The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 29, 1909, Image 5

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    Royal Baking Powder is the
^greatest of time and. labor
, A savers to the pastry cook.
%j Economizes flour, butter
and eggs and makes the
i food digestible and healthful
Makes most healthful food
J No alum — no lime phosphates
The only baking powder made
from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
_ r
What Your Friends and Their
Friends Have Been Doing
the Past Week.
—Eat Sowle’s Candy.
—Dr. Wilson. Wahl’s building.
—See Clarence Heck for oil meal.
—The Candy Kitchen for brick ice
When you want to sell poultry, call
up phone 164. 40-3t
See Clarence Heck for your coal
this fall, Phone 101.
Dave Branin returned Friday from
the Houston land drawing.
Mrs. Dr. Willie and daughter of
Reserve were in this city Monday.
—For Sale—125 steers, large and
small—H. 1. Hunt, Falls City, Neb.
,1. II Judy of Fabetha was over
Friday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Miss Anita Wilson will go to Hia
watha Friday and will remain over
Mrs. Frank Knickerbocker is again
at work on the News after a two
months’ vacation.
Miss Ruth Lewis left Monday tor
Lincoln where she will spend some
time with friends.
John Rule who lias been visiting
his brother, Rob. left Saturday for
Lancaster, Kansas.
Mrs. W. C. Sloan and two sons of
Verdon spent Sunday in Ibis city with
the former’s parents.
Mrs. \V. B. Julian returned Sunday
from her visit with her sister, Mrs.
D. L. McCoy, in Hiawatha.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Miles moved
Monday into the Miles cottage just
vacated by Guy Greenwald.
Miss Hazel White will go to Hia
watha Friday to attend a dancing
party. She will return Sunday.
Dallas Yoder and wife are the
proud parents of a baby girl who
came to their home Sunday morning.
Miss Jeanette Weller came from
Stella to attend the recital Monday
evening. She was a guest of Mrs. J.
R. Cain.
Lloyd Shatter returned on thurs
day from his trip to California. On
his return he spent a few days in
Lincoln with friends.
Mrs. Day of Long Beach, Cal., was
a guest of the family of J. R. Cain,
having come down from Stella Mon
day to assist with the recital at the
Christian church.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cain, Jr., were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cain
the first of the week. Mrs. Cain
assisted in the recital Monday night
for the benefit of the church build
ing fund.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McDowell and
mother, Mrs. Ilnchol McDowell, re
turned last Saturday from a ten
weeks’ visit through Wyoming, Mon
tana and the Northwest. They visit
ed several relatives, attended the ex
■ position and took about all the coast
j sightseeing trips worth taking. They
j enjoyed a fine trip, and Charlie says
j he is now ready to get busy in the
I cornfield and break all previous re<
i ords shucking corn.
—Free government homesteads iti
| Montana. Fertile soil, mild climate
and good markets. Lands produce
40 bushels winter wheat and all
kinds of small grains and grasses in
abundance. Also deeded land from
?5 up, on easy terms. Addess In
gram Cain, Choteau. Mom. Ll-2t
Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson re
turned Sunda) from their extended
stay on the Pacific roast. The early
part of their trip took them through
Oregon, but most of the past year
has been spent in Washington,
Cosmopolis, being their headquarters.
The C. E. Society of the Presby
terian church will give a Hallo’een
party at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Wahl on Friday evening.Oct
29th. Everybody invited. The admis
sion fee will be 10 cents.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm Kentopp and Mi
and Mrs. Carl Huthman went to
Omaha Sunday to buy house fixtures
and furniture for the Huthman res
luomas llall was down lroin \er
don Saturday. We understand he will
soon locate in Lincoln for the pur
pose of practicing law.
Mrs. George Jennings went (o Stel
la Friday to visit relatives. Mr.
Jennings went up Sunday and came
home with her.
John Gilligan was down from Ne
braska City Friday. He was looking
after business connected with the
district court.
Peter Kaiser and wife returned Fri
day evening from a short visit to
their daughter. Mrs. Harnack, at
Hiawat ha.
Misses Agnes and Margaret Mr
Kiever spent Sunday in Dawson with
Miss Mina Tiehen.
