The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 12, 1909, Image 8

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    Henry €. Smith
240 acres well improved, li rni-es from Depot in Kas. Goc»d spring Best of terms. Will take
40 acres as part payment, balance long time at low interest.
200 acres I D miles from depot. Richardson county, Nebraska Good buildings and land W ill
take 40 or 80 acres as part payment
IHU acres upland, 1 mile from depot. Richardson county. Nebraska. 512,00o.
160 acres .Johnson count}’, Nebraska 80 rods to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent.
107 acres near Brownville, Nebraska
80 acres H-mile from Falls City high school.
040 acres, S3.0JXJ improvements Also 640 acres adjoining. Will take 1J»0acres as part payment.
Fine running water. A No. 1 opportunity.
Money to loan.
What Your Friends and Their|
Friends Have Been Doing the
Past Week
-—Get your wood and coal of C. A.
Vnele Silas (fisl was down from
Salem Thursday.
Mrs. Martin 55en trier of Verdon was
flading here Thursday
Vnele Hi Helden from Dawson was
in town last Thursday
\. Weaver returned HTiday from
a business trip to Dakota.
Mrs John (illllgun left Monday for j
li >r home in Nebraska City. .
Mrs. August Muller of Hhubert wns|
shopping here Friday of lust week. ,
Mrs. M. (* llrooks Is slowly re '
covering from Iter recent attack of j
Mrs. Sedltueyer went to Hiawatha j
Friday to visit Mrs William ilarnaeki
for a few days
.lake Miller and family of Tecuntseli
visltod Mr. and Mrs |tarry Custer
the latter part of last week.
Miss Helen MeCool was down from I
Salem for the show Saturday night,
the guest of Miss Louise Rule.
Mrs A. F Hill returned Saturday
from a two months' visit with rela
tives in Ohio and New York
Miss Kodak Weddle, w'ho spent the
past week In this city, returned Mon
day in her home at Preston.
Mr. and Mrs. Quiet! have moved
Into the William Sehtnueher cottage,
Just vacated by Mr. Kedwo'od and
*- Sewing.
For all kinds of sewing and dress
making sen or call on Sarah K. Her
hattgh. on Fulton Steet, between 13th
and 14th. 42-3t.
T Y. Maynard of Albuquerque, N.
M.. returned to bis home last Friday,
accompanied bv his mother-in-law,
Mrs. Wilson, who will make her
home with he and his wife this
Mrs. Mary Thacker, a former resi
lient of tills city, who for several years
has been living in California, arrived
last Thusday to visit her daughter,
Mrs. Oliver Brown.
lames Brewster arrived last Thurs
day from (Jordon, Bid , to look after
his brother, A. V. Brewster, who
underwent an operation for appen
dicitis last week.
Mr and Mrs. I*. S I leaeock re
turned Friday night from a stay of
several weeks at Hot Springs, Ark
Mr. I leaeock is much improved in
Oscar Maddox returned Tuesday to
his home in Missoula, Mont ... after a
visit at the home of his mother. Mrs,
Margaret A Maddox
Sieve Miles went to Lincoln to wit
ness the big foot ball game between
Nebraska ami Kansas Iasi Friday.
Mrs George Abbott returned last
Friday from a visit, to her daughter,
Mrs, ('has lltimphey, at Verdon.
Mr and Mrs, Dalbey of the Shuhert
Citizen were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
II C. Davis last Fiday.
Miss Dorothy Miller returned Sun
day front a visit to her sister, Miss
Elizabeth, at Lincoln.
Dow Whitaker returned from Lin
coln Saturday. He went up for the
big foot ball game.
Hubert Steele took ill the Nebraska
Kansas foot ball game at Lincoln
last Friday,
Krnnk Nims anil wife of Minis City
were down attending the show Satur
day night.
Roland Spence visited relatives in
Shuhert during vacation last week.
John Crook left Saturday night on
a business trip to McCook.
(ins Moore and wife were up from
Hamlin last Thursday.
Miss Carrie Slocum was shopping
in St. .loe Thursday.
C. A. Nelson was down from Oma
ha on business Tuesday.
Miss I'earl Lawrence returned Tues
day to her home in Omaha.
It. .1 Coupe and daughter, Miss
Nellie, spent Monday in St. Joe.
Bert Baker made a business trip to
Si Joe tlie latter part of last week.
Mrs. Fred Boyd and Miss Easley
of Salem were shopping here Tues
Mrs. .1. W. Holt was ill the first
of the week with a slight attack of
Mrs. Belle Mulligan is spending
the week with friends at Clay Cen
ter, Nebraska.
Mrs. Barbara Custer went to Te
euinseh lusl Thursday for a short
visit with friends.
Cred lltirst of Peru and a friend,
Mr. Stoddard, spent the week with
Prof K. K, Hurst.
John Cnrico went to Hiller, Neb.,
Monday, i<> spend a few days with his
son, William, and wife.
The Sandusky residence on South
Chase street is being adorned with
a large window on the east.
V (!. Byford went to Lincoln Wed
nesday afternoon to attend a meeting
of the Regents of the State Univer
Miss Anita Wilson went to Kansas
City last Friday with her grand
mother, who was leaving for New
Mrs. Dr. Fast of St. .loe and Miss
Gasket I of Craig, Mo., arrived Wed
nesday and are the guests of Mrs.
I Charles Hargrave.
