The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 19, 1909, Image 5

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I improves the flavor /'
1— and adds to tho \
healthfulness (
of tho food \
What Your Friends and Their
Friends Have Been Doing
the Past Week.
— Eat Sowle's Candy.
—Dr. Wilson, Wahl s building.
—See Clarence Heck for oil meal.
A good example is the best, ser
—The Candy Kitchen for brick ice
See Clarence Heck for your coal
this fall, Phone 101.
Tonight (Thursday) at the Gehling,
"The Little Homestead.”
S. A. Little returned Friday from a
business trip to St. Joe.
Sheriff Fenton took one of the way
ward ones to Lincoln Friday.
Mrs. A. E. Ganti wenl to Humboldt
tc spend Sunda.v with relatives.
Jacob W>st, wife and daughter of
Arago were visitors here Friday.
Mrs. H. I. Hunt went to Pawnee
Ciiy last Friday to visit relatives.
James McKiever came down from
Nebraska City to spend Sunday with
his parents.
Mrs. S. II. Wood returned Saturday
from Sf. Joseph, where she had spent
a few days.
Mrs. D. G. Griffiths and son,Heath,
returned Sunday from a visit to rel
atives in Wymore.
Rev. G. L. Neide weftt to Wymore
Tuesday to attend I lie convocation of
the Episcopal church.
Miss Lela Powell returned Sunday
from Hiawatha, where she paid a
short visit to Miss Winnie Hill.
Miss Catherine Maddox of Mavs
ville. Ky., is a guest at the home of
her aunt., Mrs, Margaret Maddox.
Mr. and Mrs. John Baker were ov
er from Morrill last Thursday to
attend the marriage of their son.
Mrs. Kimper, who lias been visit
ing h6r daughter, Mrs. C. W. Brooks,
and family left Friday for her home.
Oswald Radinsky and family of
Omaha arrived last Sunday lor a
visit with Mr. and Mrs. .lames Pick
ett in this city.
Doing an injury puts you below
your enemy; revenging one makes
you even with him; forgiving it. sets
you above him.
I. (1. Whitaker is building a barn
on the property he recently pur
chased of A. N. Cook in the north
west part of town.
Mrs. W. W. Jenne was a Kansas
City visitor the latter part of the
week, returning in company with her
husband. W. W. Jenne.
Mrs. Brooks came up from her
home in Topeka last week to spend
a few days with her son, Rev. C. YV.
Brooks and family. She returned Fri
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Lichty came
over from Morrill last Thursday to
bo present at the Baker-Slocum wed
ding, Mrs. Lichty being a sister
of Mr. Baker.
J. G. Whitaker sold a section of
Goff county, Kausas land this
week to George W. Fisher. I. N.
Lyons, Jr., purchased a half-section
in the same county of him a week
ago. N
Ralph Jen lie returned the first of
the week from Lincoln, where he
spent a few days vacation front his
duties at the shoe store. It was
reported that Ralph had Intended to
take a position in Lincoln, but he
had no intention of doing so. __
Tin' readers of the Journal of last
Monday, were no doubt convinced i
that its editor had no kin among the
soldiers of the old Revolution, from
the way it pitched into those old
veterans of that heroic age. Most
people in these United States have
been taught to revere the memory of
thf? men who bared their bosoms to
the storm in the time that “tried
meg’s souls,” but time has develop
ed an exception, and the solitary ex
ception is the editor of the Journal
When a cold becomes settled in
the system, it will take several days’
treatment to cure it,and the best rem
edy to use is Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. It will cure quicker than
any other, and also leaves the system
in a natural and healthy condition.
Sold by all druggists.
- j
Among the out of town people
who attended the hall gi\en by the
[young ladies at Wahl’s hall last
Thursday night were Paul and Alice
Murphy of Preston.
V. G. Lyford and wife returned
from Lincoln Friday, Where Mr. Ly- j
ford had been attending a meeting j
of the University Regents.
A wise man will desire no more
than what he may get justly, use sob
erly, distribute cheerfully, and leave
After spending a week with Miss
Florence Parchen, Miss Hazel More
head returned to her home at Salem
Norman Musselinan and Simon
Beachy accompanied Frank Hutch
ings to Morrill last Thursday.
Millard Lichty of Morrill visited |
relatives and friends here last Kri
Clarence Dingle of Salem was aj
Falls City visitor Thursday.
Tonight (Thursday) at (lie Gehling,
“The Little Homestead."