.1. K. Liggett was down from Bur
cliard on business in the district
court last Friday.
Miss Ethel Pecht is assisting in the
post office during the absence of
Claude Roe.
Rev. Bailey returned Thursday
tram a trip lo Lincoln and Miu
den. Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis return
ed Saturday from a short visit (o
O. L. Bantz and O. A Cooper were
down from Humboldt Friday.
Miss May Maddox made a business
trip to Lincoln Saturday.
—Buy rock salt, barrel and sack
salt at C. A. Heck’s. 43-tf
Wm. Butterfield was down from
Humboldt Friday.
—Call on C. A. Heck for coal and
The Old Reliable Jeweler and Optician
■■■■ ' 4
We invite inspection of our stock of clocks as it ca-riot be ex
celled in good selectiqji, completeness and mooerat* pricts.
Varlor Cloche
Large, small, plain and fancy, in all colors from the white enam
el to the hand finished solid mahogany and gilded clocks.
$5.00 and Up
Bed 'Room ClocKs
We have just received a new line of gilded clocks that would
be a fit ornament for any bed-room.
$1.25 and Up
Kitchen Clocks
Are for use, but ours are ornamental also. We have nothing that
you cannot be proud to have in you kitchen.
$3.00 and Up
_/Harm ClocK^
That will not only wake you up in the morning, tut will keep
good time. Every one guaranteed.
$100 and Up
Besides these we have on hand, clocks of all styles, tor all pur
poses, such as motor clocks, clocks for the office, schorl-room, etc.
A. E.
:J„ Opposite Postoffice. Falls City, Neb
iLj__ I ■ ■
I %
i —Get your wood and coal of C. A.
Heck. 43-tf
I Manley Edgecomh was up from Rtt
i lo Saturday.
Mrs. Mobely of Slmbert was shop
ping here Saturday.
—Get your chickens some poultry
shells at Heck’s feed store. 43-tf
Ernest Port- of Humboldt had busi
ness in Falls City Tuesday.
Dr. C. T. Burchard returned Sat.
da.v from a trip to Chicago.
John Crook left Thursday for Ho
bart, Okla., on a business trip.
Miss Winnie Ryan was down from
Dawson between trains Saturday.
Miss Ida ltuegge is one of the new
clerks at tlie Matthews-Kittle store.
Martin Ztmtner and wife were down
from Verdon the latter part of the
The Misses Kelly of Shubert were
down Friday evening for the l> of l.
Miss Nellie Jennings went to Sa
lem Saturday to visit over Sunday
with frit mis.
Col. James Powell came home on
Friday from a week's hunting trip up
in the bluffs.
Mrs. Sue E. De\\ aid is very sick,
suffering from asthma and other
Fred E. Schmitt has installed a
fine new meat chopper in his meat
market this week.
Mias Ella Boost came down from j
Verdon and spent tummy at her;
home in this city.
Mrs. Edith Baxter returned to her!
duties at Dilin.r’s store, after an!
absence of a 'veck.
Boh Wright i turned Thursday to
his K. lisas City home, after a two |
mouths' visit here.
Mrs. Juh Km gg and little dangle
ter returned Friday from a visit with I
relatives in Humboldt.
.Mrs. Clannce Voder and Mrs.1
Schrck of Morrill, Kas . visited the
family of Rev'. Voder Friday.
Airs. Helen A. Martin and (laugh
ter, .Miss Helen, went to Council
Bluffs, In., Monday to visit relatives.
Airs. Hazel Davidson returned on
Monday to her home in Kansas City,
liter a few weeks' visii with friends
Airs. C. T. Burchard returned Sat
urday from a short visit to Atchison,
Kas., where he went to attend the
marriage of hot niece.
John W. Towle was down from
Omaha the latter part of the week
looking after business matters. lie
visited his parents over Sunday.
—Nebraska’s choicest corn and
alfalfa lands for sale from $75 to
$'S5 per acre. Send for free list—
Nitler & Honriehs, Fairbury, Neb.
Mr. a ml Mrs. Silas P. Gist of Sa
lem, Mr. and Mrs Hay Gist and Mrs.