Mr. and Mrs. Darner of Longford,
1 Kansas, parents of Prof. Darner of
the Business College, arrived last
Thusday for a visit with their son.
lOd Smith put on a dance at the
Wahl hall last Thursday night which
was attended by about thirty couples.
The music was good and all report
a good time.
O. A. Cooper was down from Hum
boldt Wednesday, on business, atul
was a guest at the home of I’. S. Hea
Mr. DeYoung, who lias just return
ed from South America, is a guest at
the home of William noose.
Miss Florence Neltzel returned the
first of the week from a short visit
to Tecumseh.
Mrs. M. Seff returned Tuesday from
a three weeks’ stay iti Kansas City,
Baptist Ladies’ Kensington.
The Daptist Ladies Kensington will
meet with Mrs. G. F. Reiehel Friday
"The Little Homestead.”
II is always a pleasure to be able
to chronicle the success ot' an artist
who by sheer merit alone succeeds
along legitimate lines. Mr. Macauley
appears this season as “Roy Carroll,”
the husband, a part which gives this
young star great opportunities and
on which he is meeting with great
success everywhere. Mr Macauley
is gifted with great personality and
named on the list as one of the hand
somest actors on the stage Mr. .Mac
auley has had “The Little Home
stead” rewritten this season, an en
tire new third act being added and it }
is one of those delightfully refreshing
plays centered about New ICngland life
ii tells a story with a moral, is re
plete with pathos and forceful in its
dramatic situations. In due propor
tion. a comedy vein is interwoven
with the pathetic romance which
heightness in interest as the tale is
unfolded. There is not a dull mo
ment from thi' rise of the curtain to
its final drop. “The Little Home
stead” as its title implies, is distinct
ly a home play—a sweet, simple and
interesting chapter from everyday
life, a wholesome story, beautifully
told, which carries with it its lesson.
It is from the pen of W. B. Patton.
The attraction will appear at the
Gelding Thursday evening, Nov. 18.
Comfortable Overcoats
M jkerj
Weil PHaum Sc Co.
17 will be well worth
~ your time to look over
our handsome display of
Young Men s Overcoats
designed by “WEIL
style originators.
1 his apparel is well
known by that class c:
dresser: who want some
thing v it nobby. Icare
is :i suy jstion of com
fort and case about itwce
garments that catenas the
eye. We know ycu’Ii
want one after you see
the beautiful patterns a id
exclusive styles. A large
variety of the Season’s
newest designs, is now
being shown.
Wahl & Parchen
We Keep Open Until 9 o Clock
W ill buv a
for man or boy
Worth up to 50c
YViM buy a
for man or boy
YY oi th up to 65c
Will buv a
For man or boy
W orth up to $1
Bearskin Coats
for Children
all colors
we vi i]i place on sale 10,000 Remnants and Short Lengths, of CALICOES, OUTINGS, FLANNELETTES, MUSLINS,
SHEETINGS, GINGHAMS, PERCALES, DRESS GOODS, SILKS, in fact every department will be represnted in this
All marked with the number of yards, original selling price per yard, and the reduced price for the piece, so you may
figure out in dollars and cents your exact savings. DON’T MISS I P--B1G SAVINGS. ODDS AND ENDS OF A
Sample Coats I-4 Off
For Ladies and Children
\Ye have just received an additional ship
ment of Sample Coats. I his line in
cludes all that is desirable in Coats for
ladies, misses and children, and are the
products of the best manufacturers of the
^ country. Prices ranyiny
From $3.00 to $20.00
Less 25 per cent.
For ladies and misses.
From $1.50 to $10
Less 25 per cent.
For Children,
Note well, for it will certainly be to your
advantage—and don't forget one-fourth
off on all sample coats.
$5 00 Sample Coats $3.75
$10.00 Sample Coats 7.50
$12.00 Sample Coats 9.00
$15 Sample Coats
All Sample Coats at the same reduction
These coats are all this season s product
ion and every one of them a bargain. ,
Sample Coats only at the reduction.
Ladies’ Shirt Waists
Slightly soiled from display, ranging in
prices from $1.00 to $3.50. While they
V-2 Half Price V?
I Lot Sample Waists
All new styles and cloths jro at ONE
FOURTH OFF. There are only about
25 of these, mostly 36 and 38 sizes.
While they last
25% 25 Per Cent Off 25%843fr
Will buy One
Handkerchief in
Animal Pattern
Will buy one
Handkerchief with
Fancy Border
Will buy one
Plain Hemstitched
32-inch Percale
per yard
Big line patterns
Our Ready-to-Wear Suits
Our Ready-Made Suit business has far exceeded our fondest anticipation, and we have
had a great many more special suit orders than we could take care of. Hut we are now
in position to show you'the largest selection of suits to be found in the town, in all the
latest stvles and weaves.
Prices range from $11.50 to $27.50
All suits $15 and up lined with satin throughout. Remember our Alteration Department.
The best in town. A perfect lit guaranteed; and that, too, without extra charge.
Just Arrived—Separate Skirts
50 New Styles in Separate Skirts—all new advance styles for mid-winter—in Black,
Blue, Smoke and Raisin.
Cloth Skirts $3 to $15. Black Voiles styTes $5.75 to $18
Every one of them Special Values. No Charge for Alteration.
Yes. we sell Shoes, and good ones, too. We are sole agents for SUNFLOWER SHOES,
OnOwd for men, women and children. The kind of Shoe that is built for wear and hard knocks.