The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 22, 1909, Image 8

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    Henry G. Smith
l J
r ^
240 acres well impr-jv-1. 1* mi es rr De,.-, u, K (4 >.«■ - • ,>• ^ Best of terms \\ i l a s e
Ml acres as part payment, balance 1 r time at low .uteres:
200 acres l'i miles fromdepc. iiichardsi n ouuty. rasa u<>nd buildings and .it'd ''ill
take 40 or 80 acres as part pay mm.:
100 acres upland, 1 mile I to in depot. Richardson county. bcoiusaa. illi.Ouu
160 acres Johnson county. Nebraska s; osls to church and school. Best of terms. Jlight rent.
107 acres near Brownville, Nebraska
80 acres 4i-mile from Falls <4:tv nigh school
040 acres, $8,000 improvements Alsu U+ acres adjoining. Will take UK)acres a- part payment.
Fine running water. A No 1 opp >: ‘ .i ;i*
Monev to loan
What Your Friends and Their
Friends Kav/e Been Doing the
Past Week
- Try the honey und eocoauut kis
s' at the Candy Kitchen
-Klondike and Yum Yum are
something now at the Candy
VV. It Putnam has been on the.
sick list tlie past week, but Is now
Dr. Wilson returned from Wichita,
Has., where he was called profession
ally last week.
S. M. Philpot was down from lluni
boldt Saturday and made this office j
u pleasant call.
Mr. and Mrs. Fninierson Mowers of
Verdon were down Friday night for
' The Mine Mouse."
—Don’t thow that old suit away!
Take it to Stanley Stump and have
It cleaned and pressed. 38-tf
Mrs. Hull of Hiawatha came over
Friday and visited over Sunday with
Mrs. Charles Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ourieo went to
Reserve Tuesday night to attend the
Royal Neighbor banquet
Col. Powell is taking a much need
ed vacation and is resting in camp
uii in the bluffs this week.
J. I* Gilman was called to Ne
braska City Monday on account of
the death of his son. Clint Gilman.
Mrs. T. J. (iist returned Friday
from Lincoln, where she attended the
state federation ow Womans clubs
Charles Nims, John Shroyer and
Oscar Leach arc Jurors from the
west end attending court Hiih week.
Mr. and Mrs. F. I). 10vans of Lin
coln were down the last of the week
for n visit with their daughter. Mrs.
T. .1. Oliver.
Mr. and Mrs. Flemming Robb of
Verdon visited Dr. D. (). Griffiths and
wife last Friday and attended "The
Mine Mouse."
Jean Cain took Ills sister, Mrs.
Julian, over to Hiawatha in the car
Tuesday. They visited their slater,
Mrs. McCoy.
\ goodlv portion of H>. O. F.
No. 3t> of this city tire in Lincoln this
week watching the team put on the
first d glee before the grand lodge
i^l doing what they can to procure
the select lop of V F Gantt for grand
secret ur>
Jennie !i t’yle. Plaintiff.
' s
Edward S Pyle, Defendant
To Edward S. Pyle, non-resident de
fendant :
k on are hereby notified tlial the
plaintiff, Jennie R. Pyle, did on the
'■>ih da; <T July. 1909, file her pcti
t ion in I he district court of Uiehardsni
county, state of Nt braska, the ob
ject an I prayer of which is to obtain
a decree of divorce from the bonds
of matrimony now existing between
her and you upon the grounds of de
sertion for more than two years con
tinuously and for non-support during
said tittle, and praying for u further
decree giving her the custody of the
two children named in her petition
us the fruit of said marriage who arc
both minois and of tender age.
You are further notified that said
pa i'''1 has naked in iter said pelt
foil unit ini' conn grant an order of
sequestra ten oi certain real estate
uwu-d by you in Klehurdsou County,
Nebraska, mwlf part of the north
easi quartet of the northeast quarter
of Sectii n 2(* Town 1, Range 17, con
taining about twelve acres, and a fin
al decree assigning said real estate
to her for her support and that of
her children and that the decree mak
ing such assignment si.all stand as a
conveyance of your title therein to
tin1 piaintiff, Jennie R. Pyle, and a
further prayer for such other and
further relief as plaintiff may be
entitled to, agreeable lo the equities
(if her case.
