The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 19, 1909, Image 1

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    The Falls City Tribune
Various Kinds of Entertainment by
Individuals. Lodges. Clubs.
Churches. Etc.
. irs. Charles Hargrave gave the
si omi of a series of parties last
Thursday afternoon at which more
than forty ladies were entertained
Novel guessing contests claimed the
attention of the ladies through the
afternoon, the prizes falling to Mrs.
Charlie Davis and Mrs. Ed Fisher
tor the most correct answers in the
contests. The afternoon was it de
lightful one and pleasure was the
mmght uppermost In the mind of all
to guests. Cut flowers in profusion
ami spotted plants added to the beau
and cheerfulness of the scene as
v < I! ;is the spirits of those present,
making the occasion one of memor
able pleasures. In serving the love
• refreshments at five o'clock Mrs.
>: grave was assisted by Mrs. Var
nei, Mrs. Fred Brecht and Mrs. .Ino.!
i.!rs. Charles Hargrave gave the
third of a series of parties last Sat-'
i;-ilny afternoon which was attended
l;y about thirty-five ladies. The
wi.ither. unfortunately was most un
voralib . Carriages conveyed the
ladies to the ltdme of their hostess
where they found the cheerful home
irb'liantly lighted, and quantities of
ii- vers and blooming plants, throw-;
r a bright and cheerful glow over
and with the warm welcome of
ttu hostess, all thought of disagree
? i>iv weather was put aside and the
jot test afternoon imaginable enjoyed.
> lie guessing contests which form
• r the entertainment for the after
eon, tire prizes were won by Mrs.
• bn Gilligan and Mrs. T. J. Gist,
a ely refreshment were served at
*• • • o'clock, Miss Jennings and Miss
Ruth McMillan assisting Mrs. Har
iri -e, Those present from out ot'
tovn were Mrs. VV. S. Fast. St. Joe;
Y- rr. John Gilligan, Nebraska City;
Mr-. Varner, Belot; and Miss Ethel
Gtii’oill of Craig.
V r. and Mrs. Fred Brecht gave a
D»-t enjoyable whist party last
7r rsdav evening for a number of
fra nds. Three tables were placed
for the game of which six rounds
«< played. To Mrs. K, A. Dittmar
f* t tlio honors of the evening, she
hav’ng five games. Splendid refresh
n.' ts were served at eleven o'clock.
T),' evening was a decidedly pleas
a ■' one. Mrs. Varner of B»loit,Kas.,
v. - present.,
a tea given at the home ol' Rev.
Bailey last Thursday from five un
ti': • ight, the ladies realized $32 for
tii' building fund of the new Presby
terian church.
'tie young ladies kensington of the
Methodist church met Wednesday af
ternoon with Miss Ethel Cade, who
was assisted in entertaining by Miss
Mattie Schock and Miss Katie Jones.
At. interesting program was given,
ic. itiding music and readings, while
dainty needlework occupied the
tin <■ < f many. Very nice refresh
•ts* were, served at five o’clock.
rs. James Powell is giving the
set «>nd of her series of parties this,
(Thursday) afternoon. About forty
ladie'S are included in the guest list
and the entertainment, will be given
as i kensington.
.7 rs. W. H. Keeling has issued in
vitations for two parties this week.
A kensington will be given Friday
afternoon and whist will lx* played in
th* evening.
Tne Womans club held a most in
teresting session at the home of
Mrs. A. G. Wanner Tuesday after
noon. There was a good attendance
of the regular members and a few
invited guests were also present.
Part of the program was omitted ow
ing to the absence of some of the
participants. An excellent paper was
read by Mrs. John A. Crook on
“School Sanitation.” It was of
unquestioned merit and showed care
ful study and a thorough understand
ing of the subject. In accordance
with the resolutions adopted by the
g State Federation, the president, Mrs.
Jennings appointed a committee to
inquire into the sanitary condition of
our public schools. The meeting was
verj profitable and interesting.
('< ntirined on Last V’aw
Judge Spragins Had a Couple of
Cases This Week,
Frank Diltz became too noisy in
Fritz Herbster's saloon Tuesday af
ternoon and after being ejected from
tike place of business showered Ugly
words upon Chief of Police Marts,
who thereupon waltzed him up to
tudge Spragins' police court. Diltz
thought Marts “had it in for him" be
cause tile officer had raided a po
ker room a week ago and found him
there, but to show that he held no
animosity toward Diltz tile Cliiel
refused to assess his costs for at'
testing him. Judge Spragins sent
Diltz home, instructing him to re
turn after he was sufficiently recov
ered from tlit‘ effects of the liquor
ho had been drinking.