•John Houck and wife of Salem were!
in Falls City Thursday.
Steve Miles and wife were Kansas |
City visitors Thursday.
See Clarence Heck For your coal
this fall. Phone 101.
“Bud” Page of Dawson had busi
ness here Friday.
J. H. Miles was in Omaha the last
of the week.
God heals, and the doctor tukes
the fees.
John ) ouiih of Dawson was a Dalis
City visitor Friday.
— Young's 1’antorium cleans and
presses ladies skirls. tl-lf
John Parlier is ill at his home in
the south part of town.
Tonight (Thursday) at the Gehling, |
"The Little Homestead."
—Get your chickens some poultry
shells at Heck's feed store. 43-tf
Mrs. James Pecht entertained Mrs.
.1 S McCoy of Lincoln Saturday.
\Y. H. Hogrefe of Stella was a
business visitor to Falls City Mon
day. i
John Ward of Teen in sell was a
visitor at tile home of Carl Miller on
Miss Gita Boose, after spending a
few days at Lincoln, returned home
the last of the week.
Mrs Clara Wal. who was ill the
last of the week, is now much im
proved in health.
The wise man draws more advan-j
tage from his enemies than the fool
from his friends.
"Sid" Spence and S. A. Little had
business in St. Joseph a couple of
days tlte last ot the week.
Mi's. Henry Brecht of liulo spent
Sunday with her parents, Henry
Ruegge and wife in this city.
The Bohrer Brothers are certain
ly experiencing sou: • bad weather to
commence their new brick house.
“Mrs " .I K. Leyda spent a portion
of last week in Weeping Water, Neb.,
where she visited with hdr mother.
A uauy girl came to me borne 01
Mr. anti Mrs. Hunzeker, who lives
ten miles norlliwest of Falls City,
fiat nrday.
fi. W. Lishop and wife, after a
three years residence in Lonsdale,
Oklahoma, have once more become
residents of Falls City.
Julius Uippes and wife, living two
miles east ot Falls City, are the
parents of a boy baby, who was born
to them the last of the week.
Charlie Powell, nephew of John
and James Powell of this eity, came
the first of the week from Gordon,
Neb., to visit'with relatives here for
a short time.
Millard Maddox arrived in this city
from Gordon. Neb.. Monday morning.
After a short visit with Itis grand
mother. Mrs. Margery Grant, lie went
to Preston to visit with relatives.
Mrs. James Powell is entertaining
an old schoolmate, Mrs. 10. O.Meach.
now a resident of Athol, Wyoming,
but formerly a resident of finbetha.
Kas., where sin- and Mrs. Powell
were girlhood friends.
FOR SALE—A nice six room cot
tage, lights, water, cejnent walks, cel
lar, barn, coal house, and three lots.
Located one block from court house
and in splendid shape, a model
house. Price $2,500. Inquire at this
office. 41-tf
Croup is most prevalent during the
dry cold weather of the early winter
months. Parents of young children
should l>e prepared for it. All that
is needed is u bottle of Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy. Many mothers
are never without it in their homes
and ii has never disappointed them.
Sold by all druggists.
Rev K. K. Day was called to Nel
son, Neb., Monday to preach the fu
neral sermon of a young married
man. The 1. O. O. F. services were
given The young man had been mar
ried jusi two weeks.
Mrs. S. A Little wont to Omaha {
to spend some time with her moth-1
er. Mrs Little's health has been j
very bail for some time and her
friends hope tiiat she will soon re
W. A. (ire nwald and wife enter
tained S Philpot and wife of,
Humboldt. Mr. and Mrs. Aldrich of i
Fairmont and Mr. and Mrs cjuivey j
of Omaha Tuesday evening
Ro\ R. Cooper Hailey expects his i
father and mother to arrive today
from Broken Bow. They will spend
the winter with their son and iiis
fa mily
Do you know the story of the
fourteen rejected books of the Old
C. stameut of the Bible? Send 10c
for ii Literary Curio Co., box li-.*»,
Plnceton, Indiana. II If
Mrs McCarthy, mother of Dennis
McCarthy, is very ill at her home In
the soul!) part of town. She suffered
a stroke of paralysis last Sunday.
Peril Pare lien was unable to at
tend to business several days the firs
ill the week on account of a sick
Mr. and Mrs Paul Weaver are the
parents of an eight-pound baby girl,
who came to them lust Sunday night.
Kr d lleineinan of Verdon visited
his brother, Charles and family, in
this city the first of the week.
Work as if you were to live a
hundred years; pray as if you were
to die tomorrow.
Mrs. lOtta Sehoenheit of Kansas
City is visiting relatives and U lends
here this week.
—The. cleaning and pressing of
ladies’ garments a specialty.—Stan
ley Stump. 38-tf
Miss Hue Gates accepted a position
at St. Joseph and left for that place
Wm. Zentner and wife of Verdon
were Kails City shoppers Tuesday.
A lmby girl was born to Joseph
Kolimnii and wife Monday.
Words may show a man's wit,
lull actions his meaning.
Tonight (Thursday) at the Gelding.
"The Kittle Homestead."
James Mooney of Itulo was a Kails
(litv visitor Tuesday.
—Buy rock salt, barrel and sack
colt at C. A. Heck’s. 43-tf
John Zenliu r of Verdon was in
town Monday.
—Cal! on C. A. Heck for coal and
v. ood.
For the Thanksgiving Table
Every dainty place of Silverware adds to her table silver, gives
her increased pleasure, be it Sterling or high-grade Silver Plate.
If you arc beginning to purchase a pattern or are adding to one
you will find it advantageous to look over our stock before buying,
for we have not only a large variety of prices, but also patterns
Watch our show window It will be filled with silverware the
coming week and will undoubtedly suggest something to you that
will help beautiy the Thanksgiving Table.
The Old Reliable Jeweler and Optician
Opposite Postoffice FALLS CITY, NEB
Watertown Wisconsin Rye flour
flour of C. A. Heck.
Samuel Hitcher was on the slek
list I In' first of the week.
An ounce of wit that, is bought is
wort It a pound that is taught.
Col. C. II. Marlon left Wednesday
for Tulin, Texas, to "cry" a sale.
llo civil to all,serviceable to many;
familiar with few; friend to one;
enemy to none.
I H. Whitaker and John Itens
ehoter appraised the real and person
al property of Joseph Forney, de
l-eased , Wednesday
Miss Jessie Wttheo returned to
her home iii Stella Moudiuiy after a
short visit at the home of Mi and
Mrs. John llossnck.
Judge Gagnon appointed Rotor For
ney of Merlin, Neli., and Ills sister.
Miss Netiie as administrators of
their father’s estate.
A box social will he given at the
I larkendorff school house, Wednes
day evening, November ~4. Every
body cordially invited.—Leiha It
Crook, teacher.
If some of Falls City's young gam
blers saw the pictures at the Electric
theater tli'e first of tin* week, we'll
bet they wondered if theirs would be
a similar life to that of the gambler
In the picture.
Kev. F E. Day left Wednesday lor
a series of engagements In tlie west
ern part of the state. He will lee
lure at Superior Saturday night and
dedicate a large now church at Ed
gar on Sunday. He lias a couple of
evenings promised to I (). O. F.
In another column of The Tribune
will lie found Dr. Fast's professional
card, Dr Fast while a resident of
Falls City made many very close
friends and a thorough success of
his practice. Since going to St
Joseph his ability as a medical prac
titioner is fast being recognized by
Hie people there and tin* surround
iu^ count ry.
Flit' government homesteads in
Montana. Fertile soil, mild climate
ami good markets. Lands produce
It) bushels winter wheat, and all
kinds of small grains and grasses In
abundance. Also deeded land from
$"> up. on easy terms. Addons In
gram Cain, Choteati, Mont.. 43-i.*;
Miss Kuth Lewis returned the first
of the week from a visit witti tela
lives in Lincoln and Omaha.
Keep your eyes wide open before
marriage, half shut afterwards,
ltcnjamin Mason of Republican City
is visiting friends in tills city.
Watertown Wisconsin Rye from
at Heck’s feed store.
Frank Suet In n of Humboldt was in
Falls City Monday
C. \V. Thornton was a vfdtor to
Salem Sunday
One Night Only
Thursday, November 18
In the new version of
the great emo
tional drama
The Little
Fail to see
this one.
Forget Date.
Prices 35c, 50c and 75c,
Biscuit are more than mere soda
- crackers. They are a distinct,
individual food article made from
special materials, by special
methods, in specially constructed
They are sealed in a special
way which gives them crispness,
cleanliness and freshness whicn
*ccrackers’’ from the paper bag
always lack. They are the Na
^ tion’s accepted soda