You are further notified that unless
you plead, answer or demur to the
petition of plaintiff filed in said cause
on or before the 10th day of Decem
ber. 1909, the same will lit* taken as
confessed and a decree entered in
favor of plaintiff accordingly. Tills
publication is made by authority of
the district court of Richardson i utility
grant 'd on October JOtli. 1909.
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
first publication Oct. J1—4t
Poultry, Butter & Eggs
at the New Grocery Store, one-half
block north, one-half block west of
Falls City Roller Mills.
Hens . 10 l-2c.
Springs 10 l-2c.
Old Roosters 3 l-2c.
Good Table Butter 25c.
Fresh Eggs. 20c.
Above prices good for Friday, Sat
urday. Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 22,
23~24 and 25, 1809
John Hermes
Phone 164
Hoarseness in a child subject to
croup is a sure indication of the ap
proach of ttn> disease. If Chamber.
Iain's Cough Remedy is given at once
or even after the croupy cough has
appeared, it will prevent the att ck.
Contains no poison. Sold bj ail drug
Christain Church.
There will be the regular services
<ii the Christian church next Sun
day iis follows:
!•:4"» Prayer and Devotional.
10:00 Song service, led by orchestra.
10:20 Bible School.
10: fill- Reports.
II lo Echoes of the Greatest Com
munion service ever held.
7:.'!0 p. in -Song service.
8:00 p. in. Address "A Great Plea
by a Great People."
The pastor and his wife returned
from Pittsburg this week and will be
glad to meet jill the members and
friends at the church next Sunday.
We are now entering a state eon
teat in practical Bible School work.
You can help build up a great school.
Come and bring your friends. Be a
booster |.’ ELLSWORTH DAY.
Mr and Mrs 1). M Davies and
sons spent Tuesday with Mrs. Davies’
parents near Y'erdon.
Kltner Hos' lton and wit'.- of 1 Vs.
tot) wefe shopping here Friday.
Kdwin Falloon returned Thursday
night from a trip down in Kansas
•Misses Blanch Hurt Lein McCray
left Wednesday for Lincoln for a visit
with relatives.
Carl Buthmnn and wife moved litis
week into llieir elegant new home
on North stone street.
Miss Mary Freiherghouse. wiio has
been under the doctor's care here
for some time, returned Wednesday
to her home in Salem.
Mrs. Soulherland of San Francis
co is in die city this week arrang
ing for a lecture soon to be given
by Mrs. Abbott of Omaha.
Mr and Mrs. Guy Greenwald are
moving this week Into the Neal res
idence on North Stone street, re
cently vacated by Lloyd Giannini and
Vrgii Falloon returned Friday from
tt three weeks' visit in Milford, York
and with the university bunch in
Lincoln. He says he is In fine shape
now to husk corn.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Greenwald
have left Mitchell, S. Dak., for a sltor
time and will live on a claim they
have taken near Hixby. There is a
party of people front Mitchell, who
have made a settlement in the same
John Sims of Dawson was attend
ing court this week. He will keep
posted on county affairs hereafter
though the medium of The Tribune.
Tom Davies. Milt Bohrer. Ernest
Gagnon and Walt Saylor left Wednes
day night for Aberdeen, S. Dak , to
register for the t>ig land drawing.
Miss Helen Resterer returned Sat
urday from an extended visit with
her sister, Mrs. Frank Greemvald at
Mitchell, S Dak.
Mr and Mrs. George Hall and "ul.'
daughter, Nellie Weaver and Gamma
and John Hall were down front Ver
dun Wednesday.
Mrs. Anna Steidley of Ft. Collins.
