The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 08, 1909, Image 8

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Henry C. Smith
r , .. , 1
240 acres well improved, 1} mi e.s from liepol in Kas. Good spring Best of teruis \\ ill take
| 40 acres as part payment, balance long time at low interest.
200 acres\'/i miles from depot, Richardson county, Nebraska Good buildings and land Will
take 40 or 80 acres as part payment
100 acres upland, 1 mile from depot. Richardson county. Nebraska. $12,000.
160 acres Johnson county, Nebraska HO rods to church and school. Best of terms. Night rent.
107 acres near Brownville, Nebraska
80 acres &-mile from Falls City high school
640 acres, $8,000 improvements Also 640 acres adjoining. \Vill take 160acres a- part payment.
* Fine running water. A No 1 opportunity
Money to loan
V_... . ._ J
The New Grocrry Store j
One-half block north and o ie and one-half block wist
of Falls City Roller Mills, is now open for business. I
carry a line of Staple Groceries, Flour, Notions, Cigars,
and Tobacco. I will also pay the following prices in
cash for
Poultry, Butter and Eggs
Hens . 10 l-2c
Springs . . lie
Old Roosters. 3c
Fresh Eggs 18c
j Good Table Butter. 25c
Prices good for Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, j;
October 9th, Nth and 12th, 1909.
John Hermes I
Phone 164 Falls City, Neb.
What Your Friends and Their
Friends Have Been Doing the
Past Week.
— Bulbs at Slmanton & Ponce 2-t
See Clarence Heck for your coal
this fell. Phone 101.
Dr. J. C. Yutzy was a business vis
itor in Auburn Wednesday.
Prank MeCool of Gothanburg, Neb.,
visited over Sunday at the home of
It. It. Rule.
Rev. G P. Relchel left for Kansas
City Wednesday morning, but will re
turn before Sunday.
Dude Perd Prledley and Christ
Beutler Were pleasant callers at The
Tribune office Wednesday.
A. L. Kauffman of Lexington, was
a guest at tire home of E. L. Yoder,
the latter part of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Davies are
expected home Sunday from their trip
through Oregon and Washington.
By order of the president, there
will be a meeting of tire Ladies Ceme
tery auxiliary at tin* home of Mrs. W.
W. Jenne, Monday afternoon, October
1 ltb.
Cards from Mr. and Mrs. Simon
Davies announces their safe arrival
• in Dallas, S. I)., and that Simon
Davies had already been to the
ranch and stnrted the new house.
For Sale.
Large farm in Richardson county.
Close to aehool, five miles from town,
phone, daily mail, good improvements
Kasy terms. Por full particulars see
or write—Partners & Merchants Loan
& Trust Co., Humboldt, Neb. 38-3t
Miss Agues Moran was the guest
of friends in this city Tuesday. She
attended tlie funeral of an uncle at
Omaha Monday, and stopped here on
her way to her home in Kansas City.
An automobile party bound for Tex
as passed through here Wednesday.
Among them were F. W. Samuelsou
of Lincoln and Mr. Harmon and W.
Hays of Auburn.
I’rof. ,1. M. Barrett li ft last Monday
for Kansas City,where they will make
their future home. Mr. Barrett will
go Into the real estate business.
The Falls City chorus will meet as
usual on Monday evening at. the
residence of the director. All mem
bers are requested to be present.
—Mrs. Muhoii will display and sell
her art goods at the Andrews Music
House after October 1. All are in
vited to inspect them. 39-tf
The ladies of the Presbyterian
church will give a 16 cent tea at the
home of Mrs. Samuel Wahl Friday,
October 16.
Mrs. A. Neltzel and family moved
this week Into the Powell property,
recently vacated by S. L. Davies and
—Don't fail to see the premiums
given with cash purchases at the
Patzman Sisters’ millinery store. 2t
Miss Katherine Seiblo was down
from Salem to spend Sunday at the
Putnam home.
The ladles of the Presbyterian
church will hold their bazaar Dec. 2,
3 and 4,
C. A. McCool of Salem spent
Monday with his daughter, Mrs, K.
it. Rule.
Mrs. W. It. Holt, who has been ill
for the past two weeks, is slowly im
When you want to sell poultry, call
up phone 164. 40-3t
Milton Zoeller of Preston spent
Sunday here.
He Will Conduct, and Assist in the
Following Sales.
Oct. 13—A. A. Widerfield, Table
Oct. 11 -Frank Weaver, Stella.
Oct. 15—Herman Loennig, Hum
Oct. 20—.1. It. Oiffiths, Verdon.
Oct. 21— F. R. Haynes, Auburn.
Oct.25—Vaught AL- Unkefer,Humboldt.
Oct. 26—L. .1. Hitchcock, Salem.
Oct. 27—.1. O. Parsons, Verdon.
Oct. 28- -Christ Leonberger, Humboldt
Oct. 20 Otto Sehellenberg, Johnson.
Nov. — — Sikes At Unkefer, Hum
Nov. 10 A. Gugelman & Nofsinger,
Nov. Pi Henry Dlttmar, Johnson.
