The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 19, 1909, Image 2

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    1 he bounty in General
I he “Doings” of our Country Friends
and Neighbors.
'Ims. Noah is guite si k. suffering
am quinsy.
Miss Nellie tiriuith is quite sick
* th tonsilitis,
Mrs Karl Butler was quite sick
tie first of the week.
1. 8. Voder is in Jewell county,
Kan., looking after his farms.
Norman Sniilie and wife visited in
Nemaha several days last week.
Mrs. John Bont'ke is visiting in
.ncoln wiih Mrs. \V. II Hogrefe and
Miss Hazel.
Miss Jessie Withce returned Mon
v from a vjgft to her sister, Mrs
* \
nest Clift, al Humboldt.
Mesdaines .\. .1, Baldwin and S
i Bailey visited Mrs. 8atu San is
Auburn Thursday of lust week.
VI. II, Vamleventer and wife re
'timed !h" first of tile week from a
'It to relatives at Ottawa, Kas.
Mis Kate 1'raker went lo Hum
< hit last Hrldny. where she will
sii with her daughter, Airs. Havid
Cowman until about Christmas.
Mrs. I. L. Plasters received a I t
ii r front her son, Howard. who ts
attending the university at hineoln.
He tells le r he is (luarnnt incd for
three Weeks on aeeount of a ease of
diphtheric in the house where he is
ion riling.
Mesdunies Ityral Huy and Sue
.luiinn of Iteneli, Cal. Harry
Foster of Apache, Ok In . •) It. Cain
mil W. it llogrife will \e a eon
eert at the Stella opera house gatur
day evening, under the auspices of
the l.udies Research elub for the
benefit of the Stella library
The L. II II. gave a surprise party
u the homo of Mrs. I> ,1. I’ugh
tast Wednesday niglit as a farewell
for Mrs Frank Weaver and Miss
Katherine Mourer, who are soon to
move to Montana. Tile ladies took
homo made eaudy and during the ev
< '.big they ninth! taffy and all en
joyed a "sweet, time.”
Mr. and Mrs. Klchaii entertained
at a whist party last I'"riday evening
in honor of Mrs, Kir hurt's brother,
Mr. Heady. On aeeount of the rain
there were only twenty guests pres
et, just lullf who were invited. Tims
who were present spent a niorl de
lightful evening. During the evening
the hostess served nice refreshments.
Our spring weather was broken
last Friday when it begun raining
about noon and continued a steady
downpour until Sunday morning.
I he Muddy i aim out of its hanks
and yvns almost as high us any
time last sprint. This is ami thing
that the oldest i '.-id*'llts of this com
nttuii y . ty t b y nevi i i x5>"i ie 1 ■
;ii this season of the year.
Albert Murk spei:! Sunday williW.
1 1 Itt 'IlillSOII.
Daisy Peek was the guest of lidith
Peek Sunday.
Maude Wav is numbered among
mr sick poopl
Leslie Melvin was thV guest of
Ini Dowly Sunday.
Mr. Strauss of St ruussi itlo is on
the sick list this week.
Hay Meyers and wife spent Sunday
with Pairii k Gunp and family.
Pearl Fields was the guest of Mr.
a-el Mrs. II. .1. Prichard Sunday.
i'ia..' Eaughrov tame down from
loo k and spent Sunday at home.
Airs. Stiaa.s spent a couple of
weeks lit Vcrdon with her daughter
Tom .lenisoa of .Reserve was in
nis vicinity on business W'edie day
Mr. and Mrs. Coon entertained Mr.
: ’ d Mrs. Poll of near Vcrdon Sun
Martin Nolle and family were the
guests of Wm. liuettner and family
Mrs. George Sturms enjoyed a
visit from her brother the first of
the week.
Mrs. .lolm Schuler and daughter
spent last Thursday with Mrs. Wm.
si rocker.
Mrs. N. Peek and daughter spent
Sunday with Mrs. Charles Zentner
and children.
Lloyd Knisley and wife spent Sun
day with the former's brother. An
son and wife.
Everett Higgins and wife spent
last Sunday in Straussvllle, guests of
Geo. Sturms and family .
Mrs. Frank Brecht is in Falls City
helping care for her mother, Mrs.
