Reminiscences of a. Wayfarer Some of the Important Events of the Pioneer Days of Richardson County and Southeast Nebraska, as remembered by the writer, who has spent fifty one years here. The Broad Axe, Falls City’s First Newspaper In the month of December, 1858, or somewhe' about that time, .1. E. Burbank «n S well K,Jameson start ed a newspaper at Falls City. It was called "The Broad Axe," and was a sort of continuation of one they had op -rated at Centerville, 1ml , the form r residence of tin Bur banks anil Jameson. They had a small 1iri.iI press and some type, and Jameson h lag a practical printer tin enterprise wns set on foot to help Falls City, and to amuse, if not In struct, the people In this part of the new political community of Ne braska Vbout the same time A. D. Kirk started one at Rulo, which he called "The Rule Guido,” and It was not long before a fierce newspaper war broke out. between them of a grossly personal character. From a dog figiit to a newspaper war, or any other conflict, gnat or small, in which prowess, valor, grit, ami gallantry may be displayed, the sympathies and partisan zeal of the Anglo-Saxon are sure to he enlisted, and if ho can in any way get into the row himself, he will be all the better pleased. This republic is one hundred and thirty-three years old, and In that time 1ms fought success fully five wars,two with the parent nation. England, one with Mexico, one with Spain, and one with the Filipinos on the other side of the earth; and for three hundred years has carried on an almost continuous war with the native Indian tribes found in possession of the North American continent when discovered by the Itallnu navigator. Columbus. In the closing years of the fifteenth century. Besides these five foreign wars, ami the long drawn out Indian wars, there was fought another in the de cade of 18(50, that out-ranks till others in the matter of t ho destruction of life and property, in the long history of the world. It was that one pre cipitated by the secession of most of the slave-holding states from the American Union, and the attempt to set up a new republic out of the ter ritory of the old one. But this was a family fight between people of the same bisod and from a common an cestry. It was Anglo-Sax on against Anglo-Saxon, but the established government with its su perior resources, and commanding influence among the nations of tho earth, prevailed in the end and tho Union remained intact. This digression aside, I remark that the newspaper controversy— principally about nothing—between those papers, ultimately drew the peo ple of the two towns into it, and the sentiment of place hatred between them, became intensely bitter and remained so for many years after wards. Tlie ancient wars between the old-time Scottish clans were no more vengeful in the hearts of their people, than it was among tho inhab itants of the two hamlets whose riv alry hart immediate respect only, to which could show the greatest popu lation. and in time to come be select ed ns the seat of government of the county. 1 have already told in another paper in this series, what followed tIre election in April, 18(50, which fin ally resulted in giving the county sent to Falls City, and 1 need say no more on that head. Tile row between the "Broad Axe” and the "Rulo Guide,” was like most other shlndys on the frontier, ridic ulously absurd, senseless in its con duct, and superbly indecent, not to say downright obscene, in the genre al matter contained in both. The pub lie taste being in keeping witli the low vulgarity indulged In by those paper-wad champions, rather relish id the weekly showers of nitul and filth they threw at each other, as in the public estimate the battle of the rival towns was supposed to be in volved in the issue—and besides they liked the fun. In all essential res pects the contest was not unlike a similar one recorded by that inimit able caricaturist, Charles Dickens, in the Pickwick Papers, over an elec tion at Eatanswill, between Pott of the Eatanswill Gazette and Shirk of the Eatanswill Independent, hut I lack the powers of description in a sufficient degree to present those Ne braska inky belligerents and their tempest in a teapot, as the great Englishman pictured the two Eatan swill social scabs, and clothed them with his own mantle of deathless fame. Pott and Slurk—Dickens was happy in his selection of names for his ^ characters. Pott and Slurk—synon yms for disgust or contempt—a whole commentary in themselves—were in fact Intended as types of two classes that somehow manage to be always in tli<* front In the operation of a certain kind of public slander sheets, that nn over-indulgent government tolerates under its guaranty of free dom of speech and of tile press. That such people may bo held responsible tn the courts for abuse of that priv ii. go is a very poor remedy, us most of such cattle are generally ex ecution pi’uof, and judgments against them, in most eases, arc worth no more than what the boy shot at— nothing. Mr. Dickens was of opinion that full length portraits of such fel lows was a better illustration of their . effect on society, and a decidedly . more ample punishment for their of fenses against private character, than prosecutions for libel on the < rim j inal side of the court, or suits for I damages, on the civil side, lienee, j his masterpieces, Pott and Shirk, pro totypes of all their