Reavis & Abbey The House of Carpet Quality Reavis & Abbev • The House of Carpet Quality E feel today that fall is upon us. In fact, we feel that fall is well nigh fallen and winter may be here, as we fell upon some unseasonable ice this morning. Believing that it is time to unload fall stock, -.- before it freezes upon our hands, we have determined to open a hot fire of cut prices to warm things up a little. To aid us in this operation we have moved our entire Carpet Stock, Rugs, Linoleums and Lace Curtains, down stairs, on the ground floor. Just think of it, you ladies who dread to climb a flight of stairs. You can see the largest stock of Carpets and Rugs in Falls City, on the main floor of the finest business room in the city, while you sit in a comfortable rocker or chair, and at prices that will take the chill off. Note these prices on Carpets. All sewing done for nothing. Ingrains 45c to 60c per yard All Wools, best grades, 65c per yard Lace Curtains 65c per pair and up. There is not a lady who reads this ad that has not some place in her home.for a new carpet, linoleum, floor oil cloth, or lace curtains. We know this, as there are houses in the town with bare floors. Remember, we can cover them cheaper than you can buy coal, and will do it on installments, rather than have you do without this necessity. In the Furniture World We Have the Best iULMP R SPECIAL of the market. Exclusive agents for the celebrated hoosier Special Cabinet, with its many conveniences==glass jars for spices, flour sifter, etc., is a famous piece of furniture and will save more unnec- j essary steps and culinary ill temper than any amount IT A of money can do. Is sold the U. S. over for . Ostermoor Felt Mattresses Stearns 8l Foster Felt Mattresses Clobe-Wernicke Book Cases The Globe=Wernicke line is well known and well advertised. Superior quality guaranteed. We always have a fine stock and will send you their beautiful catalogue upon request. Victor Talking Machine and Edison Phonograph We also have the Victor Talking Hachine and the Edison Phonograph, and the entire stock of records. Nothing is better adapted to entertain you than these wonderful instru ments. We sell on $1.00 per week plan, and at ONE PRICE TO ALL, One Dollar Per Week Plan I Come in and hear these instruments play. The world’s greatest compo sitions reproduced in a manner gratifying to lovers of good music. We have a new Rubber Tire Machine for replacing rubber tires on Go Garts and Carriages. We can do this work on a moments notice, while you wait. This in answer to a long=felt want, as very few people w ho have a baby buggy but have the tires badly worn, or are w ithout the same entirely. Cut in Sanitary Couches During this month we will make a cut in Sani tary Couches. We have one like cut For Only $3.00 The Light Running Standard Sewing Machine And Needles to fit any machine made, al ways on hand. We will sell on install ments, with terms so easy you can buy, while the machine will pay for itself. LET US SHOW YOU THE STANDARD Dining Chairs, Dining Tables, like cut; Rocking Chairs, Hirrors, Picture Frames, Room Mouldings, Carpet Sweepers, McKinley Music, iOc per sheet—Cata logue upon request; Shades, Curtains, Glass in great variety. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. We invite you to inspect our stock at all times.