The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 12, 1909, Image 5

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    Makes ^
the most nutritious
food and the most
dainty and delicious
MaKing Powder
Absolutely Pure
No fretting over the biscuit
making. Royal is first
aid to many a
cook’s success
What Your Friends and Their
Friencs Have Been Doing
the Past Week.
—Eat Sowle's Candy.
—Dr. Wilson. Wahl’s building.
—See Clarence Heck for oil meal.
—The Candy Kitchen for brick ice
Frank Aspinwall of Liberty, Neb.,
spent Sunday here.
See Clarence Heck for your coal
this fall. Phone 101.
Earl Carrothers was down from Te
cumseh to spend Sunday.
Mrs. Patrick Ryan of Dawson was
shopping here Saturday.
Mrs. Rick and daughter, Josephine,
spent Sunday with Atchison relatives.
John Martin was down from Coun
cil Bluffs to spend Sunday with his
Everet Crouch and Claude Sailors
were down from Verdon for "The
Man On the Box.”
Basil Boyle of St. Louis was in
the city over Sunday, with his mother
Mrs. J. C. Yut.zy.
George Hummel and Mark William
son returned Sunday from their
homes at Humboldt.
Joseph Portrey and his son, Char-j
«les, left Tuesday for Oklahoma, where
they expect to buy land.
Emerson Bowers and wife were
among the Verdon patrons of the
theatre last Saturday night.
James Ayers and wife of Verdon
saw "The Man On the Box" at the
Gehling last Saturday night.
Mrs. Kent and her daughter, -Miss
Iva, left Wednesday for a visit of
several months in Star, Idaho.
Mrs. Samuel Marts returned the
first of the week from an extended
visit with her son and family at
Goodland, Kas.
Among other out-of-town people
who were here for the show Satur
day were Chas. McGuire and wife and
Charlie Prater and wife of Hamlin,
John Mosiman, jr., returned Sun
day from his trip to Wisconsin and
Toledo, Ohio. This was a uusiuess
and pleasure trip combined and John
says he had a fine time.
Ralph Jenne has resigned his po
sition in H. M. Jenne’s shoe store
and will go to Lincoln where he has
employment with the Sanderson Shoe
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zimmerman,
Mr. and Mrs. Eichoff and Mr. and
Mrs. Wells of Hiawatha constituted
an auto party that came over from
Hiawatha for the show Saturday
Rev. J. P. Watson and wife of Illin
ois arrived in the city last night, en
route to Hamlin, Kas., where they
begin revival services next Sunday.
Mr. Watson carries with him a unani
mous call from the Brethren church
of this city to come and serve them
as pastor.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Marion have
with them this week Mrs. T. ,1. Mar
ion of Hiawatha and Mrs. Triplet of
Fletcher, Idaho, mother and sister of
Mr. Marion. This is the first time
the brother and sister have met in
about fifteen years and they are en
joying every minute in a good visit.
Home-made vanilla and strawberry
Nut Nougat, also Yum Yum (the
new candy), only 15c per pound on
Saturday, Nov. 13, at the Candy
Kitchen. Remember these candies
sell at 40c per pound in the city.
When a cold becomes settled in
the system, it will take several days'
treatment to cure it.and the best rem
edy to use is Chamberlain’s Cough
Remedy. It will euro quicker than
any other, and also leaves t,he system
in a natural and healthy condition.
Sold by all druggists.
Mrs. (5. YV. Reneker and little
daughter, Ruth, went to Troy, Kas.,
Monday, tor a short visit with rela
tives. Dr. Reneker will go down in
the auto and bring them home on
Roy Daggett was down from Sa
lem Tuesday, wearing that smile
that never rubs off. He says he is
a better republican than ever and
has no sore spots whatever.
Prof. G. YV. Barrett left Monday to
join his wife in Kansas City, Kas.,
where they will remain the most of
the winter.
Joe Varner returned to his home
at Beloit. Kas., Sunday, after a few
days visit with old friends here.
Mrs. C. C. Davis and Mrs. \V. H.
Schmelzel spent Monday shopping in
St. Joseph.
See Clarence Heck for your coal
this fall. Phone 101.
Frank Simons was up from Rulo
fudge Kellegar was down from Au
burn over Sunday.