Bertram, who is very ill.
There will be a box social at the
Harkendorf school house Wednesday
-evening, November 24. 190!), Every
>nc is cordially invited.
Mrs. Harkins returned to her home
in Oklahoma last week, after spend
ing a few days with her daughter,
Airs. F. S. IJchty. She was called
here by the death of her little grand
For Sale.
Some choice Barred Plymouth Rock
<ockreis. Addrss Mrs. S. R. Ayers.
Morrill, Has. 42-tf
It. .1 llni/ilii of Table Rock was|
| day.
John Brenner of Stella was here I
Will Martin returned from Lincoln
| Monday.
.1. I). Shrauger returned from Lin
coln Saturday.
I>r. Mary Bowers of Pawnee City
| was here Tuesday
A. Sippley of Dawson was in town
the last of the week.
Miss Sarah BJdle is convalescent.I
from a recent illness
The W. C T. C. met with Grand
nut Ilarvoy Wednesday.
A. A. Tanner of Lincoln was here
a f w days this week.
A. Alexander of Kalin City was
ii re a few days this week.
Orrin Shrangei of Pawnee City
i»ent Sunday hi Humboldt,
Mrs. Boy Bain of Table Bock r>
'turned to Iut borne Sunday.
I W. Vaught lias accepted a cleri
11 :il position In th<> "Famous."
Carrie Lepik of Scottsville, Kas.,
is the guest of Lulu Hummel.
1 in' Linger Longer eiiili nun with |
Mrs. 15. E. Meyers Wednesday.
I Will Rutherford of Falls City is
visiting relatives here this week.
Miss Mtilde Thompson came down
> from Lincoln to visit her parents.
Howard Pales and Theodore Clark
of Pawnee City were in ilmuboldl on
Mrs. Angeline Elliott of Tellttrldo,
j Colo., is visiting her brother. Will
Miss Frankie Curl of (Juthcrie,
Okla.. i. visiting her sister, Mrs. II.
A .Mann.
I ’at Hughes of Summerfield, Kas.,
was looking after liusifless matters
hero litis week.
Chump, George and Holland Wright
I i'( turned Saturday after a week spent
in the Ozark country.
II. (). Roxwell came up from I law
son Thursday to receive a team of
mules purchased near Table Hock.
I>. 0 Donaldson visited at the
home of Henry Funk, west of town
on his return from Garden City,Kas.
, I,. I>. Hastings purchased the livery
stock of Neill Skillitt, possession of
I the business being assumed on Fri
Mrs Fred Noble, who lias been
\ rating relatives Iveta' for a short
time returned to her home in Lin
\ group meeting was held at the
■''odist church Thursday. Several
of tic neighboring towns were rep
Mi.-' V G lord of Palls City
j visited friends and attended the
j group meeting at the Methodist
; church Thursday.
II. and A. Alberts returned Thurs
day from South Dakota, where they
have been looking for land, hut de
cided Nebraska good enough for
I hem.
Mrs Will Martin and son went to
Hastings. Noli., Wednesday for a
visit with friends They were ac
companied a., far as Lincoln iiy Mr.
V party of young people were
pleasantly entertained by Miss Mable
Smith and Miss Katherine Goddard
at the home of the former the first
of the week. i
Mtulge Ford and Pearl Carver re
turned from St. Joseph the first of
tin* week, win re they visited the
formers mother who is receiving med
ical treatment at that place.
■Harry Boyd spent Sunday witii his
parents, II. E. Boyd and wife, in this
city. Harry is making for himself an
enviable reputation at the 1‘resby
terian college at Hastings in the
athletic circle, being numbered among
the star foot ball players of that
institution of learning.
"Baldy” Aylor has a paek of
hounds, which are in great demand
these nights. Scarcely a night pass
es without a party of hunters taking
t! in out. Tims far they invariably
come home with some fruits of the
chase, usually possum and coon,with
an occasional cayote. and quite
frequently a . well, you don’t
need lo ask where “Baldy" lives,
you can smell the dogs a mile
A message received from San
Diego, Cal., the past week informed
relatives and friends that little Helen
Krasny. daughter of Frank Krasny
and wife, had died during the week
from enlargement of liver and a
disease of the heart. The case bal’
fled the skill of the most noted
specialists. Her death was caused
from the same trouble as that of her
brother. Charles, who passed away
a few months ago.