despicable kith | and kin all over the globe, drawn j to life in the Pickwick Papers,that ! in its day went laughing round the world, and which will never cease to amuse while there are people on the earth with any appreciation of the ridiculous in their compositions. The lash of ridicule, wielded by an hand no less powerful than that of Myron himself, has rid civilized so ciety of much of that pestiferous race, despised of gods and men, hut not. entirely. i That wrangle between tin- pioneer newspapers of this county was how ever, n very harmless affair, hut be ing the first, is entitled to mention in these papers. The editors themselves were not bad fellows, but, wi re very different in temperament, tastes and mental make up. Of course, noth ing in this world can Inst forever, and the storm of paper pellets spent, itself in the course of a few months, principally for the reason that both editors retired from their posts, and (lie war cry died out for a time, to be renewed by others on the tripods, more fierce than ever, till the county seat question was settled, when the "Guide” faded out of existence and was heard of no more. The “Broad Axe,” however linger ed along for ten years or more, and like a river I have seen in the moun tain districts of the Pacific Slope, would sink out of sight in spots, to reappear further on, and continued that desultory, intermittent sort of existence, till by some process of newspaper metempsychosis, it passed into another under a different name, and this, the first of its kind, of long time happy memory, followed the "Guide” to the shadowy land of dead newspapers. The roll of its editors brings be fore me many faces familiar in re eoll'-ction; faces of men who in another time were to pioneers oil the western border, and participants in the work of laying the founda tions of th“ present great and pros perous state of Nebraska. Sowed R. .lnraeson, its first, retired soon after its establishment, to take the office of Receiver of Public monies in the land office at Brownville,which place be held for a time, with no I particular credit to himself, or an\ body else. 1 Jibuti not attempt to write ids biography. It is already | written in the lost lives of that i mighty host, of the dead from a; social custom, sanctioned, or at learn ' p Tmitted tiy the laws Of so called Christian men, and (lie story of o of those is, in all essential respects, an exact duplicate of till the others. In a loiedy grave on a Irish bill near old Brownville and overlooking the broad sweep of the Missouri, as it rolls its unsightly, muddy, floods steadily down to the sea, rests till that was mortal of that young man, once of high hope, of good intellect and good intentions, but of no more a count now to the busy throng of the li\iiig. than the senseless clods that cover the frail, wasting body, beneath them. “What is man that thou art mindful «.f leni, or the son uf man that thou visitest him,” when man ldmself is neither mindful of Ids kind, or merciful to it, hut is even cruel in his disposition to, for getfulness and neglect. Mr. Jameson was succeeded in the “Broad Arc." by a tramp printer named Irving, a young man with some ability and a fair education, but lh‘ social custom ncntioned bad laid its withering hand upon him early in the race, and failure was written against the enterprise from the start. However, he ran the paper at interval lor a year or two. and then throw it up and left the country. The next to take hold of the "Axe," was a farmer named L. B. Prouty, who lived out on the Muddy te ar John it. I an tv's present farm. Mr. Prouty had learn d the printers trade when a boy. and was well equipped for the business of a country editor. Anyway, he took up the job some time in the latter part of 1861. and held it down till 186.". or thereabouts, and was succeeded by Norman Pierce, from somewhere in Kansas, who was a better printer and a bettor editor than any of his predecessors. About that time Arago was assuming great importance as a growing town, and its leading citizens induced Pierce to move the “Axe” office down there to help boom the then metropolis on the river. He did so, and operated the paper there for several months, tut with little profit to himself or the town. Norman liked be* r too well, and as there was an unlimited quantity constantly on tap and within reach, and as much of his uds and subscription were paid in ;hat kind of currency, the editor did what he could towards getting away with at least what ho considered his share, and it finally got away with the newspaper business Itself, and the office was brought back to Falls City. The press and material belonged to Jameson and Burbank, but they allowed any person who would un dertake the job of printing a paper, to use them without cost, hoping that nine one would make a success of . and buy them out. i’his I think >k place, but St war. near the close of the decade of i860, but as ! i,n not writing of that time, the fact is not important at. this moment. I i next and the last or the T.ropd Axe” >-ditors, was Judge Jonathan Janes Marvin. I have it in mind that he took charge of tiie office i.bnut the year lStifi, but i car;not be a< irate as to time, as I have no data at hand by which to fix it, but it was somewhere thereabouts. As run bv him it was a different paper to any previously published in the town. First, because it. was free from all personalities, and