THE L,JS 10 COERS HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME, What Your Friends and Their Friends Have Been Doing the Past Week. —For the Best Ice Cream go to D. W. Sowles. Miss Reba Eversole was down from Elk Creek Monday. Mrs. C. M. Heinzelman was down from •Verdon Monday, See Clarence Heck for your coal this fall, Phone 101. Mrs. Simon Beachy was quite sick the latter part of the week. Herman Beachy and wife went to Stella Friday to the picnic. Miss Stella Schuler went to Lin coln Tuesday, for a short visit. Slg Fuller and family of Verdon were business visitors here Monday. Herbert Lindley of Stanberry, Mo., spent Sunday with friends in this city Chauncey Hitchcock left Friday to attend the state fair at DesMoines, Iowa. * Mrs. Belle McPherson went to Mound City, Mo., Monday for a ten days' visit . Miss Cynthia Jones, the trained nurse, employed by Bert Baker, went to Salem Friday. Misses Stella Knickerbocker and Oddie Lapp went up to Stella Thurs day to the picnic. Simon Davies was a business visit or to Stella Friday, and incidently at tended the picnic. Mrs. W. H. Kerr and daughter, J Mrs. Bruno Hanson, came down from Omaha Monday afternoon. Miss Clara Stockton returned Mon day from a three weeks' visit with relatives in Stanberry, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Biles of Dover, Okla., are visiting Rev. and Mrs. Nan-! ninga.,the ladies being sisters. Miss Sue Gehling is spending a few days at Excelsior Springs, for a little rest before school opens. Miss Anita Wilson returned Fri day from Elk Creek, where she visit ed Reba Eversole for a few days. Mesdames .Katherine Wylie and Mary Mettz went to the Missouri; Lakes Sunday, to spend a few days. Frank Knickerbocker, John Casey and Frank McFarland went with the ball team, to the Stella picnic Friday. I Mr. and Mrs. M. Remmer are guests at the Gehling home, having come in from Vermillion, Kas., Sat urday. Miss Helen Restorer left Tuesday for a two months’ visit with her sis ter, Mrs. Frank Greenwald, at Mitch ell, S. D. Clem Firebaugh and wife have moved into the Frederick cottage re cently vacated by Porter Randolph and family. Misses Theresa and Lucy Santo of St. Joseph, came up Friday for a few days visit with their grandmother, Mrs. Katherine Santo. Mrs. Lillian Stephenson returned from Lincoln Tuesday evening. She spent several days at that place re ceiving treatment for her eyes. Misses Martha Stewart and Mable Evans were guests of Miss Elizabeth Jones over Sunday, They returned j to their homes in Reserve Monday. Miss Dorothea White went to Lin coln Monday, for a few days, and from there will go to Pilger, where she will teach in the public school. Mrs. and Mrs. Walter Veach were down from Verdon Saturday, on j their way to Denver and Colorado J Springs, where they go to visit rela-1 fives. —Dent’ forget this is the right time to put in your cement walks. Plenty of rock, sand and cement on hand to do your work on short notice. Chas. J Heineman.—Phones 111, 119 337. DAVIES &. OWENS Reliable Jewelers and Opticians Five Minutes Behind Time Some historians say the re sult of the Battle of Waterloo hinged on the fact that one of Napoleon’s officers was five minutes late in arriving with re-inforcements. With A Good Watch the result might have been otherwise. There is no ex cuse for being 5 minutes be hind time ON TIME is the order of the day. It is easily possible with a watch we sell you, it is GUARANTEED to lose no battles or trains for you. They will put you where you belong ON TIME. DAVIES & OWENS —Hi'H— un li ■111WJIIMMBKWMMMWWPgWTrw Mr. ami Mrs. Charles Smith ar <0 rived Sunday from Los Angeles, Cal., and left Wednesday on their way back to Palestine. Mr. Smith will continue ids studies there for two j years, when he and his wife will re : turn to the Stnlos. They will then probably locate in California, where I they have purchased property. Ike Forney, an old time resident of-this city, came in from Phoenix, Arizona, the latter part of the week. This is the first visit to his old home in twenty-eight years, though he is well known here and grew to man hood on the old Forney farm north of town, now owned by W. II. Mad dox. •—Dont forget this is the right time to put in your concrete walks. Plenty of rock, sand and cement on hand to do your work on short notice. Don't forget wo build concrete stock tanks of all kinds on short notice. Phone 111, 119, 337—or a postal card will do the business.—Charles Heineman. Our ball boys will proceed to give Horton a few pointers on the Nation al sport at Poteet's park in this city next Monday. This is Labor day and tire visitors will conclude they have properly celebrated ttie occa sion if they get ;i score. Misses Jennie and Nettie Snidow, who have been spending their sum mer vacation with Falls City friends and relatives, left Tuesday for Leeds, S. 1)., where they have accepted pos itions in the public schools of t hat city. H. C. Lapp came home Monday, from iiis trip to the coast. He stop ped in Washington and Montana for the land drawings, and visited a cous in in Iron Mountain, Mont., whom he had not seen for years. Charlie Lord and family came down from Shubert Saturday and spent Sunday with his brother, J. S. Lord and family. They left Monday for their new home in Lincoln, where Charlie has the management of an automibile company. Fred Graham came home from Lin coln Saturday afternoon. He was accompanied by ids friend, Russell Burrus. They attended the ball game at Atchison Sunday, returning to Lincoln Sunday night. Jean Cain took a party of young ladies to the Stella picnic Thursday. The ladies were Misses Maude Wix en, Golden and Musselman of Clay Center, Kas., and Miss Florence Bow ers of this city. Miss Ruth Miller of Tacoma, Wash., accompanied Miss May Maddox on her return home, and will spend sev eral months with her aunt, Mrs. Margaret .-Maddox, and other rela tives. Putnam & Sons have their cement works in operation and the product is pronounced to be first class in every particular. Take a stroll down that way and see this new enter prise. Remember Falls City and Horton will play ball at Poteet's park on Monday. This is Labor day and all should celebrate by attending the game, as it promisies to be a good on4. Mrs. Katherine Wylie has disposed of most of her household goods and rented her house. She has retained a suite of rooms on the upper floor, for her own use when in the city. A number of Hiawatha young men made their regular visit to Falls City Sunday. They were Ray Zim merman, Ben Dilly, Ray Stull and Cloyd Herman. Misses Edna and Fay DeWald re turned Sunday from a visit to their sister, Mrs. Sam Stewart, in Reserve. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart accompanied them home. Mrs. August Osterhohn aiid daugh ter returned to their home in Essex, Iowa, Saturday after a weeks visit with her sister-in-law, Mrs. M. L. Wilson. Mrs. W. H. Keeling and son, William, returned Monday morning from Golden, Colo., where she visit ed her daughter, Mrs. Mike Sweeney. Leon Norris returned from Hardin, Montana, Friday where he has been spending the summer with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Norris. In the guessing contest, at Matt hews-Little store last Thursday, Mrs. Lydia Hinton was the best guesser and won the cash prize of $3. Miss Beulah Greenwald left Tues day for Mitchell, S. I)., where she will do missionary work at the Indi an Mission near there. Mrs. John Baker came over from Morrill last Thursday, to see her son, Bert, and spent the day with Mrs. -John. W. Holt. Minnie Burger and Jule Smith came over from Reserve in their auto last Thursday to see the work of the dredge boats. Mrs. Dodds of Republican City, Kas., arrived last Thursday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Leyman. Miss Edna Spencer went to Omaha Sunday, to visit the family of her brother, Guy Spencer. Frank Nims and wife were down from Nims City shopping Friday. M. A. Brickell returned Friday from a visit to Fairbury relatives. —The taste tells—try our ice cream—Sowles. —The Best Ice Cream at Sowles. a*. —Kat Sowle's Candy. —Dr. Wilson, Wahl's building. —The Ilest Ice cream at Sowles. Al'-x. Leo spent Sunday in Atehi j sou. —Tor the Best Ice Cream go to D. W. Sowles. S. A. Little made a business trip to Omaha Monday. O. 13. Zook from near Humboldt was down Saturday. —Dr. Trumporo—Massuer and face ; Massage, Phone -67. 31ti. See Olarence Heck for your coal this fall. Phone 101. lleury Loenig was down from the third district lust Saturday. Rev. F. 10. Day returned Saturday from a week spent In Lincoln. —Remember the Fast-Haeffole sale on Monday. September ti, litOO. R 4-2 Mr. and Mrs. ,l. R. Cain,Sr., and son, Julian, spent Sunday in Stella. Miss Clara l.aughrey was down from Vcrdon with friends' last Fri day. George Lyons accompanied Roy lleaeoek to Atchison m his auto last Sunday. Mrs. Frank Snyder and .Mrs. Leo nard Simons were Preston shoppers hero Friday. Miss Esther Dneschncr of lllawa-i tha visited at the home of \V. it. Maddox Sunday'. Pete Frederick, Jr., Joe Miles and Gurley Alexander wont to Stella tor the picnic, Friday. Mrs. Will Ramsey and baby and Bryan Ramsey went to Brownville, the latter part of the week. Porter Randolph lias moved into the Al Burchard house, formerly oc cupied by Charles Whctstine. Mrs. H. C. Davis and Mrs. Clyde Davis returned Saturday from a few days outing at the Missouri lakes. Miss Clara Gretseh, who will trim for Miss Anderson tliis season, ar rived from Omaha last Saturday. Mrs. Emma Scobcy and daughters, Grace and Julia, returned last Friday from a two weeks’ visit in Sabetha. George Fallstead returned Saturday from his Canadian trip, and is very favorably impressed with the country. Mrs. John Hillgendorf, who has been visiting relatives in this vicinity, left Saturday for tier home in Fre mont. Mrs. R. A. Dittmar and daughter, Miss Celia, returned Thursday from a short visit with Nebraska City friends. Miss Hannah Anderson returned the latter part of the week from Omaha, where she went to buy her millinery stock. ' Charles Hargrave came home Sun day from Salt Lake City, where he was called three weeks ago by the death of his brother-in-law. Mrs. Deuchler and daughter, Lou ise, went to Preston Friday to visit relatives and attend the camp meet ing of the German Methodist church. Mrs. Clem Firebaugh and Mrs. Harvey Heaston returned last Friday from Omaha, where they attended the funeral of their sister, Mrs. Frank Ray. Mrs. Samuel Wahl returned Satur day from Indiaapolls, Ind. She was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Gray, who will make an extended vis it. here. Ed Davis spent several days the past week in Kansas City and St. Joseph. He returned Saturday night in a new auto which he pufchased while away. Miss C. B. Erich and Miss Minnie New, who came from Chicago with Miss Inskeep for a visit, went to Omaha Friday morning on their way to their homes. A crowd from Verdon, composed of Walter Veach and wife, Charles Wea ver and wife, George Hall and Will Griffiths came down last Friday in Weaver's auto. Mrs. Kenneth McLean and sons of Denver, who have been visiting Mrs. George Jennings, returned Saturday to Salem to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .1. B. Campbell. Jacob Bloom, wife and daughter, Minnie, returned Friday from an ex tended visit with relatives in Ohio. They .also visited Niagara Falls and many other places of interest. Miss Jennie Keim went to Auburn Wednesday to attend a musicale giv en by Miss Minnie Hay. Miss Anita Wilson accompanied her and was to appear upon the program. Ben Hardin of Lincoln, a repres entative of the Northwestern Insur ance company, and an old friend of Charles Loree, was in the city the first of the week on business. Mrs. Ada Wells is having a neat cottage put up on the west side of her lots. Wm. Calmer has the con tract and when the cottage is finished Mrs. Wells will move into it, and rent the large house. George Jennings and wife and Miss Nellie Jennings went to Salem, where (hey enjoyed the family dinner Sunday, given in honor of the eightieth birthday anniversary of .1. R. Campbell, Mrs. Jenning’s father. Jake Buhrer came up from Okla homa City Monday, for a few days visit with old friends. For many years Jake run a bakery here and is well known to most of our citizens. He is now prospering at Oklahoma City. . AUTO RACE AT NEBRASKA CITY. Duff Trophy Contest Will be Held In Fall For All Comers. Nebraska City, Neb., Aug. 11—Ne braska City is to Ito tbe scene of an automobile contest, which will he one of the biggest events ever held in this section of the state. It will occur Fri day, October S. and will be styled the IH’FF THOI’IIY RACE. The run will he to Falls City and return a dis tance of 100 miles The contest will be a sealed-bonnet one and will be a free-for-all, open to any two-cylinder or four-cylinder ear v » up to and inelmllng forty-flvo-horse I power. R. A. Duff, the promoter of (lie race, will give a valuable cup to the winner in each class. Five control points will lie estab lished between Nebraska City and Falls City. The running time for each fifty miles will be two hours and forty five minutes. The contestants will leave this city at seven in the morn ing, with an observer in each car. Dinner will be bad at Falls City. The control points will ho Julian Corners, North Auburn, Howe, Stella and Verdon. Each control point will be fitted with telephonic communica tions. with men in charge, to proper ly check out every contestant. Entrance in the Duff Trophy Race will be confined to Nebraska count ies south of the Platte river, the two tiers of counties west of the Missouri River and Mills, Montgomery, Fre mont. and Page counties in Iowa. All those desiring to enter this en durance contest, write to R. A. Duff & Co., Nebraska City, Nebraska, for further particulars. “Can be depended upon'' is an ex pression we all like to hear,and when it is used in connection with Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrh oea Remedy it means that it never fails to cure diarrhoea, dysentery or J bowel complaints. It is pleasant to take and equally valuable for children | and adults. Hold by all druggists. j C. H. MARION I AUCTIONEER, J j | =f.... ? | Sales conducted in scientitic and busi I nesslike manner 1c. h. marion ] | Falls City, Nebraska 1 I Office Phone 368 Res. Phones 132-241 DD -fIdeal Vacuum Cleaner > ' If Interested Phone Yoder & Cain Dealers I Office Over j Burris News Stand ml *'9 Falls City, - Nebraska Something New! LOOK INTO IT I will take care of your apparel | at reasonable prices Pressing, General Repairing and Alterations will receive prompt attention at my hands. Will make a specialty of cleaning Ladies’ Suits. Merchant Tailoring I will make you a suit of high-class grade. Extensive line of samples to select from. Workmanship guar anteed at all times. Your patronage is solicited. Chas. Lietzke Over Wahl & Parchen’s Maker* Weil Pflaum Sc Co. Chicago Mothers 1 Your boy doesn't I have to wear the 1 X most expensive I j clothes in order to I well dressed. I We are showing I f the season’s latest 8 styles, made by the I best tailors, in serv- 1 iceable fabrics and I the newest patterns, 8 for a reasonable price. 1 You should not 1 think of buying your I son a suit without I first inspecting our | large assortment. 1 We are always i pleased to show. I You won’t be urged ! to buy. S ■ We j4'et the boy ready for school—he's a finished product when he leaves our hands. j School Suits, School Waists. School Shoes WahS & Parchen _ __—