I Office Phone 368 Res. Phones 132-241 DD 3 House Cleaning Made Easy Wc can clean your houses, Car pets, Rugs and Furniture with IDEAL VACUUM CLEANER in a fractional part of the time it lakes to do it the old way. and do it better than is possible by old methods. NO DUST. NO WOR RY, no taking up of carpets or rugs. We guarantee our work. Yoder & Cain j Our customers our reference Office over Burris' News Stand | Falls City Marble Works t R. A. & F. A. NE1TZEL, Managers We are now carrying the largest and best selected stock of Marble and Granite ever carried in Southeas tern Nebraska. We would be pleased to show you through the stock, which is made up of the latest de signs in and which we are prepared to turn out in the highest degree of art at a cost as low as any responsi ble firm can quote you. Write for Designs and Prices Before Placing Your Order Falls City Marble Works You’ve Paid the Bill OF COURSE YOU HAVE But you’ve lost the receipt—and now you’re asked to pay again. Why not pay all your bills by check? Then in the cancelled checks you’ll have an indisputable receipt for every dollar paid out. Your Checking Account is cordially invited, whether your balance will be large or small The Farmers’ State PRESTON, NEBRASKA College Creations Makers Weil Pri.iurn Sc Co. Chicago /^OLLEGE clothes V made by “WEIL PFLAUM & Co.” are especially designed for the College Chaps. ^ They portray all the features desired by these tasty dressers. 1 here is that tone of quality and style, that life and swing that bespeaks individual ity. They fit every curve of the body perfectly and are moulded in the season s most becoming styles. W e have on display the catchiest and latest weaves—rich colors and artistic designs. Ask to see them. And we carry all the accessories that go with a becoming suit, such as Shirts. Collars and Ties, Underwear and Hosiery of latest patterns and designs. Call and inspect them. It will pay you. Wahl & Parchen NIMS CITY. Anna Feicht of Speicer township is staying with Mrs. J. (J. McGinnis. Charles Duryoa and liis sisters, Maggie and Pearl were over from Hern Sunday. Bruce Futon and wife returned to their home in the western part of the state Monday after visiting rela tives here. Mrs. A. Fdie was out from Hum boldt last week the guest of her cousins, F. A. and H. (’. liacon. Otto Waller and family are here from Grand Island. Mrs. Mason was taken to the hos pital at Omaha last week for surgi cal treatment and Is now reported as recovering nicely. C. II. McGinnis expects to start Monday for Nokomis, Canada, to ar range liis business so ho can return to take charge of the home farm of his father, the late .1. (I. McGinnis. L. C. McGinnis is building a fine house oil liis place between here and Dawson, known as the old Triggs I farm. He will move there in the spring. COMMITTEE MEETING. Meeting of The Republican Central Committee. There will he a n. -cting of the Re publican county central committee in the office of John Wiltse, secre tary, in Falls Chy on Tuesday, Oct. 5, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. It is desired tin all candidates,and all precinct coi u.ii teeinen, and all members of the i ■ ublieau executive committee be presi it. This will be an important meeting. All member:) are invited. JOHN WILTSE, Secretary. Rep :blican Caucus. The republican voters of Liberty precinct are requested to meet at Helnzeln an Bros, office, intbe village of Verdi ii, Saturday afternoon, Oct, 2, 19011 at two o'clock, to place in nomination a precinct ticket and to transact any other business that may come before said primary. V. ARNOLD, Committeeman. Republican Caucus. ■ The republican voters of' Arago , precinct are requested to meet in the town hall of said precinct on Saturday evening, October 2, at 7:20 o’clock, for the purpose of nominat ing a precinct ticket, and for the transaction of any other business that may come before the meeting. J. C. WALLRAFF, Committeeman. Call For Republican Caucus. The republican voters of Falls City arc h< reby requested to meet at the court house on Friday evening Oct ober 1st, 1909, at eight o'clock p. in., for the purpose of nominating two candidates for the office of justice of the peace, two candidates for constable, and one candidate for as sessor, and for the transaction of any other business which may prop erly come before said meeting G. M. Barrett, 1st Ward Coni. Harry Pence, 2d Ward Coin. C. H. Linsaeuni, 3d Ward Com. Notice. The republican cattcaus for Falls City precinct will be held October 2, 1909, at 2:30 p. in., for the purpose of nominating a .precinct ticket, and such other business as may properly come before the meeting. Meeting place, the town hall. H. E. LEMON, Committeeman. Legal Notice. .1 -fferson Spurgin. Plaintiff, vs. The Unknown Heirs of Shel ton Ransdell, Defendants. The unknown heirs of Shelton Ran sdell,defendants,will take