A. E. Tucker of Humboldt spent Sun
day with Mr. anil Mrs. Guy Gfoen
Tin re will if preaching at the
Brethren church on Saturday ev< ning
preparatory to the communion service
on Sunday evening. Tim regular si r
vices will be belli on Sunday morn
Hut'us Wall! and wife ol Somerset,
Pa., are visiting bis brothers, Harvey
and Samuel, in this city. Mr. Wahl
is a much larger man in stature than
either of his brothel's, but resembles
Harvey in countenance very much.
Our time-honored friend, T. ('.
Cunningham of Verdun was a pleas
ant caller Tuesday. While here lie
took occasion to renew his faith in
The Tribune by paying his own sub
scription and for a copy to a friend.
Master Freeman Wellington Hun
lin of Niagara Falls, N. Y„ arrived
Fiday to spend some time with his
aunt, Mrs. B. F. Morgan. The little
fellow is only eight years old and
made the trip by himself to St.
Joseph where Mr. Morgan met him.
Frank Peek is becoming popular
as a young auctioneer and assists in
the following thoroughbred stock
sales: W. H. Holt, January 12, cattle
sale; hog sale on Feb. 16. Frank
is thoroughly reliable and will give
yon his very best effort.
—We have rich and fertile agricul
tural lands within 20 miles of Denver
at from $10 to $15 per acre. Easy
terms, investigate, do it now.—S, D.
Forsythe, 1734 Weltou St., Denver,
Col., with Colorado Land Headquar
ters. 4l-3t.
FOR SALE—A nice six room cot
tage, lights, water, cement walks, cel
lar, barn, coal house, and three lots.
Located one block from court house
and in splendid shape, a model
house. Price $2,500. Inquire at this
office. 41-tf
Gagnon vs. Scott
John Gagnon has been in the
county judge’s office since “the
Lord knows when.” “Dick” James
tried to pry him loose, and would
have succeeded had it not been that
fin.; “program of the bosses" couidu l
see it that way. The machine was
busy, as is evidenced by the vote
at Barada—James 0, Gagnon 31—and
James, a “young aspirant, had no
place in tin! ring.” “The program
of the bosses” is that Gagnon should
eat at the public crib the rest of his
natural life. What about “always an
office holder?”
A. It. Scott has NOT held an elect
ive office for eighteen years. Scott
is a good, honest, upright man, and
justice would be meted out by him,
if lie were elected, regardless of
enemy or friend, lie is NOT owned,
body and soul, by ANY clique.
Boston Ideal Comic Opera Co. Coming
An exceptionally strong cast. a
wealth of beautiful costumes, pretty
girls and funny comedians are
among the promises made concerning
“The Boston Ideals” which conn s to
the Oohling opera house. This is the
same company that created such a
stir in theatrical circles lately. In
deed the company has scored such a
triumph that numerous reasons have
been advanced why the performances
have been so well attended and crit
ics have endeavored to discover the
cause of their popularity. The real
secret to success, however, is due to
the clever cast and the capable man
ner in which all their operas are
staged. And the Boston Ideal Co.
which will be presented here is one
requiring elaborate costuming and it
is said the requirements have been
filled to the letter. One night only,
Fiday, October 29 in “Said Basha."
Quality First
iMM— ■—!■■■ IWI llill— I———
"THERE S a good deal more to
■ a suit of clothes than simply
a certain amount of cloth put
Copyright 1909
The 1 tou»e ot Kuppenhemer
You want good quality first of
all; then you want right style—
the collar and lapels, the length
and drape of the coat must be
right—strictly right.
We offer you the best clothes
made; the best styles; the greatest vari
ety of fabrics and models. We offer you
the greatest possible value for your
clothes money.
We make a specialty of selling good
clothes, because they are really econom
ical. While they cost more than poor
clothes, they are worth more than they
cost. We sell good clothes as a service
to you as well as a profit to us. You'd bet
ter have a look at these good clothes of
ours; we have a suit and overcoat style
for every taste; colors, patterns, weaves
and models that satisfy all comers.
f ..1
^ MUS wrx
I ■