The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 15, 1909, Image 4

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    The “Price Killers” Anri al Fall Opening Sale!
[Starts Saturday, October 9th — 19( --Ends Saturday, October 30th|
Will buy any
in the house.
Will buy a good
Black Petticoat
Worth of
Ladies', Misses’ and
10% Off
Will buy
18 lbs. good
Outinjj Flannel
Dark pattern for
for Comforts
That Fit
We handle the Roy
al W orcester Corset
one that fits every
sort of figure. I his
corset is accaratelv
cut and perfectly
made. W'e keep in
stock a complete
line, including all
si/es and styles.
CORS!: i
Fall Dress Goods
Our Dress Goods department invites competition—We have
a goody representation of all that’s new and desirable in Fall
Woolens. A trial trip of inspection will convince you that we
are the real Price Killers.
75c and 50c wool and mixed
suitings in plain and novelty
designs and colors. 36 to 44
inches wide—and a beautiful
range of patterns to select
Opening Sale Price_Jvlv
$1.00 Black French Ba
tiste at the OQ
Opening Sale.O/t
$1.00 Novelty Suitings in
cluding Greys, Browns, Reds
and Green—this goods is from
44 to 50 in. wide 70n
Opening Sale Price.... /
$1.00 Black Chiffon Pan
ama at the AA
Fall Opening Sale.O /C
$1.25 Black, Blue and Red
Mohair—46 inches wide and a
very serviceable fabric AA
Opening Sale Price ...O/L
$1.50 Blue Storm Serge—a
heavy cloth and just the fabric
for a driving coat * QO
Opening Sale Price. ... 7Ol->
A great many other dress
goods will be placed on special
sale during this month, but lim
ited space will not permit us
mentioning them.
Bearskin Coats
and Sets
For $1.98
we can sell you a good double
breasted Bearskin Coat—in
Bown, White, Blue, Red and
For $3.00
we can sell you a fine Curly
Bearskin Coat in all shades
and colors. 1
For $1.00
we can furnish you with leg
gins to nyitch.
$1.50 Will Buy
the Muff and Collarette to
match. We also carry caps to
match at 50c to $1.00.
Other Coats, for children, in
Possum, Mink, and Astrachan
at our Fall Opening Sale for
$1.98 to $7.50
Knit Shawls,
and Skirts
We believe we have the
strongest line of knit goods
ever shown in Falls City.
For 25 Cents
we can show you a half dozen
numbers in scarfs and shawls
in as many shades.
For 35c and 50c
we can show you the greatest
assortment of long and square
scarfs to be found anywhere—
in Black,White,Red and fancy
mixed colors and all wool too.
For 75c, $1, $1.25
the quality is better, they are
All Silk Knit ^
Scarfs at this sale. 1 u£*J
Knit Skirts in cotton and wool
mixed, and all wool. 35c, 50c.
75c and $1.00. They are all
real values.
Men's and Boys'
Heavy Work Shirts J £
Opening Sale.
Men s Dress Shirts, light and
dark patterns -JO
Opening Sale Price . Vvv
Men’s Bib Overalls and Jack
ets, an extra good quality of
blue denim, AG±r*
Opening Sale Price ... ■
75c Mens’ Dress Shirts, good
range of patterns
Opening Sale Price... .
$1.00 Mens’ Dress Shirts com
plete line of sizes
Opening Sale Price..../ 7v
Mens’ Heavy Grey Work
Socks. Price for one H~
dozen pair only./
In Our
Has been renewed through
out and the new ginghams,
prints, percales, and madras
arc* showing touches of new fall
styles while the domestics show
the newness by increased quan
tities. For Opening Sale we
quote you:
Heavy L. L. Muslin—full 36
in. wide £
Sale Price. 3C
Good Dark Outings, just the
right weight for comfort cov
erings a good assortment of
patterns to select from
During this sale.
Dress Ginghams, full stand
ard and a perfect cloth in every
respect, all dark patterns, just
the thing for dresses
Opening Sab Price.
All Calicoes at the
Opening Sale for.
A good heavy Fleeced Flan
nelette. Regular 121 •> cent cloth
dark and light patterns £
Opening Sale Price.
Heavy Outing Flannels, in
dark and light and mottled
patterns. This is a regular
1212 cent cloth
Opening Sale Price ,.
One lot of fine white lawns
and India Linens.worth 10c,15c
20c and 25c per yard Q
Opening Sale Price.OC/
Heavy Madras Shirting, both
dark and light patterns | |
Opening Sale Price ... Jl X V/
THIS statement within itself is enough to fil our store with visitors. Our buyer has just
returned from the wholesale market anc: was fortunate in securing some phenomenal
bargains in seasonable merchandise. M e believe we have brought to Falls City the
most complete line of goods ever seen in this t Dwn. In our efforts to continually please our
customers we have left no stone unturned to obtain representation of all the newest, all the
most beautiful, all the most desirable merchan lisc on the fall markets. The goods are here,
and will be displayed on counters and in wTind< ws, all plainly marked in our usual low priced
figures. To add impetus and to start fall buspess off quickly, we have gone through each
stock and marked a number of the newest, thi most desirable goods extremely low. Those
who secure these may indeed consider themselves fortunate, and there will be plenty to accom
modate all comers. The items quoted below. teiToplv a part of the bargain offering. Tell your
neighbor, and come yourself. Date of sale, Ocf 9th to 30th. Every day a big bargain day.
. mmm i i ■■■■■■■—■—■———■ ' ■■ ■« . ..———— ■ mmmm t ■ ■ » . . - ■—
I >g
This Annual Fall Opening Sale Will Include
Ladies’ Suits, Skirts, Coats, Jackets, Petticoats, Domestics, Linons, Percales, Gtabams, Calicoes, Silks, Satins, Wool Dress Goods, Underwear, Hosery, Shirts,
Overalls, Shoes, and Groceries. You may not need something from all of the lepartments, but you certainly can xise goods from many of them. Mark down
your wants NOW land let us show you how cheap we can sell them. 1 1
In Our Ready-to-wear Department
I We have enlarged our Suit department ai l placed in stock a complete line of Ladies’
Suits, Petticoats, Coats and Jackets; Misses Skirls, Jackets and Coats and Children’s Jackets.
$5.00 Skirts—Blue, Black,
Grey, Green and novelty mixed.
There are seven styles includ
ed in this lot. FallA ACL
Opening Sale.i# e J
$1.00 Black Zvrna Petticoats;
are exceptional • good values;
with dust ruffles. Fall ✓ Q
Opening Sale Price....
One lot Ladies’ Heavy Wool
Skirts—odd sizes and shades—
which sold for $5.00 to $9.00,
and some of them more. While
they last—Fall Open- AO
ing Sale Price.VOC
Ladies' Suits
Our Suit Department is not only attia^ive iorjtie modest prices we have placed on these
garments—but for well selected styles, the su*jj|^workmanship, the perfect fitting, and cor
rect shades and fabrics—all of which is very oKntial to particular and well dressed women.
We carry in stock Fifty (50) styles, in as many Tifferent shades, and also modestly priced that
they not only attract your eye, but stretch your dollars and make other accessories possible.
• Ladies' Hand-Tailored Suits
$10 4 $35
and a perfect fit guaranteed on every garment, WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE.
Fall Opening
- Sale of
Just a little hurry-up call in
Petticoats—That's All.
We are showing a very large
assortment of black Petticoats
in Sateen, Heatherbloom, Zyr
na-cloth and Silk.
98 Cents
will Wy a good wide petticoat
with wide dust ruffles. And
others in all cloth up to $4.50.
Silk Petticoats, $3.98 to $12
and every one a real value.
Skirts! jSkirts!!
Our Skirt stoik is now com
plete and comp ises a larger
range of styles han any other
department in town—We can
show you a good skirt in any
shade or color jat whatever
price you wish t^ pay from
$2.50 to, $17.50
And for $6.0o) to $10.00
we can give you a man tail
ored Skirt that Others will ask
you from 10 to 10 per cent ad
avnce for. *
Give us a chance to prove
this statement.
We guarantees perfect fit
on all ski*®*-"''’fifcike NO
Ladies’ and
all new 1909 styles and designs.