notice that on the 1 Stli day of September A. D. 1909, the plaintiff herein, filed his petition in tiie district court of Rich ardson county, Nebraska, against, said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to have a certain mort gage, executed by C. R. Nicolls and husband, G. W. Nicolls, to Shelton Ransdell on the 19th day of Novem ber 1806, for the sum of $250.00. said mortgage being given on the west half of the northeast quarter of Section 31, Township 2, Range 15, in Richardson County, Nebraska, de creed and declared satisfied and can celled of record, and to quiet the title to said land in this plaintiff, and for such oilier and further relief as justice may require. You are required to answer or plead to said petition on or before the 1st dav of November A. D. 1909. Dated this 18th day of September, 1909. Jefferson Spurgin, By J. E. Leyda, Plaintiff. Ilis Attorney. f First publication Sept. 24 4 times. Our Jewelry Learn to admire rightly and you j will learn to purchase wisely. People of refined taste admire our jewelry most because r< al jewel ry art appeals to them as only real art of any kind does. Wise Jewelry buying begins with your selection of a store which pro vides jewelry of artistic and in trinsic value extending deeper than the outside coat. To know if our prices arc low, compare them with values as high. F^ 5- Simpson North Window Kerr's Pharmacy Falls City, Neb. The North Pole Could Be Made a Cozy Little Corner by the judicious use of GOOD COAL, and plenty of it. We have the GOOD COAL, but the North Pole is in the other fellow’s territory. It is the Palls City consumer that we are after-WE HANDLE THE COAL TH AT STANDS ANY TEST—VVE HANDLE GOOD COAL, and nothing but good coal, and an order placed with us for the winter’s supply brings happy results—good fires and general satisfaction to all concerned. Order Now--Don't Procrastinate Lay in your winter’s supply NOW, or at least a part of it. Come and see us or phone to us and let us “ talk coal ” to you. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY AND SAVE YOU MUCH VEXATION, MAUST BROS. Phone 38 Prompt Delivery Legal Notice. STATE OF NEBRASKA. RICH AKDSON COUNTY. SS. In the matter of the estate of Char les Daeschner deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Edward Daeschner, praying that administra tion of said estate, with the will annexed, may be granted to Henry Daeschner as administrator of all of said estate not already administered upon, in the place of Charles F. Daeschner, executor, deceased. Ordered, that October 2nd, A. D. 190!), at 9 o'clock a. m., is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons interested in said matter may appear at the County court in and for said county, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted; and that notice of the pend ency of said petition and the hearing thereof, be given to all persons Inter ested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Falls City Tribune, a weekly newspaper printed at Falls City in said county, for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing. JOHN GAGNON, County Judge. Special China Window Consisting of Pitchers, Chop Plates, Chocolate Sets, Cake Plates, Salad Howls, and Cups and Saucers. We have other items at special prices on our sales tables. Don’t forget our grocery stock. If you don’t use GOLD MEDAL COFFEE, TRY IT. Sold only at Chas. M. Wilson’s A Few Snaps in Land Richardson County 80 acres, 4 1-2 miles from Falls City, nicely improved. $115 per acre. 80 acres, mile from Falls City, nicely improved. $150 per acre. 240 acres, 3 miles from good town, nicely improved. $80 per acre. 80 acres, 7 miles from good town, nicely improved. $90 per acre. 94 acres, 1-2 mile from good to wn, some improvements, $6,500. 160 acres, 6 m. from good town, fine farm, fine improvements. $20,000. 120 acres 9 miles from good town, fair improvements. $7,ooo. Boone County 480 acres fine land, good improvements. $40 per acre. Thayer County 240 acres of fine land, fine improvements. $80 per acre. 5. Si F.=-Jefferson County 28o acres good land, good improvements. Easy terms. Pawnee County 54 acres close to town, good improvements. $80 per acre. 80 acres ,six miles to Pawnee City, good improvements. $9o per acre. 120 acres, 1 1-2 half miles to Pawnee City, good imp. $9o per acre. 80 acres, 6 miles to good railroad town; good improvements. $5,200. 120 acres, 6 miles from good railroad town; imp. $65 per acre. 9o acres, 1 mile from Pawnee City; good improvements. $100 per acre. 121 acres two miles from Pawnee City; good imp. $80 per acre. 97 acres 1-2 mile from town; good improvements. $7o per acre. The above are worth the change, and if you want a good home fc^ yourself or your children, it will pay you to investigate. See me soon, as they will not last long G. H. FALLSTEAD FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA