Humphery Pecinpaugh of H awatha drove to Rulo one day last eek. She was accompanied by her ; ant, Mrs. Phoebe Harris. Mrs. Charles Gagnon, who has been -,-ending the summer with a daugh ter in Idaho, came last week to spend the winter with relatives ai this place. Fames Robinson and Mias Sarah Wilson of Craig, Mo., were married in Falls City Thursday afternoon. Mr. Robison is running a restaurant lure. They will go to house keep ing soon in the Watynne property. vV. A. True started Tuesday for Colorado to break the news to his wife of the sad tragedy, which left her without father or mother. He feared the shock would be more than she could stand in her present state of health. The remains of Eli Plante were brought to Rulo Saturday, and the funeral was held from the Catholic > inirch at three o’clock Sunday after noon. In spite of the disagreeable weather a lar&e crowd gathered at the church to pay the last respects to one who had been a resident of this city for so many years. About four years ago the family moved to San Diego, Cal., but Mr. Plante came back to Rulo frequently, seeming loatli to leave the old home and his many friends. He died in St. Joe, November 8. 11 is daughter, Mrs. S. W, Cunningham was with him in his >; st hours, but his wife and daughter Rorie and son Charles did not ar rive until after his death. Fie was buried in the Catholic cemetery. VERDON. Al»e Lum is very ill at liis home in this city. George Fogle made a trip to Hur ada Tuesday. Miss Edna Griffith is quite sick at .this writing. Will O'to left Sunday afternoon for Kansas City to buy cattle. Miss Lola Heineinan of Falls City is visiting relatives at this place. Miss Anna Frauenfelder spent a few days last week visiting friends in Falls City. Cyrus Noils and Will Hausciiyager shipped two car loads of sheep to Kansas City Tuesday. Ernest Fisher and Ernest Grown shipped two car loads of fine cattle to Kaunas City, Tuesday Miss Gertrude Lum attended the Meeting if the Friends in Council at Falls city Friday evening. Norman Fqrney and wife of Falls City attended the Cook-Mayfield wed ding here last NVednesday. Mrs. Minnie NVallcer of Falls City arrived Thursday afternoon for a vis-; to her sisters, Mesdames Van nr,(I Ouen Saylor. Miss Nellie liossack returned to her lionie in Falls City last week af tet a few days visit with her sister, Mrs. W. C. Sloan. H. II. Fritz and family and Her man tiller and Emma Last of Ohio township spent Thursday evening 1. re \. itu relatives. Wellington Chase and family ino\ ed last week to Tecumseh, where they will make their future home. Mr. Chose lias lived in our vicinity for s- veral years and we are sorry to have them leave us. Word was received here that the residence of Harry Henning in Kan sas City was struck by lightning dur-j ing the electric storm, Sunday Nov ember 7th. Mr. Benning was stand ing «n the open door and was hurled across the veranda by the shock. Mrs. Benning and two of the child len were also badly shocked. Mrs. Benning will be remembered as Miss Susie Martin, having lived here sev eral years ago, and is a sister to John Martin, living southwest of Falls City. A very pretty wedding took place at tile i' of Mr. and Mrs. Will Cook in the southeast, part of town Wednesday evening at six o’clock, when Cieir daughter, Miss Elina, was united in marriage to Vivian May field. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Carries of the Evangelical church. An elegant wedding dinner was served. Many beautiful wedding Iiresents were received Tic young couple are well and favorably known here and have a host, of friends who wish them joy and happiness. They will be at home to their friends on the Schrader farm, northwest of town. -.) Lame back comes on suddenly and is extremely painful. It is caused by rheumatism of the muscles. Quick relief is afforded by applying Cham berlain's Liniment. Sold by all drug gists. _ WILLIAMSVILLE. Jacob Wissinger went to Falls City Friday. Mrs. I. A. Dunn went, to Falls City r Hday. Jesse Dunn worked for R. J.Dunuj this week. ITarry Zubriek is working for G. W. Duerfeldt. Mr. and Mrs. 1. A. Dunn went