was de voted to the publication of the cur rent news of the day, interspersed with articles of literary subjects at intervals, that lovers of the higher orders of literature would be de lighted with, as in a new country as this was then, books of the bells let tres kind were scarce indeed. Sec ond, because Judge Marvin was the most accomplished, classical scholar then in Nebraska, or that has ever been in it since for that matter, and the products of his pen were mar vels of style and elegance, su i as is never met with in the ordinary i.i.tgh and tumble country publica tion. He had been educated in one cd' the Canadian coll« ges, but ’bins If was a native of the state of Vermont, and chose the law as his profession in life, studying in the .offic-e of his grandfather, Judge Janes, who had been Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of that state. He came of a rare of great lawyers, but 1 was al ways of tin' opinion that he made a mistake in trying to he one himself. I suppose there is some: place in the world for every man who has the misfortune to be born . into it. but sometimes, and generally a good many times, the wrong man gets into the wrong place, and fail ure, or at least, incomplete success follows, for which the man himself is held responsible and unjustly so. NEMAHA VALLEY Pressed Stone and Brick Co. W. H. PU 1 NAM & SONS, Props. We manufacture and carry in stock a full line of Cement Blocks, Brick, Tile and Plain and Fancy Trimmings, which we wou'd be pleased to show and price you before you place \our order elsewhere. We also wholesale and retail Sand, Cement and Crushed Rock We are agents for the Boelt’S Concrete Mixer. Visitors al ways welcome at our yards- Located on the CORNER 14th & MORTON STREETS 2 Blocks from Burlington Depot F4LLS CITY. MLB. To mo it appeared that Judge Marvin with his great attainments, and splen did poetic fancy, for he was a poet in every fiber of ids nature, should have been on the editorial staff of some literary magazine of the high er order, where his powers of criti cal analysis, equal in grasp to that of Poe or Willis, could have had full play and the world of letters would have been enriched by the circum stance. Untoward fate ordered his destiny otherwise, and it may be that 1 am mistaken, though i hardly think so, but I am very certain that he was out of his rightful element trying to practice law in a rude frontier community, or indeed in any other, as his tastes and natural instincts fit ted him for a field of operation as widely different from the pugilistic contentions of a legal forum, as the sunshine of high noon differs from the darkness of the midnight hour. 1 have no apology to offer for what I have said of a man whom in life t admired and respected, and in whom I saw, what 1 know many others did not see, an intellectual giant that fate had enabled pigmies to bind, as the Lilliputs bound a Gulliver, with fetters woven of their ignorance and narrow prejudices, mere threads of gossamer, but in combination with a social order as foreign to his nature as lie was for eign to it, was sufficiently powerful to break his spirit, and hold him in its brutal clutch with the tenacity of death itself. He was among them, but not of them, and they killed the aspirations of a soul too lofty for vulgar appreciation, and the pearls he cast before the human swine of his environment, shared the fate pre dieted for all such, by one whose word is the law of this world. Such was the man who had edi torial charge of that first newspaper enterprise in our city, during the last years of its existence,and until it was swallowed up by one on a larger scale, but not of superior character. Inoffensive, modest, and retiring, its editor quietly went about his duties, harming no man, hut doing the best he could for the town and its peo ple, and whether that was much or little, it was done in kindness, and with a vi> w only to the betterment of his fellows and the community in which he lived. He was a citizen of Nebraska for thirty-two years, most of which time he lived in Falls City, and if lie ever by word or deed plac ed a .thorn in any man’s breast I never knew it,and I think I knew him as well as another. He gathered little gear in the shape of this world’s goods, but he accu mulated something better, something ho could take with him out of the wilderness—ideas, the only com modity man can possess that has real value. From ] 865, when he came home from serving his country in the Southern wrnr, till 1891, he went out and came in with his neighbors hereabouts, in peace and harmony; grew old on these streets, and died regretted by all. That cannot be said of many who have lived and died in this stormy little burgh. V —Don’t forget this is the right time to put in your concrete walks. Plenty of rock, sand and cement on hand to do your work on short notice. Don’t forget we build concrete stock tanks of all kinds on short notice. Phones 111, 119, 337—or a postal card will do Uneeda^ Biscuit are more than mere soda crackers. They are a distinct, individual food article made from special materials, by special methods, in specially constructed bakeries. 4 J They are sealed in a special way which gives them crispness, cleanliness and freshness which 44crackers” from the paper bag always lack. They are the Na tion’s accepted soda Biscuit NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY