The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 12, 1909, Image 1

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    The Falls City Tribune
Viivrus Kinds of Entertainment by
ndividuals. Lodges. Clubs.
Churches. Etc.
■ of the jolliest parties of the
v* • was given by Mrs. I. C. Maust
Thursday evening for her Sun
i" School class. The young men
1;. 'orward to these gatherings with
l st pleasure and are never dis
ai nted in their expectations. Thurs
day -veiling a number of interesting
_ -ing contests were prepared as
w- is other games. Lovely refresh
m > were served at ten-thirty. Mrs.
\L. .'st's class of boys is the largest
in ' -■ Christian church of this state,
ouif.Je the college, and they all take
pr ‘ in this fact and are very much
itr. -■ -sted in their work.
ery enjoyable whist party was
gi. by Mrs. John A. Crook last
Tl ' 'day afternoon, at which twenty
i ladies were entertained. The
sc i • cards were quite a novel idea,
be;; g in the form of jack o'ianterns,
th yes marking the table and coup
le .. I the teeth the number of games.
St v i games were played and Mrs.
I;. Dittmar was awarded the prize,
a r - ling silver spoon, for the most
ga.j.-s and Mrs. .1. S. Lord was given
th (insolation prize, a minature deck
of ids. Lov'ely refreshments in
t!: ■ courses were served. Miss Kam
s- ml Miss Lord assisting Mrs.
Ci i T in serving and entertaining.
Th . fteruoon was very delightful and
an "g the out of town guests were
M r Himes and Mrs. Gilligan.
Fred Brecht entertained quite
a 1. '.e party of ladies last Friday
af: oon at an Inquiry party, cora
plin.* ntary to Mrs. Varner of Beloit,
Kar.-as. The ladies were given
she-is of paper upon which to write
a c; -stion. These questions were
rear hy Mrs. Chas. Hargrave and
ranr d in importance and magnitude
forr. 'when was the first mouse
tra< patented?" to "how many cart
rid!- s has Roosevelt exploded in Af
rit. ' One can well imagine the am
us< . .lit and discussion the questions
an,, • plies would make and this form
of itertainment filled most of the
aft- ;oon. Elegant refreshments
wtr served at five o’clock. Mrs.
l-iar- rave and Mrs. Chas. Davis as
sis’ : Mrs. Brecht in entertaining.
s. Fred Brecht gave the last of
a r its of parties last Saturday af
ter! on. The time was spent playing
whi-' until ,five o’clock. Six tables
wrrt placed for the game and some
games were played with unusual
interest. Lovely refreshments were
served at five o'clock, Misses Lucile
Mettz and Helen Resterer assisting
the hostess. The party was given
in honor of Mrs. Varner of Beloit,
M ss Carrie Slocum gave a lovely
bridge luncheon last Fiday for six
teen lady friends. Luncheon was
serv-d at one o’clock. The tables
held a howl of La France roses and
to each of the hand painted place
cards was fastened one of the beau
tifr.] rose Fivp courses wert*.
served and were faultless in detail.
Bridge whist was enjoyed after the
luncheon hour until five o’clock.
The interest in the game was marked
and many high scores in points and
games were made. Miss Slocum is
a charming hostess and made this
occasion a decided pleasure for her
Th- chicken pie social given by the I
ladies was a decided success. Almost '
$40 was realized from tin* supper.
Th- first of a series of parties to
be given by Mrs. Charles Hargrave
occurred Tuesday afternoon. Whist
was played, nine tables being placed
for the game. Six games were play
ed and the honors in point of games ■
were very evenly divided. At five
o’clock lovely refreshments were i
served. The house was very pret- j
tily decorated with ferns and cut,
flowers in each room. There was |
the air of pleasure and sociability |
over all. making the afternoon one
of the social successes of the week.
Mrs. Varner of Beloit, Kas., was pres
ent and with Mrs. Brecht assisted
Mrs. Hargrave in entertaining, as did
Katherine Stewart of Okomulgee.
Mi-s Sarah Hutchins entertained
Kaff'e Klatch and a few invited
friends Tuesday afternoon with a
bridge party, complimentary to Miss
Slocum. 12 ladies were present. The
score cards were pen and ink
sketches, of which one-half showed
a bride with flowing veil and the
other half a baker. The play ended
at five o'clock and the honors in
points fell to Miss Slocum. She was
presented with a boquet of chrysan
themums. Lovely refreshments were
served by Miss Hutchins and her
sister, Miss Ethel, in two courses.
