The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 29, 1909, Image 6

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    The County in General
The “Doings" of Our Country Friends
and Neighbors.
Mrs. John Powers is i|uite sick at
her home.
Mrs. John Philpot visited relatives
in Kik Creek this week.
A l>itby boy was born at the home
tit .lul’iis Klein Tuesday
James Hnlxda is in Falls City tills
week m rving on the jury
Mary Petrashek of Talili Rock
spent Saturday in Humboldt.
Mrs. James Hui/.dn is spending tilt*
week with Humboldt relatives,
Mrs. H. A. Mann entertained the
Linger Longer club Wednesday
Marshall Perry and family recent
ly moved from Dawson to this city
Mrs Susie Winhlem and baby of
Smtthfield is visiting her father, I
Mrs Fault Suction entertained the
Presbyterian kenslngton Tuesday af
itev. 0 W Hawley and wife of
Auburn spent Friday with Humboldt
rolativ cs
Mrs. Sam Harshberger and dangh
ter, Malile, of Falls City visited lo re
this week.
Mesdautes II. 10. lloyd and I M.
Ford are reeeiving medical treatment
In St. Joe this week
William llruun and family ao now
located in the cottage recently oc
cupied by Bishop Arnold.
The families of Tom Waggoner and
Hay Dodge left .Monday for Sterling,
where they will make their homes.
.las. Mitchell left Monday for his
hoax In Syracuse, after a visit with
his brother. It. Mitchell, of this city.
Miss Fauna Frank, after a si vi r
al weeks’ visit with Humboldt rela
tives, returned to her home in Lin
Floyd Cooper and wife returned on
Sunday, having accompanied the re
mains of Lon Mel.ane to Burlington.
George Cock left Wednesday for
Creston, Iowa, whore lie expects to
remain the coining year, lie will en
gage in farming.
Sam Bout.ler recently purchased
the Fred Hist farm, of 160 acres,
south of town. The consideration
was S Uper acre.
ltr. E. S. Cooper went to Lincoln
Thursday to he present when his
wife underwent a surgical operation
in a hospital tit that, place.
A social was given by the Kpworth
League in the parlors of the Metho
dist church Friday evening A large
crowd of young people were in at
Ed Uhri, in company with his dau
ghter, Miss Mae, and Miss Lulu Boss
started this week for an auto trip.
Before returning they expect to visit
several Kansas and Nebraska cities.
Misses Harriett Bradswell ami Li
la David of Lincoln have been the
guests of the former's sister. Miss
May Dardswell. In their honor sor
ial functions were given at the homes
of Irvin Shirley, .1 C Segrist and E.
C. Cothapp.
Alvin Hamilton and family this
week moved over from Pawnee City.
Mr. Hamilton is a trapper by occupa
tion and at present is engaged in
tapping gophers. On one farm north
of town he lias been successful ill
ridding the owner of about K.o of the
rodents, and has trapped hut a little
over seven acres. Mr. Hamilton is
a patentee of a steel trap which lie
uses in catching the gophers
Edna Ciirii i) was a guest of Lola
Slums Sunday.
Fred Wlttroek spent Sunday near
Verdou with friends.
.Miss Maude McCann was a glirst
of Mrs. Koso Sunday.
Vera Shaffer returned home last
week front Nebraska City.
John and William Hutchison were
guests of tlie Prater Bros., Sunday.
(>uy Llchty and wife were guests
of DeLos Splekler and wiJV Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Fred fieri t spent
Sunday with John Keischlck ami wife
Mr. and Mrs. 11. A. Burk are the
parents of a son, horn Oil. la, lima.
F. M. Shaffer and family spent
Sunday with II. .1 Prichard and fam
Mr. and Mrs. Prater spent a few
days with friends in SI Joseph last
Daisy and Harvey Peck spent Sun
day at the home of their uncle, S H.
Mrs. Chester Scamp spent Mon da >
in Falls City with her father and sis
ter. Marie.
Mrs. Claude Phillipi spent a por
tion of last week with Perry Shaffer
and family.
Mrs. Lloyd Knisely spent Monday
afternoon with Mrs.F alskin west of
Glendale school commenced again
Monday after being dosed on account
of scarlet fever.
Mrs. Albert Brecht and Mrs. A Mc
Cann and daughter visited Mrs H.
A. Burk Sunday.
James Coons and wife of near
Verdon spent a portion of the week
with H. C’oons and wife.
Mr. Brim of Sabetha, Kansas made
a short visit with his daughter. Mrs.
Anson Knisely, last week.
Earl Brun and lady friend. Mss Say
lor, of Kansas were guests of Anson
Knisely and wife Sunday.
Mrs. N. Pock and daughter spent
a portion of last week in Falls City
with the former's mother.
Miss Maude Way returned from
Davenport last week to take up her
school duties again at Glendale.
Frances Shaffer and daughter, Mrs.