Young’s Pantorium cleans and
presses ladles skirts. 44-tf
Mr. and Mrs. .1 Parsons were down
from Verdon last Thursday.
Robert Cain. Jr., was down from
Stella Tuesday of this week.
Ijawrence Wheeler and wife were
down from Barada Saturday.
—Get your chickens some poultry
shells at Heck’s feed store. 43-tf
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Spiekler were
down from Shubert Friday of last
Ambrose Tiehen and sister. Miss
Mina, visited Falls City friends over
Miss Hazel Morehead of Highland,
Kas., visited Miss Florence Parchen
over Sunday.
Mrs. Frank Robb and Miss Maggie,
Leslie of Salem were shopping here
last Thursday.
Mr. Kngle and Miss Neva Lichty
of Morlll were ov. r for the show on
Saturday night.
Messrs. Chase, llleston and Ditt ,
rich came up from Lansing, lvas., to
spend Sunday lier<
Miss Marie McCoy who visited Miss
Kdith Pecht, returned Monday to her
home at Havelock.
.1. H. pecht returned Friday from
| Seneca, where he went to attend the!
funeral of his brother-in-law.
Miss Lela Powell mes to Hiawatha
I today (Friday) to attend a dancing!
party. She will lie the guest of
Miss Winnie Hill.
Kzra Lichty and wife and Millard j
Ltchty and wife were over from Mor-|
rill Saturday and remained for the
Alan on the Box."
Among the Reserve people who
were over for the show last Satur
day night were Roy and Ray Hart
and Robert Stewart.
—Nebraska’s choicest corn and j
alfalfa lands for sale from $75 to
$85 per acre. Send for free list—
Nider & Henrichs, Fairbury, Neb.
tins Haller and wife, who have been
visiting in tiiis vicinity for sonic time,
left Saturday for Morrill, Kas., where
they will visit before returning to
their home at Gordon, Neb.
Sheriff Fenton went to Lincoln on
Wednesday with Martin Murry and
loo Douglas, who were each sentenc
ed to the penitentiary for three years,
Murry for burglary and Douglas for
horse stealing.
Mr. and Mrs. George Scholl left .
last Friday for quite an extended |
trip. They go first to Alamognrda. i
N. M., and then through California m
Portland. Oregon. They will be gone
about two months.
FOR SALE—A nice six rocm cot
tage, lights, water, cement walks, cel
lar, barn, coal house, and three lots.
Located one block from court house
and in splendid shape, a model
house. Price $2,500. Inquire at this
office. 41-tf
Croup is most prevalent during the
dry cold weather of the early winter
months. Parents of young children
should be prepared for It. All that
is needed is a bottle of Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy. Many mothers
are never without it in their homes
and it has never disappointed them.
Sold by all druggists.
.Misses 1 tort hen and Hazel White
entertained a party of young ladles'
font Hiawatha lust Saturday after
noon, who came over for "The Man
On the Box." They were Misses
Bijou Meisenheimer, Bole Rogers and
Hols Vaneldn.
Miss Dorothea White came down I
front Lincoln, where site had been at
tending state institute, for a few days
at home. She returned Saturday to
Pilger, Neh., where she is teaehlng
this year.
Do you know Die story of the
fourteen rejected hooks of the Old |
Testament of the Bible? Send JOc
for it Literary Curio Co , box 256,
Pineeton, Indiana. 44-tf
Perry Mart and wife were guests
of their daughter, Mrs. H. D. Bur
chard, last Saturday to see Boyd
Trusdale in "The Man On the Box."
Key. It. It. Teeter started for Iowa
Monday, where ho will lecture for
the next three weeks in different
Frank Marvin left Thursday after
noon for his home In Oklahoma City,
after a two week’s stay here looking
after business matters.
Miss Horace Uberly and Miss Mar
gat'd Briler of Hiawatha visited Mrs.
Cluts. Wilson and Miss Anita last
Saturday afternoon.
.1. S. Lord look Ills family to Sa
loin Sunday to visit during tin1 day.
The return trip was made in an auto.
Kay Zimmerman was up from Hia
watha for tlir show Saturday night
and remained over Sunday.
Mrs. I>r. Thomas of Vordon came
down Monday to visit her relatives
for a few days.
Miss It tit h Lewis returned Sunday
from ti two week’s visit with friends
in Lincoln.