Many school children suffer from
constipation, which is often the cause
of seeming stupidity at lessons. Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets
are an ideal medicine to give a child
tor they are mild and gentle in their
effect, and will cure even chronic
constipation. Sold by all druggists.
A Goodly Number Received at ,
Tile following le w hooks w r ■ put
into circulation at ti e pulilic library
during the week:
Hunnlkln Hnnnies in Cutnp David
Cat Tales and Other Tales-—How 1
Mrs. Tiggy Winkle—Potter.
English Fairy Tales Jacobs.
Hit? Hrother Johnson.
Donkey John of the Toy Valle)
Sure Dart Costello.
Story-tell Lib—Slossoti.
What Tommy Did -Miller
Jimpy Stories- Parson,
nine Coops and Hud—-Hurgess.
Twilight Fairy Tab’s- I’ootlt.
Little Ann- Taylor,
Girl of the Limberlost Porter,
On the Kearsagc -Hrtuly.
Hetty Laird's Golden Year -Wi ik< 1.
Helen Grant’s Teacher Deland.
With Kit Carson in. the Rockies—
Me Neill.
Hoy Pioneers Heard.
Adult Fiction
Little Sister Snow Little
Susanna and Sue Wiggiu,
Strange Flaw Wilcox.
John Marvel Page.
(loose Girl MacGrath.
itun/ Shrine -
Tna- Til^ki < Juiller-Ooueh.
Woman for Mayor Winslow.
Samantha on Children's Rights
Music Master Kit in.
Pa Flickering’s folks Parker.
Romany yf tin* Snows Parker.
White Prophet -Caine.
Southerner Worth.
Adult Non-fiction.
Lli Mini—Maeterlinck
I'plmliders- Steffens.
Leaves of Grass -Whittier.
KaVtli’s Bounty- St. Maur.
S If'-supporting Home St Maur.
Foibles of the Meuch Wilcox.
Foibles of the Mai -Wilcox.
Melting Pot—Zaugwill.
Child and His Book Field.
Home of the Soul—Wagner.
From Ruwenzori to the Congo
Care of Babies— Cradock.
Imitation of Christ Kerupis.
J. H. Morehead Had Best Bunch of
Fat Cattle.
The following clipping is taken
from a recent Issue of the Kansas
City Drovers .lourral. and spi aks wi ll
for Richardson county ami Mr. More
head :
".I. II. Morehead of Calls City,
Neb., who topped the fal cattle mar
ket yesterday. Is positive there is
money in feeding cal lie and hogs un
der the present conditions. Starting
in last spring with thro carloads of
steers that cost laid down at his
farm around $2.7.7, he has marketed
all of them this fall at tin average a
little above $7.7.7, Mr. Morehead
feeds corn and hay, and runs hogs
with his cattle. He has fed many
years, and has gradually increased
in prosperity. 'The lot of cattle that
I have jusi finished marketing,' said
Mr. Morehead, 'made me a nice prof
it, after deducting feed and other ex
penses. Last spring when 1 got
ready to feed these three carloads
of steers, ! went about the neighbor-!
hood and picked up 12.7 head of light
shouts. They cost me $ti.8f>. I have
kept an account of the hogs as well ,
as the sto-ra, and find that 1 have'
marketed $2,1100 worth of hogs. Now t
if hogs were high and steers low, it
would he different. Hot when hogs'
sell around $S and the steers nvor-j
aged right close to that amount,there i
is no reason in llie world why I
shoulrl **pi! to mpk0 foo^hv.* p;v '
I do not see any reason why it is!
not a safer proposition to go ahead J
and feed conservatively this winter
than it was a year ago. Last fall
at tills time, corn was as high as it
is now. while hogs sold at a much
lower price than now, and fat steers
brought less. There seems to be no
doubt at all but what hog prices will
hold up. The predicted breaks in
the hog market this fall have failed
to materialize. The hogs are simply
gone, and the farmer wiio lias any is
in it. They will pay out alone, and'
if fed with steers will pay out still!
better.' Mr. Morehead was well
pleased with his sale here yester
day at $8.2,f. His carload of steers
weighed just '.>0 lbs more here than
they did when be loaded them for
Office Removed to Tootle Block
6th ana Francis Sts.