Judge Spragins sent C. F. James,
alias, Charles Carver, to jail to spend
a few days, instructing tin* keepers
to see to it that he worked a little
or existed Upon a diet of bread and
water. The ease was brought by a
young lady employed at the National
notel. James, or Carver, “got gay"
and It is acts were resented by the
young lady, whereupon ho shipped
her. She had a warrant issued for
his arrest, with the above result.
This fellow James, or Carver, < ante
here from nowhere and will leave
for the same place, no doubt, when
be has finished liis contract with
Judge Spragins.
Why Falls City Impresses Strangers
The remark is often made by vis
itors to our town that it is a prosper
ous, thriving town. Traveling men
especially, speak of the amount of
business done here. The reasons for
these remarks are : That the grain
and stock buyers pay the highest
prices that the markets afford, often
a good deal bettor prices than are
paid in the neighboring towns. To
the merchants also is due a share
of the credit. They carry large and
well selected stocks, bought in large
quantities at. close figures for cash,
and give their customers the advan
tages of Hie cut prices. Nothing hells
to build up a town more than live,
energetic business men.
Foundation for New Round House
To be of Concrete.
A. M. Duncan from out of town
contracted Monday with the Missouri
Pacific for the erection of a concrete
foundation for the new 24-stall round
house. The foundation will contain
2,000 square yards of concrete.
Grandmothers’ Kensington.
Special From Stella.
Wednesday, November loth was
Mrs. Caroline Haggard’s sixty-ninth
birthday and her daughter, Mrs. .1. It.
Cain, Jr., celebrated it by giving a
grandmothers’ kensington. An elab
orate two-o’clock luncheon was ser
ved and the afternoon was spent in
visiting and with fancy-work. Those
present were: Mesdames. Charles
Shafer. B. Mullen, Wood, Weller, A.
Tynan. Harris. D. Shellenberger,Gen
try, Allemond, S. A. Thomas, Mc
Cullough, Fraker, Clobes, J. Timmer
man, Monod, Smilie. Wheeler, Ders
tine, Llyanna, W. Shellenberger,
Thompson and Ready.
Married at Humboldt.
Special from Humboldt.
The marriage of Lillian Thompson,
daughter of J.J.Thompson and wife,
and Ross Brockman, son of the late
John Brockman, was solemnized on
Thursday evening at tlie home of the
bride’s parents. Rev. Bert Wilson
performed the ceremony in the
presence of a small company of rel
Two New Houses.
Bert Whitaker and E. S. Towle
have the two new eleven-room houses,
on the old business college site, all
ready for the plasterers. If the
weather moderates they will soon be
ready for occupancy.
Rural Carriers Off Duty.
Uncle Sam's boys were kept in
town a couple of days the first of the
week, high water preventing them
from delivering the mail
Married by County Judge.
Judge Gagnon married William
; Kithen and Miss Mary Fierce, both
I of Humboldt, Tuesday.
Highest Since 1883. According to
Old Settlers Greatest Loss
to Owners of Hay.
The continued rainy weather for
several days and nights brought both
forks of the Nemaha out of their
banks and the Muddy bottoms were
inundated also.
Some of the old-timers here say
that the water on the bottoms was
higher Monday than it has ever been
in the history of the county, since
18S:i Whether it was that high or
not we are unable to say. hut one
thing sure and certain it was too
Work on the Missouri Pacific div
ision works lias ceased until the
weather moderates and the ground is
fit to work. )
The work on stone street is in had
condition. Tin* ground is soaked and
too wet to handle. It will take at
least a week of very line weather to
put it in shape to work.
The high water washed away the
coal supply at the dredge boat and
it will not be able to resume work
again for quite a time after the water
subsides on account of the roads
being in such a condition that the
hauling of coal to the boat will tie
almost impossible.
Several private dwelling cellars
were almost filled with surface water.
The water on the bottoms is re
ceeding rapidly and about the only
damage done there is what loss of
hay some will suffer.
Misunderstood Orders Said to Be j
Cause of Wreck Injured Man
Removed to Omaha
A head-on collision on the Missouri
I’neiflc occurred Tuesday night when
passenger train No. 122 from Omaha
and im "extra" freight, norili bound,
came together at about 12 o’clock In
tli • yards boro.
A man by the name of Bert
Hudson was caught between the
engines, and one leg finished and
mangled. He was uikeu to Omaha
at oihji •. where the I im 11 was amputat
ed .
Heorge Collier, driver for M. (Jian
ijini, bussman, witnessed the accident
a,s did also several traveling men
Collier said that the pinioned man's
cries for “help" were pitiful, indeed,
and that while he was holding hint
up. resting his head, the man begged
pitiously to in released, crying, "just
pull me out." The engines were
making so much noise that tin train
men did not hear the man's erica for
some time. A cable was fastened to
one of the engines to pull it back be
fore they could release the unfortu
nate man.
