The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 08, 1909, Image 7

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    The County in General
The “Doings” of our Country Friends
and Neighbors.
Mrs. John Bourke is quite sick with
nervous prostration.
Jess Brisby presented his wife
with a new piano Saturday.
Mrs. Eva Brisby attended the Ak
Sar-Ben in Omaha this week.
Mrs. William Sutton was an Au
burn visitor the last of the week.
Mrs. I. L. Plasters, living north
of town, has been very ill the past
Newt Pugh closed his restaurant
on the east side of main street last
A seven pound son was born to
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hinkle, on Sun
day, October 3.
J. G. McBride has sold his drug
store to Sam Chism, who took pos
session Thursday.
Dan Sarvis and wife moved to Au
burn last week, where they will make
their future home.
George Helmic and wife from
near Dawson visited Sunday at the
home of G. F. Ailor.
Mrs. Rose Rush of Kansas City is
visiting at the home of her sister-in
law, Mrs. L. G. Ciphers.
The infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Irvin Reimers has been very ill
for the past two weeks.
Mrs. A. E. Jennings of Salem and
Mrs. G. L. Slocum visited Monday
with Mrs. Ewin James near Verdon.
Mrs. Mattie Hodge, living Just
north of town, has been quite sick
for several weeks and is still very
Rev. Hinkle went to Howe last
Sunday to preach his first sermon at
the M. E. church. He will preach
here next Sunday morning and even
Mrs. Sid Timmerman and Miss
Verda left last Saturday for their new
home at Fort Wayne, Col. We are
sorry to lose them, but wish them
There will be no preaching at the
Christian church next Sunday as the
minister, Rev. Young, will be in Pitts
burg attending the National conven
tion of the Christian church.
Mrs. Lizzie Shiley moved her
household goods to the country last
week and will make her home with
her son, Sherman, for the winter.
She has rented her town property.
The friends of Prof, and Mrs. Wil
son received cards this week an
nouncing that the stork had made
them a visit and left a daughter. The
little girl has been named Gladys
Mrs. E. Wheeler and Miss Florence
went to Omaha Tuesday night to
attend the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities.
Miss Florence goes as a “maid of
honor” from Richardson county, and
will attend the grand ball Friday
Mrs. Charles Wood received word
Sunday morning that her brother’s
little boy at Table Rock had drank
concentrated lye and was very sick.
She left on the afternoon tain, but
the little fellow died before she
reached that place.
C. R. Kluger, the jeweler, 1060 Vir
ginia Ave., Indianapolis, Ind., writes:
“I was so weak from kidney trouble
that I could hardly walk a hundred
feet. Four bottles of Foley’s Kidney
Remedy cleared my complexion, cur
ed my backache and the irregular
ities disappeared, and I can now at
tend to business every day and recom
mend Foley’s Kidney Remedy to all
sufferers, as it cured me after the
doctors and other remedies had fail
ed.”—Kerr’s pharmacy.
Mr. F. G. Fritz, Oneonta, N. Y.,
writes: “My little girl was greatly
benefitted by taking Foley's Orino
Laxative, and 1 think it is the best
remedy for constipation and liver
trouble.” Foley’s Orino Laxative is
mild, pleasant and effective, and
cures habitual constipation.—Kerr’s
Mrs. Dora Bacon is making a visit
to her daughter in Table Rock.
Hiram and Fred Bacon went to
Falls City Thursday in the latter's
Lloyd Duryea attended the Turkey
Creek fair near Seneca. Kas., last
Billy Hunt returned last week from
Cherry county, where he had been for
some time.
Hugh McGinnis left the first of the
week for Canada to arrange for com
ing here to live.
Mrs. Oliver Wells and daughter re
turned to their home in Topeka,
after an extended visit with the West
Friends of Mrs. Charles Mason will
regret to learn that she is still in
quite poor health since her return
from the hospital.
Mrs. Wesley Maeomber of Oklaho
ma spent last week with her brother,
E. J. Duryea at this place. She will
also visit her brother, W. E. Dur
yea, near Bern before returning to
Falls City.
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy has
become famous for its cures of
coughs, colds, croup and Influenza.
Try it when in need. It contains no
harmful substance and always gives
prompt relief. Sold by all druggists.
Mrs H. A. Burk spent last Thurs
day with her parents.
Ed Kimmel and wife were Kansas
City visitors this week.
Born, to John Reischick and wife,
Saturday, October 4, a daughter.
George Sturms and family spent
Sunday with Guy Lichty and wife.
F. M. Shaffer and family spent
Sunday with Mrs. Elshire and family.
Mrs. Earl Shaffer and children
spent Monday with Mrs. Chester
Carrie Melvin is spending this
week with the Misses Heineman in
Falls City.
A geat many from this vicinity at
tended the horse show at Falls City
last week.
Mrs. H. J. Prichard and daughter
were guests of Mrs. Elshire Sunday
Sam Kimmel and wife of Falls
City were guests of their children
here last week.
Edna Shaffer is spending a few
days with her aunt, Mrs. Frances
Stump this week.
Mrs. Ray Meyers returned from
Chicago Sunday, after an extended
visit with relatives.
