The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 17, 1909, Image 3

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    The County in General
The “Doings” of our Country Friends
and Neighbors.
Newton Hosford was a Lincoln vis
itor last week.
Tom Wallace spent Sunday with
friends in Missouri.
Tom Tagney of Kansas City is
visiting Rulo relatives.
Theodore Majerus purchased land
In Colorado last week.
Seymore Coupe and wife are the
parents of a baby girl.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunn are the
parents of a baby boy.
Lew Schaffer of St. Joseph visited
relatives here last week.
Alois Dannecker, Jr., of Oklahoma
is visiting relatives here.
George Berger of Chicago visited
relatives here last week.
Ed, Buchanan and wife of Kansas
visited in Rulo last week.
Alta Gilbert loft for York Tuesday,
where she will attend college.
.John Futcher and wife of Kansas
were Rulo visitors last week.
Charles Vastine of St. Joseph vis
ited with home folks this week.
Mrs. Roy Hart and two children re
turned Sunday to their home in Hia
Hope Ward went to Cambridge Fri
day, where she has a position as
James Cronin and Dave Anderson
enjoyed a trip to Excelsior Springs
last week.
Byron Harrison, who is working in
Kansas, came home for a short visit
last week.
Mr. Edwards and wife of Monroe
county, Mo., visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Larabee.
Mrs. R. G. Henderson returned the
last, of the week from a visit to her
mother at Salem.
Wes Cofipe, Cass Jones and U. T.
Duncan attended the state fair at
Lincoln last, week.
Mesdames Enoch Zeigler and Arth
ur Darveau were Falls City visitors
one day last week.
Mrs. Adallne Scott and daughter,
Effie, of Hiawatha (in' visiting the
former’s sister, Mrs. Emma MeVey.
Mr. and Mrs. Jam^s Tagney went
to St. Joseph, Monday to see her
father, Alois Dannecker, who is
very ill in a hospital at that place.
Testifies After Four Years.
Carlisle Center, N. Y„ G. B. Bur
hans, writes: “About four years ago
I wrote yjju that, I had been entirely
cured of kidney trouble by taking two
bottles of Foley’s Kidney Remedy,
and after four years I am again pleas
ed to state that I have never had any
return of those symptoms, and I am
evidently cured to stay cured.’’ Fol
ey’s Kidney Remedy will de the same
for you. Kerr’s Pharmacy.
(!. Wittwcr returned lionu last Fri
Mrs. Ninis and Marie Simmons at
!( nded the state fair last week.
The continued wet weather inter
fere somewhat with fall plowing.
Rev. Paine has been sent back to
preach for the U. It. people another
Emery Smith has moved his family
into the Hosford house near the
school house.
Myrtle Bacon and Genevieve Mess
maker are visiting friends near Shu
bert, Colorado.
A. Duryea and family were here
from near Bern Sunday, guests of E.
Dusyear and family.
Pete Wiuwer came down from
Coastvllle iasi week and joined Mrs.
Wittwer who ha^j been visiting here
for some time.
Do not he persuaded into taking
anything but Foley’s Honey and Tar
for chronic coughs, bronchitis, hay
fever, asthma, and lung trouble, as it
stops the cough and heals the lungs.
Kerr’s Pharmacy.
C. H. Martin and wife were in Shu
bert Saturday.
Mrs. Pearl Nixon and daughter,‘Inez
moved to Falls City Saturday.
F. L. Hartman was called to Gage
county, by the illness of his sister.
J. C. Wileman is again able to he
about after a severe attack of ty
phoid fever.
Win. Morehead and wife of Jeffer
son, Iowa are visiting their brother,
L. H. Moehead and wife.
R. H. Dunn and M. M. Hendricks
and their wives took dinner with C.
H. Martin and wife Sunday.
Dr. VanOsdel reports a fine baby
daughter at the home of Charles Fos
ter and wife, September 12.
C. F. Reavis and wife were up from
Falls City the first of the week look
ing after property interests.
C. W. Allen sold his eighty acre
farm south of Barada to E. E. Bole
jack for fifty dollars per acre.
John McFarlan and wife, who have
been visiting their daughter, Mrs. E.
Goff, who lias been very ill, return
ed to their home in Dunbar the first
of the week.
Many people delude themselves by
saying “It will Wear away,” when
they notice symptoms of kidney and
bladder trouble. This is a mistake.
Take Foley’s Kidney Remedy, and
stop the drain on the vitality. It
cures backache, rheumatism, kidney
and bladder trouble, and makes every
trace of pain, weakness, and urinary
trouble disappear. Kerr’s Pharmacy.
I Office Phone 353
Res. Phones 132-241 DD jj
[House Cleaning
Made Easy
We can clean your houses. Car
pets, Rugs and Furniture with
in a fractional part of the time it
takes to do it the old Way. and do
it better than is possible by old
methods. NO DUST, NO WOR
RY, no taking up of carpets or
rugs. We guarantee our work.
Yoder & Cain
I Our customers our reference Office oqer Burris' News Stand g
TO start the ball rolling and get better acquainted
with the people of Richardson countv and adver
tise our store at P alls City we will make a special
sale of Pianos at Verdon for 10 days, beginning Sept.
20, 1909. Our pianos are all standard makes, well
known and fully warranted. We handle the Packard,
Poole, Smith & Barnes, Willard, etc. We will have a
fine selection in different styles—oak, walnut and ma
hogany. We buy and sell more pianos than any firm
in the west, being a branch of the Olney Music Co., of
St. Joseph, Mo. We buy for cash and in large quan
tities, hence we buy right and are able to sell right.
We can and will sell you a piano in this sale so you can
save from $40 to $75. We warrant our pianos in every
way and our headquarters are at Falls City, right where
you can find us. Now we will sell you a piano on terms
to suit you; small monthly payments if desired—as low
as $6.00 per month—or on quarterly payments or every
six months. Remember we will be in Verdon only
ten days. Music teachers especially invited to examine
our Pianos.
Full line of Musical Instruments ana Sheet Music at our Main
Store, in Falls City. Kindly call and see us.
Andrews Music House
Albert Bulk was .* guest of Will
John liutehlson spent Sunday with
friends near Hulo.
Wilma Nedrow was the guest of
Wanda Shaffer Sunday.
Albert Relschtck was the guest of
liis brother. John, Monday.
Robert Schmeider and wife were
guests of relatives Sunday.
Heny llahn spent Sunday in Falls
City the guest of his parents.
Hph. Peck and wife were guests
of Ivan Keller and wife Sunday.
Dan Sansman and wife spent Sun
day with E. T. Peek and family.
Jacob Hunker and family of Kalis
City were country visitors Sunday.
Frank Ueavis and family of Falls
City were in this vieinijy Sunday.
Mrs. A. McCann returned home re
cently from a v isit to her mother.
Clay Peck and wife spent Sunday
with the latter's sister. Mrs. K. T.
Herman Peachy and wife were
guests of Wes Nedrow and family
Truman Knisely left for McPher
son, Kas., Monday to take up his
school duties.
Anson Knisely and wife spent iast
Sunday near Hamlin, Kas., the guests
of Joe Peck and wife.
Mrs. N. Peek and two children
were guests of the former's parents
in Falls City Sunday.
John Reischick attended the state
fair last week. While there lie pur
chased some fine thoroughbred hogs.
A Narrow Escape.
Edgar N. Bayliss, a merchant of
Robinsonvillo, Del., wrote: "About
two years ago 1 was thin and sick,
and coughed all the time and if I did
not have consumption, it was near to
it. 1 commenced using Foley'b Hon
ey and Tar, and itr stopped my cough,
and 1 am now entirely well, and have
gained twenty-eight pounds, all due
to tlie good results from taking Fol
ey’s .Honey and Tar. Kerr's
Crissie Bueratetta was seriously ill
this week.
Harvey Mann was in Lincoln the
last of the week.
Ur. Wilson of Falls City was in
Humboldt Sunday.
George Ashley left Sunday for Man
kato, Kas., where he has employment.
Mrs. L. Hallenbaech of Aledo, 111.,
is visiting her sister,Mrs.M.W. Hard
John Leatherman visited his daugh
ter, Mrs. Dinuzoo, of Omaha this
Mrs. Dr. Cooper is taking medical
treatment in one of the Lincoln hos
Riley Weaver of Elk Creek was
a business visitor in Humboldt Sat
Miss Nina Snow commenced her
school duties in the Dawson school
Sam Pliilpot and wife and Mrs. it.
Philpot are visiting Lincoln friends
this week.
Mrs. Beurstetta of Tecumseh vis
ited at the home of her son, Ambrose,
this week.
Mrs. Charles Powers is spending
tile week with her son, Chester, in
Kansas City.
Mrs. John Brockman has sold her
residence property on Central Ave.,
to Fred Hist.
Mrs. O. D. Walker, of Skidmore,
Mo., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Min
nie Lockard.
John Slteard and family left this
week to look after land interests in
South Dakota.
Ernest Fergus and wife are home
from an extended trip through the
western states.
Anton Kozel and family expect to
leave this week for their new home
in South Dakota.
Dr. J. L. Gandy was inspecting his
farm interests near St. Deroin the
first of the week.
Mrs. Will Norton and children re
turned Sunday from a visit with
friends in Lincoln.
Elmer Smith was called to Blue
Springs this week, t,o attend the fu
neral of a nephew.
Mrs.O.A.Cooper was called to Mo
dale, la., the latter part of the week
by the death of her father.
James H. Smith, who has been crit
ically ill for several weeks, is re
ported slightly improved.
Maybelle Davis returned Sunday
from Colorado, where she has been
visiting tier grandparents.
Mary Gandy attended t,he state
fair and visited her sister, Mrs. Fred
Noble, in Lincoln last week.
Mrs. C. K. Cooper returned Sun
day from a six weeks' visit with rel
atives in New Vo.k and Penn.
A post card shower was given to
Mrs. Carl Mann one day this week
in remembrance of her birthday.
A.B.Nims ami wife of Kansas City
visited during the week with the for
mer's brother, C. E. Nuns and family.
Warren McDonough left, this week
for Idaho, where he will probably
make his home with his daughter.
Walter Legg and Linn Mann re
turned Thursday from Franklin coun
ty, where they had been transacting
Tom Maxwell, living south of town,
met with a painful accident by being
Licked in the face by a horse, one
clay tins week.
Nora, the little daughter of Fred
Mitchell and wife was quite serious
ly hurt one day this week, when a
horse kicked her in the head.
Chris Buerstetta and wife of Idaho
and Emma Zelenka of this city were
called to Table Kock the last of the
week by the death of a relative.
Mrs. Chandler was called from Lin
coln Monday by the serious illness of
her father, John Cowman, who re
cently suffered an attack of paraly
O. E. Zook was named as a dele
gate from Richardson county to the
national congress of farmers, which
convenes in Raleigh, N. Y., Novem
here 4.
Clov. Shallenhargc r was in Hum
holdt the first of the week inspecting
Henry Kuper’s herd of Short Horn
cattle with the view of purchasing
some for his own herd.
Quite a crowd from neighboring
towns took in the open air band
concert last Saturday night. All
Have you thought about your winter’s supply of Coal? If you haven’t, you’d
better get busy. Some of these fine mornings you will find out that Dr. Cook and
Captain Peary have “stirred up” a cold wave that may reach Falls City any min
ute, and it's always better to “lay in” vour fuel early—you'll not be bothered with
it when it is cold. Here you will find a full supply of all grades—Pennsylvania
Hard Coal, Arkansas Semi-Anthracite and different grades of Soft Coal. Follow
ing are a few prices:
Hard Coal. $10.25
Spadra .'. 8 00
Bernice... 8.50
Niggerhead . 8.00
Canyon City . 8.00
Sheridan. 7.00
Rock Springs Nut. .$8.00
Trenton. III. Lump. ... 5 50
Domestic III. Lump. 5.00
111. Washed Egg. 6 00
Weir City Lump.,.. 5.00
Novinger Cocoanut. 4 50
expressed themselves us being highly
pleased with the entertainment.
Will Cooper, wife and daughter,Ido,
who has been attending the state
fair in Lincoln, returned home Sun
day. Miss Hazel, who lias been vis
iting at that place during the summer
accompanied them home.
Blanche McLaughlin, daughter of
J. McLaughlin and wife, and Charles
Dey, son of Silas Dey, living north
west of this city, dove to Bawbee
City Monday, where they were nmr
rieed by the county judge.
Mrs. Ben Straminer was in Kansas
City this week. While there she at
tended the wedding of her nephew,
Isador Wineman, who was united in
marriage to Miss Blanche Loewen of
Kansas City. The groom was a form
er Humboldt boy, but now is assist
ant cashier in one of the St. Joseph
Your complexion as well as your
temper is rendered miserable by a
disordered liver. By taking Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets
you can improve both. Sold by all
Mrs. Boss Kinton is on the sick
E. D. King was in Lincoln Wednes
Louis Soliulonberg of Hurada was
in town Tuesday.
10. 10. James took In the state fair
at Lincoln last week.
10. 1). Krug was a business visitor
in St. Joseph this week.
Lee Cohorn was the guest of
George Hricker a few days last week.
Velma and Marvel Lewis visited
ttieir grandparents at Preston last
Mr. and Mrs. Andrews spent a few
days with Charles Thomas and
Mrs. Edith Hill is entertaining her
cousin, Miss Alice Baldwin, of St.
John Spence of Ord came in a few
days ago to take care of ills big ap
ple crop.
John Shook of Auburn visited witli
his brother, Dr. Shook, and family
this week.
Mrs. Theodore1 llill of Nemaha
spent Sunday here with her son, M.
T. llill and family.
Mrs. <’. II. Henderson of Curley.
Neb..arrived Saturday for a visit
with relatives and friends.
F. M. Othout has been visiting ids
daughter, Mrs. Ituih Reynolds at
.lamesville, Iowa tliis week.
Mrs. il. M. Wheeler and daughter,
Mrs. Henry Fishburn, visited rela
tives at Salem last Sunday.
Harry Mitchell of Lawrence, Has.,
lias been visiting ills daughter, Mrs.
Art Shubert, for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Creighton Williams
of Kansas City are visiting at. the
home of Henry Anblns and family.
Mrs. Lon Harmon is visiting her
son at Tecumseht She will also visit
her daughter at Elk Creek before re
turning home.
Not a minute should be lost when
a child shows symptoms of croup.
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy given
as soon as the child becomes hoarse,
or even after the croupy cough ap
pears, will prevent the attack. Sold
by all druggists.
At R. A. Dittmar’s
Ladies’ Suits
That will please you, both
All the New Shades in
Wool Dress Goods and
Trimmings to Match
See us for Table Linens, Napkins, Towels
and Toweling of all grades
Blankets, Outing Flannel
Look through our Shoe Department
The Best of Everything in Groceries