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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1909)
Henry C. Smith LANDS & LOANS 240 acres well improved, 1J mres from i »ep'.n in Ka ,. Good spring Best of terms. Will take 40 acres as part payment, balance long time at low interest. 200 acres 1«$ miles from depot, Richardson county. Nebraska Good buildings and land Will take 40 or 80 acres as part payment KK) acres upland, 1 mile from depot. Richardson county, Nebraska. #12,000. 160 acres Johnson county, Nebraska 80 reds to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent. 107 acres near Brownville, Nebraska 80 acres %-mile from Falls City high school. j iU0 acres, $8,000 improvements Also 64" acres a !joining. Will take 180 acres as part payment. Fine running water. A No. 1 opportunity. Monev to loan k THE COMERS AND COERS HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME What Your Friends and Their Friends Have Been Doing the Past Week - Kat Sowlo's Candy. I)r. Wilson. Wahl’s building. Bulbs at Slmanion A Feme M When you want to sell poultry, call up phone 164. 40-3t Sec Clarence Heck for your coal this fall. Phone 101. Claude Stumbo is now Identified with the Durris news eland. Robert Right was down from Hum boldt on business Monday. George Holt returned Sunday night from u trip to Holt county, Neb. Mesilnmcs Ayers and Frauenfehler of Verdon were shopping here last Friday. Mrs Henry ibnies Is visiting me rurally of her son. Conrad, in Hurndii (tils week. That old suit, or ganuent of any kind, cun he fixed up ns good as new soo Stanley Stump. 38-tf John Oswald returned Wednesday from drove county, Kansas, where he went lo Inspect land. Dr. M. Id. Wilson was called to Wichita. Kas., professionally. He will he absent most of the ... Mrs. James I’owcll and Mrs. Kilts returned Wednesday from a weeks’ visit with relatives neat' Seneca. Kas. Misses Margaret and Mamie Ma honey returned the last of the week from a few days spent in Kansas City Hhcruiun Kinsey, a former Falls City hoy, employed here In the Hurl i UK ton. cattle la In; t Saturday to visit his mother. Ih II H ami Mrs. Hurt hard spent last Friday In Reserve with Mrs. Burchnrd's parents, Mr and Mrs. IVrry Hart. .1. D. Oilman returned Sunday from Nebraska City where he went to see Ids son, who was seriously Injured there last week Misses Harriett and Cora Plumb left Tuesday by way of Denver for Kos Angeles, Cal., where the} will spend the winter. Mr.and Mrs.Jacob Rcneker,brother of hr Reneker of tills city, returned Tuesday to their home in houds, la., after a short visit here. Friends have received word this week of the arrival of a baby girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed King ill Los Angeles. Cal The happy par ents have the congruttthitions of all their friends. A baby boy was horn to Mr and Mvs Ohm Bronson, Wednesday (let 13, lbO!!. Mis. Bronson is at the home of h"r parents, Mr. and Mrs Join mi1. ;. id both mother and son a. doing i L < ly. Hurry Uo».., who i nmr down from Council Bluffs with Ills wife Saturday to xisil Mi and Mrs. W. E. Dorringtoii, leit Tuesday for Council Bluffs, when h.‘ will woik in the Job office of Mar: in Bros. John Giiliguu left Tuesday for Nebraska City', where he had busi ness interests, and where they will make there homo for the present. We are sorry to lose Mr. Gilligan and tiis family from our midst Miss Alice Cleaver went to Lincoln Monday to represent the Friends in Council at Hie state federation. She is also a delegate to the state W. C. T. U. convention to be held in Lin coln. October IS and 19 and a dele gate to the National W. (’. T. U. con vention to be held in Omaha lie* 29th and 21st. Poland China Hog Sale. We will sell at Chapman’s sale pavilion. Falls City, Nebraska, Sat urday, October 23, commencing at one o’clock p. m., the following. 36 Boars and Gilts. All sired by our herd hours: First Quality, No. 29561; Chief Look, No. 4S121; and Chief Gold Dust No. 39244. These pigs are all growthy', smooth, good backs, large strong bones, with excellent symmetry of form. Our kind the farmer’s type. Terms of Sale. Cash or time,with 7 per cent in ti rest from date of sale.' Farmers, Bring Crates. If. C. WITTROCK, W. F. RIESCHICK. H. E. WYATT, Auctioneers- Col. C. If. Marion and Frank Peck. Herman Minnick and wife return id Saturday to their home in Atchi son. Wednesday Herman left for Long Beach, Cal., where he has u good position. Mrs. Minnick will go about the first of December. ! Mr* Hilgenfeldt and daughter, .Miss Ida, moved the first of the week into (their new bungalow on north Stone street D. M. Davies and family will move Into the large house just va cated by Mr. Hilgenfeldt. Will Minnick came down from Ked | Cloud the latter part of the week to I visit a few days with his brother, I Herman and wife. Mrs. 1’. S. Ileucock went to Lin coln Tuesday to visit her daughter, and to attend the state federation of Womens' clubs. Mrs. Thomas of Verdon was the I guest of her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs Anderson Miller, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John (Took returned the fore part of the week from their visit with St Louis friends. Dr Henderson of Itulo will occupy i In- I’richnrd house formerly occupied by D. M. Davies and family, i Louis Ihichol/. is a Kansas City ! visitor this week, attracted by the horse allow l-red Witt rock iook in the Nation al Live Stock show at Kansas City' l It is week. See Clarence Heck for your coal i this fall. Phone 101. Mrs. Dodds of Bloomington is visit ing in this city fitly Crook was a Kansas City vis itor tills week Will Murphy was down from Daw son Monday Pat Ryan was down from Dawson on business Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ryan of Shubert were in town Tuesday. John llrantnini is seriously ill, hav ing had another stroke of paralysis. Ills condition seems quite alarming Mrs Will Holt seems entirely re covered from her recent illness. She was in town Wednesday for the first time. Mrs. John Hermes and Mrs. A. M. Anderson returned Tuesday from an extended visit with relatives in Goffs, Kas. Rayard Greenwald was up from Oskaloosa. Kansas a few days this week to visit his mother, Mrs. Judith Green vv aid. I .1 McCormick and wife left Wed nesday for Hebron, Neb., where they will spend most of the winter with their daughter. Mr and Mrs. Simpson of Denver have been here visiting the latter's parents. Mi and Mrs. Al Southard. They returned home Wednesday. Mi - .1. F Lively, who has been visiting her son, James Lively in this eitj. left Tuesday for Hilton, W. Va. She was accompanied by her nephew, <1 C Lively, who arrived last week from W. Va. Jim Jellison has been in the city this week setting the fireplace and manlles in Arthur Weaver's house. When the alterations in the house are complete Ibis will he one of the hand somest homes in the city. Don’t Wait Until Your Eyes Hurt before having them examined and glasses fitted That headache you may be having regularly no doubt is due to eyestrain, even though your eyes do not seem to bother you. Those hard, thumping frontal headaches are almost entirely due to defective eves or an over amount of accotn odation- I he eye muscles have become strained, which allects the nerves of the brain, producing the most painful headaches. Besides headaches, in time the eyes become painful. It is better to have the eye refraction corrected. Davies & Owens have an optician whose ability is recognized throughout the county. Their services are ex tended to \ on without charge. K ’ Davis & Owenes Reliable Jewelers and Opticians Relative's here received word ihis week of the serious illness of Mrs. Nellie Rood of Omaha, who un derwent a serious operation last Wednesday for appendicitis. While her case is critical, it is to be hoped she will soon rally and in due time •*»*f*over h(*r health. Mrs. Tom Davies went to Lincoln Monday as a delegate from the City Federation to the slate federation of Womens’ clubs. R. R Rule is entertaining his but tier. I N Rule of Mount (lilard.O., and a cousin, .lohn Rule at his home tills week D. C. Kirkpatrick returned Tues day from Oakland. Neb., where he lias been looking after business mat 1 ters. •lacob lteneker and wife, a brother of Dr lteneker of this city, were here from Douds, Iowa this week. Mrs. Hattie Mauger of this city will preach in the Brethren church at Preston next Sunday at 11 a. ni. —The cleaning and pressing of ladies’ garments a specialty.—Stan ley Stump. 38-tf —Dr. Trumpore—Massuer and face Massage, Phone 267. 31tf. • Prof, and Mrs. Barrett came up from Kansas City Sunday. —For Sale—One pair of yearling mule colts.—O. P. lleck. 40-2t ■). D. Griffith was down from Yer dou Wednesday. —If you want bulbs, call up Sim anton & Pence. 2-t —Red Seal flour for sale at P. H. Hermes’. 40-2t Fred Rebold spent Monday in , Salem. COL. HARDING'S SALE DATES. He Will Conduct, and Assist in the Following Sales. I Oct. 13—A. A. Widerfield, Table Rock. Ort 14—Ki'Riik Wopvov, Oct. 15—Herman Loennig, Hum boldt. Oct. 20—J. 1). Giffiths, Verdon. Oct. 21—F. It. Haynes, Auburn. Oct.25—Vaught it- Unkefer,Humboldt. Oct. 26—L. J. Hitchcock, Salem. Oct. 27—J. G. Parsons, Verdon. Oct. 2S—Christ. Leonberger, Humboldt Oct. 29—Otto Schellenberg, Johnson. Nov. — — Sikes & Unkefer, Hum boldt. Nov. 10—A. Gugelnian A- Nofsinger,! Bern. Nov. 16 Henry l>itt mar, Johnson. Nov. 17—Funk A. Fuller, Auburn. Nov. 18—Frank Bennett, Verdon. Doe. 14—Herman Weir, So. Auburn. Dec. 15—Geo. Weaver, Stella. Dec. 16—A. F. Mortz, Humboldt. 40-3 I PAY CASH FOR Poultry, Butter & Eggs at the New Grocery Store, one-half block north, one-half block west of Falls City Roller Mills. Hens. 10 l-2c. Springs. iO l-2c. Old Roosters. 4c. Good Table Butter. 25c. Fresh Eggs. 20c. Above prices good for Friday, Sat urday. Monday and Tuesday. Oct. 15. 16. 18 and 19. 