en Who are particular about looking dressy— and that includes nearly all young men in these days—will be glad to see our new uits for Fall Some of the New Fashions for Young Men are ex ceptionally good; the cut and finish are exceedingly smart; Fand we can promise any of you something out of the ordinary. For all sizes and tastes we have the right Clothes—fancy weaves, blue serges, high collars and rich patterns. Extreme Values in Fall Suits and Overcoats at $10, $12.50, $13.50, $15, $16.50, $18 $20, $22.50, $25, $27.50 and $30 Hargrave & Hargrave The Home of Good Clothing • , <” mf • : • -• - * THE COMERS AND GOERS HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME. What Your ^Friends and Their Friends Have Been Doing the Past Week, —Eat Sowle’s Candy. —Dr. Wilson, Wahl's building. See Clarence Heck for your coal this fall. Phone 101. —The cleaning and pressing of , ladies’ garments a specialty.—Stan ley Stump. 38-tf Miss Gertrude Lum was down from Vcrdon Frids.> ur the Friends in Council meeting. M. Dore, William Higgins and Mrs. Hannah Schulenberg were called to Omaha by the death of Larry Dore Messrs Neal Thornton, John and Morris Sheehan went to Omaha Sun day afternoon to attend the funeral of Larry Dore. * Mesdames Nellie King, Adelia San ford, and William Higgins went to Omaha Saturday morning. They . were called there by the death of their brother-in-law, Larry Dore. i’t ~ ___ Brighten Up! Try Our Floor and Linoleum Varnish Also our Floor Stains and Waxes, Japalac and Permalac, Gold Aluminum PAINT for stove pipes and radiators. For any little thing or big thing in the Paint Line we always handle the right g°ods at the right prices. McMillan’s Pharmacy THE REXALL STORE Opposite Postoffice . Falls City, Neb. ! __ ---*m i|, mi i n»nn ■'. ■ - - •* • Rev. and Mrs. F. E. Day will start tomorrow for Pittsburg, where they will attend the National convention of the Christian church. Mrs. Day will go as a delegate from the local church and Rev, Day is a state del egate. They will be gone about ten days. Miss Una Snidow accompanied Mis. G. F. Reichel to Kansas City, wrere she visited over Sunday. Mrs. Reichel will remain some time with her parents. Mrs. ,1. L. Slocum and daughters. Miss Carrie and Mrs. H. M. Jenne, returned Sattirday night from a few days shopping in Kansas City. Harry Brannam visited the family of his brother, J. S. Brannam last Friday. He was on his way home to Armour, Neb., from S. D. Miss Lillian Smith of Sabetha vis ited Miss Lillian Oswald Sunday and attended the laying of the corner stone services. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cain, Jr., of Stella were visiting at the home of m Mr. Cain’s parents the first of the week. Mrs. Charles Rowe came down from Omaha Saturday night to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Abbott. —Fo Sale—One hundred and twen ty acres, well improved. 2^4 miles northeast of Verdon.—Herman Weick. Miss Arlie Stumbo went to Omaha, Tuesday to visit a few days with friends and to attend the Ak-Sar-Ben. Father I aughran was down from Dawson Friday night to attend the meeting of the Knights of Columbus. Jake Greenwald of Kansas City visited his mother, Mrs. Judith Green w'ald, the latter part of the week. Mrs. Perry Westpheling of Paris, Mo., visited the family of Mrs. Mar garet Maddox during the week. —Good Missouri River sand for sale by, Joe Liberty, at Rulo, Neb. $1.00 per yard.—H. D. Kirk. 40-3t W. W. Jenne returned Friday night from a trip of several weeks length in New York. —That old suit, or garment of any kind, can be fixed up as good as new —see Stanley Stump. 38-tf Miss Kniuia Frank of Humboldt visited Miss Clara Tanner the latter part of last week. Mrs, Sam Marts left Monday for a months visit with her son at Good land, Kansas. Carl Krauft of Dawson was a pleasant caller at this office Tues day. Otis and DeLos Spickler were down from Barada Saturday. —For Sale—One pair of yearling mule colts.—6. P. Heck. 40-2t —Red Seal flour for sale at P. W. Hermes’. 40-2t Ezra Lichty was over from Morrill in his auto last Friday. Noman Beachy was over from Mor rill on business Saturday. Miss Mable Hermes is now teach ing shorthand in the night school at the Businses College. Will Custer arrived Saturday even ing from his home in Minneapolis for a short visit with relatives. Miss Lois Keeling left Sunday for Aurora, 111., where she will spend the winter with her uncle, George Keel ing. Mrs. Mary Berry and daughter, Julia, stopped off for a few days visit with relatives in this city. They were on their way from Atchison to Wymore, where they will attend the wedding of a relative. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Schaible re turned the latter part of the week fpm a two weeks' stay in the north west. | i Mr. and Mrs. Bertram went to | Ottawa, Kas., last Sunday, called | there by the death of a cousin. Miss Naomi Fallstead returned Friday from a two weeks' visit with friends at Abilene, Kas. Hand-Painted China EXHIBIT OF THE FIRST QUALITY Dainty Table Creations, by the best of American painters, are found at this store in a profusion unknown elsewhere in this locality. The buying of genuine Hand-painted China is a matter of serious thought. “Second” and stamped china are so near in appearance to the genuine that oftimes the difference is not discernable to the uninitiated. You may rest assured that every piece of hand-painted china purchased here is of first quality. We guarantee every piece sold to be as represented. We carry the Pickard Hand Painted China. Nothing better. An Inspection Will Be Worth While Davies & Owens Reliable Jewelers and Opticians | Wl'l II I 1111 HI II "TiniH MU I III | —I—I ■ —■! I 111 I ■ 111X1 — IHTlII l < JD Miss Bessie Arnold is again clerk ing in V. G. Lyford’s department store. Mrs. Fred Keller returned Satur day from a week's visit with her sister, Mrs. Gray in St. Joseph. Miss Grace Cronin came up from Rulo to spend Sunday with her sis ters, Mrs. I.« ss Leeds and Mrs. T.' J. McKiever. Mrs. Morris Sheehan, Mrs. John Startzel and son, Byron, went to Wymore last Sunday to visit rela tives and to attend the wedding of their niece, Miss O’Brien. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Gray and little son, Miles, of Eos Angeles,Cal., stopped off for a short visit with Mrs. Gray’s father, J. H. Miles, on their return home from New York. While in the city they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Miles. Mrs. Ephraim Withee and little son, Eugene, came down from Stella and spent Sunday with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hossack. Mrs. Guy Greenwald and her friend, Mrs. Spahr, returned Friday night from a few days shopping in Kan sas City. J. M. DeWald went to Humboldt Sunday. John R. Smith came up from To peka Monday afternoon. Lou Howe was down from Humboldt between trains Tuesday. W. D. Easley was down from Lin coln between trains Saturday. George Holt left Monday night for a business trip to Holt county. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Parsons of Ver don spent Tuesday at this place. O. P. Heck went down to Kansas City and Atchison on business this week. Dr. Bert'Windle and Miss Myrtle Ramel drove to the Missouri bluffs for the day Sunday. Miss Minor of Amlzonia, Mo., is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Fred Farrington this week. Lou Segrist was down from Hum boldt Monday to attend the meeting of the county automobile association. Mrs. Martha Elwell is visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. L. Stettler, in Sa lem. She will be gone about two weeks. Jess Spence has moved down from Humboldt and is working in the gro cery department of the Matthews-Lit tle store. Miss Jennie Prater returned Sat urday night, from a two weeks’ visit with her sister, Mrs. C. E. Peabody, in St. Joseph. Dr. Wilson made a professional vis it to Humboldt last Thursday. Mrs. Wilson accompanied hom and enjoyed a short visit with friends. Mrs. Herbert Hedges and little daughter left Tuesday for Glencoe, Okla., where they will visit the for mer’s father, J. T. Evans and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Batterall were up from St. .Joe Monday and Tuesday. They went to Reserve for a short visit with Mr. Batterall’s mother. Virgil Falloon went to Lincoln last Friday lo see the big foot ball game between Nebraska and Dakota. He will \isii the Falls City boys in Lin coln a few days. He will go to York before returning. Mr. and Mrs. .J. C. Chism of Porter township were shopping in this city Wednesday. Asa Bush, the father of Mrs. Chism, accompanied them. While in the city they called on their old-time neighbor, W. .1. Mc Cray and family. An auto party composed of Miss Beulah Fry, Mrs. James Pickett and Clayton Fry left Friday for Newkirk, Okla., in the Fry touring car. They went by the way of Topeka and will visit Mr. and Mrs. Garth Mettz, who will accompany them home. A party from Verdon came down Saturday evening to see “The Tiger and the Lion” at the Geliling. ThoBe who made up the party were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weaver, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Veach, Mr. and Mrs. James Ayers, Messrs Bronson, and George and John Hall. Hoy Mastin returned Monday night from Seward, where he went to help his parentB, Rev. and Mrs. Mas tin, to get settled in their new home. Rev. G. M. Brooks, the new Meth odist minister arrived with his family last Saturday nnd are now comfort ably settled in the parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Crook are in St. Louis this week attending the Centennial celebration and visiting friends. Lee and Guy Whitney of Salem at tended the play at the Gehllng Sat urday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Morehead and son, Edwin, spent last Sunday in Barada. George Hall took Fern Maddox to Verdon in his auto Tuesday after noon. W. S. Leyda attended the K. of P. lodge in Humboldt Tuesday night.