The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 29, 1909, Image 8

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    Henry C. Smith
L _J
j 240 acres well improved, 1J mi ei from Dept iti Kas. Good spring Best of terms. Will take
I 40 acres as part payment, balance Ion,' time at low interest.
200 acres 1,4 miles from depot. Richards'.n *ounty, Nebraska Good buildings and land Gill
take 40 or HO acres u.-> part payment
100 acfes upland, ) mile from depot, Richardson county, Nebraska. 512,000.
160 acres Johnson county, Nebraska. 80 rods to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent.
107 acres near Brownville, Nebraska.
| 80 acres '4-mile front Falls City high aettooi
I 010 acres, $8,000 improvements Also 640 acres adjoining. Will take lOOacres as part payment.
B Fine running water. A No. 1 opportunity.
I Money to loan.
V. hat Your Friend* and Their
Friends Have Been Doing the
Past Week
('lunik' Linn was down from limn
th ldt Fltiny
Mrs. Clarence lletk has keen qultf
ill this week
,t. t), Shui'n and v Ife of Vordon
spent Friday here
Dun Katekln and uii< «. r ui
I'reni Utiln Tuesdil)
See Clarence Meek for your coal
this fall Phone 101
\V. S. McGowan of Neliis-ka City
>\;ts in town Tuesday.
Hay Graham was down front
ioln and spent Sundn\
lt»i\. and Mrs. Mattell of I’restou'
m il1 visitors here Mondti,'
Ewing Herbert of the '‘World' was j
over from llluwatha Tuesday
—I will pay 33 cents for eggs and
35 cents for butter. John Hermes.
Frank Keys of Omulm was it gie i
of Mr. and Mrs. Sid Spence Sunday
I)r. Ed Hays of Dawson spent a
few days held the first of the week
Abe I .otic Its was o\ r from Mail
land, Mo . for the I moral ot Joseph
Mrs. Walter Veacli ol Verdon was
* guest of Miss Floy tirinstead Inst
Monday. ,
William Graham was up from Kan
sas City over Sunday it guest of the
Hlek family.
Mrs. Win. 1'aimer and dauglit. i
Miss Mamie, visited relatives in 1
Stella Monday.
K A, Harden was down from Ver
don the latter part of hist week visit
ing old friends.
—Don’t thow that old suit away!
Take it to Stanley Stump and havo
It cleaned and pressed. 88-tf
Mi and Mrs. C (i. Humphrey weir
down from Verdon Monday to visit
Hi urge Abbott and wife.
S II. Forney of Mound City, Mo.,
was called here Monday by the death
»!' his brother, Joseph Forney
Hubert Duncan of Maitland. Mo.,
tame over Monday to be present at
iln funeral of Joseph Forney
(icorge Clark of Kulrbury spenl a
few days with friends and relatives I
In and near this city this week
Henry Sohrock was up from St.
loseph the liist of the week the guest
of Ins sister. Mrs. Peter Itesterer.
Mi i ban s Sherman of Modcsta.
Cal.. «iu a guest of Mr and Mrs C.
K Smith i In lore part olthe week
I A M t'ormtek of Bartlesville,
Yrk., arrhi I Saturday for a short
visit with hi*: ti t ;r, Mrs. It 1. Neidt>
Mrs. Merritt l.niu of DeVVitt. Neh.,
come down Monday to see her moth
er, Mrs Sue K. DeYYald. who is very
II F. Fouey and wife of Mertm,
Neb., were called to this < Ity Mon
day la-, ause of the death of the
fornier'a father
Frank Marvin came up from Okla
bourn City Tuesday for a two weeks’
visit. While here In* will look after
business matters.
Mrs. YY. H. Julian will go to Kan
sas City Friday and will visit sever
al other Missouri and Kansas towns
befvir.' retutnlng.
Jolin Morehend and A. .1 YY' aver
wi nt to Oaks, S. 1),, Tuesday on
business connected with the sale of
tin Pai , U, id.
biiy Mahoney, who lias spent the
pa-u fi> ■ mo.i ti. in iv an sas City tnk
iii,- in du ;il treatment, returned Sat
urday alino. t f llv recovered.
.1 D. Oilman and daughter. Miss
Nelli*' return*d PI. .today from Ne
braska City where they were vailed
by tin death of Clint Oilman.
-Fresh pure Marshmallows only
id rents pri pound Saturday, Ov (. SO
»l H.. v'.iiid., Kitchen. V\ e sen inese
it 40 cents per pouud other days Try
Thomas Plumb and wife were in
Rulo the last of tiie week They
were accompanied home by Mrs. Ad.
die Bowker, who will spend the win
'er with their..
f*. M. Bet lit ret t'ived a £nod loatl
if sheep from South Omaha last J
week, which ho bought thougli the
Order Buying uteqat-tment of the Lee
Live Stock Commission Co.
George Powell was dow n from Oma
ha Iasi Thursday for a visit wi^lt old
*rit nds. For many years Mr.Powell
vas identified with the business life
of Fulls City and it did his old frietult
here a great deal of good to see him
again in the best, of health and spirits.
It is in time of sudden mishap or
iccident that Chamberlain's Liniment
tan lie relied upon to take the place
jf the family doctor, who cannot al
ways be found at the moment. Then
;t is that Chamberlain’s Liniment is
never found wanting. In cases of
sprains, cuts, wounds ami bruises
Chamberlain’s Liniment takes out
the soreness and drives away the
Haiti. Sold by all druggists.
Oliver vs. Sargent.
T. J. Oliver has been in the
court house as county superintend
ent several tonus, off and on—on
long enough to get the habit, •‘once
an office holder, always an office
A. D. Sargent, the republican nom
inee, has ,the qualifications for the
office of county superintendent. He’s
a “young aspirant” and has NEVER
held an elective office in the county.
Edwards vs. Boss Norman Musselmaii returned on
H. ('. Edwards has held the record- I uesday night from lexas.
er's office for four years, lie wants Mrs. Foster of Guthrie, Okla., was
four more. a guest of Mrs. J. K. Cain Tuesday.
F. M. Boss has NEVER held an —That old suit, or garment of any
elective office iu the county. That kind, can ho fixed up as good as new
he is qualified for the office, there — Stanley Stump. 38-tf
Is no doubt Why not give him u Mrs. Geo. Cornford. who lias been
trial? visiting the family of Joint Cornford
left Tuesday for her home in Iowa.
Mr. ami Mrs. Ed MeB.gar, who have
Hoarseness in u < hild subject lo |„.,,n \j.iting in Pittsburg and Johns
■ Toup is a sure indication of the ap- town, I’m., returned home Wednesday
proarli of the disease. If Chamber- K K„i,. went as far us St. Joe
lain s Cough Remedy is given at once Thursday with his brother, Joint Rule
it even after Hie croupy cough lias who was on his way to his homo In
tppeared, it will prevent the attack. \|, rjlload. Ohio,
ontains no poison. Sold by all dtug- Mrs. Kemper of Pawnee City is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. M.
-- Brooks. She was called here by her
To he in line with the other cities debtor's illness. .
iiu v tar visited by ll-iirv K Dixoys 1 hor? iaa }[" ,ot f ''u,,llah,'d
M-eat success. "The Mm. on the Box,” ''V"r>' day. 1,1 Jet th,lre °
handing ..... should he the ™nny rB“d,,I™ *'b« l'fdi<ive ‘V'T d''"
sign d is play ... 'the night of its »,an " ,h >K «"
engar.eitn nl here This successful ting tat cu ing shadow soup,
i oiued v has been the hit of two eon- ,. :",v la b“r mlder the impression
tinenis, enjoying the „,„st favorable that a ,il’’'"w. is 1il.s,K" of/alr
endorsement of critics and the uni ' a e'', * " V* T „h°,W“V°r,
v.-rsttl clientage of the public Do A morning rainbow indicates rain. An
•. cvi’iiiim minnow •poin s to clear \vca
ll ot miss the performance when it t 1
comes to the Gehling, Nov. 8th. 11
Fine Imme-mmle Peanut Bar and Aftt-r a lingering illness Mrs.
tufty in Hire, flavors at the Candy ... Faule.v died at her home iu
Cattily Kitchen for only 10 cents per Preston. She had been confined to
pound, mixed, Saturday, October 30. bed bed i.i.ioy week with typhoid
Don’t miss these as tiiey are our '<■' haveS ,, husband and
regular 30 cent candy. / ,OU1' «niall children.
The Christian Endeavor of the Rube llorrocks returned ibis week
Christian church will give llalloW'een from a business trip to Oklahoma,
ten at th ■ home of John Wossaek on While iu Oklahoma lie visited the
Monday evening, from five until family of Fred Beaulieu and says
eight o'clock. All are cordially In- they are doing well and seem very
vited. contented. They recently completed
Mr and Mrs. Isaac Houcks were a fine new modern eight-room house,
called to Washington, Has., Monday One must lie one mile above sea
because of the serious Illness of the level to see an object ninety-six miles
hitter's brother, Aaron Culp. Ills eon away. At one foot above the water
dltlon seems very serious. one can only see the water level
Miss Elizabeth Sanford came down |.3l miles distant. This fact was one
from Superior and spent Sunday in of the early proofs lliat the world was
this city with her mother. round.
