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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1909)
The County in General The “Doings” of Our Country Friends and Neighbors. RULO Roy Williams spent Sunday in Fort CSC IK , Mo. Hope Ward returned to Cambridge Sunday morning Mrs. C. J. Huber was quite ill the first of the week. Mrs. Hosford returned from Kan sas City last week Dr. Richardson of Si. Joseph was a Rtllo visitor last week Mary Murphy visited last week at . Mrs. Emily Fisher died at her home northwest of Halo Monday. Mrs. Charles Tagney is visiting rel ieves ni Fails Cil > I Ills neck. Mrs. J. I Caverr.agle was a Falls City visitor one day hist week Newt Hosford returned from Seat tic where he attended the fair A. L. Miller of W yin ore was n Ruin visitor Tuesday afternoon Frank Simon made a business trip to St Joseph one day last week, Mrs Mary i’ltitnb returned to her home in Lees Summit, Monday Frank Simon has opened a harness shop in the rear of ills hardware Cecil Family came down from Sa lem Saturday to visit home folks Mrs Clyde Anbury of St Joseph visited her parents here this week Mrs. H. S. Dunn of Diller visited last week with Mrs. John Hopkins George Iloerner and wife spent Sunday with relatives in Missouri W. A Marcum returned Iasi week from a visit with relatives in Kan sas. J. C Hinkle and wife visited with his son’s family in Rule, one day last week. Llins Puckett came from Nebraska City Saturday to spend Sunday with his family. Clyde Anbury returned to Si Joe Tuesday after a short visit wilh Ritlo friends. Mrs Mae Lelilam and Utile grand daughter spent a few days in Kansas City last week Mr. and Mrs Rinehart of Smith Center, Kansas visited with Rule relatives last week Humphrey ICdgecomb returned from Kansas City the first of the week. His wife is taking medical treatment i here. Ed Fills relumed from St. Joseph the last of the week llis liltle dan Kilter Is still in the hospital but Is getttrig along nicely Mrs, Susan Holes on her way from Hroek to Kansas Cily, stopped off in Rillo a few days While here she disposed of the rest of her household goods at public auction A crowd of friends surprised Mrs. Emma McVey by gathering at her home to spent the evening They *ook with them oysters and othc good things lo eat. The guests all enjoyed a pleasant evening C. It. Klugcr, 1 ho Jeweler, 1060 Vir ginia Avo., lndiiuiupolis, lml , writes: 1 was go weak from kidney trouble that I could hardly walk a hundred loot. Four bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy chared my complexion, cur ed my backache and the irregular ities disappeared, and 1 can now at tend to business every day and recoin wend Foley's Kidney Remedy to all sufferers, ns it cured me after the doctors and other remedies had fail ed." Kerr’s pharmacy WILLIAMSVILLE. I. A. Dunn went to Falls City Fri day. Joseph Sthawang and latnily spent at t\ (ierwick. John Feicht attended the tinnter1 in Falla City Friday night. Miss Katie (Ierwick and cousin. Nora. \s. ut to Falls City Friday Jesse and Biigenc Dunn spent Sun-1 day a!term on a F id. Dull •r's, R. J. Dunn ami family leave moved j from Ilarada to their farm near here, j John Martin and wife of Barada; spout Sunday at the home of K K i ,iti r. Ja ob Arnold and wife spent Sat e-day and Sunday at the home of Ati i.-i t:.- dianlt mar Salem. ■hi, n .. Li of this place and Fred Rockwell of Shuhort spent Sunday » m n K. ;, I , .hi family. N A. Arnold and wife spent Sat urday H..J S. nluy with the former’s uncle, A.must Uehluirdt. near Salem. Rev, hike pivaiued his farewell lermou it Faradn Sunday, lie was a guest of the home of K. K. Butler. Misses Nota and Tillie Oerweek returned to their home in Beut'riee. after spending it week with relti j lives here. Tim infant .Uhl of Win. ILrbsLu ot' near V'erdon, who died Sunday, was burled here Monday from tiiei German Lutheran church. Foley’s Honey and Tar clears the &\r passages, stops the irritation in throat, soothes the inflamed mem branes, and the most obstinate cough disappears. Sore and inflamed lungs are healed and strengthened, and the cold is expelled from the system. Re fuse any but the genuine in the yel low package. Kerr’s Pharmacy. Feeding Farm Hands. Every farmer's wife knows w hat tre mendous appetites farm hands usually have: but while they eat well they work well. too. Here's a good suggestion about feed ing farm hands. Give them plenty of Quaker Oats. A big dish of Quaker Oats porridge with sugar and cream or milk is the greatest break fast in the world for a man who needs vigor and strength for a long day’s work. The man that eats Quaker Oats plentifully and often is the man who does good work without excessive fa tigue. There is a sustaining quality in Quaker Oats not found in other foods, and for economy it is at the head of the list. Resides the regular size packages Quaker Oats is packed in large size family packages, with and without china. K STELLA. Grant Smith visited Stella relatives I Sunday Mrs. Win. Fainter is quite ill with spinal trouble. Willis Hinkle of Verdou attended the funeral of his niece Saturday. Max Keefer entertained ills moth er, from Lincoln the first of the week Miss Nellie McCray visited in Stel la Sunday with S. It. Ft -ed and wii Mr. and Mrs M. K, Knapp of Ne niaha were Stella visitors la t Friday. Mrs W. H. Wheeler is enjoying n visit from hei; mot In ; Mr- Caskey, of I'awnee Cily Mr, and Mrs Lang of Madia,m Win eonstll are visiting the letter's sister. Mrs. 1*3, .Mound, Sr Mrs, Sam Johnson of Kansas City is visiting at the homes of her sons. Charles and Frank Mrs. less Drown of Falls City at tended the funeral of her little niece at this place Saturday Mrs K. Wheeler vislftd friends ill Falls City last week, and saw the " I line Mouse" Friday night Leslie Armstrong and wife of Vn Imrn visited a couple of days Iasi week with Dr James and wife. Mrs, Laura Allen and children of Omaha returned home Iasi Friday after visiting Stella relatives for a moat h Mrs, I K Kellners and little son, lOdwnrd, are visiting her brother, Charles Holdorf ni Leavenworth, Kansas <i, F. Ailor and wife drove to Au burn Saturday and vlslied over Sun day with tlieir daughter-in-law. .Mrs. F I). Ailor and children. Mrs. .Mattie Clint* and Miss Maude Newel of Colorado Springs arrived Saturday for a visit with their eons-1 In, Mrs. Frank Withee and other rel atives. Goorge Kush of Kansas City ar rived Sunday for a visit with his sis ter. Mrs L. G Cipher. Ills wife who had been here for a couple of weeks accompanied him home Tuesday. Henry Gentry, wife and baby went to Verdun Saturday to visit over Sunday with Mrs. Gentry's parents. Ed Gebhardt and wife. Mr and Mrs. C H. Gentry went out and looked after the farm in their absence. Postmaster Overman and wife mov ed lust week into tin1 room vacated i by the telephone company. This makes it much more convenient for caring for Mrs. Overman's mother. Mrs. S A. Thomas, who makes her home wit 1 v them. The l» of II held a called meeting j on Monday afternoon in honor of the grand chief of honor. Mrs.Ma.vme Cleaver of Neloiglt. There was a large number of members present ami after a very interesting talk from llie grand chief or honor.refreshments were served. Marguerite,tlie little seven months old daughter of Mr. and \lrs. Scott Hinkle died Friday morning, after an illness of only one week She suf Cored from bowel trouble, terminal in in spinal trouble. She had al ways been a delhute child and had not the strength to endure the sttf feting long The funeral was held tit the family residence, one mile west of Stella Saturday afternoon and • lie remains were buried in I he Stella eeim tery. If the people with symptoms of kidney and bladder trouble could realize their danger they would with out loss of time commence taking Foley's Kidney Uomedy. This groat remedy stops the pain and the irreg ularities, strengthens and builds up these organs and there is no danger of Plight's disease or other serious disorder. Do not disregard the early symptoms. Kerr's Pharmacy. OHIO. l.olu Sturms was the guest of Mr. it. Iteuehy Sunday. Otis Spickler and wife visited tiny .’eiity and wife Sunday Karl Stiaffer and wife drove up to Salem Friday on business. Mrs \ Klshire and son. Klnnr, were Shuhcrt visitors Sunday. Francis Slmffer spent last Friday with his son, Frank and family. Key. Zike and family left for their whore she went to visit her father. | Mrs McCann and two children! 3P'*nt Sunday with Mrs. II. A. Iiurk. vlrs. Zentner and children return “d home last week from 'Palmage, Funk Siialli i and wife spent Sun day afti•-i non in Falls City with rela tives. '"fferson Zik. and family moved to York, where Mr Zike will attend school. ■Kuhn I lurk, Sr., and wife came up from Itulo Sntuiday to visit their i liildnn. Mrs. il M Steidly of Ft Collins, Col . is hoie for a visit with relatives and friends. Ferry Shaffer and wife spent the lirst oi the week at Tom .leuuison's ninth (if town. Inn ' Smith returned to Auburn Sunday after a few days spent with Mrs II Beachy. The children of F. S. Kichtv and wife, who are suffering with the sear let fever, are improving. Fred Chesley and wife of Falls City spent Sunday with the