Frances Slump spent a portion of
this week in Omaha, the guest of his
son, Charles P. Stump.
Miss Maude McCann entertained a
number of her friends from Falls
City at her home last Sunday.
Elmer Peck and wife were up from
Morrill to attend the love feast at
Silver Creek ant to visit relatives.
Rev. Sampson, of the Seven Day
Adventists, preached two sermons at
Silver Creek this week on the east
ern question.
Jim Coons and wife of near Ver
don spent Monday with H. Coons and
family. They were accompanied home
by Rosa Coons.
Chester Stump and wife and John
Lichty and wife drove up to Salem
last Thursday to see the farm that
Mr. Stump purchased recently.
The Sunday school convention will
be held in the Church of the Breth
ren, Sunday October 10, commenc
ing at 9:45 a. m. and continuing all
day. Everybody cordially invited.
—For latest and most exclusive sty
les in up-to-date millinery see Witt
rock Millinery store. 36-tf
Last Rates of the Season
$25.00 TO CALIFORNIA: These very low rates are in effect
until October 15th. The Burlington runs daily through touring
sleeper to Los Angeles and San Francisco, via Denver, scenic Col
orado and Salt Lake City.
$25.00 to WASHINGTON. OREGON and the NORTHWEST until
October 15tn. You have choice of two Burlington through trains,
via Billings to the coast, one via the Great Northern, one via the
Northern Pacific. All classes of through equipment, including
tourist sleepers.
HOMESEEKERS’ EXCURSIONS October 15th and 19th to the
far west and northwest. Inquire about Mondell 320 acre homestead
WINTER TOURIST RATES: Ask nearest agent about winter
r tourist rates to south and southeastern resorts.
The United States Land and Irrigation Exposition at Chicago,
Nov. 20th to Dec. 4th, will be of vital interest to the farmer.
E. G. Whitford, Ticket Agent.
L. W. Wakblby, G. P. A., Omaha.
The New
Round Oak
Base Burner
Fall colds are quickly cured by
Foley’s Honey and Tar, the great
throat and lung remedy. The genu
ine contains no harmful drugs.—Kerr’
—Mrs. Mason has opened her class
In art. Those wishing to do holiday
work should begin early. Classes
Tuesday afternoon, Thursday all day
and Saturday morning. 39-tf
A Short Talk
I have purchased the tailoring
establishment formerly conduc
ted by John Wilson, and I take
this means of introducing my
self to the public. In addition
to high-class tailoring I will in
stall a French Cleaning Mach
ine. All work guaranteed.
H. Nothdorf
—If you want bulbs, call up Slm
anton & Pence. 2-t
—Don't thow that old suit away!
Take it to Stanley Stump and have
It cleaned and pressed. 38-tf
—Dont fall to see the premiums
given with cash purchases at the
Patzman Sisters’ millinery store. 2t
—Ur. Truinpure—Massuer and face
Massage, Phone 267. 31tf.
Saturday, Oct. 9
We are having surveyed and plotted into lots the Con Reagan blocks, in the city of Falls City, Nebraska, north of the
B. & M. depot, and will on October 9th, 1909, at 1:30 o’clock P. M., offer for sale to the highest bidder Fifty Choice
Lots. These lots are all well located and will be an ideal place for a home; are especially finely located for railroad em
ployees. We will also offer for sale the 15-room Goolsby Railroad Eating House and Lunch Counter, all furnished,
situated across street from the P. & M. depot. Will also sell three cottages, well located for homes or rental property.
IfSYQUft own!
Retiring farmer, if you are contemplating leaving the farm
don’t make a mistake by going to some little village and
putting your money into the kind of home you deserve. If
you should make this mistake, when you want to sell you
could not sell it for as much as the lumber cost, and you have
no advantages in the village, Come to halls City, as it is
not only a citv of 4,000 people, but it is the county seat of
one of the best counties in the state, where all the county’s
business must be transacted. With line schools of highest
grade, and churches of most all denominations, where there
are high-class lectures and entertainment, and where prop
erty of all kinds is advancing. There is not a farmer who I
came to this city and bought property who has not made
monev by so doing, and you can do the same by buying
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from us. For those desiring to retire from active farming or business life, there never can be no better location obtained.
YOUNG MAN, YOUNG WOMAN, you had better invest a few spare dollars in good lots in Falls Citv, and reap
for yourself a handsome profit. The Missouri Pacific Division is now assured, work on same having already
commenced, and the sooner you buv property in this city the greater will be your profit, for as soon as the division work
is completed property will advance rapidly. Property will never be as cheap in Palls City as it is right now.
“FALLS city
is one of the liveliest towns on the map of Nebraska. Falls City has--Electric lights, owned by the city;
city water works, owned by the city; public library; city hall; four public school buildings: Catholic convent;
business college; city park and auditorium, owned by the city; ten churches—three church buildings now
under course of erection; ioo business firms; 12 fraternal organizations; many dwellings now going up.
Remember, this sale will take place on the tract of land to be sold; so you will see just what you are buy
ing. Free hacks will be run from the city to the sale grounds. For information phone 168-216-131-252.
Terms of Snle, One-haJf Cash. Balance on Good, Easy Terms •