The afternoon was in every way a
most enjoyable one.
Mrs. Norman Musselman entertain
ed the 1,. H. T. club and a few of
the visiting ladies last Wednesday af
ternoon witli a kensington. There
was more visiting and social good
time than fancy work and the time
seemed to pass all too quickly. At
six o'clock dinner was served in
four courses at small tables and was
a triumph in culinary art. The ladies
present passed a delightful afternoon.
Airs. F. S. Wood entertained last
Friday evening for the teachers who
did not go to Lincoln for the insti
tute. Some’r’set was the amusement
of the evening and three tallies were
placed for the game. After several
very interesting rounds had been
played dainty refreshments were
served. Those present passed a v ery
pleasant evening.
Mrs. H. M. Steidly was very pleas
antly entertained last Tuesday even
ing by her former Sunday School
class, at the home of Air. and Airs,
.lake Bloom. The girls planned the
party as a farewrell to a teacher of
whom they were very fond. Games
were played and at 8:30 refreshments
were served. At 0:00 farewells were
spoken, each wishing a pleasant jour
ney home and happiness in abundance
in the future.
A number of members of the
Friends in Council, and a few young
lady friends, went to the home of
Francis Shaffer last Tuesday evening
to surprise his daughter, Mrs. II. M.
Steidly, who was leaving Wednesday
for her home in Ft. Collins. Col.,
Airs. Steidly attended another party
until nine o'clock and when she wont
home she found a score of masked
intruders, in all kinds of fancy cos
tumes, in possession of the house.
After she had guessed all the names
(lie masks were removed and games
and music indulged in. The visitors
took with them pop-corn, nuts and
apples, which were enjoyed during
the evening. The evening was a mer
ry one and those present enjoyed a
very pleasant evening.
Miss Kate Heacock entertained a
merry party of six young ladies last
Friday evening for Miss Carrie Slo
cum. The evening was spent playing
bridge. The young ladies spent the
night and it goes without saying that
there was little sleep in store for any
of those present. A delicious break
fast was announced at nine o'clock.
During the morning bridge was play
ed and other amusements were in
dulged in.
V _
The neighbors of Mrs. A. K. Hill
went to her home Monday evening,
all masked and in fancy costumes,
and gave her a jolly surprise. She
was ecpial to the occasion and soon
had tne amusements moving merrily
along. The ladies had taken light
refreshments with them which were
enjoyed by all. It was surely a jolly
crowd pnd the character representa
tions were good. There were about
twenty present and all enjoyed a fine
Trousdale Known Here.
Boyd Trousdale, who played the
“Man On the Box" here last Saturday
night, is well known to many Salem
people who came down for the show.
He lived there a year with an aunt.
He was also known to many Kails
City people, among them Mr. and Mrs
Robert Rule.
Band to Re-organize?
It is reported that the Palls City
band has been re-organized and will
be under the leadership of Mark Will
iamson. We hope it is true, for it
does not look right for such a town
as Falls City to lie without a good
^Hoys of tlu- Baptist Boys' Brigade: j
Come to the Baptist church at six
o'clock Friday night prepared for a
glorious time. We start promptly
at six and 'inarch to the camp ground.
Bring potatoes, weiners. etc,, to cook.
An Unlawful Custom that Seemed
Well Protected By the Law
Enforcers Heretofore
Pleased With The Tribune’s Attitude
Toward Existing Evil.
To The Tribune: Having sons an
daughters of my own, who are just
at tiie threshold of manhood and wo
manhood, I was naturally interested
in what The Tribune had to say last
week of tin* gamblers and other
threatened evils.
Why should we harbor these
things? They are unlawful and of no
benefit to a community, and it is the
duty of every mother and wife to ex
ert her influence for their removal.
I thank you, for one, from the hot
tom of my heart for sounding the
alarm, and from now on 1 propose
to raise m.v voice in opposlton to
those evils, realizing that my sons, as
well as my neighbors' sons, may fall
victims to an outlawed custom that
seemingly has been well protected
by the law. A MOTHER.
And Chief of Police Marts Intends to
Spike It Down.
The lid is on the gambling houses
are flowed, and Chief of Police Marts
is seeing to it that the lid stays on.
It is said that seven rooms are now
dark tnese November nights, that for
months have been brilliantly lighted
and filled with men seeking to ro'j
each other at the gaming tallies. The
click of the chips will be heard no
more, and that element that lived
without work, thui fattened off his
fellow man's misfortune, will now
have to go to work and earn an
honest living.
Lights out, lid on. Go to work,
boys; you'll he better off for the new
order of tilings in the long run.
Attendance Was Not As Large As It
Should Have Been.
The attendance at the Hrethern
church last Friday night to hear Al
bert Edward Wiggam was not as large
as it should have been, and speaking
from a financial standpoint the ath
letic association is no better off.
Hut the lecture was fine indeed. It
was a scholarly, masterful address
on an interesting subject that left
its impression on all that heard him.
Those who failed to hear him missed
something well worth hearing.
The Man On the Box.
One of the best attractions Man
ager .'ohn Gehling has ever served
his patrons, was the bill of Satur
day night—“The Man On the Box."
While the plot of the play is of no
great depth or brilliancy, yet it was
< lean and entertaining, interspersed
■'Uh touches of real humor and pa
Mios—just enough to please, not to
'ire or nauseate.
‘The Man On the Box” in the
‘lsrids of a company of mediocre at
tainment, would be dull and uninter
esting, but in the hands of the almost
all star cast that presented it here,
it was most satisfying, and Manager
Ch illing is to be congratulated in se
curing such a stellar attraction.
Theatre goers here will long re
member the play of Saturday night,
and the competent, polished acting
of those presenting the same.
Halloween Prank Case Dismissed.
George Ocainb was up from Kulo
Friday to see about his case against
the marauders who emptied his oil
tanks and destroyed his salt on Hal
loween night. This was all that was
destroyed, but the damage was about
$75.00. Most of the boys settled with
Mr. Ocamb and when the case came
tip Monday it was dismissed.
Taken from the vestibule of hte
Baptist church a green silk umbrella
with handle of natural cherry; small
silver mounting on side; on top a
silver plate with name, Lilian
Banks. Reward for information lead
ing to recovery.
Sold Eighteen Majesties.
.1. Tanner sold eighteen of those
Majestic ranges last week, during
the cooking exhibit.
The Prairie Fire Cost Them Their
Barn and Hay.
The friends of Mr. and Mrs. John
Wilson were deeply concerned last
week when the papers contained ar
ticles on the prairie fires in their
neighborhood and numbered them
among the ones burned out. A letter
from them states that they had warn
ing in time to escape and make some
preparations also for saving their
house. This was done by throwing
water upon it.
They then took their horse and bug
y and the cow and started for plow
ed ground. The cow was cut loose
because she would not lead and was
found next day about three miles fron
Their barn and hay were burned,
but were insured The house was not
damaged. Their neighbors, just
across the creek, tarried too long and
were badly, perhaps fatally, burned
First Presbyterian Church.
The necessity of holding flic pub
lii services Inr religious worship in
the Electric theater has not seemed
to militate against either the attend
ance or deep interest the people have
in the work of the church.
Last Sabbath was a really good day
m all respects, notwithstanding the
unfavorable weather.
A rich and full day is planned for
next Sabbath, and the general public
will certainly enjoy the good things
provided In the morning the pastor
will preach, and the anthem,“Oh, Give
Thanks,' will be sung by the choir,
while Miss Craig will sing a special
In the evening a full musical pro
gram will he presented by the choir.
The story of Elias Power will be read
by Aliss Grinstead. and the story will
be illustrated by musical numbers con
sisting of solos, duets, choruses and
old time hymns.
The seats are always free, and a
most hearty greeting awaits all comers
Come early and avoid the rush.
Special from Barada.
Melissa Alice Sailors was born in
Indiana, May 3, ISO.",, and died at her
home near Barada. Neb., November
7, 1909.
She was married on January .13,
1883 to Robert Ankrom. To this
union nine children were born, six of
whom survive her.
Mrs. Ankrom was stricken with
paralysis about three months ago. It
was thought then she could not re
cover, but she did regain her physical
powers in so much that great hope
was entertained for her recovery. She
was in Barada on Saturday but that
night was stricken down. She was a
woman who was called “friend” by
all who knew her.
She leaves to mourn her loss a hus
band, six children and an aged father
and mother, together with several
brothers and sisters and a tiost of
friends. The funeral was conducted
from the home ami the body laid to
rest in Harris cemetery. We extend
sympathy to the sorrowing relatives.
Barada Couple Married.
Special from Barada.
Mr. Walter Morehead and Miss
Katie Prosser gave ttieir friends a
surprise by slipping away on Thurs
day, Nov. 4, in their automobile to
Rockport, Mo., and being quietly mar
ried. The news beat them home, how
ever, and they were given a royal
welcome when they returned. This
estimable young couple have grown
to manhood and womanhood in our
midst and their friends are many. We
had hoped to still keep them with us
but. their plans were otherwise. They
went on Saturday to their new home
in Brown county, Kas., where the
groom has a fine farm. A host of
good wishes and congratulations fol
low them.
Infant Died at Stella.
Special from Stella.
The two month’s old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Zura Armstrong died Thursday
evening, Nov. 4th, after an illness
of about two weeks, caused by in
digestion. He was an only child and
the death seems more sad, as these
parents were called upon to part, with
a little son of about the same age a
year ogo last Fourth of .July. The |
funeral was held at the home north
of town Saturday afternoon and the'
remains brought to Stella cemetery
for burial. The entire community
sympathizes with these parents in this!
their second sad bereavement.
Taks His Own Life Had Been Liv
ing Apart Crime Witnessed
By Youthful Son
The news of a shocking murder, fol
lowed by the suicide af the murderer,
which occurred on the Hanker farm,
a mile southeast of Salem, reached
this city early Tuesday afternoon. A
month ago (Mark Inks and his wife
Quarreled and since that time lie
lias been living witli his sons on an
other farm southwest of Salem.
This was one of many family dif
ficulties, and since their separation
Inks had been constantly trying to
get possession of Ills youngest son, a
boy about twelve years of age. Sev
eral times lie bus gone to the school
house after him and finally the mothe
kept tin' boy at home.
In ti lling the story of the shooting
in the authorities the hoy says lie
and his mother saw the father cumin
about one o'clock Tuesday and ran
into Hie bedroom, locking the door.
When Inks found the door locked in
got the axe and broke it down. Mrs.
Inks seen him with the rifle and tried
in her desperation to get it away
from iiiin t The house showed evi
dence of a terrible struggle). Inks
broke away from her and fired, the
ball entering her right arm. She ran
out of the house and started across
a field. Inks overtook her a short
distance from the house, put the rifle
barrel between her shoulders and
fired. When she fell, dead, lie re
turned to the house.
The hoy. who had seen the shoot
ing, tried to hide when he saw the
father coming, fearing he would shoot
him. Inks found his boy in the rear
of tlie house and gave him $:!t> pen
sion money lie had drawn that day,
saying. "Here, you can keep this.”
lie then walked to the front yard and
sent a bullet through his own head
with tlie same rifle lie had JtiHt killed
his wife.
Mr. Goolsby, passing by, saw Inks
chasing liis wife and saw him shoot
her, but before he could reach the
house to try to prevent it the man
had killed himself.
Inks was a man about sixty years
of age and his wife about forty-eight,
lie married her when she was but
fourteen and they have married child
ren. There had been trouble of more
of less serious nature several times
Coroner Iteneker and Sheriff Ken
ton were notified and went to the
Inks home at once The inquest was
speedily terminated, as the boy's
story was corroborated in the essen
tial points by Mr. Goolsby, and the
family difficulties proven by several
The verdict was to the effect that
Mary Inks came to her death by a
shot fired by her husband, Clark Inks
who afterward shot himself.
Don’t Keep Them Away.
The poorest policy and the worst
economy is to keep the children out
of school. Kvery day lost has Its
manifold effort; the knowledge gain
ed on that day is missed, pupil is
thrown behind, becomes discouraged,
lias a bad effect on the elass and the
very habit Is to be avoided. To
make our schools eminently success
ful there should be tin* co-operation
of teachers, scholars and parents
The first two we have. Will the par
ents now do their duty.
Basket Ball.
The Auburn basket ball boys will
come down Saturday to try hard to
defeat the Falls City boys. They are
coming witli “blood jn their eyes."
too, because the business men of Au
burn have told them that should they
win the game from Fails City they
were entitled to a purse ot' $00 which
they (the business men) had for them.
It’ll be a dandy game. You should
attend. Admission, 15c and 23c.
A New Doctor Here.
Doctor Chester A. Brink of Denver,
Colo., has located in our midst, hav
ing already opened up nice offices
in the State Bank building—the room
formerly occupied by Dr. Woolfe.
The doctor comes to our city well
recommended and we predict for hint
a good practice.
Police Court
•Ituige Spragins fined A L. Lough
$10 for letting his thirst get the bet
ter of his judgment Wednesday.
A "Scalper” With His Butcher Knifa
—A Plain "Drunk."
There was a gay one out Saturday
night, Ernest Baldwin by name, who
had drank too much of something a
little stronger than city water an i
who got tlie idea that he could scalp
the town. But, about the first per
son, however, his butcher knife came
in contact with was Night-watch Cam
lln, who showed him tin* mysteries
of the cooler. He was taken before
.fudge Sprngins Monday and wan
given six days in Jail to brood over
Ids wayward conduct.
Anotherone, answering to the name
of W. M. Miller, locked up Saturday,
was only a plain drunk, and when
asked to help tin* school fund along
ho did so at once and was sent on
ills way rejoicing.
Sheriff Fenton and Chief of Polico
Marts Captured a "Bad” One
A fellow by the name of J. F.
Mllllkon held up n liiaii over In Holt
county. Mo., last Saturday and got
what money and valuables he had,
then struck out for this county. A
message wits sent to sheriff Fenton
that, the fellow would likely cross the
river near Arago, which he did. He
was An ugly looking duck and took
steps u( once to let the people know
he wouldn’t be fooled with by dis
playing a brace of pistols and mak.
Ing a huge noise with them. He
struck out across country for llulo.
About eight o'clock Sunday morning
Fenton got an auto and, taking Deputy
McFarland and Chief of Police Marts
with him, started for Arago. When
they heard the character of their
tnuii they took a few men from Arago
and started to trail the fellow. They
got him about a mile north of llulo
with little trouble and brought him
to the county Jail. A deputy sheriff
from llolt county arrived Monday and
took the prisoner back. lie U
generally considered a “had man’’
and has given several counties a taste
of trouble.
-- ■■ --- ■ - --—- . u »
Shoplifters at Humboldt.
Special from Humboldt.
Shoplifters, by skillful maneuvering
helped themselves quite freely to
goods in the clothing department of
the business houses of the Famous
and Shirley & Buerstetta’s Saturday
evening. After securing the articles
the guilty parties, two well-dressed
strangers who tiad arrived in the city
during the afternoon, endeavored to
dispose of their plunder to residents
at such ridiculously jow figures that
suspicion was aroused and inquiry
made Upon examination it wat
found that overcoats, suits and under
wear were missing from the above
named stores. The "gentlemen”
were placed under arrest and ou
Monday morning were taken to Falls
City to await trial.
Both men plead guilty and were
sentenced to the county jail for 80
Man Whipped His Wife
Tiie people living in the vicinity
of tiie Christian church had their
peaceful slumbers broken about 11:30
Monday night by cries for help.
A man by the name of John Walker
•vas "tying hi* wife a whlpplne lie
cause, lie said, she would not stay
away from a certain house.
He had been drinking, and some
say that tiie woman was in error,too.
The woman left early In the morn
ing for tiie home of her parents at
Reserve, Kus., tints the case was not
taken into court and the public was
relieved of the task of listening to
a lot of their “family troubles.”
Giannini to Carry the Mail.
M. Giannini has been awarded the
contract for carrying the mail to and
from tlie stations for the next year,
at a salary of $900. his bid being the
lowest, received.
This will likely meet with general
approval on the part of the public,
for when the mails are carried by
parties who make all the trains regu
larly witli passengers, the hour of
taking the mail from the .postoffice
and too it seems more convenient for
tin- public, than win n it is all gathered
up one hour and brought back the
same way.
Fifty Autos In Town.
Fifty automobiles from out of town
were handled at the two garages last
Saturday night. Several others were
left on the side streets close to the
operrv. house.