The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 17, 1909, Image 7

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Something Hew!
I will take care of your apparel
at reasonable prices
Pressing, General Repairing
and Alterations
will receive prompt attention at my hands. A »l! make
a specialty of cleaning Ladies' Suits.
Merehant 7aiforing
I will make you a suit. »>i high-class yrati-. hxtensive
line of samples to select from. Workmanship guar
anteed at all times. Your patronage is solicited.
Chas. Lietzke
Over Wahi & Parchen's
Ponderous and Preeminent!!
Greater than them all, now and ever
Gollmar Bros.
Greatest of
American Shows
Circus, Museum, Hippodrome
and Million Dollar Menagerie
Coming in all their Glory. Grand, Gold,
Glittering, Gorgeous Free Street Parade
50 Delia Wild Animals
100 Arenic Feature Acts
250 Performances
300 Blooded Horses
30 World-famed Clowns
3 Great Bands of Music
rialf-mile ri:;>podi omc Track
Herd of Ponderous Elephants
Monster Black Hippopotamus
Family of Eastern Bactrains
35,000 32-Pipe Steam Calliope.
Mysterious Vlack Vark
Acres of Waterproof Canvas. Two Performances
Daily. Doors Open at 1:00 and 7:00 P. M.
Big Free Street Parade
Special China Window
Consisting of Pitchers, Chop Plates, Chocolate Sets,
Cake Plates, Salad How!-, and Cups and Saucers.
We have other items at special prices on our sales
tables. Don’t forget our grocery stock. If you
Sold only at <
Chas. iVi. Wilson s
Unique Program to be Carried Out By
Christian Church.
Pogram and announcements for the
all day rally and basket services at
the' First Chrisltlan Church. Sunday.
September. 19. 1909.
9:45 A. M.
Officers and Teachers Prayer Meet
ins -F. 10. Day, Loader.
10:00 A. M.
Song Service -Orchestra and
Devotional—Wm. Redwood, Loader.
Teaching and Glass Organization.
All Church and Bible School an
nouncements Prof. Oliver.
11:00 A. M.
Communion Hymn. All standing.
i lie Lord's Supper The Fillers.
Sermon by the pastor, subject "The
Liberty of Thought and Speei h."
% 12:00 NOON.
Basket dinner at Wahl’s Hall. Bring
a well filled basket, tables will be
spread and we will enjoy an old fash
ioned family dinner.
2:30 P. M.
At the Church.
Band Concert.
3:CO P. M.
"The Home and the School"- l’rof.
“The Bible School and its Possibil
ities" Prof. Oliver.
•The Pittsburg Host”—Mrs. Min
nie- Grinstead Himes of Spokane,
"The Church and Missions"—Mrs.
F. K. Day.
4:00 P. M.
Roll call and business meeting.
■ Supper.
7:00 P. M.
Y. P. S. C. K. Prayer Meeting—A
Consecration Service.
8:00 Pi M.
Song Service.
8: 15 P. M.
An illustrated address by W. A.
Baldwin of Lincoln, state secretary,
N. C. M. S. Subject, “The Evolution
of the Church of Christ.”
Tliis lecture will be illustrated with
xbout 100 views showing the wonder
ful growth of the Christian Church in
the past twenty-five years, which is
x challenge to the religious world iu
growth and missionary enterprise.
Come and bring your friends. Come
early and help reach our aim—300 in
die Bible School. Motto: “I Will be
There.” Remember the date. The
fellowship will be delightful. YOU
be sure and come. Christian Church,
Sunday, September 19, 1909.
Conti u <1 from Puge Two
Their homes are frame houses, well
furnished, often built high upon the
mountain side but always close to a
The mountains extend the full
length of the coast, the cities and
villages nestling In the little valleys
along the beach. These mountains!
are ragged and rough, beautiful and
majestic, forming one long panorama
that beggers description. Here one
is overwhelmed by the wonders and
r.ancleur of nature and the soul is
thrilled by the beauties that tongue!
and peen fail to portray.