H. M. Steidly, were guests at the
home of H. J. Prichard Sunday.
Mr. Wise of W. Va . preached at
Silver Creek Sunday evening. He
is traveling and doing missionary
Mr. F. G. Fritz, Oneonta, N. Y.,
writes: “My little girl was greatly
benefitted by taking Foley’s Orino
1>axative, and I think it is the best
Temedy for constipation and liver
i rouble." Foley’s Orino laxative is
mild, pleasant and effective, and
cures habitual constipation.—Kerr’s
.lames Stevenson was in Shubert on
| Saturday.
.1 E. Stephenson of Shubert spent
Sunday with his father.
Neil I’tersol and wife are the par
ents of a little son. born October 2'2.
l)r. S. \, VnnOsdel and .1. A.
I .Martin were Falls City visitors .Mon
Mrs. Mary Elder was called to the
bedside of her daughter, Mrs. Hazel
Shaw, who is seriously ill.
Outer Sailor and Miss Inez. Mallet
were married at the home of Rudolph
Fuller, Sunday. October ID, IllOil.
Mrs Henry Siemerlng went to
Fargo Thursday to attend the funeral
of her sister. Her husband and son.
Charles Kuker. accompanied her.
Mrs. Sarah Williamson with her
little granddaughter left. Wednesday
for a several weeks' visit with her
son, Robert, and daughter, Mrs Mat
tie Allen, at Cambridge, Neb,
i lie initios aul society w ill serve
meals at the Kumbaugh blacksmith
shop on election day Give them a
helping hand. They will also give
an entertainment and supper Thanks
giving evening.
Mrs. \V, F. Butler lias enjoyed n )
visit from her sister, Mrs. W. T. i
Williams of Bloomington, II. She
was accompanied home by her two
nieces, Misses Kitty and la in Butler,
who will visit there until Thangs
Dr. II. S. Andrews and Miss Louise
llubbnrd were united in marriage at
Codell, Oklahoma, October LT, and
left that afternoon for Stella, Neb., to
spend a short time with the groom’s
brother at that place. They reached
Manilla Saturday afternoon. That ov
ening a number of friends gathered
to welcome and congratulate them.
They were presented with some nice;
sllve ware. Although Dr, Andrews
lias been among us but a few months
he Inis made many friends.. We wel
come them cordially and extend to
them best wishes for future prosper
ity, and may they long reside in Bar I
Quaker Oats
is the
perfectly balanced
human food
. . |
China for your table in the Family 5i e
Dr Shook visited in Omaha a few
days last week
Miss Krnia rolglazier visited rela
tives at Verdon litst Saturday
Mrs. Dr. Shook returned home
Sunday from a visit with relatives
in Auburn.
Airs. Ham and son Klmer were call
ed to Stella last week by the death
of John Bourk.
Mrs. Hardy Hays enjoyed a few
days visit from her uncle, Mr.Graves,
of ltulo last week.
Vern Taylor and little son of
Hurchard are here visiting the form*
er's parents, Al. H. Taylor and family.
I)r. Taylor of Lewiston spent a
few days last week here with his
grandmother, Mrs. Ritter, and other
relat i ves
Miss Vera llergstna visited with
friends in Wymore hist week She
had Urn honor of acting as pianist at
a K. I’, reception while there,
F. M. Kin ton and Grant Shubert
Men- among those from here who
attended the grand lodge of Odd Fel
lows at Lincoln the latter part of the
(' A, Lord and wife were guests
of friends here the first of the week.
They also visited relatives at Falls
Gity before returning to their home
in Lincoln.
The Womans Literary club held
their regular session tit the home of
Mrs. .1, Spiekler Saturday afternoon.
A splendid program was rendered
and dainty refreshments were served.
John Bourk of near Stella died
Wednesday evening after tin illness
of several weeks. Funeral services
were heid at the home and the re
mains taken to Auburn for burial.
Mr. Bourk was married about a year
ago to Miss Kfl'ie (lain, who was so
well known here. She has the sym
pathy of the community.
Fall colds are quickly cured by
Pbloy’s Honey and Tar, the great
throat and lung remedy. The genu
ine contains no harmful drugs. -Kerr’
John Feicht was it Peru visitor Fri
N. A. Arnold was in Falls City on
X A Arnold and wife were Omaha
\ isitors Tuesday.
Win. Strieker and family spent Sun
day ill Wedell (Ierwicks.
Mrs. I A. Dunn and son, Kugene,
went to Falls City Fiday.
(1. W. Duerfeldt went to Omaha
last Tuesday to buy cattle.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Fink have re
turned from their trip to llentrice.
Several from here attended the re
ception given for Dr.Andrews and wifi
at ll;iradii Saturday night.
Jesse Maurer of North Dakota ar
rived Tuesday to spend a few weeks
with his daughter, Mrs. 1. A. Dunn.
About twenty of Miss Martha Gige’f
friends gathered at her home last
Saturday evening and completely sur
prised her. All enjoyed the evening
and returned to their homes at a
late hour.
Little Minerva Hendricks took ser
iously ill last Monday. Dr. Reneker
wits called and pronounced her suf
fering from scarlet fever. The Ar
nold school hits been closed as tic
little girl was at school when she tool
•lor Veal Hindi1 ti trip to (‘alls Ciiv
Mr. Mi Henry was an Atchison vis
itor recently.
-Mi Combs was a l iills City visit
or last Week.
E Kumhuugh was a business visit
or to Auburn Friday.
.Mrs, F. Waggoner was a Stella 1
v isitor one day last week.
.Joe Parsons has purchased the |„.
A. Kinsey property in this city.
.1. .M. Griffiths purchased a fine!
new piano for his daughter, Edna.
Earl Arcott returned to his home I
In Itiilo Saturday after a short visit
Miss Mable Nussbaum is home
from Lincoln for a visit with her
Henry lleineman was a business
visitor in Falls City tho latter part or
the week.
Knirnerson and Pert Powers re
ceived eight ear loads of cattle hist
■I. I>. (Jriffiths has purchased the Williams property in the north
part of town.
Fay Johnson. Lloyd Dietrich and
Jess Waggoner were Salem visitors
Monday evening.
Quinton Stump and wife and Miss
Ttessie Stump spent Sunday with Wes
Stump and family.
Those who attended the play at
Hall's opera house Fiday night were
well pleased with it.
Mesdanies Parson. Conover and i
Thomas and Miss Florence Hull were
in Falls City Monday.
Mrs. (’has. Steward and children!
returned home from an extended vis-!
it with relatives In Missouri.
•loe Cullen returned home lasl week
from an extended visit through the
northwest, lie visited the exposition
at Seattle and visited many other
places of interest. He also visited
his daughter. .Mrs. Thomas (iriffilhs,
in Idaho.
He Will Conduct, and Assist in the
Following Sales.
Nov. I .Mrs. .1. .McNeoley, Humboldt.
Nov. 10—A. Gugelman & Nofsinger,
Nov. 16—Henry Dittmar, Johnson.
Nov. 17—Fank A. Fuller, Auburn.
Nov. IS Frank Bennett, Verdon.
Nov. 23 Jacob Itoedcl, Verdon.
Nov. — - Sikes & Unkefer, Hum
Dec. b .Mrs. Mattie Hodge, Stella.
Dec. 14—Herman Weir, So. Auburn.
Dec. 15—Geo. Weaver, Stella.
Dec. 16—A. F. Mortz, Humboldt. 40-3
Dec. 22 W. B. Hoppe, Stella.
Jan. 11110—J. F. Weddle, Stella.
Jan. 12—Albert Feireli, So. Auburn.
Feb. 2— Wm. Brandow, Humboldt.
Feb. IT)—Win. Thompson, Falls City.
Feb. 16- Robert Edio, Bern, Kas.
Foley’s Honey and Tar clears tiie!
air passages, stops the irritation in
throat, soothes the inflamed mem
branes, and the most obstinate cough
disappears. Sore and inflamed lungs
are healed and strengthened, and the
cold is expelled from the system. Re
fuse any but the genuine in the yel
low package. Kerr’s Pharmacy.
Make Your Table Pretty
Dainty and Inviting
Nicely Decorated China oilers
these advantages. We have 14
patterns in China and Semi-Por
celain for you to select from,
and sell by the
Set or Single Piece
Chas. M. Wilson's
5 and fOc Store
Carry a Full Line of Five
Cent and Ten Cent Goods
Also all kinds ol household utensils, at the lowest
possible prices. We also handle Ladies’ Combs, Neck
wear, Hair Goods, etc. Call and see us.
Shield's Variety Store
W. Side Stone Street, Opera House Blk. Falfs City, Neb.
Oklahoma Land Bargains
Located on the Santa Fe Railroad, in a fine agricultural district
half way between Enid and Guthrie. We have 5 churches, 2 banks
with one-quarter million deposits, fine brick school building and
good twelve grade school. We are second to none in the raising
of wheat, corn, oats, cotton and fruit. The average rain fall for
the past seven years has been (37) inches.
If you are looking for a home, or an investment, this section
of the state offers you the very best inducements. Wite us for in
formation, or better come and see.
160 acres—3' 2 miles from town, 130 acres under cultivation;
30 acres in pasture. Good five room house, good orchard, two wells
of good water, barn for six horses, granary room for 1,000 bush
els. 40 acres fall wheat, 7 acres hog-tight. Pice $40 per acre.
We Have Land from $20 Per Acre Up
160 acres—120 acres in cultivation, 40 acres in pasture. Good
six room house, small barn and granary, plenty of good water,
This is fine alfalfa land and is a bargain at $50 per acre.
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