Sit-fi.'i attention to Ml hll'IN! lilj I \l.
l>i<t»asas. Intense* of WOMI’.N anti (’llILDKKN
PhVsician and Surgeon
Office Over State Bank.
Residence, Union Hotel.
(Scene: Sewing room of Mine. Zeph
ine's dressmaking establishment. Six
girls sewing busily.)
Mann—Who was It just come In”
Jennie—It's that tall Miss Stephen
r» son. You know,
the one with the
Along ntck.
\ Thought 1 was
^ neve: miing to get
her collar high
J enougli for her
v last time.
T Maine- -The ma
<- dam isn’t ready to
fit her. I'm work
's ing on l:i r waist
9 this lnlnice.
I’ )lle Oh, well, 1
she'll g.-t talk
ing about her new
suit and kill time
J till you've got it
j ready. You'd bet
ter hustle.
v Nellie—I seen
N her out in an auto
last night with a
feller. Say, you’d
J. 'a' died to see the
Maine—Is that
jJl the feller she's
v going to marry?
^ Uelle — 'What!
Z Her? Who said
* she was?
Maine — It was
in the paper.
c Belle — If that
ain't (lie limit.
There's a chance
for me, then, I
rather guess! Miss
Lulu -Oh, I don't
know. She's rich.
■ ■■ t—*——- " in(*iiio—s$o k nr
She's Rich. tle Miss Miller
and she didn’t get married.
.Jennie -She's different-.
Belle—1 sh'd say. 11 Miss Miller
don't get married it's because she
don't like men, or maybe her lover
died in Cuba or the Phillipines. But
she looks happy.
Nellie—She’s just too sweet for any
thing. She gave me some ice cream
when I took home that blue dress last
week. Where’s Mrs. Proctor’s lining?
Belle—Sean h me. Say, quit muss
ing up that box, will you? Those is
Mrs. Turner's bones.
Araminta—You talk like a grave
yard. Toss me that lace, will you?
Lulu—That Mrs. Trotter can’t wear
a dress as low's this. She ain't got the
neck for it. My. I bet I’d look swell in
Maine—Yeh, just, like a regular mel
lerdrainer. "Lovely Lulu, the Beauti
ful Sewing tJirl."
Lulu—Say, call me a modiste while t
you’re about it and marry me to a
Belle—Nothing modest about you!
What you done with Mrs. Turner's
Araminta—They w is here a minute
ago. I just stepp q on 'em some
Belle—If you aiu L the limit! Maine,
you better hustle; she’ll be ringing for
that waist in a Jiffy.
Maine Hustle yourself! Mrs. Tur
ner's coming at :! and you know she
ain't hardly ever late.
Jennie—If 1 was Mrs. Turner I’d
Nellie—Well, you ain't, so what’s
the use talking?
Belle—I was to a dance Thursday
night. Never got home till half
past two.
“Lulu—Yeh. It was Friday morning
you sewed Miss Andrews’ yoke into
Mrs. Prentice’s dress, wasn't it? Most
lost your job!
Belle—1 don't care. 1 can get an
other—if I want to.
Jennie—What do you know about
that! If she wants to! Listen at the
millionaire lady!
Nellie—She was out looking at Hats
over our way Sunday, wasn't you.
Belle—Maybe 1 was and maybe I
Maine—Say, ask us to the wedding,
won’t you, Belle?
Belle—There’s the madam ringing
for that waist, (Exit Mame.)
Jennie—Mame just loves weddings
—goes to all she can. What do you
want we should give you, Belle?
Belle—Peace and quiet. Where's
Mrs. Turner’s hack?
Lulu—Say, get you and Mrs. Turner
together and let us alone. What's
your beau like?
Araminta—I've seen him. i Enter
Mame.) Here comes Mame. Who's
In the waiting room?
Mame—Mrs. Turner, mad's a hornet
because she's got to wait. Say, Miss
Stephenson's the limit In that dress.
You’d just die!