Along with our splendid stock of Jewelr/ we arc showing
some fine Diamonds. You arc invited to inspect the gems
They were bought right and we will sell them right.
Exquisite Novelties for the
Lovers of the Beautiful
V.'e are showing a splendid line of Novelties in anticipation
of the early winter trade. All the dainty things in hand-painted
China. Cut Class and Silverware.
Our Watches, Clocks and Jewelry
arc “Classy" to the Extreme
In other words they are the BEST to be had they are reliable
goods, and Will bear the closest inspection
Davies & Owens
Reliable Jewelers and Opticians
Your rough annoys you. Keep on
hacking and tearing the delicate mem
banes of your throat if you want to
be annoyed. lint if you want re
lief, want to be cured, take Chamber
lain's Cough Kemcdv Sold by all
lug ylut*
Mrs Mary Perkins of Teeumsoh,
Mrs Sarah Parley of Jacksonville,111..
Mrs Sarah Springer of Pawnee City,
and t'. F. Forney and wife of Pawnee
City attended the funeral of Joseph
Forney here this week.
Roswell Fisher, who fell and broke
his leg two weeks ago is doing some
what better, although he has been a
very sick man It was found neces
sary to put his limb in a plaster pads
Pat Ryan was down from Omaha
the first of the week He was oil Ids
way to Missouri where lie was called
by the illness of his mother-in-law.
Mrs. Miles.
Mrs. Jane Uolirer lius been ap
pointed administratrix of the estate of
her son, Wm. 1,. Bohrer, who was
recently killed in n Burlington rail
road accident.
The sun dogs will soon be with us.
When they arrive it will be well to
remember that a halo about the sun
or moon, after fine weather, indicates
a storm.
George Moline of Hanover, Kas., ar
rived the latter part of the week for
a visit to his sister. Mrs I, J. Hitch
Mrs. Peter Restorer returned last
Thursday from a short visit with
Mrs. 1>. I., McCoy in Hiawatha.
Ira McColl was down from Salem
I Saturday for a short visit with his
sister. Mrs, R. R. Rule.
—For latest and most exclusive sty
les in up-to-date millinery see Witt
rock Millinery store. 36-tf
—Bring you eggs in aud gel 22 cent
for them;butter 25 cents. John Her
Mrs. George Boyer left Tuesday
for a visit with datives in lloldridge,
Mrs. Will Felir and Miss Lena
Fehr were Verdon visitors here last
Mrs. M. Scff was vailed to Ikansas
City Tuesday by the serous illni>ss of
her daughter.
Hart Messier of Omaha spent a por
tion of the week with his mother,.Mrs.
Frances Messier.
—Wanted—A million bushels of
apples at the Leo Cider & Vine
gar Co’s, new plant.
The advancement of civilization lias
been and is blocked more by selfish
ness of man than by any other thing.
The Misses Maddox of Auburn will
arrive Friday and visit over Sunday
with the family of Mrs. Margaret
Porter Randolph and wife have a
new arrival at their home—it’s a
girl. Porter says "it lias curly hair,
just like mine."
Mrs, Pearl Vaudeventer was down
from Havelock. Neb., Tuesday to at
tend the funeral of her grandmotlu-r,
Mrs. Bryant.
Miss Ruth Miller of Tacoma, Wash,
who has been visiting at the home of
; her aunt, Mrs. Margaret Maddox, left
' Thursday for Omaha to visit relatives
on her way home.
Fenton vs. Fergus.
W. T. Fenton has been sheriff for
four years. The “program of the
, bosses” injected some of the “al
j v ays an office holder” ideas into him,
and poor “Billie” allowed his name to
go on the democratic ticket for a
third term.
W. P, Fergus has NOT held an
elective office in this county for six
teen years. Mr. Fergus was sheriff
j of Richardson county at one time,
| years ago, and made as good a sher
iff as the county could wish for. Why
not elect him?
High Sctiool Has Started Something.
la At year Mr. Wiggam was on the
lecture course, lie also gave a short
address to the high school. The stu
dents were so well pleased with his
talk and lecture that they have decid
ed to bring him here again under the
auspices of the boys' and girls' ath
h-tic association to deliver another
I of his great, lectures.
Mr. Wiggam is a man with an
idea. lie is entertaining because he
humorous—lie instrui ts because
lie is a thinker, ilis lectures tire so
perfectly gotten up as to fill the re
quirements of the most fastidious,
if you don’t care for a heavy lecture
you will bo carried down tiny chan
nels of thought into the realm of new
ideas with such skillful logic and so
little friction as to land you ere
you are aware in the beaming sun
shine of a bigger and a better world.
