The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 12, 1909, Image 6

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    A Word With You
We handle only the best in the harness line and a reputation is
back of every article wc sell Large stock to select from.
Blankets and Robes Hired from Factory
General Blacksmithii\g and
When in need of Woodwork or Hlacksmithing of anv kin<] give
me a call 1 guarantee satisfaction. If you are looking for
up-to-date horseshoeing we are prepared to do it at a reasonable
price. Following are our prices:
New Shoes, per span, $3.00
Resetting. per span, 2.00
Call and sec my work in any line and g>-t my prices before
placing vour order.
Phone 413 Polls Citv, Neb.
Oklahoma Land Bargains
Located on the Santa Fe Railroad, in a fine agricultural district
half way between Enid and Guthrie. We have 5 churches, 2 banks
with one-quarter million deposits, fine brick school building and
good twelve grade school. We are second to none in the raising
of wheat, corn, oats, cotton and fruit. The average rain fall for
the past seven years has been (37) inches.
If you are looking for a home, or an investment, this section
of the state offers you the very best inducements. Wite us for in
formation^ or better come and see.
160 acres—3' s miles from town, 130 acres under cultivation;
30 acres in pasture. Good five room house, good orchard, two wells
of good water, barn for six horses, granary room for 1,000 bush,
els. 40 acres fall wheat, 7 acres hog-tight. Pice $40 per acre.
NVe Have Land from $20 Per Acre Up
160 acres—120 acres in cultivation, 40 acres in pasture. Good
six room house, small barn and granary, plenty of good water,
This is fine alfalfa land and is a bargain at $50 per acre.
in dental work if you have need of our
services and avail yourself of our skill,
experience anti fac lities. We don't do
half way work it’s all or nothing witt
us, as many people know to their own
yreat gratification. Note, please, that
we make no charge for expert examin
ation. •
liERT \VINDLB, l> l). S„ Assistant
Palls City, Nebraska
i All Work Guaranteed First-class Orders Taken for Men s Suits
New Suitatorium
I Ladies' and (ieiillemen's Clothing Cleaned
Repaired and Pressed
I Over Richardson Co. Bank. FALLS CUV. NEBRASKA
• • • • • • • •-•••••••..........
i Pressed Stone and Brick Co. i
i W. H. PUTNAM eSc SONS, Props. •
t |
Y •
: We manufacture and carry in stock a full line of Cement ?
^ blocks. Brick, 1 lie and Plain anil Fancy Trimmings, •*»
& which we would be pleased to show and price you before you !
1 place your order elsewhere. We also wholesale and retail
1 i
Sand, Cement and Crushed Rock
1 |
I We are agents for the Boelt’S Concrete Mixer Visitors al- r
<? wavs welcome at our vards. Located on the %
: 2 Blocks from Burlington Depot FALLS CITY. NEB. t
<0 * !
—Wanted—A million bushels of
apples at the Leo Cider & Vine
car Co’s, new plant.
—That old suit, or garment of any
kind, can be fixed up as good as new
—see»Stanley Stump. 38-tf
FOR SALE—1150 steers or heifers:
large or small; black or red; cash or
credit.—H. 1. Hunt, Falls City. Neb.
—Don’t thow that old suit away!
Take it to Stanley Stump and have
it cleaned and pressed. 38-tf
The County in General
The “Doings” of our Country Friends
and Neighbors.
Dorothy Waggoner was very ill
| last week.
A car load of cattle arrived Saf.ur
| day for Van Salors.
Grandma Frank was on the sick
list last week.
Miss Grace Salors was shopping In
Falls City Tuesday.
Mrs. Rosa Timmerman was on the
sick list last week.
Joe Mark left Thursday morning
for his home in Verdell.
Men Morgan and John llolt of Falls
City had business here Friday.
John Hall made a trip to Salem
Wednesday In his automobile.
Ambrose* Parsons was transacting
business in Falls City recently.
1’. S. lleacock is having some need
ed repairing done on his elevator.
B. F. Vcach left Wednesday for
Kansas City to accompany Mrs. V.
home. /
John Hein/.olman spent Sunday in
the country, tin* guest of George* N'us*
hail ill.