Mr. 11udson was a new man here,
having come Tuesday to care for
the engines which are left at tills
place. He is a married man and
lives at Kagle, Neb,, hut intended to
move liis family to Falls City at
once. lie was on the front part of
the engine when tIk- collision oc
Misunderstood orders was the cause
of the accident. The passenger train
It seems strange that the gambling fraternity and the red
light interests should find a champion and a mouthpiece in
a newspaper, and that too,in a journal printed right here at
home; one that goes into the best families of the town and
county each week and depends upon these same best famil
ies for an existence. ,
In refering to articles against the gambling rooms, and
prospective brothels, that had appeared in both the Journal
and The Tribune, the News says:
"Not an iota of truth in either attack."
In another item the News says;
"The Tribune was seized with another fit of moral
ity last week. The paper can prove its sincerity only
by pointing out the places where gambling and red
lights exist. Come now,make good for once if you can;
tell us where these things are.”
We are of the opinion that the News editors, at least,
need no information upon that point. The junior member
of the News management is a member of the council, and
should be well informed upon the matter, and is well inform
ed, as is also Mayor Keeling. Mayor Keeling did not deny
the existence of gambling rooms in Falls City. On the
contrary he said to the editor of this paper, “We have already
put the lid on.” The mayor does not deny any accusations
made in The Tribune—why should the News seek to smooth
the matter over and try to belittle an honest attempt to better
moral conditions in our town?
The things condemned by The Tribune were of an unlaw
ful nature;were of that character that certainly need no
encouragement, and to see a newspaper come to the rescue
of a class that are criminal, according to our statutes, is be
yond the understanding of the average decent citizen.
The inconsistency of the News, its crooked course in
the matter, is made more apparent by an item that appear
ed in the same issue as the criticisms above quoted. Here
it is:
“A few of the velvet fingered gentlemen of the
green doth ran amuck the* first of the week when a
raid on their place of business was made and a few
dollars and some paraphernalia peculiar to the pro
fession of these gentlemen were taken in charge by
the offlcera.”- From The News of last week.
And yet the News says, "Tell us where these things are."
"Not an iota of truth in either attack.”
Is the News for or against the gamblers? Is it for or
against bawdy houses? Is it for the enfocement of the law
or against the enforcement of the law? The Tribune is for
law enforcement every time, and we believe the better ele
ment of citizenship are with us in the matter, judging from
the kind words of praise that are being showered upon us
from all quarters.
The criticism in the News deceives no one. Our people
have known for some time that gambling flourished here, un
interrupted. The editors of the News were certainly
cognizant of the fact—their own news columns prove it.
The Tribune will ever be found on the side of law
and order; never will it cater to that element who transgress
the law. If it can please the mothers and fathers, if it can
gain the approval of the law abiding element of the town,
the News is welcome to class as its clientele the gamblers
and the soiled denizens of the red light districts. reported late, but did come in
late. The frieght canto In at top
speed thinking to “make it" over the
hill. The passenger was standing
still on tin' main line and when the
freight hit it the momentum of the
heavy train forced the passenger
train back about seventy-five feet
and off tlie track.
It is reported that after the opera
tion on Ids limb, Mr. Hudson died at
the hospital in Omaha, where he had
been taken,
John Wissman Tore the Wire Net
ing off Cage in Court House.
John Wlssman of Uulo was brought
before the Insuntiy board Inst h’ri
dny. Some time ago ills wife Ho
cused a divorce from him and brood
ing over his troubles, together with
strong drink, lias deranged him men
tally. lie Inis becm kept in the cage
at tile court boose, pending the act
ion of tlie hoard, and is a great care
to In keepers. Tuesday niglil he
put in ids time tearing Hie wire net
ting off the bars and w-is determined
to go out the window.
H. H. Lemon Had a Narrow Es
cape Monday Last.
II K. Lemon came to town Monday
morning and the water rose ho high
on liic road*that when he tried to
ford Ills way across lie was very
near swept away, team, buggy and
all by a swift, deep water. He man
aged to turn back and came up town,
put the team In the livery barn, and
took the train for Reserve. He drove
from Reserve home.
Stolen Team Located.
On October i4th a team, some
harness and a spring wagon was stol
en from Win. Otto, who liven near
Verdop, No trace was ever hoard
of them unfit Monday,' when Sheriff
Fenton was notified by the sheriff of
Jackson county, Kansas, that the
team had been left at a farmer's
place on October 14tb. The fellow
who left the team with the farmer
had as Ids excuse that lie wished to
go to Topeka on a little business and
would return in a few days After
the "few days" passed the farmer
commenced to lie suspicious and in
formed the sheriff, who immediately
sent word to Richardson county
Thanksgiving Day Service.
At a meeting of tile ministers, ar
rangements were made to have our
union Thanksgiving services at the
Baptist church on Thursday night at
7:30. The music will be furnished
by singers from the different
churches and Rev. .1 R. Nanninga
will preach the sermon. All the
churches will unite In this service
and by having it at night wo believe
that more people can attend. Let us
all do our best to make this a glori
ous Thanksgiving service.