latter's parents, O. A Burk and wife, new home at Broken Bow Monday. MV are sorry to see them go, but our loss is Broken Bow's gain. Mr Shaffer,Mrs. Steidley and Miss Myrtle Bowers were guests of Frank Shaffer and family Monday evening. Mrs. Maggie Dell of Lebanon.Kas., returned to her home Friday, after a visit of a few days with friends in this community, ’ Lloyd Kuisoly and family returned home Monday from Peru where they spent a few days visiting with Mrs Knisely’s parents, Francis Stump, wife and daughter, Mrs. C. Phillipi, and Mrs. Maggie Pell spent last Thnrsdav at the home of Perry Shaffer. Kuima Watzol spent a few days of last week with her parents, and as sisted them in moving to their now home in Falls City, FALLS CITY, NEB. , Oct, 30 - ■ —-! will be an ideal place tor a home; in tact they are tne linest hunch of lots we have ever offered for sale for a long time. \W will also otter for sale the Jacob Vogel 8-rooin house situated on 8 lots, the same being a part of the above tract. A GRLAI OPPORTUNITY. You had better invest a few spare dollars in good lots in I'alls Citv, and reap for yourself a handsome protit. The Missouri Pacific Division is now assured, work on same having already commenced, and the sooner you buy property in this city the greater will be your profit, for as soon as the division work is completed property will advance rapidly. Property will never be as cheap in Falls City as it is right now. * Remember, this sale will take place on the tract of land to be sold; so you will see just what you are buy - ing. Free hacks will be run from the city to the sale grounds. For information phone 168-216-131-449.^ ' TERMS HHtti gH LO I S—One-half cash, balance one and two years on secured notes at 6 per cent. On residence and Eioht Lots, one half cash; balance carried on the property live years at six per cent. I J. G. WHITAKER, Auctioneer H. B. WILLARD, Clerk Own a Denver Suburban Home T am tii\ idixig G40 acres into 40 :ind 80 acre tracts, to sell on easy payments. This is two miles from Brighton depot eighteen miles north Denver, thirty minute ride. Fine land, level, good soil. Lands joining improved, are very high in price. No water rights at the price, estimated j cost of pumping plant $400.00, suffi cient to irrigate 40 acres. Several tracts already spoken for. This is your opportunity. This land sliouhl more than double in short time. Price $32.50 per Acre 2720 acre ranch northeast of Mon La Vista,San I.uis Valley,Colo. Three sets buildings, fenced and cross feu red, all irrigated. 80 acres, cut hun Ireds of tous of hay. Over l.'O acres ilfalfa. Best hay, grain and stock ranch in the state, and the best bar rain At $30.00 per Acre A'o,iId accept part in Eastern Nebras <a land. H. E. DON CARLOS 307 Ideal Bid;:., Denver, Colo. I C. H. MARION I AUCTIONEER, 1 i =-- f Sales conducted in £ N A scientific and busi nesslike manner | I C. H. MARION | \ Falls Citv, Nebraska 1 i> * * „♦ • ‘'^vs£X*V$X5s<$>- ® *# ♦ Ill H M »■* I I IH4 I t II I I I I t + o 11 :: D. S. HcCarthy DRAY AND X TRANSFER ;; ■ I 11! ' | Prompt attention given j '' to the removal of house- j i ■ > ]1 hold goods. i , PHONE NO. 211 ■ Hll I 1 » » M I H F>. ROBERTS idein'tis'f Office over Kerr's Pharmacy Office Phvne'dthi Res', lence Phone 271 , The Mondell Homestead Lands We are receiving thousands of inquiries about the 320-acre free homestead lands available for settlers under the Mondell Act. These lands are located in eastern Colorado aud Wyoming along the Burlington. The great advantage of this new homestead law is that the settler is permitted to take up free. 320 acres instead of lbO acres, the larger tract being required under the new dry farming methods; northeastern Wyoming has from 10 to 21 inches of moist ure, and has produced some of the finest crops of small grains ever seen in the west I personally conduct excursions on the first and third Tuesdays of each month to these lands- Write me for special descriptive folders, literature, etc. IRRIGATED LANDS IN THE BIG HORN BASIN. These gov ernment irrigated lands are being fast taken up by settlers who realize the coming value of the Big Horn Basin lands in view of the railroad development in Central Wyoming. The United States Land and Irrigation Exposition at Chicago, Nov. 20th to Dec. 4th. will be of vital interest to the farmer. L). CLEM DEAVER, General Agent, Land Seekers Information Bureau. Omaha, Xrb. 1004 Farnam St., Omaha. Nebr. EDGAR R. MATHERS DENTIST' Phones: Nos. 177, 'J17 Sam’l. Wahl Building I DR. C. N. ALLISON DENTIST Phone 24' Over Richardson Countv Bank. FALLS CITY. NEBRASKA