Frank Mark and Mary Neiinarker
left last week for their homes in
Mesdames linden Hauer and Mar
lin Miller were shopping in Falls
City last week.
Nellie and Bessie Stump took in
the* Man on the Box at Falls I'ity on
Saturday night.
Verna Arnold came* down from
Peru Tuesday morning for a visit
with home folks.
Mesdames McCullough, Mali/.a, Diet
rich and Harden were shopping in
Falls City last week.
Mrs. Ed. Frauenfelder returned to
her home from Falls City, where she
visited friends last week.
George Fogle is building an ad
dition to his house, which greatly
improves the looks of it.
Mr. and Mrs. Haller returned to
Falls City Wednesday, after a few
days visit with Ed. Frauenfelder and
Mrs. Daugherty and little daughter,
Edna, arrievd last week from Miss
ouri, where they have been for sev
eral weeks.
Mrs. Mary Veaeh returned home
Thursday morning, after an extended
visit with her brother and family in
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie lleiu/elman
returned home the first of the week
from a few days visit with relatives
near Harada.
The ladies of the Congregational
church gave a supper in Faison’s
hall Tuesday evening. A large crowd
was in attendance.
The play at Hall's opera house on
Wednesday evening, entitled Hast
Lynne, under the management of Leo
Mose, was well attended and all re
port the play fine.
While husking corn la t week ,ias.
Stewart had the misfortune to run
a husking pin in his left hand, which
lias proved to be serious and is caus
ing him much pain.
Messr- John Hall and Will Sloan
and r Vouch and wife and Clot a
Moran tell Friday morning for Lin
coln to attend the foot hall game, re
turning home Saturday.
Mr. (!. K. Hall and family left on
Wednesday afternoon for Franklin
where they will make their future
home. Their friends wish them suc
cess in their new home.
The ladies aid society of the Kvan
gelieal church met Thursday after
noon in the country, at the home
of Mrs. Hoy Swisegood. An enjoy
able time was had by all who were
Itov Jones and wife left Thursday
morning for Brownsville, where Mr.
Jones tuts a position as agent for
the B. Q. R. R. Co. We re
gret deeply to lose Mr. and Mrs.
Jones from our circle. Mr. Jones
was formerly the agent here and has
a wide circle of friends who wish
them success in their new home.
Mrs Henry Mortz is seriously ill
with appendicitis.
Ira Martin is the owner of a new
horse and buggy.
Mrs. Scott Argabright is quite ill
this week with tonsilitis.
Miss I Hilda Brittle of Verdon was
shopping in Stella Saturday.
Norman Smile and wifi1 visited at
Auburn part of last week.
J. 1). Curtis and wife left last week
for an extended visit in Ohio.
Iv Allenmond lias treated ills resi
dence on main street to a coat of
Robert Bowman and family visited
over Sunday with relatives in Falls
Will Palmer and family moved into
the residence of 1.. M. Swati last Sat
Mrs. Harry Foster of Apaclie, Ok.,
h> visiting her parents, W. C. .Moore
and wife.
Mrs. Anna Shellenberger returned
i last week from a visit with her daugh
ter in Lincoln.
Mrs. Will Stull/, has been very ill
j for ten days with diptheria. but is
■ tiow improving.
Mrs. James Brisby is quite sick at
, tlte Florence hotel. She is suffering
j with appendicitis.
Mrs. H. D. Weller returned last
week from a visit with her sons at
Pender and Omaha.
Mrs. Roebuck and daughter, Mabel,
of Auburn visited last week with her
sister, Mrs. M. Shafer.
Mrs. K Wheeler went to Falls City
Friday last to attend a luncheon give
by Miss Carrie Slocum.
Mrs Bessie Haskett and children
of Auburn visited the latter part of
last w ok with Mrs. W. Paul.
.Mrs. Fred Fankell visited the first
of the week in the country with her
daughter. Mrs. (’has. Hdwards.
Mrs. William Veal returned Tues
day from a visit to her brother, duo.
Holland, and wife at St. Louis.
I Mrs E. Thompson and little daugh
ter of Sioi|x City visited last week
with her sister, Mrs. .las. Paradise.
Miss Sybil Mann spent several
days last week at. the home of her
brother, William Rife, near Humboldt
John Holland, wife and daughter,
Florence, weift to St. Louis last week
to visit with their son, John, and wife.
