The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 24, 1909, Image 5

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    A Short Talk
I have purchased the tailoring
establishment formerly conduc
ted by John Wilson, and I take
this means of introducing my
self to the public. In addition
to high-class tailoring I will in
stall a French Cleaning Mach
ine. All work guaranteed.
H. Nothorf
320 Acre Free Homestead
stead law makes provisions for 320 acre homesteads in certain local
ities, instead of the usual 160 acre tracts. The requirements of the
law are practically the same regarding residence, improvements and
cultivation. These lands are going fast; if you want a homestead
close to the railroad, you should act now.
Crops and Rainfall—Visitors to the Omaha Corn Show will re
member the magnificent display of f. rm products from Weston
County, Wyoming, grown on exactly the same kind of land that
can now betaken in 320 acre homesteads. The Mondell Act in
eludes lands that receive from 16 to 21 inches of rainfall annually,
and you only need-to see the crops grown by the farmers already
located there, to b> convinced. These homesteads can be taken
along the Burlington’s new line now building in Wyoming.
I personally conduct excursions the first and third Tuesdays
of eacli month to these lands, and am employed by the Burlington
to answer ali inquiries, and to assist you in every possible way to
locate along the Burlington Lines.
Write for new folder and map of these lands.
I) CLEM DEAVER, General Agent,
d Seekers Information Bureau, Omaha, Neb.
1004 Farnam St., Omaha. Nebr.
in dental work if you have need of our
services and avail yourself of our skill,
experience and fac lities. We don’t do
half way work—it’s all or nothing with
us, as rrany people know to their own
great gratification. Note, please, that
we make no charge for expert examin
ation .
BERT WINDLE, I). D. S., Assistant
Falls City, Nebraska
Don't confuse it with any ordinary cotton mattress.
The word cotton is the only thing they have in common.
Of Purest, Springy Cotton Felt Test it for 60 Nights
Our cotton felt has the springiness i3 the offer that we make cn every
that makes a mattress comfortable. Stearns & Foster Mattress. We
Also the cleanliness that makes a are authorized to return your money
mattress safe. Stearns & Foster without question if vuu are willing to
Mattresses are made ot pure, fresh, with it after a test of Co nights,
new cotton crossed and recrossed by P us send a n,attress today
our wonderful web process into clean, - , ... t
buoyant, elastic sheets, forty to a so you will benefit by this great
layer and nine lavers to every mattress. offer.
Four Grade* of Superiority
Anchor Grade—Soft and springy, better than Lenox Grade—A little better, a little more
.". *■•■» sswasir* ""“'.i'S
W^r?^han“7yeo.h«W.dvS Style“A"-Amattr««deluxe anperiorma^r
makes at any price . . . *13.50 mattress of any material at any price *22.50
Reavis & Abbey
Not* the opening in th* end of this mattress, ft proves the content*■
^ IlnuiJl DqiIAII Gives you the reading matter ia
g §M& gg Offlv ■ gmfggSm which you have the greatest In
- . . - ■ — terest—the home ntws. Its every
issue will prove a welcome visitor to every member of the family. It
should head your list of newspaper and periodical subscriptions.
What Your Friends and Their
Friends Have Been Going
the Past Week.
—Eat Sowle’s Candy.
—Dr. Wilson, Wahl’s building.
Miss Fields spent Sunday at her
home in Lincoln.
See Clarence Heck for your coal
t iis fall, Phone 101.
Henry Gerdes attended the street
fair at Shubcrt Friday.
Stanley Crook of Salem spent last
| Sunday with friends here.
Hussell lliait of Salem spent Sun
day with Falls City friends.
Eugene Meridith of Salem was
i down on business last Friday.
Miss Jessie Paxton returned Sun
day to her home in Nebraska City.
Kev. R. C. Hailey returned Friday
from Lincoln and Bennett. Neb.
Miss Bessie Arnold returned last
Thursday from a visit to Denver rela
Miss Itnth Heacock went lo Lincoln
Sunday where she will attend the
Patrick Walsh was down from
Humboldt for the K. of L. festivities
last Friday.
Miss Lois Spencer left Tuesday for
Lincoln, where she will commence
a library course.
Miss Winifred Taylor lms been as
sisting at Dittnmr’s store during
the busy season.
Mildred Holland left Sunday for
Lincoln to take up her duties again
at the university.
Mr. and Mrs. 1). J. Spragins moved
into the house with Mrs. Martha
Weaver this week.
Fied Herbster left last Friday for
Des Moines where be will enter a
school of pharmacy.
Miss Minnie Murphy of Humboldt
j was down for the K. of C. dance and
| to visit with friends.
E. E. .lames is maiding a garage
on 11iproperty recently purchased
from Mrs. Pat Casey.
Misses Gertrude and Grace Lyford
left Sunday to resume school duties
at the stale university.
Mrs. A. Keller went to Auburn Iasi
Frida)' to visit a few days with Iter
daughter, Mrs. Ed May.
Mr. and Mrs. George Slocum of
SStella were down circus day. guests
of .1. L. Slocum and wife.
Mrs. Lillian Stephenson was down
from Humboldt to visit her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. T. .1. Oliver.
Mr. and Mrs. Flemming Robb of
Verdon were guests of l>r. 1). G.
Giffith and wife over Sunday.
Reavis Gist went to Lincoln last
Monday where lie enters the univer
sity upon his freshman year.
Mr. and Mrs. N. 15. Judd went to
Pawnee last Saturday to visit their
daughter, Mrs. George Crocker.
—Don’t fail to see the premiums
given with cash purchases at the
Patzman Sisters’ millinery store. 21
Richard Dittmar left Monday for
JUjica, N. V., where he will this year,
be a sophrhore ai Cornell University.
Miss Mable Lyford went to Cham
paign, 111., last Friday where she will
take a library course In the college
Mrs. Mary Kentner lias gone to
housekeeping and is now comfortab
ly situated in the Hermes cottage on
Chase street,
Mrs. James Stewart, who has been
visiting her parents, Conrad Brecht
and wife, left Sunday for her home,
in Sabetha.
Mr. Van Doian and family of Hia
watha visited his mother and sister,
Mrs. Van Doran and Miss Brebeck, a
few days last week.
Misses Jennie and Ollie Thompson
went to Peru Monday,where both will
graduate from the normal school at
that place this year.
Miss Maude Maddox went to Lin
coln last Saturday for a short, visit
with friends. She was a guest of
Mrs. Charles Fordyce.
Fred Brecht returned last Saturday
from Denver, where hi’ went as a
delegate to tli Grand Exec tlive Cas
tle of Royal Highlanders.
Mr. and Mrs. William Stiffen, who
came from Rowen, la., to attend the
funeral of their nephew, Will Bohrer,
returned home Monday.
Messrs Guy Crook and Ralph J«-li
ne*, Mrs. Edwin Ewing and Miss Rea
Fuller composed an auto party u>
Verdon and return Sunday.
Mrs. Charles Rowe of Lincoln sur
prised her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Abbott by coming down from Omaha
unexpectedly last. Saturday.
Mr. and.Mrs. S. L. Davies and little
Gwendolyn and Mr. and Mrs. T. L.
Davies spent last Sunday with Evan
Owens and wife neat’-Verdon.
Mrs. Ada Wells is Having me
property recently purchased of Mrs.
Eva Davidson greatly improved by a
new roof, painting and plastering.
Miss Cecil Kanaly came down from
Salem Friday evening with Miss
Setble and spent Sunday with her at.
the home of her uncle, W. H. Put
Charles Hanna recently sold his
home in the east part of the city to
George Zoelier, a farmer living near
Preston. He will live there until
Hube Horrocks accompanied his
daughter, Mrs. Tom Palmer, to her
home in Shlekley Thursday and spent
a few days duck hunting. He re
turned home Monday.
Mrs. Jake Nedrow and Mrs. Frei
berghouse were down from Salem on
Friday. Mrs. Freiburghouse will visit
friends at this place for several days
before returning home.
Phillip Sehlater, who a couple of
years ago was a member of the
Tribune force, came up from Nash
ville, Tenn., last. Saturday and will
be employed on the Daily Journal.
Mr. and Mrs. Carey Cooper, Miss
Jennie Fellers and Lou -Howe were
down from Humboldt in the Cooper
car Sunday. They were guests at
the W. It. Holt home, a mile west of
W. A. Gre.enwald and wife and Ferd
Parchen and daughter, Ethel, went to
Verdon Sunday to visit at the home
of Ed Frauepfelder. A punctured tire
on the homeward way somewhat mar-'
red the pleasure of the trip.
Parents, if your son or daughter
don't like the fibrin give them a chime
to prepare for a business position.
The Grand Island Business and Nor
mal College, Grand Island, Neb., will
educate five hundred students
next term—no fees to be paid
until t tie pupil 1ms had time to
gaduate, when a position will he pro
vided and expenses can he paid in
small sums each month. This is a
high grade school, established twenty
one years and lias 1,000 students
yearly. 37-lt
Miss Carolyn Hough, of the Chi
cago school of dressmaking and de
signing, will occupy rooms two
doors north of the Harlan Street
school house and will be prepared to
take orders for customers on and
after September 27, 1000. 21.
Karl Marts, wife and two sons
pa sod through ibis city Tlmsday, en
route to Kansas City where they will
visit relatives for a time. On their
way home to VVymore they will stop
off and visit their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Marts.
I. C. Maust left Tuesday for Hard
in, Mont., where his wife is visiting
her parents. They will all he mem
bers of a hunting party and when
Mr. Maust returns in October Mrs
Maust will come with him.
For Sale—Gasoline engine, saw
and saw table, complete in good run
ning order, $100. Must be sold at
once—going to leave town. See same
at KaebPIries’ wood yard. 37-tf.
M. Seff and son. Louis, returned
from Kansas City, where they passed
the Jewish holidays with Mr. Seff’s
daughter. He also bought new
goods while there.
Mrs. Joy Beyett and two daughters
were down from Lincoln several days.
They were called here by (lie death of
the former's grandmother, Mrs. Re
becca Clark.
liter Bilenkos came down from!