This line comprises all conceiv
able styles that the largest
manufacturers produce, and in
all the new Fall shades and
/colors ranging in price:
For Children 98c to $10.00.
For Misses and Young Lad
ies $1.98 to $16.50.
For Ladies $2.50 to $25.00.
' ..f Jg
0305 " «/*
Shoes for Fall and Winter }
Our Shoe department is now complete and waiting for your inspection. We have bought very extensively in this department and can fill your every want—in any Ind of a shoe
at whatever price you wash to pay. Below we quote you a few of the many specials we offer for this FALL OPENING SALE: j
$4.50 Patent Colt Shoes for
men. A fine dress shoe—the
kind most dealers would ask
yoh $5.00 for Off
Fall Opening Sale.
$3.00 Mens’ Velour Calf,welt
ed sole, solid throughout—and
a good shoe for dress wear.
No. 640. f*
Fall Opening Sale.«p^903
$4.00 Mens’ Pebbled Calf,
high-cut lace boots—a dandy
for bad weather O A g*
Fall Opening Sale
Mens’ heavy work shoes—
full standard and solid through
out. We can furnish these in
green, tan, black Qg
Fall Opening Sale.
$2.00 Mens’ heavy full doub
le sole plow shoes in ■•'black
and tan. A | J £
Special Sale Price tp x • / 3
$4.00 Ladies’ Patent Button
with fancy kid top—a very
dressy shoe d* ^ tZ
Fall Opening Sale.
$2.50 Ladies’ kid blucher welt
ed sole, a fine dress shoe with
rock Oak Sole Off
Fall Opening Sale
$2.00 Ladies Kangaroo Calf—
is the best out door and farm
shoe you can buy for any
money—solid in every particu
lar. No. 99 d»1
Fall Opening Sale. «p 1 # / 3
Boys' and Girls'
$1.75 Misses heavy Kangaroo
Calf—the best school shoe ob
tainable. No. 369 ^
Special Price.«p 1 *33
$2.25 Misses Patent Colt blu
cher—this is a very pretty dress
shoe | AF
Fall Opening Sale. Jp 1 J
$2.25 Boys heavy Kangaroo
Calf—a good shoe for hard
wear. No. 417 A "i AfJ
Fall Opening Sale. Jp 1 .
$1.50 Boys kid dress shoe—a
remarkably well finished
shoe. No. 413 A* OC
Opening Sale Price.Jp 1
The above is only a few of the
manv shoe specials we will have
to offer you during this Fall
Opening Sale.
During this Sale, any Calico in the house,
i %
will be in gala attire for The Opening Sale. All the best creations in the food products will be
I on exhibition. None but the best can ever be found here and all at the LOWEST PRICE. For
Opening Sale we quote you:
18 pounds of the best Granu
lated sugar Q £
Opening Sale Price_' Jv
Good Bulk Coffee | O
Opening Sale Price_1 Cf C
Hand picked Soup Beans at
the Opening Sale for g*
Per Pound.DC
Gallon Can Syrup £
Opening Sale Price-jC
Corn Starch per pkg. g*
Opening Sale Price.
Elastic Laundry Starch
Opening Sale Price./ C
Best bulk lump Starch at
the Fall Opening Sale
Per pound.*..J C
Household Ammonia
Per pint bottle . .,.
Yeast Foam at this
Sale per package.
For our Fall Opening Sale
we have several articles which
will be added to these specials.
Your dollars do double duty
Our Domestic Dept.
Has been renewed throughout and the new ginghams, prints,
percales, and madras are showing touches of new fall styles
while the domestics show the newness by increased quantities.
For Opening Sale we quote you:
Heavy L. L. Muslin—full 36
in. wide
Sale Price. s)C
Good Dark Outings, just the
right weight for comfort cov
erings a good assortment of
patterns to select from £
During this Sale.D/2C
Dress Ginghams, full stand
ard and a perfect cloth in every
respect, all dark patterns, just
the thing for dresses m
Opening Sale Price./ C
All Calicoes at the 0*
Opening Sale for.3C
A good heavy Fleeced Flan
nelette. Regular 12' 2 cent cloth
dark and light patterns Q
Opening Sale Price...'.. OC
Heavy Outing Flannels, in
dark and light and mottled
patterns. This is a regular
1212 cloth
Opening Sale Price “C
One lot of fine white lawns
and India Linons,worth 10c,15c
20c and 25c per yard Q
Opening Sale Price.OC
Heavy Madras shirting, both
dark, light patterns | |
Opening Sale Price_1 1 C
Mens ’ Heavy fleeced-back
Shirts and Drawers A g*
Opening Sale price. . . .
Mens' “Vallastic” ribbed
Shirts and Drawers all fleec
ed lined a a
Opening Sale Price . . .
Mens’ heavy fleeced Union
Suits and heavy twisted rib
bed Union Suits f AA
Per Suit.I.UU
$1.00 Mens’ Natural color
wool Shirts and Drawers—com
plete range of size *70*,
Opening Sale Price. . . . / V
$1.50 Mens’ Natural cdlor
wool Shirts and Drawers, extra
heavy weight £ 1 | A
Sale Price.V ^
$1.25 Mens’ Heavy Shirts and
Drawers in Brown, and Cream
all wool Off-,
Opening Sale Price. . . .
$2.50 and $2.25 Mens’ fine
Wool Shirts and Drawers in
Buff color C5 1 Q £
Opening Sale Price *P
We have a job lot of under
wear, which we carried over
from last season and broken
sizes which will go on sale at
Never before have we shown
such an extensive assortment of
Ladies' and Childrens’ Under
wear—in separate garments
and combination suits we have
to show you—most any kind ox
a garment at most any price
you wish to pay. For Opening
Sale we give you:
Ladies flat ribbed vest and
Pants. Per garment
At this sale.MjC
Ladies heavy ribbed Vests
and pants in grey, pink iQ
and white. Sale price. *§0C
Ladies white Union Suits No.
0. P. X. Regular $1,OOOQ
garment. At this sale. OsC
Other numbers in the sep
arate garments at 25c, 35c,
75c and $1.00.
Some very special values in
Union Suits at 48c, 75c, $1.00.
and $1.50.
Misses' and Children’s
Childrens’ Union Suits in
grey only— sizes 4 to 16 years
Opening Sale Price. ...
Misses’ separate garments in
grey and cream r*
Opening Sale.,0 JL
Boys’ heavy fleeced Shirts,
Drawers and Pants Ag _
Opening Sale Price . .
We have other special values
in Childrens’ Vests and Pants,
Union Suits, 25c, 35, 50c and
Silks and Satins
We have on hand a very ex
tensive line of staple and fancy
Silk—in Messalines, Foulards,
Japonaka and Novelties. For
our Opening Sale we quote you:
5 pieces of 27-in foulards in
fancy new fall styles, Blue,
Brown, Tan, Grey and Cardinal
Regular $1.00 value X Q
Opening Sale Price.... O
10 pieces plain colors in Mes
selenes, full standard and a
very superior finished fabric in
all the new shades QQ
Opening Sale Price_OTrO
Japonaka Silk—a fine smooth
finished silk in all the new and
latest shades
Opening Sale Price. ..
25 Plaid Waist Patterns in
some very pleasing weaves.
Y? Price Yi
Other specials in our silk
department which limited space
will not permit us mentioning
all at Fall Opening Sale Price.
Linens for the
5 pieces 72-in. fine Table Lin
en, all different patterns and a
cloth that sells in many places
for $1.00 per yard
Ou Special Price.3 jrC
$1.65 and $1.75 German and
Irish Linens—only one piece of
each g | |Q
Opening Sale Price $ 1 • 1 7
Union Linen 56-in. wido^ijj
Opening Sale Price. ..
Renfrew colored linen guaran
teed fast color in Red, Blue,
and Tan
Opening Sale Price. . .
Will buy a good
Hack Skirt
i Will buy a
School Jacket
for your girl
in Cash Free
To our Customers
Ifvery Thursday
Ask the Clerks for
Time Tickets. I
| will buy a good
Dress Shirt
Will bu> a yard
of fine 72=in.
Table Linen
W iniiiirKssasattcmx&.nai
____; ___
The Store that Saves You Money