Earl Butler purchased the property
of Mrs. S. A. Thomas in the east part
of town and took possession Satur
Miss Bessie Paul has returned from
her summer’s visit to Illinois and is
staying at the home of her brother,
Mrs. S. H, Bailey was quite sick
last week with rheumatism, but is!
better again and able to attend to |
her household duties.
The school children enjoyed a va
cation last Thursday and Friday, as
all our teachers attended the teach
ers convention at Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Vaudeventer
went to Nebraska City hist Thurs
day morning to attend the funeral of
10, R. Garrow, a stock dealer of that 1
Misses Neva Cowel and Opal Mo
nette visited in Atchison from Thurs
day till Sunday. They were the j
guests of Miss Blanche Monette at
Midland college.
Mrs. Bessie Hapgood received word
last Monday that her daughter. Miss
Fay Thomas, was seriously ill at
Caddam, with typhoid fever. She
and her son, Dwight, left for her i
bedside immediately.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Adams cele
brated their Nth wedding anniversary J
last Sunday by inviting their neigh
bors to dine with them. The guests
were: Messrs, and Mesdames 10.
Whet lot . Roy fomlinscn and S. H.
•sist.33n.ip U« A'q ppg 'uotiBdijsuo.)
ajuoaqa ue.yo .una m.w pint ‘nmjja
ui o||ti.t3 puK pjjiu o.tu Xaqi JOJ
piiqa b ,)\)3 <>i oui.npeiu inapt iib ojb
spqqHX •t 'Ai’i pin: qaBUtoig s,ii]niJoq
-lUBq,) suoss.q in Attpidnis tftiimoos jo
asnua aqi u.qjo sj qaitpw 'uoiiBdijsuo.)
luojj .1.Mjns iia.ipnqa [ooqas A'ti«]\
Milton Kotouc was in DuBois Fri
.1. S. Davis spent Sunday in Lin-j
Henry lvuper is visiting relatives j
in Hiller.
Mrs. I.. M. Boss is on the sick list,
this week.
Frank Dorr returned to Lincoln
this wi'Mi,
Miss Clema Roust k spent Sunday
at Dawson.
C. M. Linn was a passenger to
Lincoln Friday.
V. G. Lyi'ord of Falls City was in
Humboldt Friday.
Mrs. .1. 1$. Davis visited friends in
Lincoln this week.
George Kors was it passenger to
Beatrice Saturday.
Mrs. Fred Blunter returned to In r
home in Salem Friday.
George Segrist of Dallas, S. D., was
in Humboldt this week.
Mrs. Fred Noble of Lincoln visited
relatives here this week.
Mrs. H. Standerford of Havelock
is visiting here this week.
Mrs. llert lvuper of Auburn is vis
iting relatives here this week.
Mrs. Earl Brown is visiting rela
tives in Pawnee City this week.
Beryl Drake of Boulder, Colo., is
visiting relatives here ibis week.
Mrs. L. C. Mann is visiting her
daughter in Elk Creek this week.
Mabel Shier of Dawson visited her
sister, Mrs. Will Waggoner, this week
Mrs. O. R. Trimmer visited tin* last
of .lie week with her daughter in Ver
Mrs. Will Ostergood of Upland. N< -
braska, visited relatives here this
Gustave and John Beck are attend
ing to business in Falls City this
Harold Davis went to Lincoln Fri-'
' dav win re lie witnessed a foot ball
Miss Ollie Shurtleff returned Sat
urday from a visit with her sister in
Miss Eva Roseerails of Winfield,
Neb., visited Harry Avery ami wife
this week.
Dr. Ed. Wittwer returned to Kan
sas City, after a short visit with rela
tives here.
Rev. .1. K. Cardy of King City,
Mo., occupied the Presbyterian pul
pit Sunday.
Miss Pauline Stansy was called to
DuBois this week by the sickness of
her mother.
Mrs. Jake Snetben returned from
Dawson Friday, accompanied by Miss
Gladys Baser.
This week Fred Rist purchased the
forty-acre farm of Frank Boss, south
west of town.
F. S. Norton started on the road
to travel for'the Humboldt Independ4
tut Candy Co. -
George Sanford and wife of Omaha
are visiting F. M. Williamson and
wife this week.