Rev. G. II Reichol.
How’d You Like the Job?
We’ll bet dollars to doughnuts that
you could have gotten any grocery
boy’s job last Friday and Saturday
for Hie asking. I low would you
pnve liked tn deliver ebont (me hun
dred grocery orders in an open wag
on, with the rain coining down in
sheets, and be expected to keep every
bundle nice and dry? How would
you feel when ninety-nine out of the
hundred of the women of the house
had a great big scolding in store for
you ’cause you were late? How’d
you like the job?
Water Drove Rabbits up Town.
Special from Humboldt.
During the high water Sunday, De
water covered all of the bottom land,
• ■xcept the railroad grade, driving
the rabbits to this one dry spot,where
they were slaughtered by the hun
dreds. Sticks, stones and dogs were
the means used.
Library Inspected.
The state library commissioner,
Miss Templeton, of Lincoln, inspect
ed our library the first of the week,
finding it in excellent condition. She
went from here to Humboldt, where
she inspected the library at. that
Don’t Forget It.
Don’t forget that the Tribune’s
holiday edition last year was the
best ever. Just jot it down, too. that
tills year’s will surpass it. Just
[ wait and see.
Mr Bert Baker and Miss Carrie
Slocum Joined in the Holy
Bonds of Wedlock.
At i lie home of the bride's parent*,
Mr.and Mrs.J.L. Slocum, last. Thurs
day evening was solemnised the mar
riage of their youngest daughter, Miss
Carrie, to Hurt Itaker,
At six o'clock the couple, unattemb
ed, took their places in the parlor,
which had been decorated for the
occasion, to the strain* of Mendel
ssohn's wedding march, played by
Mis* Lillian Banks.
Itcv. R. Cooper Hailey, pastor of
the Presbyterian church, pronounced
1 ho ceremony In a most beautiful.1m
presslvo manner, tin* ring ceremony
being used. At tin* close of the eor
emony congratulation* were extend
ed, after which att elegant supper
was served In four courses. The
dining room was tastefully decorated
in pink and white and at each place
at the table was placed a beautiful
pink rose.
Tim bride was gowned in a laven
der colored traveling suit with hat,
shoes, etc., to match, and carried a
beautiful bunch of bride’s roses. The
groom wore a handsome black suit.
Iloth tlieBe young people are well
known here, Mrs. linker having been
raised and her early schooling re
ceived in Falls City. She attended the
Nebraska State university and dur
big her university years was made a
member of the I’i I Mil fraternity. She
lias always taken u leading pari is
social affairs here and holds tbs
esteem of all who know her.
Mr. (laker Is one of Falls City's
most estimable young men. He is
a sen of Mr. and Mrs. John Baker
who reside on a farm near Morrill.
Bert has been ldentifeid with the bus
iness men of Falls City for several
years end Is honored by all his
associates. At one time he was witti
I lie First National bank,but at present
Is assistant cashier of the Richard
son county bank.
Mr. and Mrs. Baker look a short
trip to celebrate the event,leaving for
Kansas City soon after the ceremony.
The Tribune chronicles the mar
riage of such a worthy young couple
with pleasure, and wafts to them Its
warmest congratulations.
Both Boys and Girls Teams Have a
Game for Saturday.
The girls' basket ball team will
play Sahetha. Kan., at that place Sat
Hiawatha will be the place at which
a good game of basket ball is soiled
uled for Saturday between that
town's boys and Falls City's.
Water Highest Ever.
Kc] King, living on the old Hinton
place south of town, came to town
Monday and during bis stay the
water oii the bottoms became too
deep for him to get back home. He
telephoned to bis wife, who informed
him that the water was up to the
door of the house. Some of the
neighbor men, on the outer siue oi
the river, took it boat and went after
Mrs. King and children, taking them
to John Waggoner's place to stay
until they could return home. This
is the first time water ever came
so near the house.
Fills Cellar With Water.
Jake Tanner’s store cellar was
fast filling witli water Friday, when
the heavy rain made a lake in the
street excavation in front of the store
and hacked the water up against the
curbing. They had been putting new
lead pipes from the water mains to
tin- basement and the water found its
way into the cellar through the
channel made for that purpose.
To Wed.
Cards are out announcing the mar
riage of Miss Mary Elizabeth Sin
clair of Preston to Paul S. Shulen
berg of this city. The marriage will
tie solemnized at St. Francis Catholic
church Wednesday morning, Novem
ber 24th.
| Tom Davies was taken ill last week
and upon a physician being summon
ed his ailment was called small pox.
The house was quarantined but Tom
is feeling good and suffers only the
inconvenience of being kept a pris