Nov. 17—Fank A. Fuller, Auburn.
Nov. IS Frank Bennett, Verdon.
Dec. I t Herman Weir, So. Auburn.
Dec. I.' Geo. Weaver. Stella.
Dec Pi A. F. Mortz, Humboldt. 40-3
Chistian Church.
There will be the regular Bible
schot I and communion service at
the church next Sunday commencing
at ten o'clock. You he sure and
come and help us in the Bible school
contest. Last Sunday’s record was
a good one, 205 in attendance.
Rev. and Mrs. Day leave this week
for the great centennial convention
at Pittsburg. Rev. Day is the state
delegate and Mrs. Day was elected to
represent the church, Bible school,
and C. W. B. M. of Falls City. The
church voted to lift their evening ser
vice next Sunday and attend the
Methodist church and welcome their
new minister.
Remember the announcements for
next Sunday—Bible school and En
deavor. F. E. DAY, Pastor.
Died at Barada.
Special from Barada.
Mrs. Elizabeth Houser died at her
home south of Barada, aged seventy
one year and twenty-one days. She
was born September 12, 1838 and died
October 2, 1909. She was buried at
the Werner church cemetery on Mon
day. Rev. .1. Gemmel conducted the
services. The large number of
friends and relatives in attendance
gave evidence of the respect and es
teem in which the deceased was held.
She leaves a daughter, Mrs. Anna
Mack, to moun the loss of a loving
The Man on the Box.
A damatic event of local interest is
the forthcoming engagement, “The
Man on the Box,” booked at Gehl
ings Theater, November 6th. Boyd
P. Trousdale, who will be seem as
Robert Worburton, is artistically' well
equipped for the portrayal of so great
a character. A strong company will
surround him, and the stage appoint
ments, which are massive will be per
fect and complete.
Have you thought about your winter’s supply of Coal ? If you haven't, you'd
better get busy. Some of these fine mornings you will find out that Dr. Cook and
Captain I’eary have “stirred up" a cold wave that may reach Falls City any min
ute, and it’s always better to “lay in" your fuel early—you'll not be bothered with
it when it is cold. Here you will find a full supply of all grades—Pennsylvania j
I lard Coal, Arkansas Semi-Anthracite and different grades of Soft Coal. Follow- j
ing are a few prices:
Hard Coal.$10.25
Spadra . 8.00
Bernice. 8.50
Niggerhead. 8.00
Canyon City . 8.00
Sheridan. 7.00
Rock Springs Nut.$8.00
Trenton, 111. Lump. 5 50
Domestic 111. Lump. 5.00
111. Washed Egg. 6 00
Weir City Lump. 5.00
Novinger Cocoanut. 4 50
Continued from Page Cue
The Misses Schaible gave a very
enjoyable dinner for a few near rel
atives Wednesday, in honor of the
twelfth birthday anniversary of their
nephew, William Maddox. Covers
were placed for ten and a fine dinner
was served. Master William feels
very proud of the compliment paid
him and did ilia part in making the
occasion a pleasant one for all. He
received a number of nice gifts.
Rev. and Mrs. Teeter entertained a
few friends at dinner last Monday
evening for Dr. Mathers and Prof.
Wood and their families. The dinner
was lovely and was faultlessly ser
Sorosis met with Mrs. Margaret
Steele as hostess, Wednesday after
noon. The president being absent,the
vice-president, Mrs. Gist presided.
Roll call was responded to will cur
rent events. The minutes of the
previous meeting was read and ap
proved. Mrs. It. A. Dittmar was
unanimously elected a member of
Sorosis. Mrs. Gist was elected del
egate to State Federation of Wom
ens clubs, which meets in Lincoln,
October 12th. Mrs. Reneker read an
interesting paper on the “Gateway of
Health and Disease.” A fine descrip
tion of George Eliot's life was very
cleverly handled by Mrs. Gist. Dur
ing the social home hours, refresh
ments were served by Mrs. Steele,
assisted by Mrs. Jennings. Mrs. Mc
Ganic was a guest of the club. Club
adjourned to meet with Mrs. Falloon
October 20th.
Goolsby Hotel, Three Cottages and
Fifty Town Lots.
Why not lay aside your work for a
few hours and attend the public sale
of the Goolsby hotel, three cottages
and fifty town lots on Saturday, Oct.
9th, 1909 at 1:30 o’clock p. m.?
These are choice lots and are nice
ly located to build houses on to rent
to railroad enipoyees. There is a
great demand for houses to rent and
good houses, properly located, can be
rented so as to pay a good rate of
Interest on the investment.
Don’t forget the date. Come help us
make this sale a success.
Mrs. I. A. Dunn is on the sick list
this week.
John Feicht was a Falls City visit
or Saturday.
Antone Gerwick spent Sunday at
Wm. Scholls.
Henry Shaffer and family have
moved to the R. J. Dunn farm.
Mrs. I. A. Dunn and Mrs. N. A.
Arnold went to Falls City Friday.