to Lurada Monday. Wm. Scholl and family went to Falls City Friday. Gustave Parchen was in Falls City on bti»iuebb Friday. John Ablutz spent a few days in Kansas City on business last week. Jacob Wissinger and family spent Sunday at the home of G. W. Duer loldt. Jessie and i Eugene Dunn spent Sunday afternoon at the home of G. VV. Duerfeldt. Mrs. Maurer of Jamestown. N. D., who has been visiting at the home of I. A. Dunn, returned home this week. School children should eat Quaker Oats at least twice a day j 9 Assorted china in the Family Size Paclase SHU3EHT. J. ;\1. Evans and wife were I 'alls City visitors Friday. Mrs. John Slagle was a business visitor at the county’seat last week. Elmer King was quite ill the firs! of the ' >ek. bui is much better now. J. ('. Shulonberg made a business trip to Nebraska City the first of the week. A son of Sir. and Sirs. Trevis, has accepted a position with Mr. Itnlre in the lumber yard. Grandma Harmon, who lias been sick for some time is still in a very critical condition. Mrs. .1. M. Wheeler and daughter, Mrs. Fishburn, were shopping in Falls City one day last week. Mr. and .Mrs. W. W. James are now enjoying a visit from their dau ghter, Mrs. Grace Gillan and son of Peru. 'Valter Vatilaadingham of Falls City lias been busy for several days making wells for»several of our fa mu rs. Judge Granin, who lias been hav ing trouble with his eyes, left Satur day for Omaha, where lie will con sult, a specialist. Sam Goebel and wife who arrived hero last week from Oklahoma, have gone to housekeeping in the Wilson property on Elm street. Mesdanu's L. and .1 M. Evans were called to < ouncii Fluffs, Iowa by i le serious illness of Mrs. W. L. Evans, who is very ill with typhoid fever. Grandma Colgmzier, wlio was ser iously ill at last, writing is now much improved, and it is thought she will be abb> to In■ removed to her home here in u few days. Elder Stine, :i si. i. .1 by Albert Miller, a singer, commenced a two weeks' meeting at the Christian church last Sunday evening. This meeting has boon advertised since last. June. Miss Elizabeth Buthman, who ar rived lic.e in May, i;- making pre parations to return to her home in Pittsburg. Pa. She has made many friends v bile here who regret very much to lose her. Word reached Mr. and Mrs. Oat hout last week that their son William was united in marriage November 1, in Portland, Oregon (o a young-lady by the name of Miss Elizabeth Mey er. The groom lias a iiosi of friends here who extend sincere congratu lations to himself and bride. Everett Kinton and Miss Leona Martin wore united in holy matri mony at Falls City Wednesday. The bride is a member of the 1). of H. lodge here and they served dainty refreshments in honor of the young couple Wednesday evening and n splendid time was enjoyed by all Both the bride and groom have grown j to man and womanhood In this com munity and have a host of friends who extend congratulations. BAR AD A. E. E. I Sutler was in Verdun Mon day. Jacob Peters was in Shubert .Mon day. J. C. Wilciuan is in Omaha on business. P. 1). Gushard was a Falls City vis itor several days this week. J. H. Shafer and'family have mov ed into the Kamsom cottage. Wm. Rains and wife are visiting in *he western part of the state. George Fellers and family are stay ing with C. E. Burgess and family. Mrs. Fritz Fione and Mrs. Chas. Kuker, Sr., visited last week in St Joseph. Manilla was without man tin* rirst of the week owing to (lie overflow of the Muddy. We are glad to report Mrs. C. 10. Burgess as out of danger and on the road to recovery. A baby girl arrived Friday, Novem ber 12, to make her home with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ludwig. Neddie Hendricks came down with scarlet fever Friday just as the famil. were expecting to have the quaran tine lifted. E. E. Bolejack, Wilson Wamsley j and Jacob Peters started for Falls City Monday but got no farther than the Muddy. Last weeks items which gave Dr. . Andrews' report of a baby boy born, November it, should have been at j the home of L. A. Berry, instead of j at the home of Dr. Andrews. Rev. A. Essley, who comes