Beyond the mountains in the inter
ior, Hie country is more level and
the finest kind of wheat fields cover
thousands of acres.
Bach year discovers some new
grain or fruit that can lx- adapted
to the Alaskan climate, for the re
sources of the country are not yet
dreamed of. The illusion that this
is purely a land of ice and snow is
fast disappearing and as the natural
resources and advantages become
better known, new industries spring
up and ere many years pass by it
will be reckoned for its power and j
importance in Pacific Coast trade.
Much more might be written ot
the people, their customs, modes of;
life, the beautiful legends that tell
so much of their history and beliefs;
of the interesting people one meets,
the life for twelve days aboard the
steamer' or boat of which
the captain's dinner the Iasi
night out is the chief social event;
the dozens of incidents that go to
make such a trip one long, lasting
memory for both its pleasures and
benefits. But enough. The account
has been given for the friends who
seemed interested-and asked for an
outline of the trip. It is a pleasure
for Miss Maddox and Miss Keeling
to g^ve it. It will be a greater pleas
ure to converse with their friends
and show them tlfe few souvenirs
that they brought back that might
be of interest.
Legal Notice.
In the matter of the estate of Char
les Daesehner deceased. On reading
and filing the petition of Edward
Daesehner, praying that administra
tion of said estate, with the will
annexed, may be granted to Henry
Daesehner as administrator of all of
said estate not already administered
upon, in the. place of Charles K.
Daesehner, executor, deceased.
Ordered, that October 2nd, A. D.
190!*, at It o'clock a. m, is assigned
for hearing said petition, when all
persons interested in said matter may
■appear at the County court In and for
said county, and show cause why the
prayer 01 petitioner should not be
granted; and that notice of the pend
ency of said petition and the hearing
tin r. of, be given to all persons inter
ested in said matter by publishing a
copy of this order in the Falls City
Fribuno, a weekly newspaper printed
ai Fails City in said county, for three ■ scivo wei ks, prior to said day
of hearing. JOHN («AONON,
County Judge.
First publication August 17, it times
.. Legal Notice.
litta Curran, Plaintiff,
William Curran, Defendant.
The said defendant will take no
tice' that on the tlth day of Septem
ber. 1909, plaintiff filed in (lie dis
tent court of Riebardson County, No
bnthka, her petition ncnlnst said de
fendant wherein slie prays for
au absolute divorce from said de
fendant on the grounds that said de
feminat has willfully, grossly and
cruelly failed and neglected to sup
port plaintiff and his family, and for
the custody of the four minor child
ren, towit: Resale, Rennie, Violet and
Clarence. You will plead, answer or
demur to said petition on or before
the L’.'dli day of October, 1909, or the
allegation*! therein will be token aa
| true and confeaaed and derive ren
dered acrordingly. KTTA CIJKUAN,
Kravis & Kravis. Plaintiff.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Plrst publication August 17, 4t.
WE base our confidence in
our future prosperity on
our determination (ogive
efficient service and cour
teous treatment to ALL
our patrons; because
these things have con
tributed so largely to our
past success.
The Farmers’ State 5ank
The New Styles
Fit Any Figure
Dresses—A New
Line With Us
The new styles of Dresses
are such that they are
easily >fitted to almost any
figure. We are showing
them at from
$10 to $25
in Batistes, Serges, Pana
mas, Broadcloths, in all the
new shades. These are
very daintily trimmed,
novel in decoration and ex
ceedingly attractive. Come
in and look them over —
you will find them most
helpful in planning your wardrobe.
Suits, Waists, Skirts, Rain Coats,
Ladies’ and Children’s Coats
In all these lines we are receiving shipments
every day. These garments arc exclusive
with us and represent the highest art in
ready=to=wear garments. We stand alone in
this department, as we are the only store in
Richardson county which personally visits
the great eastern markets, the fountain**
head of style and garment making.
Special Offering of Silk Petticoats
50 New Silk Petticoats just in. Among these we offer
15 Taffeta, full-size, well-tailored garni- dj O TC
ents, all the new shades, at low price of • C Wr