Vacation Trip to Alaska Outline of a Trip Made By Two Falls City Ladies. Recently. Miss Maddox and Miss Allie Keeling. On the second day of August a party of five ladies left Falls City, two, Mrs. Hoppe and Miss Tanner, Whose destination was Salt Lake City, one Mrs. .1. It. Wilhite, who was to visit her daughter. \sho had recent ly married and was living in Paonia, Gunnison county, Colorado, and the remaining two, Miss May W. Maddox and Miss Allie Keeling, whose ulti mate destination was Alaska. No stops we re made until Kail Lake City was reached, though at Denver the party was met by Mrs. Custer and Mrs. Clegg and right happy, too, were the travelers to see them. At Colorado Springs, Mrs. Etta Schoenhcit and J othnir m> t them and surely the meeting was one of mutu al pleasure. On reaching Knit Lake City, the party was met by Mrs. Kowley, a for mer Falls City lady, and were de lightfully entertained at dinner, sif ter which they all wont out to Stilt air for the evening. The next morning, Thursday, Miss Maddox and Miss Keeling went to the station and there found Louie Hahn, a former Burlington agent in this .' ty. Mrs. llulin joined tin* ladies at twelve o'clock on a sight seeing trip around the city, which In cluded.among other interesting things, a mush til at the Mormon temple, where the world famous pipe organ was heard. There was probably not an old friend or acquaintance in Falls City that Mr. and Mrs. Ilaliii did not In quire about, for Falls City seems still to hold a prominent place In their memory, and a warm spot In their hearts. Leaving Salt Lake at six o'clock in the evening after the farewells to the Falls City friends,' the next point to be made was Portland, but owing to several hours delay in arrival at Portland,the stop could not be made, as tiic ladies were due in Tacoma Saturday afternoon. In Tacoma the ladies were enter tained by llev. .1. VV. Miller, a neph ew of Mrs. Margaret Maddox, and well known to many Falls City peo ple. Sunday was a quiet, restful day, sueh as could well be enjoyed after six day’s almost constant travel, ex cept when attending llev. Miller's church, the day was passed in feasting the eyes upon tli- beautiful views surrounding Tacoma. Monday and part of Tuesday was spent on the Exposition grounds. But little need be said of the Fair; they are all alike and when onij lias seen one, they have seen all, with perhaps a few variations. Tuesday evening the ladles vvenl to tin1 home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Timmerman. Mrs. Timmerman was formerly Miss Nellie Gaudy of Hum boldt, and lias many friends in this city, who keep for her a cherished place In their hearts. The hospitality of these friends was purely a personal matter, and suffice to say they were royally en tertained, until they took their boat on the eleventh of August, for Alaska On the afternoon of August lltli, they left the wharf at Seattle, on the “Cottage City," an excursion boat plying between Seattle and Skagway. There wore n hundred and twenty-five passengers aboard, from almost ev ery state in the I’tiion. and many different countries. Charming people they were, indeed. It would he hard to imagine a more congenial boat family. Artists, musicians, lawyers, doctors, truly people of culture and refinement, all on pleasure bent, with hut one object to enjoy themselves and help others to do the ssmi' The first port the “Cottage City” made was Prince Rupert, an English port of about eighteen hundred in habitants and the only English port entered on the trip. They arrived here about 11:00 o’clock am. Friday, August 13, About two years ago the town was platted and laid out into town lots, but were not sold until last May, when they were auctioned off, the most of them bringing (2,500. Prince Rupert will be tlie terminal of the Canadian Grand Trunk Bine, though it will be two years before it is completed. The next stop was Ketchikan, which was reached about five o'clock Saturday morning, the 14th. Here was seen the first genuine Indian totem pole. St. John’s Mission is located here, but it was found to be too early an hour to get into the mission, so the ladies with a party of boat friends walked down the street to the Indian village and up in to the park above the city to see the falls. This was a beautiful fall and one could see salmon by the thous and, so plentiful that one could catch them by the handsfull. But catching was not holding—all. Most of the villages—or ports— are built along the shore and some extend up the mountains. Naturally the streets are very uneven and full of mud holes. To overcome this they j are paved—if one may apply the term—with thick planks set on piles or trestles - high enough to level the streets. These are open to and equal to ail modes of travel, even automobiles, which are not uncommon in these northern ports. It might be added, too, that their electric light service is unquestionably fine and excels many moderate-sized cities in tlie States. Hut now for the next port.. From Ketchikan the boat went to Wrangle, j a town about the size of Prim e Ku , pert. Here the travelers had home, grown strawberries and red raspber ries, the size of which would test the credulity of the reader if told. They seem to be far superior to any pro j dueed in this country. At the furrier's were found some exceptionally fine I specimens of skins, the marten at tracting particular attention. Blits Point in Pillars Hay was the next stop. Here they were shown tlie, salmon cannery of the Pillars Hay Packing Co. The work is mostly done by hand and by the native In dians, there being only eight white people in the town. Treadwell was the next port. Here are located the largest gold mines and mills in the world. The ore only pays |2.S7 per ton, which in most mining districts would be considered worthless; tint it is mined iti such vast quantities it is a world-famous mining station. The stamp mills are the largest in the world. There are 240 stamps. '* Legless is only about lialf a mile from Treadwell, a pretty little moun tain town, and almost a part of the mill center. From here the channel was crossed to Juneau, the capital of Alaska, and was reached about nine p. m. Little could be said of the beauty of the Government-building. It is a large, square, frame building, approached from the street by about sixty plank steps. The plank pav ing was conspicuous by its absence in Juneau, for here there is more gravel and the streets resemble ma cadamized streets. There are few buildings in the Northland built of anything but lumber. There seems to be plenty of stone, but poor facil ities for quarrying it. I A few days without sight of a candy store had created a longing for fresh candy and our travelers were .finally directed to a shop where home made candy was sold. This one they missed, but found one where "Ice Cream Soda" placards were conspicuously displayed. This was too much like home to be passed by. What seems IT. S. necessities nowa days, are evidently still luxuries in Alaska, for when thirty cents pur glass hud been deposited all around by the party, they felt they had made a pretty good first installment on the ice-plant and the cow. From Juneau the boat returned to Treadwell and although it was ^ul iiiost midnight the party was shown (hough tin* stamp mills, where they i saw the ore crushed, washed and the concentrate prepared to send to the ussayer's office On - disappointm-iit was. being unable to go down into the mines because of the lateness of the hour. About eleven a. m. Monday, Haines Lauding was reached and It re the ladies purchased the finest flavored I and largest home-grown strawberries: ever seen or eaten by them. Here too, is located a Presbyterian Mission, and the pansies and nasturtiums from the mission garden are wonderful for size and coloring. Fort Seward, named for Secretary W. H. Seward, who negotiated the Alaska purchase, is only a half mile from Haines Landing and is a delightful w-alk. Morning drill was in order when the ladles reached the fort and the soldiers, for some reason were on dress parade. To tavelers it was surely a treat to hear the good old American airs, by a fine military band. From Juneau on, the boat was in the glacier region and the beauties of the scenery must be seen, for what words can adequately describe those mountains of ice glistening in the sunlight like millions of diamonds, % the colorings so gorgeous they were dazzling, and the wonderful reflection in the sea, with the icebergs floating around—It was wonderful, beautiful, grand; not an unpleasant sight lot two Nebraska girls, and just think of it, during those days the thermometer registering 97 to 190 degrees in the shade at home. Skagway was reached about one o’clock p. m., Monday, August It!, several hours late. A special train was made up to take thirty passen gers to the Summit of White Pass, which is perhaps one of the most interesting and beautiful mountain trips one can take. Grand!—it is the only word that will describe the view. After the return to the city the party climbed A. B. Mountain, to a distance of 1200 feet, to Kerns Castle, a large, roomy, frame build ings of four stories with glass en closed porches. Here light refresh ments were served. At one time during the gold fever, Skagway was a city of about 10,000 inhabitants, as it was the basis of supplies for the interior up the Yu kon River. lint the railroad marred | Skagway, instead of making it, for ' now supplies from the States and Canada t an be sent by rail, without being unloaded at Skagway. Conse quently as trade fell off, the inhabi tants decreased. About olght o'clock, on tile even ing of tlie 16th, tlie “Cottage City” left Skagway and at six p. in. an chored at Killisnoo, win re a party was shown througii an immense her ring cannery. Sitka was reached at two p. in. and to Miss Maddox and Miss Keeling was possibly tile most interesting and picturesque of any one point on the route. At one time , it was a city of more than 10,000 pop ulation; but after the removal of the capital to Juneau, the population fell off. Last spring new and extensive mines were discovered near Sitka and tlie old population is being rap idly built up. 4 At Sitka is located the only Russian church in Alaska, and it was there ages before Alaska became U. S. j territory. It now has over six hun dred members. Many of the paint ings in it. are by tlie old masters and several hundred years old. The chan cel furnishings are of hammered brass and bronze of exquisite work manship. The robes of the bishop id priest were made of cloth of-gold and doth-of-silver, heavily em broidered and jeweled and are worth a king’s ransom. At the museum was seen one of llie oldest pipe organs in Alaska. It was made in 1790 and taken to Alas ka in 1SJ6. A Finnish contractor was compelled to build a church for labor ers lie had imported from Finland and this organ, which is still in a fair state of preservation, was placed in it. It is operated by the old-fashioned hand pump. The visit to the Indian graveyard was also interesting. Most of the graves of the warriors are marked by totem poles, which signifies prom inence, and some emblem is car ved in the wood for each deed of valor. The ladies called noon the wife of Bishop Rowe while in Sitka. The bishop was in the interior, but Mrs. Rowe gave them a splendid talk up on the work done by the missionaries in the interior. The mission work seems to have been done mostly by Episcopalian and Presbyterian churches. A bouquet of pansies was given the ladies from the garden of the parish house. In size and color they were simply remarkable. The stores, too, were vepy. very good—better than had been expected. Funter Bay was the first stop after leaving Sitka. Here is located the largest salmon cannery in Alaska. All the work is done by machinery and sevtnty-thrce cans per minute are turned out. The average throughout the year exceeds 30,000 cans per day. From Funt r Bay the boat went to tut mouth, of Taku Rhei and ua ! * , the river for a short distance that all might have a better view of the | spleendid glaciers, Morrison and j Tjiku. Morrison is what is known as j a dead glacier. That is, it seems j covered with dust and dirt and the snow and rain neither stick to it nor clean it off. Taku is grand and gorgeous in the sunlight, beyond all description. From this monster 'gla ii t most ci the icebergs of this re-' giou break off and float out to sea. They reached Juneau, on the return trip by coining down a different chan nel, at about three p. in. The F. S. j court convened that day. Here on the return the ladles met the rector, Rev. Jenkins, and his wife, and en joyed a short visit with them. They j visited some of the stores and found' them exceptionally good; they would! do credit to a good sized western ! city. Ketchikan was also a stop on the eturn trip, hut was reached at mid night and in a heavy rain, which con tinued with occasional snow flurrie most of the next day. Prince Rupert was the next and last stoj) before reaching Seattle. Several men who had contemplated buying lots there, and considered the matter on t lie trip up north, got off to buy on the homeward way, but found tin; prices so far advanced in the ten days that the idea was given up. Prince Rupert is bound to be the metropolis of western Canada. The terminus of the Grand Trunk R. R., tiie most Important British port on tlie western coast by point of loca tion. its delightful climate, the wealth that is continually pouring into it will make it the Canadian San Fran cisco. When lots sell from $1,500 to $3,500 it may well be reckoned as a place of more than nominal im portance. Seattle was reached Sunday, after twelve,days continuous travel and sight-seeing, and for three days Miss Maddox and Miss Keeling were again the guests of Mr.and Mrs.Tim merman, during which time they visited the navy yards and took sev eral side trips. Sunday night they attended St. Marks and after service had the pleasure of a visit with Dr. Llwyd, who several years ago, held a very successful mission in our city. In speaking of that occurrence,he re marked that he held that week, with j its memory of Falls City and her peo ' pie, as one of the brightest in his , memory and in his heart would al 1 ways cherish a warm and kindly feel ' ing for our people and the friends .he made here. On their return to Tacoma, Rev. Miller took them on many pleasant excursions, through the immense lum ber mills, to Cosmopolis club and on several excursion trips, the time being completely filled until tbe afli moon of Saturday the 20th, at 3:30 o’clock, when they boarded the train for Falls City—home. They were accompanied by Miss Ruth Mil ler. A Tile trip from the coast was not C particularly eventful, though a pleas ant one; the scenery perhaps not -so fine as the trip through Colorado, but interesting at all times. The ladies arrived in Falls City the '1st ot August, after a month of un alloyed pleasure and sight seeing; a pleasure such as had not come to them before. In speaking of the natural re sources and beauties of the country much might be written that must re main untold. It must be seen to be appreciated. Is It not hard to real ize and understand the beauties of an evening when one may sit on the deck of the boat, or in one's home, if on land and read without artificial light until half past ten o'clock at night? The climate, too, is wonderful. Most of the time upon the boat a wrap was necessary but when the boat parties were ashore wraps could be dispensed with and the air was found to be mild and certainly invig orating. The snows will begin almost. any time through September and con tinue until late in April. The best and most advantageous time to make such a journey is from the middle of June until the first of August. This fact is becoming generally known and all during the summer travelers from almost all parts of the world are found on the excursion boats between Seattle and Skagway. the Indians, too, have learned the tourist season and all during the long winter they are at work preparing the baskets, bags, slippers and all sorts of ornaments to tempt the tour ists. Nor have they remained ignor ant as to the tricks of trade and it might seem that the seed of graft is already sprouting. For instance: the native women are lined up for each boat that comes along and should an article attract a traveler he is immediately informed that it is native berry, or native herb dyes and made by one long experienced; the price may seem high and moving on the traveler strikes a bargain for loss money or a trade with another woman, whereupon the rival prompt ly informs him it is “workie girl— diamond dye” which means a girl just learning the art has made the article, the coloring done with dia mond dyes and not with the work necessary to securing the native ber ries for stain. Few of the Indians are to be seen in native dress. Their clothing for the most part is good and up-to-date. Continued on Seventh page Uneeda Biscuit are made from the finest flour and the best materials obtainable— JP*. That Makes them an ideal Uneeda Biscuit are baked in surroundings where cleanliness and precision are supreme— gg*** That Makes them « ffii Uneeda Biscuit are touched only once by human hands— when the pretty girls pack them— Afil£|£fl That Makes them Uneeda Biscuit are sealed in a moisture proof package—