to this; appointment to fill the vacancy cans-; ed by the resignation of Rev. S. M.; Zike, arrived this week and will de-! liver his first sermon at Bethel next ! Sunday evening. The Ladies Aid will give a regular old fashioned Thanksgiving supper1 on the evening of the twenty-fifth. A pleasant program of music, recita tions, etc., is being prepared. No admission will be charged. Come and help the ladies, and enjoy a very I pleasant evening. Supper will bi ser ved front five to ten. —Nebraska’s choicest corn and alfalfa lands for sale from $71 to $85 per acre. Send for free list— Nider & Henrietta, Fairbury, Neb. A Rexal! Guarantee We Guarantee to Cure Your Cold with Rexal! Cold Tablets or Rexall Cherry A ice Gough Syrup 25c Each Only at McMil Ian’s Pharmacy THE REXALL STORE Opposite Postoffice ! ails City, Neb. Jffe'? •; . jh, ■ !i. i'll. Jenne Shoe Store Exclusive Agents for the famous line of " BALL BAND' RUBBERS. Rub ber Bools and Overshoes Everything in Shoes Magnetic Healing Miss Lizzie Heitland. a gradu ate of the Weltmer School of Magnetic Healing, ol N. vada, j Mo. I am prepared to treat <1 is eases of all kinds. Phone 27'h Located at Mrs. Burris' residence j south of the convent. 4t :: D. S. ricCarthy i :: i DRAY AND I TRANSFER \ 11 I i ,, t i | Prompt attention given 1 ' | to the removal of j ' ‘ hold goods PHONE NO. 211 j »■> 4-11 111111 m V4»»-*—• • * • » • * 4 4- * 4 4 4 » * • 4 4 4 » 4 Wanted! X X i|4 I X horse and Cow Hides, £ X Wool and Pelts t £ | £ Highest Market Price ? i Porter Randolph f X Falls City, Phone 422 j: V ♦ ^ 4J4 ♦*« »*4 *j. .♦« *>. .*♦ • j*' F *1- ■•5*«2**5* *!‘ *1- v •$»•£»*!• v v»!• »!• *!• •!*♦!• *> { FRANK PECK j £ X Auctioneer I :j: =—== t 3! I X If you contemplate having a £ sale see me or write for terms X t at once. I guarantee satisfac- £ Y tion to my patrons. Y £ 1 X PALLS CITY, NEBRASKA X JL JL X X *5* *1* 'I**!* •I**5**I**J**!* »!• I C. H. MARION ) AUCTIONEER. j .. 1 1 .' ■— I Sales conducted in | f scientific and busi- § nesslike manner --- * i I C. M. MARION 1 * Falls City, Nebraska ! p i Boys' Fine Overcoats “WEARPROOF" Over coats for Children have achieved a reputation purely on merit. The garments are a com bination of durability—warmth and style. The high grade material—perfect needle-work and strong inner and outer linings make the clothes most serviceable. They will hold their shape and look dressy during the entire life of the fabric. We are showing a large assortment of “ W EL A R - PROOF ” Overcoats—in the Season’s newest shades— colors and designs. VJa fit the boy out complete, as Well as his father or bis b other. Choice line of Underwear and Hosiery for the boy: Collars and Ties that are JUST RIGHT, Wahl & Parchen We Keep Open Until 9 o'clock YOUR LAST CHANCEl — to pay your respects to the de parted is the erection of a mon ument to their memory. Before placing your order let us quote you prices. Our works and our prices have always given satis faction. The above, with many f other artistic and up-to-date de- I signs now in stock. Call or write for designs and [ prices. Falls City Marble Works | Established 1881 F. A. <& R. A. NEITZEL, M^rs. * * * » YTTYTTTTTTTTTTTT^ f; You’ve Paid the Bill | £ OF COURSE YOU HAVE £ <$» 4 But you’ve lost the receipt—and now you're <4 asked to pay again. Why not pay all your <4 t bills by check? Then in the cancelled checks you’ll have an indisputable receipt for every ^ dollar paid out. T a» 4 4^ Yot,r Checking Account is cordially invited. whether your balance will be large or small 4 t The Farmers’ State 5ank t £ PRESTON, NEBRASKA A MOST TOUCHING APPEAL falls short of its desired effect if ad dressed to a small crowd of interested listeners. Mr. Business Man, are > ou wasting your ammunition on the small crowd that would' trade with you anyway, or do you want to reach those who are not particularly inter ested in your business? If you do, make vour appeal for trade to the largest and most intelligent audience in vour commun ity, the readers of this paper. They have count less wants. Your ads will be read by them, and they will become your custom ers. Try it and see.