Nellie—Forget it! We're hearing
about Belle's feller. Go on, Belle.
Handsome and tall—
Belle—He ain't—he's Bhort! That is,
I mean—
Lulu—Gave yourself away! Now,
you might's well go on. Is he the fel
ler that calls you on the phone?
When’s it to be?
Mame—What you going to wear?
Nellie—Where you going to live?
Araminta—What's his name?
Jennie—Where’d you meet him?
Bet I know—at the rink! Wasn’t it?
Belle—If you’ll just keep still a min
ute I’ll tell you all about it. I was—
Nellie— Sh! Here conies Mine. Zeph
, Mame—Ob, gracious! I bet I put
11;a: slet-ve in wrong!—Chicago Daily
A Word With You
We handle only the best in fhe harness line and a reputation is
back of every article we sell. Large stock to select ^from.
Blankets and Robes Direct from Factory I
L ""avis ‘W* O. WACHTEL ]
General Blacksmithing and
Wlien in need of Woodwork or Blacksmithing of any kind give 1
me a call. I ■ carantee satisfaction. If you are looking for
up-to-date horseshoeing we are prepared to (ju it at a reasonable
pri'-e. Following are c ur prices:
New Shoes, per span. $3.00
Resetting. per span, 2.00
Call and see my work in any line and get my prices before
placing vour order.
Phone 413 Falls Citv, Neb. j
<*.! ijeamaa/ak»u.mmmiwsmamxi-i-xumdamas^ji / sjc.wmamgg-WMcaaap*’
Oklahoma Land Bargains
Located on the Santa re Railroad, in a fine agricultural district
half way between Enid and Guthrie. We have 5 churches, 2 banks
with one-quarter million deposits, fine brick school building and
good twelve grade school. We are second to none in the raising
of wheat, corn, oats, cotton and fruit. The average rain fall for
the past seven years has been (37) inches.
If you are looking for a home, or an investment, this section
of the state offers you the very best inducements. Wite us fer in
formation, or better come and see. ;
160 acres—3j/2 miles from town, 130 acres under cultivation; j
30 acres in pasture. Good five room house, good orchard, two wells
cf good water, barn for six horses, granary room for 1,000 bush- j
els. 40 acres fall wheat, 7 acres hog-tight. Pice $40 per acre.
We Have Land from $20 Per Acre Up
160 acres—120 acres in cultivation, 40 acres in pasture. Good
six room house, small barn and granary, plenty of good water,
This is fine alfalfa land and is a bargain at $50 per acre.
■innwi—ri n!■■■!!■■ mwi nmmm ■—iimiiii1 w i —■■■■piin— > a miii i w
in dental work if you have need of our
Ilk serv‘ces aiu' avail yourself of r skill,
ex|ierieuce and fac lities. We don’t do
|f half way work it’s all or nothing with
) us. as many people know to their own
great gratification. Note, please, that
we make no charge for expert examin
BERT WINDLE, I). I>. S„ Assistant
Falls City, Nebraska
All Work Guaranteed First-class Orders Taken for Men s Suits |
New Suitatorium
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Clothing Cleaned
Repaired and Pressed
Over Richardson Co. Bank. FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA
I Pressed Stone and Brick Co. t
I t
W. h. PUTNAM & SONS, Props.
w *'
w »
4 We manufacture and carry in stock a full line of Cement 4
I Blocks, Brick, Tile and Plain and Fancy' Trimmings, -
<| which we would be pleased to show and price you before you %
4 place your order elsewhere- We also wholesale and retail
« f
I Sand, Cement and Crushed Rock
We are agents for the Boelt’S Concrete Mixer. Visitors al- f
ways welcome at our yards. Located on the X
I *>
; 2 Blocks from Burlington Depot FALLS CITY, NEB. ;
—Wanted—A million bushels of FOR SALE—250 steers or heifers;
apples at the Leo Cider & Vine- large or small; black or red; cash <•
gar Co’s, new plant. credit.—H. I. Hunt, Falls City, Neb.
—That old suit, or garment of any —Don’t thow that old suit away*
kind, can be fixed up as good as new Take it to Stanley Stump and hav*
—see Stanley Stump. 38-tf it cleaned and pressed. 38-tf