Mrs. .1. A. Waggoner and grandson,
John William, wen visiting in Falls
City this week.
The missionary society of the Pres
byterian church met with .Mrs. Dr.
Garver this week.
Mrs. Linnie Snethen, who is at
tending the Peru Normal, visited her
parents this week.
.Mrs. Harry Gravatt and children
of Sabetha, Kas., tire visiting IJ. K.
Gravatt and family this week.
.Mrs. Howard Snoke of LaHarpe,
Kas., is visiting ('. M. Snoke and
other relatives in this vicinity.
W. 11. Stringfield and wife of Holt
county are visiting their daughter,
Mrs. Dora Atwood, this week.
Miss Carrie McCready, one of our
high school teachers, visited in hnv
nee City the last of the week.
Mrs. Truman Dutter and son of
Lincoln are visiting at the home of
her sister, Mrs. Arthur Gergens.
Kay and Vernie Hicks returned
from eastern Kansas where they
have been looking for a location.
\V. Vaught moved from the i'u
kefer property southeast of town to
the Nims. property on Grand Ave,
■I C. Segrist. took Lew Segrist,
Ambrose Buerstetta and Jas. B. Davis
to Omaha, where tin latter purchased
an automobile.
Dr. Geiger of St. ,loe and Dr. Wag
goner of this place performed an oper
ation on Mrs. Reuben Hill for gall
stones this week.
Mrs. G. W. Jones and daughter.
Miss Grace, who have for some time
been trav< ling in New York state,
returned Thursday.
Will bavis. who for some time has
been farming north of town, left Fri
day for Cosmos, Okla., to visit his
father. A. .1. Davis.
Mrs. A. b. Drake returned from
Omaha this week, where she had
been visiting relatives and attending
the W. C. T. C. convention.
1 Often of Hood River, Oregon,
Mrs. H. Often and son of St. Joseph
and Mrs, H. Willms of Pecan, 111.,
: nr. guests a; the home of Willia
Tjaden this week.
Late word from Frank Krasny ai
family, who have recently moved o
Santiago, Cal., states that the climate
there has not proved as helpful to
their daughter, Helen, as had bee,
, hoped.
Word received from Lincoln stat
that F. W. Samuelson is serious).1
1 sick with pneumonia at that plae
i Mr. Samuelson wiii be remembeivo
as a resident of Humboldt at o:
The Divorce Habit.
"How long will it take to get my
divorce?” asked the woman.
"About two months, 1 think,” replied
the lawyer.
"As long as that? 1 don't know
whether the other man who wants to
marry me will wait as long as that!"
The Best Food for Workers.
The best food for those who work
with hand or brain is never high
] need.
The best example of this is found m
Quaker Outs. It stands at the top
among foods that supply nourishment
and vigor, without taxing the diges
tion, and yet it is the least expensive
food one can eat.
This great food value and low cos
make it an ideal food for families who
want to get the greatest good from
what they eat.
Laborers, factory or farm hands, fed
plentifully on Quaker Oats will work
better and with less fatigue than
fed od almost any other kind of food
All of these facts were proved and
very interesting information abou
human foods were gathered by Pro
lessor Fisher of Yale University i.i
1908. In addition to the regular pack
age Quaker Oats is packed in large
sized family packages either with or
without china dishes. g
D. S. HcCarthy
Prompt attention s?iv*u
to the removal of house
hold jroods.
Horse and Cow Hides,
Wool and Pelts
Highest Market Price
Porter Randolph
Falls City, Phone 422
i to pay your respects to the de
parted is the erection of a mon
ument to their memory. Before
placing your order let us quote
you prices. Our works and our
prices have always given satis
faction. The above, with many
other artistic and up-to-date de
signs now in stock.
Call or write for designs and
Falls City
Marble Works
Established 1881 F. A. <H R. A. NE1TZEL, Mgrs.
You’ve Paid the Bill
But you’ve lost the receipt—and now you're
asked to pay again. Why not pay all your
bills by check ? Then in the cancelled checks
you’ll have an indisputable receipt for every
dollar paid out.
Your Checking Account is cordially invited.
whether your balance will be large or small
The Farmers’ State 5anl<