Col., came home with her father,
Francis Shaffer, last Friday for tut
extended visit. ,
Mrs Clara Neal and Mr. and Mrs.
l.loyd Giannlni moved the latter part
of last week into Mrs. Neal’s new
Claude Roe is enjoying a vacation
front the post-office, and last Friday
went to St. Joseph to visit friends.
Robert Wills, who has been visit
ing It. F Morgan and family, left on
Monday for his home in Lincoln.
M. J. Schalble and wife and Miss
Anna Saylor spent last Sunday with
I relatives in Morrill, Kas.
—Did you notice the fresh salted
almonds in the Candy Hitcher win
dow? They are fine.
Frank Camblin got the fever and
went to Aberdeen last Fridav, return
ing Tuesday.
See Clarence Heck for your coal
this fall. Phone 101
Mrs. Todd Hoppe was up from
1 Preston Friday
Al Heinzelman was down from
Verdon Wednesday.
frank Scliaible took tlic afternoon
train for Lincoln Wednesday.
K. O. Lewis left Wednesday for
Hanover, Kansas on a business visit.
Mr. and Mrs. (Jus Haller of Gorden,
Neb., are guests of Mr. and Mrs f\
Air. and Mrs. (Jeorge Elliott, who
\ isited Harry Will and wife over Sun
day. returned to St, Joseph Tuesday.
Mr and Mrs. Oarth Mettz, return
ed Friday to their home jn Newkirk.
Okla., after enjoying a visit of a
week with friends and relatives in
this city.
The friends of Miss Jennie Pow
ell will be pleased to know she has
accepted a position in Tin- post office
at Gorden. Neb.
Airs. ( hester Fisher and children
lied this week that her claim for pen
sion as soldier’s widow had been al
lowed Her friends congratulate her
upon the success in obtaining it,
Miss Nettie Ellis and little nephew.
Roy Rranntgan, who have been visit
ing Mr. and Mrs. Jim Powell, re
turned Wednesday to their h'oim in
Airs. Chester Firsher and children
of Olathe, Col . t ame down from Ne
braska City, where they have been
visiting the family of F W Cleve
land, and are visiting Air. Fisivr's
parents. <;. W. Fi?her and wife.
Poland China Sale.
I will sell at Chapman's yard in
Falls City, October 30, 22 males, 22'
gilts, 1 herd boar, 1 sow with pigs,:—j
John Rieschlck. 42-2t
"Once an office holder, always an
office holder, Is the policy they try
10 force down the throats of the
people. The gang don’t want to take
.chances on new timber.”—Falls City
I News, Sept. 15, 1905.
Maybe there is something to it.
We’re inclined to think there is. it'
the present democratic ticket is any
j criterion.
John Mulchings served on the
county hoard, then the clerk’s office
"looked good" to him. He • now
lias his envious eye upon the treas
urer's office. What about “always
an office holder?”
George Reichers 1ms NEVER held
a county office in ills forty years res
idence here. And we defy anyone to
tell us one GOOD reason why he
should not be elected treasurer. He
is honest; and when it comes to abil
i ity, his' is second to none in the
George Morris has been in the
court house for six years and now
wants the clerk’s office. What about
“always an office holder?”
Roy Daggett, the republican nomi
nee for the office of county clerk,
lias NEVER held an elective office
in the county. His ability is not
questioned, even by tiie opponents.
Ho has had more than his share of
bad luck tlie past few years, too,
and the clerk’s office would be ap
preciated by him. Why not elect
Him ?
Joint Gagnon has been in the
county judge's office since "the
Lord knows when.” “Dick" James
tried to pry him loose, and would
have succeeded had it. not been that
the “program of the bosses" couldn’t
see it that way. The machine was
busy, as is evidenced by the vote
at Barada—Janies 0, Gagnon 3L—and
James, a “young aspirant, had no
place in the ring." “The program
of tile bosses” is that Gagnon should
eat at the public crib the rest of his
natural life. What about “always an
office holder?”