Beatrice Monday evening, lie has j
!i i'ii looking alter the confectionery
lie recently purchased at that place.
Guy Cook left Tuesday for Buhl.
Idaho to look over some of the land. I
He will go on to Seattle and other i
Pacific const points of intercut.
Mr. and Mrs. M. II. Sipe of Gan
ark. lit., who came to attend the I’ll-j
nerul of the latter’s brother, Will
Bohn-r, returned home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. II. O. Bohrer, who
were called here for the funeral of
Will Bohrer, returned to their home
in 1 lazellmrst, ill . Sunday.
Mrs. I lii am Spencer of Gong Beach.
Cal., arrived Thursday and will be
tlm guest of her daughter, Mrs. Jake
S liaihle for some time.
John Braiiigiin. who lives with his
aunt, Mrs. Janies Powell, left Mon
day for Peru where lie will attend
the Normal.
Mrs. Will Selimelzel and Miss
Sarah Hutchings speent last Tliurs-1
daay and Friday with Shubert rela
I ives.
J. G. Dalbey and wife of the Shu
bert Citizen were down Tuesday to
visit relatives and attend tlie circus.
Samuel 11. Huffnell arrived from
-Abeline, Kas., last Thursday for a
‘visit with relatives and old friends.
—Dont fail to see the premiums
givop with cash purchases at the
Patzman Sisters’ millinery store. 2t
Miss Dorothy Morehead was among
the students from this place to re
turn to the university at Lincoln.
Mrs. Hammer came down from
Weeping Water last Thursday to
visit her sister. Mrs. Morton
Miss Jennie Prater visited her
gjater, Mrs, C 10. Peabody in St.
Joe the latter part of the week.
Dr. Bert Windle and Miss Myrtle
Kamel spent Sunday in Verdon with
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Griffiths.
James Baeakos went to Beatrice
Sunday where he will work in his
brother’s confectionery.
August Scholl gave up his position
with Dr. Kerr. Monday and left for
Peru to attend school.
Inez Wachtel went back to Peru
Monday and will enter the senior
class at the normal.
Sterling Mendenhall nnd Dan Uat
ekin word among the Ritlo people up
for the circus.
Jno. Moehe&d’s residence lias been
in the hands ot a good painter this
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Maust return
ed Sunday from their trip to Den
,T. L. Morehead and wife were down
from Barada for the circus Tuesday.
Mrs. George Story visited relatives
at Craig. Mo., the past week.
See Clarence Heck for your coal
this fall. Phone 101.
—Dr. Trumpore—Massuer and face
Massage, Phone 267. 31tf.
Milt Bohrer returned to his work in
Red Cloud Sunday.
Tuesday was circus day.
Learn to admire rightly and you
will learn to purchase wisely.
People of refined taste admire .
our jewelry most because real jewel
ry art appeals to them as only real
art of any kind does.
Wise jewelry buying begins with
your selection of a store which pro
vides jewelry of artistic and in
trinsic value extending deeper than
the outside coat.
To know if our prices are low,
compare them with values as high.
5- Simpson
North Window
Kerr's Pharmacy
Falls City, Neb.
College Creations
/^OLLEGE clothes
^ made by “WEIL
PFLAUM & Co.” are
especially designed for
the College Chaps.
They portray all the
features desired by these
tasty dressers. 1 here is
that tone of quality and*
style, that life and swing
that bespeaks individual
ity. They fit every curve
of the body perfectly
and are moulded in the
season’s most becoming
We have cn display
the ca’. • . ! !.■'■ t
weaves* rxh cJors and
*> i } ■* ( r* * *y~i '
C. * v I » l - - K q * '
Weil l*H iu,u St Co. A , i f . *
.». • / k < wC '• •
And we carry all the accessories that go with a
becoming suit, such as Shirts. Collars and Ties,
Underwear and Hosiery of latest patterns and
designs. Call and Inspect them, It will pay you.
Wahl & Parchen
Pressed Stone and Brick Co.
W. H. PUTNAM & SONS, Props.
We manufacture and carry in stock a full line of Cement
Blocks, Brick, Tile and Plain and Fancy Trimmings,
which we would be pleased to show and price you before you
place your order elsewhere- We also wholesale and retail
Sand, Cement and Crushed Rock
We are agents for the Boelt’S Concrete Mixer. Visitors al
ways welcome at our yards. Located on the
2 Blocks from Burlington Depot FALLS CITY, NEB.
Falls City Marble Works
R. A. & F. A. NEITZFL, Managers
We are now carrying the largest and best selected
stock of Marble and Granite ever carried in Southeas
tern Nebraska. We would be pleased to show you
through the stogk, which is made up of the latest de
signs in and which we are prepared to turn out in the
highest degree of art at a cost as low as any responsi
ble firm can quote you.
Write for Designs and Prices Before
Placing Your Order
Falls City Marble Works
From 50 to 100 more entries for
the Horse Show, Sept. 29. There
is room for every good horse. Get
them ready and make your entry
with the secretary. 29 classes.
$220 in Premium Money
N. B. JUDD. President W. F. RIESCHICK. Secy.