—The cleaning and pressing of
ladies’ garments u specialty.—Stan
ley Stump. 38-tf
Hen mid Ralph Hilly of Hiawatha
were over to see the Man on the Box.
.1. W. Stephens was down from
Sliubert last Saturday on business.
Mrs. Pat Ryan was down from
Dawson Monday of this week.,
Henry Fisher and wife were down
from Khubert last Thusday.
Conrad Fohr and wife were down
from Sliubert Thursday.
—Bi'y rock salt, barrel and sack
salt at C. A. Heck's. 43-tf
Mrs. \1 Pyle was up from Preston
Tbutst'.uy. shopping.
Dr. 13d Hayes was down from Daw
son last Tbusday.
MLss Bridget Kelly Mas down front
Verdon Satudny.
—Call on C. A. Heck for coal and
Week After Week
Month After Month
YOU continually see your Silverware If it is poor quality, the
fact forces Itself disagreeably upon you each time it is placed on
the table If it retains its beauty you are merely pleasantly con
scious of having made a good selection.
You need fear no AFTER disappointment if your silverware selec
tion is made at JAQUET S, for the merits of every article shown
has been subjected to vigorous investigation before it is offered
for sale. You are certain of lasting satisfaction if you buy at
The Old Reliable Jeweler and Optician
Opposite Postoffice FALLS CITY, NEB.
Watertown Wisconsin live flour
flour of (' A Heck.
Iloli Wright came up from Kansas
City Saturday for a visit of several
Claude Ltim and sister, Miss Cert
nule, were down from Verdon on
Thusday night.
Mrs Levi Kinsey visited her slater
in law, Mrs John Hamel, the latter
part of last week.
Fred Hays went to Lincoln Wed lies
day night to attend the institute, re
turning last Friday.
Mrs. Waggoner and son of lluin
holdt wore guests of her father, Geo.
llrlnstead, last Flday and Saturday.
Our old friend, .Toe Gieger, came in
Thursday to make a visit, among his
(dd Falls City friends. Joe lives near
Independence, Mo., and lias a pros
porous business started there.
Among tlic students who are at
home enjoying a week's vacation
from the Normal at. Peru are Inez
Wachtel, Olive and Jennie Thompson,
John Mannigan and August Scholl.
Ned Stoughton came home last Fri
day to visit over Sunday with Ills
mother, Mrs. Mattie Stoughton, He
is still assistant manager of the Mur
ker Amusement Co. and is "making
good" with them. He is in the host,
of health and Ids old friends were
glad to see him in the old town again.
Dr. Randall of Julesherg, Colo.,
was in the city the latter part of last
week for a visit with old friends. The
doctor was for years a prominent
physician in Miis city, lie seems in
the host of health, the years having
dealt lightly with him. lie speaks
with praise of the many improvements
in' secs in Falls City since his last
Home made vanilla and strawberry
Nut Nougat, also Yum Yum (the
new candy), only 15c per pound on
Saturday, Nov. 13, at the Candy
Kitchen. Remember, these candies
sell at 40c per piound in the city.
Free government homesteads in
Montana Fertile soil, mild climate
and good markets. I.iinds produce
40 bushels winter wheat and all
kinds of small grains and grasses in
abundance Also deeded land from
up, on easy terms. Addess In
gram Cain, Choteau, Mont Fl-2t
Mr. and Mrs. 10. K Hurst went to
I Lincoln Wednesday to attend tin*
state institute. They returned by way
id’ Dunbar to spend a day with Mr.
I Hurst's mot her.
Mrs Abysella Powell returned Fri
day to her home in Habetha, after
visiting a few days with her sons'
families here.
Watertown. Wisconsin Rye frour
at Heck's feed store
Cecil Kinsley was down from Daw
son Thnsday.
|gehung theatre
One Night Only
Thursday, November 18
In the new version of
the great emo
tional drama
The Little
Fail to see
this one.
I Forget Date
! Prices 35c, 50c and 75c.
THERE are foods for
all purposes—but
Uneeda Biscuit
for Energy
For the brain=energy
business men need; the
muscle-energy workmen
need; the nerve=energy
housewives need; the all
round energy school chil
dren need. NATIONAL
A soda cracker in ap- COMPANY
pearance—more than a
soda cracker in goodness,
freshness, crispness.
Moisture proof packages.