If you want a heavy lecture you'll
be fed with manna sufficient to sup
ply you with food for the deepest
thought during the rest of your natur
al life. Come, hear good lecture
and contribute to a worthy cause.
At the Brethren church November
4th, 1909. Admission adults J5 cents;
children under twelve 15 cents.
Christain Church.
Two splendid audiences at the
Christian church last Sunday. The
pastor spoke on the great Pittsburg
communion service at the morning
service and carried out the same pro
gram in tlit- service as was used
there. Regular services at the church
next Sunday.
10:00—Bible School reports.
11:00—Sermon subject, "The Great
t>:30—Christian Endeavor, special
State program.
8:00—Preaching subject “Ream
Possessors and Mote Forgetters."
A splendid service for all and a
hearty welcome awaits you. Come.
Rev. F. E. DAY.
Hutchings vs, Riechers.
John Hutchings served on the
county hoard, then the clerk’s office
“looked good’’ to him. He now
lias his envious eye upon the treas
urer’s office. What about “always
an office holder?”
George Reichers has NEVER hold
a county office in his forty years res
idence hero. And we defy anyone to
tell us one GOOD reason why he
should not be elected treasurer. He!
is honest; and when it comes to abil
ity, his' is second to none in the i
county. i
New Postoffice Accommodation.
Post master Crook lias decided to
open the general delivery window on
Sunday afternoon hereafter. Sun
day last was the initial trial and the
public were pleased. Strangers and
others, who get their mail at the call
window, will find ibis new order of
tilings very handy
Poland-Chinas Averaged $28.
The Wittrock, Rieschiek & Wyatt
Poland-China hog sale last Saturday
was a good one. The male hogs av
eraged $2S, and the females brought
an average of $1S.
The way those in charge of the block
which is being paved go after the
dirt is a caution. Before another is
sue the street will be in shape to
commence laying the big paving
The fanner's wife packed her
trunk at once when she received a
letter from her son. who had just
gone tt> college, that he had two ex
aminations the day he wrote. “Good
ness! gracious! let me hurry, or 1
will not get there before the doctors
operate! ”
We are an inventive people if
there is any foundation for the num
erous patents issued by the govern
ment. During the past seventy-one
years, ending in 1907, the applica
tions filed for patents numbered
1,524,748. The fees collected for
these amounted to $0,706,181.
The first state-convention ever
approved by popular vote was
that of Massachusetts, in 177S.
If people only knew half what they
think they do. this would be a wise,
old world.
h. riARION i
Sales conducted in
scientific and busi
nesslike manner
Falls City, Nebraska ;
Magnetic Healing
Miss LP./.ie Ileitland. a gradu
ate of the Weltrn ■' School of
Magnetic Healing, of Nevada,
Mo. I am prepared to treat dis
eases of all kinds. Phone 27‘).
Located at Mrs. Burr - residence
south of the convent 4t
There are only two state constitu
tions which povidc for the initiative
and referendum—South Dakota and
Oregon. The pro\ isiou is a safe
guard and all states should give the
people the same right to protect them
Worth Thinking
‘ Every dollar put by today comes
to you as a gift tomorrow."
"Those who save soon cease to
" Get is a good servant, but
‘ Keep is a better one,”
“Of all glad words of pen or
tongue, the gladdest are these
I saved when young."
“The greatest pay streak is the
saving streak
“A dollar in the bank does you
more good than a hundred
Get one of those Vest Pocket
Savings Banks at
Falls City State
And commence the saving habit now
Office over Kei r‘s Pharmacy
Office Phene 260 Residence Pnone 27,
Poland China Sale.
I will sell at Chapman’s yard in
Falls City, October 30, 22 males, 22
gilts, 1 herd boar, 1 sow with pigs —
John Rieschick. 42-2t
Oct. 15, 1909.
Dear Friend:
Don't you love to
smell good ham a fry
ing when you are right
All ham is not the
right kind of ham
though. Nice ham and
fresh eggs make a good
breakfast. Don't they?
The best ham and fresh
meats at Schmitt's
Meat Market. Yours,
There’s A Reason
There’s a reason lor doiny all things. The “reason’ in this
case for your giving us your
Grain, Flour and Feed
business, is that (J-l'-A-L, I-T Y is our most important watch
word. When you <;et it have it of the first quality. F'ree
delivery to all parts of the city. We are located
Just West Falls Citv Auto Co.
Aldrich & Portrev
I am trying to make a
date with
They tell me he is strictly up-to
date and well posted on all classes ,
of domestic animals and also farm
property in general.
He can certainly please you, as he has had s xteen years expe
rience. He is also from Missouri, and if given the opportunity will
“SHOW YOU” results.
or TELEGRAPH (at my exponse
Phones 168-131-216 Falls City, Neb.