1809. John Hermes Phone 164 STELLA. Little Paul fain is suffering with j usiniua. A. J. Baldwin was a business vis itor to the county seat Monday. Mesdames A. Tynan and It. Mc Mullen were Lincoln visitors last week. About thirty of our people attend ed the horse show at Auburn List week. John Tolly and Will Paul visited Omaha last week and took in ihe Ak Sar-Ben. Mrs. Prank Wolf and sou Herbert, are visiting In r parents at Willis,Kas this week. Mrs. J. W. Vaught has been visit ing her parents m Omaha the past two weeks. Miss 'Mable Culp of Nemaha is visiting iter grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lyannu. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hinkle lias been quite sick since Saturday. Mesdames W. C. Moore and A Hay visited Mrs. W. Marts at Auburn tiie first ot the week. Mrs. Arabelle McCullough spent last week in Verdon visiting her uau giiter, Mis. Preu Siringfielu. Mrs. Brown and baby from Table Hock visited last week with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Charles Wood. Mr. Wagner of Verdon moved his family here last week. He will act as foreman for tiie north section. Moadaines J. M. Goodloe and A. J. Baldwin visited Degree of Honor lodge in Falls City last Thursday ev ening. They report a fine time. Will Sutton and wife moved to Au burn last Saturday where he will continue the paint and paper business Mr. Pool, who has been foreman of the north section for several months, moved his family to Falls City last week. Mrs. Byral Day of Dong Beach, Cal., arrived last week for an extend ed visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Moore. Mrs. Joseph McGonagle and little daughter, Dorothy, of Calloway, ar rived Tuesday to visit her parents, H. C. Fankell and wife. Kev. Hinkle preached his first sermon at the Methodist church Sun day morning. On :u» ount of the* rain the congregation was very small. C. B. Derstine and wife of Oklahoma are visiting the former's parents, Ii. M. Derstine and wife. They will go from here to Eugene, Oregon, where they expect to take a timber claim. Roy Griffith and Esther Fisher were united in marriage Monday, Oct. 11, 1909 at the court house in Falls City, Judge Gagnon officiating. The immediate relatives of the couple witnessed (lie ceremony. They will reside in Stella for the present. Charles Allor and Mrs. Daure Sul livan were married in Kansas City Wednesday, October t!th. They came to Stella on the night train and are visiting a couple of weeks with the groom’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Ailor. They expect to make Kansas City their future home. Irene Evelyn, the baby daughter of Irvin Reiniers aim wile died Thuia day morning October 7th, 1909, af ter an illness of two weeks. Althougl a delicate child, she was not thought to be seriously ill until Saturday be fore her death, when Dr. Shook of Shubert was called. She was a year old in August and was a great pet in the neighborhood. The sorrowing family have the sympathy of the en tire community. Dr. Allison of Omaha was called here Saturday in consultation for John Burk. It was decided that an operation was necessary, and ac cordingly one was performed Mon day. It was found that an abeess had formed near the gall duct, caused by a fall in the early summer. The pa tient rallied in better condition than was expected, and on Tuesday con siderable hopes are entertained for a speedy recovery. His many friends will be anxious to see him up again. Ed Frederick bought the John R. Smith farm, east of town paying $12,000 for the seventy-eight acres, and a price that would be consider ed high for anything but good old Richardson county land. The farm is within a mile of town and is as fine a piece of land as can be found, and for a home such as Mr. Frederick wants, it can't be beat. — ”” Gehling Theatre Friday, Octobr 15th | SAM S. AND LEE S HUBERT line. Present | The Sensation of the Season As Produced 14 Solid Months JO | A a Lyric Theatre, Vork P h tbnii %J) 6 Solid Months at the MCiarrick i heatre OUS6 Chicas° A Fares from the German by Clyde Fitch Complete Scenic Equipment. Metropolitan Cast. Prices $1.50, $1.00 75c and 50c &HHHaHHnHOBiaBBMawi^.'.'tMBoenHBaaBKMHHnsaBWkr mwMra&wjmwmmmmmmmmmm i am trying to make a date with WHITAKER THE AUCTIONEER They tell me he is strictly up-to date and well posted on all classes of domestic animals and also farm property in general. He can certainly please you, as he has had s xteen years expe rience. He is also from Missouri, and if given the opportunity will "SHOW YOU” results. BEFORE ARRANGING DATE, WRITE, TELEPHONE or TELEGRAPH (at my exponse) J. G. WHITAKER Phones 168-131-216 Falls City, Neb. The pleasant purgative affect ex perienced by all who use Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and the healthy condition of the body and mind which they create,makes one feel joyful. Sold by all druggists. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy lias become famous for its cures of coughs, colds, croup and influenza. Try it when in need. It contains no harmful substance and always gives prompt relief. Sold by all druggists. teriing Silver Should grace your Dining Table--lt's an investment that never loses value. See Jewelry DAVIES 8t OWENS Diamond*