Miss Kate Gerwick and sister,
Emma, went to Falls City Friday.
E. E. Butler and family spent Sun
day at Wm. Zubrick’s near Verdon.
I. A . Dunn and family spent Sun
day in Barada at the home of W. F.
Henry and Ralph Butler spent Sun
day with their cousin, Harley But
ler, in Barada.
Johnny, Emma, Amelia and Hulda
Constantine spent Sunday at the
home of W. F. Butler in Barada.
Wendall Gerwick went to Barada
Tuesday to consult Dr. Andrews in
regard to a sore hand that is causing
him considerable pain.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wheeler re
turned from DesMoines, Iowa, where
the former has been employed as a
street car conductor for the past
H. M. Jeixne Shoe Store
Fall Styles Now Ii\
Falls City V/cmen Lucky.
Among the Falls City people who
were fortunate in the drawing at
Buhl, Idaho, September 28, were
Miss Carrie K* im with No. 95 and
Miss Grace Maddox with No. 148.
Both ladi"s have filed and in due time
will attempt to develop the land,
Fcr Sr Is.
Pedigreed Poland China boar pigs,
at $15 and $20 each. Gilts at $12.50.
Inquire at Ph asant Hill farm, half
mile west of the Christian church.
40-3t H. L. RAHLF.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Coleman and
children arrived Sunday from Mon
tana. and until their household goods
arrive they are guests of Mrs. Cole
man’s mother, Mrs. W. H. Keeling.
H. C. Smith started with a party
of friends for the Forest Hill fruit
farm last Sunday in an auto. When
they were about six miles from town
a tire busted and they had the pleas
ure of driving hack to town behind
two live horses. The party consist
ed of Miss Agnew, Mr. and Mrs. oNr
man Mussulman and H. C. Smith.
The pleasant purgative affect ex
perienced by all who u • Charatu r
lain's Stomach and Liv r Tablets,
and the healthy condition o: the body
and mind which they create,makes
on 1 feel joyful. Sol I by : T druggists.
Legal Notice.
Jefferson Spurgin, Plaintiff,
The Unknown Heirs of Shel
ton Kansdell, Defendants.
The unknown heirs of Shelton Ran
sdell,defendants,will take notice that
on the 18th day of September A. D.
1909, the plaintiff herein, filed his
petition in the district court of Rich
ardson county, Nebraska, against said
defendants, the object and prayer of
which are to have a certain mort
gage, executed by C. R. Nicolls and
husband, G. W. Nicolls, to Shelton
Kansdell on tDo 19th day of Novem
ber 1866, for the sum of $250.00.
said mortgage being given on the
west half of the northeast quarter of
Section 31, Township 2, Range 15, in
Richardson County, Nebraska, de
creed and declared satisfied and can
celled of record, and to quiet the
title to said land in this plaintiff, and
for such ottier and further relief as
justice may require.
You are required to answer or plead
to said petition on or before the 1st
day of November A. i). 1909.
Dated this 18th day of September,
1909. Jefferson Spurgin,
By J. E. Leyda, Plaintiff.
His Attorney.
First publication Sept. 24 4 times.
if) ei n 'T f js nr
Phones: Nos. 177, 217
Sam'l. Waul Building
Office over Kerr’s Pharmacy
Office Phene 260 Residence Phone 27r
Phone 248 Over Richardson Count}
Jewel rv)
Learn to admire rightly and you
will learn to purchase wisely.
People of refined taste admire
our jewelry most because real jewel
ry art appeals to them as only real
; art of any kind does.
Wise jewelry buying begins with
your selection of a store which pro
| rides jewelry of artistic and in
| trinsic value extending deeper than
the outside coat.
To know if our prices are low,
I compare them with values as high.
F^. I). Simpson
North Window
Ken’s Pharmacy
Fa:!; City, Neb.
cEjdehbc w
«'#• •*,••,« **4*J*v‘!'v »% »4« »*«
il" !
I >: t
1 •> I
. V V
X Horse and Cow Hides, *
Wool and Pelts |
highest Market Price |
Porter Randolph f
Falls City, Phone 422 |
I I I I II 1114
\f « •
j:: D. S. McCarthy i:
; drat and ::
it ii
' j Prompt attention giveu J J
] J to the removal of house- J J
| ' hold goods. \ I
:: phone no. 211 ::
<4H illlMllli tlHMIKIII
I .._ _ ■■ ... —
Magnetic Healing
Miss Lizzie Heitland, a gradu
ate of the Welttner School of
Magnetic Healing, of Nevada,
Mo. I am prepared to treat dis
eases of all kinds. Phone 279.
| Located at Mrs. Burris’ residence
| south of the convent. 4t
I am trying to make a
date with
They tell me he is strictly up-to- ,4?
date and well posted on all classes f
of domestic animals and also farm
property in general.
He can certainly please you, as he has had s xteen years expe
rience. He is also from Missouri, and if given the opportunity will
“SHOW YOU’’-results.
or TELEGRAPH (at my exponsej
Phones I63-I3!-216 Falls City, Neb.t