The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 17, 1909, Image 1

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    The Falls City Tribune
Various Kinds of Entertainment by
Individuals, Lodges, Clubs.
Churches, Etc.
The Degree of Honor kensiugton
was entertained last Friday afternoon
by Mrs. E. Metzgar and Mrs. J. J.
McCormick. There were many ladies
present and all passed a pleasant
afternoon. At five o'clock dainty
refreshments were served.
Tiie reception tendered tlie fresh
men. new teachers and pupils by the
sophmores last Friday evening was
one of the jolliest affairs of the
week. The assembly room of the
high school, where the party was
given, was artistically decorated in
purple and gold, the freshmen col
orc. Supt. Wood and Prof. Hayes
were dressed as nurses to “mind"
the little fresliies in the nursery,
where all sorts of toys were placed
for them to play with, and many
oiginal “stunts” were the victims of
the sophs called upon to perform with
their toys. When their tortures were
over, they were treated to a fine pro
gram in which the sophs were as
sisted by Miss Spencer, Miss Grin
stead, Miss Anita Wilson and Miss
Rill Houston. Refreshments followed,
served in the dining hall, which was
decorated in the sophmore colors,
green and red. As usual at these
receptions fun and good feeling pre
vailed and made the evening a pleas
ant one.
The City Federation met in the
club room in the Library building on
Thursday evening. There were many
matters of business taken up in
planning the winter’s work and amuse
ments. One matter given spec
ial attention was the furnishing
of the club rooms suitably. Though
the rooms have just been repapered
by the club, much is needed in the
way of furnishings to make rooms
comfortable and inviting. The de
sire of the ladies is to place a piano
in the rooms. A committee composed
of Mesdames M. L. Wilson, Banks,
Tom Davies and T. J. Gist were ap
pointed to see what arrangements
could be made for buying one. It
was decided to make an assessment
of 50 cents upon each member of the
Federation for immediate use—paying
for the papering of the rooms, fram
ing the pictures purchased at the
art exhibit last spring, and buying
the necessaries in the way of furnish
ings. This money is to be paid to
the secretary of each individual club,
who will turn it over to the Federa
tion at the next regular meeting, the
first Monday in October. It is hoped
all the clubs will use the rooms for
their regular meeting and to this end
work to beautify them to such an
extent that they will be a pleasant
and attractive place to meet.
The first meeting of the season of
the Shakespeare club was held in the
dub rooms Friday afternoon. The
president, Mrs. John Gilligan presid
ed over the meeting. She gave a
very cordial greeting in a short ad
dess prior to the business session,
which occupied the first period of
(he session. The study of King Lear
is under way and Scenes I, II and III
of Act IV comprised Friday’s lesson.
The study was interesting, pleasant
and profitable. The matter of hold
ing the regular meetings in the club
rooms will come up before the next
regular meeting, which will be held
in two weeks.
Complimentary to her sister, Mrs.
Mosley of Belton, Mo., Mrs. E. L.
Sandusky entertained the L, B. T.
club last Friday afternoon in her cus
tomary hospitable manner. During
the afternoon the fingers were busy
with dainty needle work and all en
joyed a splendid visit. At six o'clock
an elaborate dinner of five courses
was served. The hospitality of the
Sandusky home, and also the jolly
times of these club ladies are well
known, and this event was no excep
tion to former occasions, and was a
pleasure to all. Mrs. Mosley and Mrs
Edith Resterer and son, August, were
the out-of-town guests.
The ladies of the Episcopal church
met last Friday afternoon with Mrs.
Sidney Spence for the purpose of |
planning their work for the coming
season. Plans were formed for
winter entertainments, which will be
carried out later. The first work car
ried out will be the tea held at the
rectory, with Mrs. Neide, Friday ev
ening, September 17, from five until
eight o'clock.
The Ladies Auxiliary to the cem
etery association held their last meet
ing of the season last Monday after
noon at the home of Mrs. Margaret
Maddox with a good attendane pres
ent. The work accomplished since
the first meeting last spring was re
viewed. accounts audited and bills
paid. The report of the treasurer
shows the auxiliary to have a small
amount of money on hand from this
season's collection, after paying all
bills. This will be the last meeting
of the season unless the president
sees fit to hold a called meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. U. A. Dittmar enter
tained about thirty friends with a
buffet supper. There was an abun
dance of tempting viands, consisting
of tlie choicest of seasonable delica
cies. It was one of the prettiest par
ties imaginable, with all formalities
laid aside and where friendship and
good feeling reigned supreme. The
party went down town to view the
torchlight parade. They returned to
the Dittmar home, where whist was
enjoyed until a late hour. The en
tertalnmeent was given compliment
ary to their guests, Mr. and Mrs.
Stafford and Mrs. Hubner of Nebras
ka City.
Mrs. Fred Brecht entertained a
party of ladies at luncheon Wednes
day complimentary to Mrs. George
Mosley of Belton, Mo., and Mrs.Ken
neth McLean of Denver. Covers
were placed for eight at a table
whose beauty was enhanced by a
handsome floral center piece. The
luncheon of five courses was fault
less and the luncheon hour passed
around this hospitable board was
most delightful. Until time for the
festivities, whist was enjoyed.
Misses Harrlette and Nora Plumb
planned a most enjoyablh surprise
upon their mother. Mrs. Tlios. Plumb,
last Saturday in celebration of her
birthday anniversary. Twenty-four
ladies responded to their invitations
and helped to make the affair a suc
cess. Mrs. Plumb was not long in
recovered from her surprise, and
with her daughters spared no effort
to bring comfort and pleasure to the
guests. At five o’clock ices, cakes
and melons were served. A beau
tiful rocker was presented to Mrs.
Plumb by her friends, and many
were the wishes left behind for
many more such happy birthdays.
Kaffee JKlatch was entertained by
Mrs. Harry Jenne last Saturday after
noon and almost the full membership
of the club was present. The day was
delightful and spread its influence
upon this merry party of friends. Mu
sic, needlework and cards were en
joyed until five o’clock when a love
ly supper was served. Mrs. Jenne
was assisted in serving by her sister.
Miss Slocum.
The Womans Auxiliary of St.Thom
as church held their first meeting of
the season with Mrs. H. R. Miner
Monday night. A number of import
ant matters were brought before the
ladies, and among other things con
sidered was supplies for the new
Clarkson hospital. A case of eggs
will be sent at once, and a room fur
nished and maintained just as soon
as the requirements and expenses of
maintaining the same is learned..
A very enjoyable party was given
Tuesday evening by Miss Stella
Schock in honor of Miss Lois Spen
cer. Slips of paper were given the
guests and each one was asked to
write when and where they first met
Miss Spencer, and their first impres
sion of her. In verse and prose
those sketches were told, and when
read kept the company convulsed
with laughter. Another passtime was
the reading of a poem of questions,
eacli question to be answered by a
word beginning with ‘‘can—” Music
by several of the guests was enjoy
ed. Refreshments in two courses
were served.
Reavis Gist Home.
Reavis Gist returned Sunday from
a three months’ trip to the Pacific
coast. His first stop of any length
was at Los Angeles, and from there
he traveled north stopping at all in
teresting places until Seattle was
readied, where he made quite a
lengthy visit, taking in the fair and
Many side trips. He returned through
Silt Lake and Denver, looking well
and hearty, having enjoyed a fine
Central Committee Met.
A meeting of the republican coun
ty central committee was held on
Tuesday afternoon In this city. Quite
a number of committeemen and
most of the candidates were present.
They report very bright prospects
for the entire ticket. The republi
cans are united and many democrats
are opposed to the court house KING
and tlu> bunch of THIRD AND
FIFTH1 TERMERS. They want a
change and are going to help to
make it. The campaign will be under
the direction of J. it. Cain, Jr., as
chairman, John Wiltse, secretary, and
Geo. W. Holland, treasurer, who will
bo assisted by the executive com
mittee composed of Cass Jones, John
Moore, O. h. Dantz. Ernest Porr,
John YV. Evans and Harney Ankrom.
The candidates are all enthusiastic
and are putting up a fight which will
bring victory to themselves and the
Mrs. Rachel Kelso died Thursday,
August.9th, at the home of her dau
ghter, Mrs. Stroud. The body was
taken to Salem where funeral ser
vices were held Friday, conducted
by Rev. Kichelberger and Rev. Shaf
fer, and the interment was in the
cemetery at. that place.
Hoton 5—Falls City 3.
The ball game German Day after
noon. between Horton and Falls City,
resulted in a victory for the former in
a score of 5 to 3. Heacoek and Po
teet was the battery for the home boys
Brady and Steele for Horton. It was
a good game.
A Joyous Day the Germans of Falls
City and Surrounding Coun
try Attractive Parade
Wednesday dawned bright and clear
with the most cheerful outlook for
the German day celebration. The
streets were somewhat soft, from the
recent rains, but an early use of the
dag and the bright warm sun soon
overcome this defect.
Early in the morning the country
people began to arrive, and the trains
brought large parties from neighbor
ing towns, even the latest trains.
The Humboldt band arrived on an
early train and at 10:30 gave one of
their best concerts In the band stand
in tlie public square. This band is
a favorite with Falls City and their
concert was fully appreciated.
By noon the town was full of peo
ple from the country near by and
neighborin'’: cities The crowds lin
ed up along tin’ street early in the
afternoon and waited patiently for the
parade, which was scheduled to pass
at 2:30 p. m. The crowd was equal
to that of any previous celebration
in the city. It was an orderly, good
natured crowd, notable for its good
behavior and lack of disturbances
throughout tin’ day.
The parade passed about three
o’clock and though not so long as
expected, was splendidly gotten up.
The democratic voice declares in tones of thunder
“we have no MACHINE polite, in- our ranks look
at the other fellow.”
.lust glance at the primary vote at Barada:
James ... 0
Gagnon . . .13
James ... 0
Gagnon . . . 1H
Someone must have had Barada in their vest
pocket. Gagnon made a “pot shot.” It doesn’t
look like MACHINE politics, does it?
Silver Medal Contest.
There will be a silver medal con
test in the hall at Preston next Sat
uday evening, which will certainly
interest all who can attend. Miss
Alice Palmer of Lincoln is training
eight young people who are to give
orations. There will also be good
music. Admission 15 cents, to pay
Miss Palmer preached at the Pres
ton Brethren church Iasi Sunday and
wil each there again next Sunday
moiling and evening. She is an
odained minister and the public is
invited to hear her.
A Little Daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Weaver
were made happy this Week by a
visit from the stork, who left with
them on Tuesday morning as fine
a little daughter as can be found in
the land. Both the mother and baby
are doing well, while Arthur wears
the smile that won't come off.
M. J. Schaible and Miss Mary Say
lors were quietly married by Rev. R.
R. Teeter at the parsonage Wednes
day evening. They left on the Burl
ington for the west, where they will
sojourn for two weeks, after which
they will be at home on the groom's
farm near Falls City.
Temporary Loss of Voice.
Miss Allie Keeling has had quite
a serious attack of throat trouble
during the past week and for a few
days lost the use of her voice. Dur
ing her absence from the telephone
office, her sister, Miss Lois, filled
her place.
The Tribune is unable to give its
readers the Reminiscences as usual,
on account of so much advertising,
and sickness in its force. it will
appear as usual next week.
More business firms would have
been represented had the weather
Monday and Tuesday been clear in
stead of rainy and gloomy.
Peter Kaiser was marshal of the
day, and attired in the garb of a
German Knight, he rode at the head
of the column, followed by the First
Regiment band of Hiawatha, whose
music throughout the day gave gen
eral satisfaction. Following the band
caine the Shetland pony cart of Nel
lie Lee Holt, beautifully trimmed In
pink and white, driven by Master
Johnnie and little Miss Nellie Lee
The first float represented the
United States, the adopted country of
so many thousands of German people,
for which it was given prominence
and preference in the line of march.
“The Fairies" was a very beauti
ful float. Twelve little girls dress
ed as fairies,and two fairy princesses,
occupied the platform, while high
above on a fairy throne sat little Pau
line Harnack dressed as a queen of
fairies, diving a team of butterflies,
with lines of long streamers of white,
black and rod, the German colors.
Then followed the Humboldt band
playing their best music and meeting
the same hearty applause as those
who had preceded them.
A lovely float representing the Lo
relei, then followed, and after this
came a float portraying a German
spinning loom, where a compony of
German ladies sat spinning and knit
ting. The ladies of the German Kaf
fen Klatch made up this party. Their
float was beautifully trimmed and
was very attractive.
Several autos, carrying the aged
members of the Deutche Gessellshift,
followed, after which walked most of
file younger members of the society
with their burlesque German band in
full uniform.
A float representing the world and
the discovery or the North Pole by
H. A. Dittmar with ills pennant bear
ing the firm name flying on the
North Pole, followed the German or
ganization, and was very cleverly
gotten up.
Fritz llerbster, assistant marshal of
the day, in Itnyal Knight garb, had
a long column of knights of armor,
ladies on hoseback and mounted
countrymen, decorated with the Ger
man colors. The procession was not
without its amusing features by
way of clowns, wandering musicians,
After the parade the crowd scatter
ed somewhat, many going to the band
in tilt' court house square, and an im
mense crowd to see the hall game
between Horton and Falls City at the
ball park, which resulted In a score
of 5 to 3 in favor of the visitors.
At seven o'clock the Humboldt bund
gave another fine concert, which was
followed by the torchlight proces
sion and fire works, both bunds shar
ing the honors of tho evening.
The speeches were made at the
city park, where the auditorium was
crowded and as many more stood all
around on the outside. Prof. Ulmer
made a short speech in tin' English
Jacob Hauch, of Omaha, made a
rousing speech in German, touching
on the historical events of the set
tling of (lie Germans in America, in
cluding the first settlement at Ger
mantown, Vn., and many other in
teresting points in German-Amorican
history. While we do not under
stand the German language, we are
informed that the address was In
deed a very able one.
The success of the festivities is
largely due to Peter Kaser and Fritz
llerbster, who have labored unceas
ingly for this event, though they have
had able assistance from many in the
community. It has been well patron
ized from almost all parts of tlie
county and neighboring towns.
Our merchants, too, came in for a
good share of patronage, and taking
the day altogether, the third annual
celebration of German day poved a
grand success.
Drs. Houston & Trotter.
I)r. \V. M. Totter, formerly con
nected with the M. P. hospital both
in St. Louis and Kansas City, has
formed a partnership with Dr. Hous
ton and located permanently in Falls
City. They will do a general prac
tice, in both medicine and surgery,
as lias always been done by Dr.
Houston. Dr. Trotter comes recom
mended by some of the best known
physicians and surgeons in St. Louis
and Kansas City, among whom is
lln chief surgeon <f tie Mo. Pac. It.
it. Co., as a thoroughly qualified phy
sician and surgeon, and also strictly
Two is Company—Three a Crowd.
There was a slight difference of
opinion at one of the city hostleries
Saturday evening, in which a buggy
ride,two men and a woman got mixed
up. It took the gentle pressure of
tightly clinched fingers to show one
man that two was company, three
too many. It was a spirited bout
while it lasted and resulted in an
exchange of spots all around.
Special from Humboldt.
Ura Mobley, who last year was
employed as teocher In a district
uuiheasL of town, was united in mar
riage Tuesday evening to Gustav A.
Hogaman, the event being solemniz
ed at the home of the bride’s par
ents in Salem. They will make their
home at Columbus, Neb., where the
groom has employment.
East Side Cafe Changes.
Roy Ball this week came into pos
session of the East Side Cafe,which
he purchased from Neil McCoig, who
has owned the same bat about two
weeks. Mr. Ball has had a great
deal of experience in work of this
kind which fact, coupled witli the
growth of the town, insures his suc
John Wilson Sold Out.
H. Nothdorf, a tailor of great ex
perience, from Oskaloosa, Kas., pur
chased the tailoring establishment,
which has been operated for years
by John Wilson. Mr. Nothorf has
taken possession and the Tribune pre
dicts tile same success to the new
proprietor that was awarded to Mr.
New Suitatorium.
Stanley Stump is proprietor of a
i new suitatorium, which he opened up
1 tiiis week. His line of work will con
sist of the cleaning, repairing and
' pressing of ladies’ and gentlemen’s
garments. He is located over the
Richardson County Bunk.
j A Head-On Collision With Dire
Results Deceased Resided
Here Many Years.
The sad news of the untimely deal It
of Will Bohrer reached his family
and friends Sunday, and cast a gloom
over Ills large circle of acquaintan
ces. 11 was learned that lie had
been spending a few days in Lincoln,
with the young lady to whom he was
soon to he married, Miss Nellie
Thompson, and that, the object of
ids visit, was to complete the ar
angements for their marriage in
early October,
He left Lincoln for Red Cloud,where
ho was working, Sunday morning, on
the train that was wrecked in a head
on collision at Burnham, three miles
out of Lincoln, and was one of the
vleltims of man's carelessness. His
mangled body was taken back to Lin
coln, hut not until ills betrothal ar
rived was the identification estab
lished; so badly was ho crushed. The
news was sent at once to his mother
and sister here and the two brothers,
with whom he was working at Hod
Cloud. They went at once to Lin
coln where they met Rev. Bailey,who
went from tills city upon the re
quest of the mother, Mrs. Jane Boh
rer. Arrangements were made to
bring the body to this city Monday
The funeral services were held at
Ids mother’s home Tuesday afternoon
conducted by Rev. R. Cooper Hailey
of the Presbyterian church and were
largely attended by his hosts of
friends, after which many followed
the remains to the last resting place
in Steele cemetery.
William LeRoy Bohrer was horn
in Forest, 111., February 28, 1878, and
died at Lincoln, Sunday, September
12, 1!)0U, at tbe ago of thirty-one
years and six months. He had lived
in Falls City for over twenty years
and acquired his education in the
public schools of this city. For a
number of years he lias been a mem
ber of the firm of Bohrer Bros., con
tractors and builders, and was em
ployed at the time of his death
upon a large school building in Red
lie had always born a good repu
tation and stood high in the estima
tion of his many friends, who deeply
feel the loss of this worthy friend.
Besides the young lady to whom
lie was engaged, Miss Thompson,
there remains of his Immediate fam
ily the mother, sister, Miss Bessie,
two brothers, Milton and Clem, of
this city; one sister, Mrs. Sipe, of
Lanark, 111., and H. O.- Bohrer of
Hazelhurst, ML, and to all these sor
rowing on<>s is extended sincere
sympathy of many friends.
Those from out of town who at
tended the funeral were: Mrs Thom
pson and daughter. Miss Nellie, of
Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Bohrer
of Hazelhurst, and Mr. and Mrs. M. L
Sipe of Lunark.
Angeline C. Long was born In Ger
many Valley, Pa., July 35, 1835 and
died at her home In this city Sept.
9, 1909 at ten o'clock p. m.
Her last illness lasted but a few
d'-ys, though she had been in poor
health for several months.
About thirty-four years ago Ange
line Long and Judge Stephens were
married near this city, but made
Humboldt their home during the
early years of their married life, lat
er going to Colorado. They returned
to this city in 1900 and in 1903 Judge
Stephens died. They had no children,
and the only near relatives Mrs.
Stephens leaves is a brother and sis
ter in California and a brother in
tills city, W. P. Long.
Mrs.Stephens perferred to live alone
most of the time and to maintain her
independence has canvased for vari
ous articles almost constantly, and
in this way lias become a familiar
character and known to most of the
people In town.
While she had been offered good
and comfortable homes repeatedly bjr
many good people in the city, she
preferred to live her lonely life in
her own way. There has been many
kind hearted and generous people to
do for her as much as she would al
low during these last few years.
The funeral services, which were
i Held Sunday afternoon from her home
were conducted by Mrs. L. C. Mau
ger. assisted by Rev. Mastin, and the
body laid to rest in Steele cemetery.