A. R. Scott has NOT held an elect
ive office for eighteen years. Scott
is n good, honest, upright man, and
justice would be meted out by him,
if he were elected, regardless of
enemy or friend. He is NOT owned,
body and soul, by ANY clique.
YV. T. Fenton has been sheriff for
four years. The “program of the
bosses" injected some of the "al
ways an office holder" ideas into him,
| and poor “Billie” allowed his name to
I go on the democratic ticket for a
I third term.
YV. H. Fergus 'has NOT held an
elective office in this county for six
teen years. Mr. Fergus was sheriff
I of Richardson county at one time,
j years ago, and made as good a slier
| iff as tho'couiity could wish for. Why
not elect him?
L. C. Edwards ha.; held the record
er’s office for four ytars. lie wants
four more.
F. M. Boss has NEVER held ail i
elective office in the county. That
he is qualified for the office, there
is no doubt. Whv not give him a
T. J. Oliver lias been in the
court house as county superintend
ent several terms, offhand on—-on
long enough to get the habit, "once
an office holder, always an office
A. D. Sargent, the republican nom
inee, has the qualifications for the
office of county superintendent. He’s
a “young aspirant” and lias NEVER
held an elective office in the county.
Taken altogether, which do you
want? A ticket selected “according
to the program of the bosses,” by
the bosses and for the bosses? A
ticket composed of "once tin office
holder, always an office holder" ma
terial? Or, a ticket composed of
“New aspirants,” qualified in every
way for ttie office to which they
seek, and not owned by any one
set or clique?
You. Mr. Voter, will he the judge.
Worth Thinking
"Every dollar put by today comes
to you as a gift tomorrow.”
"Those who save soon cease (o
“'Get' is a good servant, but
Keep' is a better one."
"Of all glad words of pen or
tongue, the gladdest are these
— I saved when young."
“The greatest pay streak is the
saving streak."
“A dollar in the bank does you
more good than a hundred
Get one of those'JVest Pocket
Savings Banks at
Falls City State
And commence the sating habit now
■ i ■im«aiiaiB m !■■■■■■ ■ - iii i—■— ■ ii i i a, -- . n—- tt im r n i 11 r i - I ~ - ‘
_____ —-r ---
youf; last chance
to pay your respects to the da
i j
partad is the erection of a mon
ument to their memory. Before
placing your order let us quote
you prices Our works arid our j
prices have always given satis
faction. The above, with many
other artistic and up-to-date de
signs now in stock. ,
Call or write for designs and
Falls City
Marble Works !
Established I SSI F. A. R. A. NEiTZEL, M^rs.
There’s A Reason
There’s a reason tor doiny a!t thinys. The “reason’' in this
case for vour yiviny us your
Grain, Flour and Feed
business, is that O-U-A-L I-T Y is our most important watch
word. When you yet it have it of the first quality. Free
delivery to all parts of the city. We are located
Just West Falls Citv Auto Co.
Aldrich & Portrev
| Pressed Stone and Brick Co.
W. H. PUTNAM & SONS, Props.
‘ We manufacture and carry in stock a f u 1 • line of‘Cement
> Blocks, Brick, Tile and Plain and Fancy Trimmings,
which we would he pleased to show and price sou before you
| place your order elsewhere. We also wholesale and retail
Sand, Cement and Crushed Rock
We are agents for the Boelt’S Concrete Mixer Visitors al
ways welcome at our yards. Located on tlie
2 Blocks from Burlington Depot FALLS CITY, NEB,
> 'Nfr S S.S S ‘S' SS S'* S' S' «■ S, S'S' SS.S/*
I am trying to make a
date with
They tell me he is strictly up-to
date and well posted on all classes
of domestic animals and also farm
property in general.
He can certainly please you, as he has had s xteen years expe
rience. He is also from Missouri, and if given the opportunity will
“SHOW YOU"- results.
or TELEGRAPH (at my exponse
Phones 168-131-216 Falls City. Neb. |