The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 10, 1909, Image 7

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Ponderous and Preeminent!!
Greater than them all, now and ever
Gollmar Bros.
Greatest of
American Shows
Circus, Museum, Hippodrome
and Million Dollar Menagerie
Coming in all their Glory Grand, Gold,
Glittering, Gorgeous Free Street Parade
50 Dens Wild Animals
100 Arenic Feature Acts
250 Performances
300 Blooded Horses
30 World-famed Clou/ns
3 Great Sands of Music
Half-mile Hippodrome Track
Herd of Ponderous Elephants
Monster Black Hippopotamus
Family of Eastern Bactrairis
$5,000 32-Pipe Steam Calliope.
Mysterious Vlack Vark
Acres of Waterproof Canvas. Two Performances
Daily. Doers Open at 1:00 and 7:00 P. M.
Big Free Street Parade
Low Rates for Autumn
TO the Northwest—Cheap one-way Colonist fares totheNorth
west, Puget Sound and California, September 15th to October 15th;
daily through trains to the Northwest via the Great Northern; also
via the Northern Pacific. To California, daily through tourist
sleepers via Denver, Scenic Colorado and Salt Lake City.
Round Trip to Pacific Coast—v ery low Seattle and California
round trip excursion tickets on sale during September. This is the
last chance to obtain these cheap rates for the greatest railroad
journey in the world.
EaStbOUnd—Special round trip rates to Chicago, Kansas City.
Lincoln, Omaha, bt. Joseph, St. Louis, August 2Sth to September
5th and from September 11th to September 19th. Daily low thirty
day round trip rates from Chicago to Atlantic cities and resorts.
September is the last month for the special vacation rates to
Colorado. Homeseekers’ excursions September 7tli and 21st.
Consult nearest ticket agent; he has the latest advice of any
special rates.
E. G. Whitford, Ticket Agent.
L. \Y. Wakelex, G. P. A., Omaha.
has your shoes
Shoes for Men
Shoes for Women
Shoes for Boys
Shoes for Girls
The Best Line of Shoes on the
Market can be had at
R. A. Dittmar’s
The Point in Question
The opening day of the public
schools (Monday) was rainy and
disagreeable, but it takes more than
a September downpour to dampen
the ardor of the aveTage boy or girl
the first day of school; there is a
prevailing enthusiasm upon that day
among the young seekers after know
ledge that moisture cannot quench,
so with umbrellas, rain coats, cloaks
and nimble feet the coming genera
tion hurried along our streets in
answer to the call of the "first bell,"
and in race track parlance, one could
say, "they're off, all in a hunch,
and running easy.” Among them
might he a future president of the
United States—you can't tell. There
might hi' a /Took or a Wright or a
llonus Wagner—tlo one knows. Out
of that bunch of laughing girls there
might emerge a Frances Willard, a
Melba, an Ida M. Tarbell or a George
Eliott. You never can tell. Nebras
ka can produce almost anything, front
alfalfa to presidents, from rich cream
to consorts of rulers of the land.
"Music hath charms to soot lie the
savage breast.” That may be true.
The savage breast might possibly be
soothed with the inharmonious clang
of brass and cymbals, but to the ear
attuned to sweet sounds this same
discordant disturbance might cause
a nervous collapse. This fact is il
lustrated in a graphophone. The
proud possessor of one of those tor
turous boxes winds the same up and
places his records therein without a
thought of the feeling of his neigh
bors. From Ids vantage ground his
"savage breast” is soothed, but
how about the fellow outside of the
zone of symphony and melody? The
savage breast swells with indignation
as the strains of "In the Good Old
Summer Time,” or "Harrigan, That's
Me," floats out upon the night air
to disturb the more melodious bark
of tile dog or the croak of tin1 tree
frog. t
"My wife was what you would call
slightly 'riled' Sunday,” remarked a
business man, anif he seemed to en
joy telling the joke, tut he called it.
"You see, the idea or the plan of this
day and age is exclusiveness in wom
en’s apparel; that is, to illustrate,
when a merchant selects (Tis fall
stock of women’s suits, he selects
no two alike—each and every pur
chaser has a monopoly in a color
or design, and enjoys this distinct
ion. My wife bought a suit last
week, and if I do say it, she looked
like a queen to me, after we got it
buttoned and geared, and when she
asked me to go to morning service 1
acquiesed gracefully;and I didn't look
so rotten bad myself after a little
cuffing and benzine work. Well,
sir. we hadn't been in church long
before my wife showed signs of un
easiness and nervousness, and I was
really glad when the service was
over. 'Look at that, said my wife,
nodding towards a woman she has
always disliked. And then I under
stood. A strange thing had happened
—two suits exactly alike had been
brought to town and disposed of. A
strange fatality. At first my wife
said she would never wear her
suit again, but when I pointed out
how handsome she looked in it, site
consented to wear it, after altering it
to some extent by changing the color
of the buttons.”
1 always “side-step” a breakfast
food fiend when I can, but once in a
while one ges me in at corner and i
have to stand for a “dippy” strain of
talk that takes in aches, pains, sym
ptoms and diet. You breakfast food
enthusiast is ever a man of aches
and pains and a bad complexion.
1 fg fljtvovc* frviiip of 1
" *
food, and he always wants every-!
body else to try it. Jie tells you of
the evil effects of ham and eggs, pan
cakes, and all the good things to eat,
and invariably intejects into his con
versation an appendicitis scare, and
tells you how a few packages of Pigo
Digesto, (a nose bag witli every doz
en packages), made a new man of
him and brought the glow of health
back to his cheeks. Your breakfast
food man always tells you, gleefully,
that water in which fresh cucum
bers have been soaked, will, if fed
to a rabbit, kill him in four minutes,
lie will tell you that cancer lurks in
tomatoes, that potatoes should be
left alone and that you are courting
death if you .swallow a grape sped,
as the vermiform appendix lays with
gaping jaws awaiting grape seeds,
and that the “saw-bones” will get you
if you don’t look out. Breakfast
food enthusiasts should be seregated
in dining rooms, and not allowed to
tell their troubles or dilate upon
some new chaff they are browsing
It doesn’t make any difference bow
many times you “went through” frac
tions as a student at school, or
whether you graduated or not, the
question is, do you really understand.
fractions? Can you solve any prol>
lent in fractions with accuracy unci
ease? Now, don't prevaricate, don't
mumble, don't "fudge," and tel! of
having studied algebra and plane
geometry— the question is, how are
you NOW In fractions? A man in
Falls City recently had what would
be called a simple problem In frac
tious all problems in fractions arc
simple, you know to contend with.
He failed to solve the same, and
went from door to door among the
business men seeking a solution, but
failed to get the same, lie says
the attempt of some of Falls City's
business men to help him were piti
ful, and that finally a lady clerk in
one of our dry goods store* sel him
aright, but that beads of perspiration
stood out upon her forehead before
she dared say, "its simple." And
Ibis same young lady wanted to teach
school in this county once. Think
of it! Now on tIm square, do YOU
understand fractions, or have you
been "four-flushing" till these years?
To have lived iu the year 1 bOb
is a blessed privilege. Great things
have been accomplished, great, vic
tories won. Previous records for
crossing the Atlantic have been
smashed, the problem of flying
through space practically solved, ami
the North pole discovered. And then,
too, the devious windings of the
treacherous Neinalm, ere another
fall is ushered in, will have been
eradicated and the waters therein
made to run in a straight, rational
course, reclaiming thereby thousands
of acres of land tlie soil of which is
"as rich as cream."
Legal Notice.
Peter Frederick, Sr., Plaintiff,
j Ynna M. Hoffman and Fred 13.
Hoffman, Defendants.
Notice to Non-Resident Defendants.
The above named Anna M. Hoff
man and Fred n. Hoffman, non-resi
dents of the State of Nebraska
will take notice, that the
plaintiff. Peter Frederick, Sr., did on
Die 17th day of August, 1909, file
iiis petition in the District Court of
Richardson County, against, you, the
object and prayer of which is to ob
tain a judgment against you jointly
and severally on a certain promis
ory note executed by you to John W.
Powell on the 21st. day of July, 1904.
and by said Powell transferred to this
plaintiff who is now the owner and
holder of the same.
And you are further notified that
at the same time said plaintiff, pur
suant to the statute in such case
made and provided, sued out an order
of attachment against you in said
case on tlu> ground that you are
about to dispose of your property
within the jut Isdietion of said dourt
for the purpose of defrauding your
creditors, and that said order of at
atclunent was directed and delivered
io the sheriff of Richardson Countyi
and by him levied upon the following
real property, belonging to you, sit
uated in the city ot-Falls City, Co
unty of Richardson and State of Ne
braska, to-wit: Dots nine (9), ten
(10), eleven (11) and twelve (12), in
block one hundred'and thirty (130)
according lo the original plat and sir*
vey of said city, together with all
the buildings and improvements sit
uated thereon.
And you are further notified that
unless you plead, answer or de
mur to the petition of plaintiff filed
in this said cause on or before the 4th
day of October, 1909, the same will
be taken as true and judgment render
“d against you according to the pray
er of said petition and an order by
said court that said attached prop
erty be sold on a vend! to satisfy what
ever amount the court shall find due
from you to said plaintiff, and to pay
the costs of said action and proceed
ings in attachment.
Att.’ys for Plaintiff.
First Publication August 20, 4 times.
Own a Denver
Suburban Home
I am dividing C40 acres into 40
and 80 acre tracts, to sell on easy
payments'. This is two miles from
Brighton depot eighteen miles north
of Denver, thirty minute ride. Fine
land, level, good soil. Lands joining
improved, are very high in price. No
water rights at the price, estimated
cost of pumping plant $400.00, suffi
cient to irrigate 40 acres. Several
tracts already spoken for. This is
your opportunity. This land should
more than double in short time.
Price $32.50 per Acre
2720 acre ranch northeast of Mon
ta Vista,San Luis ..Valley,Colo. Three
sits buildings, fenced and cross fen
ced, all irrigated. 80 acres, cut hun
dreds of tons of hay. Over 150 acres
alfalfa. Best hay, grain and stock
ranch in the state, and the best bar
At $30.00 per Acre
Would accept part in Eastern Nebras
ka land.
307 Ideal Bidg., Denver, Colo.
Stearns a jpesriB
Don’t confuse it with any ordinary cotton mattress.
The word cotton is the only thing they have in common.
Of Purest, Springy Cotton Felt
Our cotton felt lias tho springiness
that niukes n mattress comfortable.
Also the cleanliness that makes a
mattress safe. Stearns & Foster
Mattresses are made of pure, fresh,
new cotton crossed and recrossed by
our wonderful web process Into clean,
buoyant, elastic sheets, forty to a
layer and nine luvers to every mattress.
Test it ftr fiQ Night*
Is the offer that we make on every
STSARNS & l'oSTl.R Mattress. Wo
are authorized to return your money
without question if you ate willing to
part with it after a test of Go nights.
Have us send you a mattress today
so you will benefit by this great
Four Grades of Superiority
Anchor Grade- Soft ami spring?, better than
most ? 15.00 mattresses . . $10.50
Windsor Grade A mattress that \v« guaran
tee is bettor than any other advertised
makes at auy price • • . $13.50
UnosGr«d«~A little better, a little more
comfortable, a little more durable than
cither of the others . . . $16.00
Style "A*’ A mattress dr luxe, superior to any
mattress of any material at any price $22.50
Reavis & Abbey
Not* the opening in the end of this mattress. It proves the contents.
mm____ _ __ Gives you the reading matter in
M MmO IJIOfffiv tiMpBOm which you have the greatest in*
■■ ■■■- ■ -- terest—the home news. Its every
issue will prove a welcome visitor to every member of the family. It
should head your list of newspaper and periodical subscriptions.